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New battle symbiotes from the Wormwood Netbook

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:33 am
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Battle Knights
Recent events in the various Resin Mountain ranges have uncovered several vast cavern systems that seem to lead deeper into the core of the Living Planet than anyone has yet been willing to delve. Expeditions sent to these areas have already met with incredible difficulties as demon forces have likewise rushed to dominate these strategic hot spots. Easily the main reason for the shared interest is the trove of mysterious items that have been found within the sprawling tunnels. The Battle Knights are but one of these newly discovered treasures.
Obviously related to the immense Battle Saints that have been utilized for over a millennia in defense of mankind against the darkness, these much smaller symbiotes closely resemble an organic suit of power armor. When inactive the front of this humanoid-shaped symbiote is split open, revealing the pilot cavity within, as though it were but half of a whole. Once a pilot enters it, his body filling the extent of its limbs, and the proper prayer is spoken, the symbiote activates and extends itself around the wearer, sealing him within.
The activated Battle Knight appears as a seamless, techno-organic suit of armor hefting a deadly lance and sporting over-sized forearms that can be maneuvered as shields. The “helmet” has a single cyclopean eye imbedded in the center of its sleek front, much like a Battle Saint, and each heel of the bulbous, powerful legs brandishes a large, hooked spur for slicing enemies as the symbiote pounces, only to retract when not in use. The M.D.C. of the Battle Knight is determined by using the M.D.C. of the pilot as a base, or, if the character does not have natural M.D.C., by his equivalent hit points (not S.D.C.).
Unlike the Battle Saints, Battle Knights seem to have been designed for speed and agility; they have an array of built-in, close-quarters weaponry as well as a few ranged weapons, but nothing to match the raw power and brute strength of the Battle Saints or Orbs. The main assets of the Battle Knights are their adaptable lances, maneuverability and leaping ability, and sensory enhancements. Regrettably, only apoks, wanderers, Templars, Hospitallers or monks may pilot the symbiote and it must also be activated with a Summon Battle Saint prayer of communion (with the comparatively low cost of 80 P.P.E.). The Battle Knight can remain operational for 24 hours, all at once or off and on, before it must shut down, rendering it completely inert for another 24 hours. Other worldly characters that may use this symbiote include humans who have major or master psionics, cyber-knights, and True Atlanteans.
Most of these wondrous symbiotes that have been recovered thus far have been given to Champions of Light and other heroes resisting the Forces of Darkness on the front lines. These devastatingly quick and deadly weapons have tilted the balance in more than one battle so far and yet several have also been destroyed, possibly permanently. The Cathedral’s spies have also reported that the demons have been able to smuggle a few of these symbiotes out of the Resin Mountains and past human patrols, bringing them to their despicable masters. Thankfully the most that the Host can do with their prizes is to keep them from human hands as they cannot themselves field or corrupt them.

Class: Magic symbiotic war machine
Crew: One pilot (knight of the Cathedral, wanderer, monk or apok). The pilot cavity fills the interior of the legs, head, chest, torso, and arms. There is no room for passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head (1) - equal to half the main body
Hands (2) - equal to 10% of the main body
Arms (2) - equal to 33% of the main body
Legs (2) - equal to 25% of the main body
Lance - 250
* Main Body - equal to the pilot’s hit points/M.D.C. x 5
* Depleting the main body will shut the symbiote down. Reducing the M.D.C. to -200 points destroys it, causing it to permanently melt into the ground. A pilot within an active Battle Knight that is brought to -100 M.D.C. or worse suffers severe shock, permanently losing 2D4 hit points/M.D.C.
Statistical Data
Height: 8 to 12 feet (2.44 to 3.66 m)
Width: 2.5 to 3.5 feet (0.76 to 1.07 m)
Weight: 1D4x100+500 lbs (270 to 405 kg)
Speed: 4D6x10 (34 to 204.5 mph/54.4 to 327.2 km)
Leap: 300 feet (91.44 m) high or lengthwise (twice as long if running at 100 mph/160 km or faster)
Supernatural Physical Strength: 35
Restrained Punch - 5D6+20 M.D.
Full Strength Punch or Kick - 4D6+20 M.D.
Power Punch (2 attacks) - 1D4x10+20 M.D.
Judo Style Body Throw - 2D6 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle - 2D6 M.D.
Spur Slice - 4D6 M.D.
Hell Fire active - +3D6 M.D. to hand strikes
Note: Inflicts double damage to supernatural monsters and creatures of magic such as dragons.
Other Attributes:
Lance: When not in use, the lance appears as a bulbous protrusion on the Battle Knight’s but when summoned for combat, it detaches in the pilot’s hand and then extends out to its full length. Depending upon the desired use, the pilot can cause a fan-like blade to spring from one or both ends or he can fire a bio-energy blast from an bladeless tip. The lance can only be used by a Battle Knight pilot. Damage: Blade - punch damage plus 3D6 M.D., Bio-Energy Blast - 5D6 M.D., Payload: The bio-energy blast can only be used twice per melee round, Range: The lance is two feet longer than the Battle Knight is tall and the bio-energy blast has a range of 200 feet (61 m). Damage is doubled against supernatural monsters and creatures of magic.
A lost or destroyed lance regenerates after 2 days.
Bonuses: The symbiote doubles the range of the pilot’s senses and hones them to a razor sharp acuity and awareness, granting the following: +3 to initiative, +1 attack/action per melee, +4 to parry with arm shields (otherwise only +2), +2 to dodge, +5 to all perception rolls, +20% to Detect Concealment and Detect Ambush (or a base of 35% in both skills if not possessed).
Abilities of Note: The Battle Knight does not fatigue and is impervious to poison, drugs, gases, normal fire, cold, S.D.C. weapons, possession, mind control, illusions and ordinary weapons. Mega-damage weapons, energy attacks and magic inflict full damage. The pilot may be susceptible to psionic and other types of mental attack. The Battle Knight is not a self-contained environment, rendering its pilot susceptible to gas attacks.
The fists of the Battle Knight may also be encompassed in Hell Fire for a total of 15 minutes (60 melees) per 24 hour period of operation. This increases the damage caused by hand strikes by +3D6 M.D. (double to supernatural monsters or creatures of magic).
Magic Powers of Note: Each of the following can be performed twice per 24 hours of activity. All are equal to an 8th level spell of the same name.
Call Lightning
Cloud of Smoke
Heat Point (prayer)
Repel Symbiotes (prayer)
Note: The Forces of Darkness or any characters of evil alignment are incapable of summoning, using or corrupting a Battle Knight.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:34 am
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Battle Angels
Much like the very similar Battle Knights, Battle Angels are power armor-like symbiotes that have recently been discovered in the ancient chambers beneath the Resin Mountains. Battle Angels are slimmer and more fragile looking than the knights though they are truly just as deadly, mainly due to their ability to fly and their incredible agility.
When not in use, the Battle Angel is open, awaiting the entrance of a pilot. Once an acceptable pilot enters the cavity, the symbiote seamlessly seals up over him as its wings elongate and extend out from its back.
70 P.P.E. to summon/activate

Class: Magic symbiotic war machine
Crew: One pilot (knight of the Cathedral, wanderer, monk or apok). The pilot cavity fills the interior of the legs, head, chest, torso, and arms. There is no room for passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head (1) - equal to half the main body
Hands (2) - equal to 10% of the main body
Arms (2) - equal to 33% of the main body
Legs (2) - equal to 25% of the main body
Retractable Wings (2) - equal to 25% of the main body
Double-Bladed Sword - 175
Blade Discs (2) - 45 ea.
* Main Body - equal to the pilot’s hit points/M.D.C. x 3
* Depleting the main body will shut the symbiote down. Reducing the M.D.C. to -150 points destroys it, causing it to permanently melt into the ground. A pilot within an active Battle Angel that is brought to -75 M.D.C. or worse suffers severe shock, permanently losing 2D4 hit points/M.D.C.
Statistical Data
Height: 7 to 9 feet (2.13 to 2.74 m)
Width: 2 to 3 feet (0.61 to 0.9 m) with a 30 foot (9.1 m) wingspan
Weight: 5D6x10+250 lbs (135 to 247.5 kg)
Speed: 1D4x100 (68.2 to 272.7 mph/109 to 436.3 km) on the ground, double in flight (136.4 to 545.5 mph/218 to 872.8 km)
Leap: 100 feet (30.5 m) high or lengthwise (twice as long if running at 100 mph/160 km or faster)
Supernatural Physical Strength: 24
Restrained Punch - 4D6+9 S.D.
Full Strength Punch or Kick - 2D6+9 M.D.
Power Punch (2 attacks) - 4D6+9 M.D.
Judo Style Body Throw - 1D6 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle - 1D6 M.D.
Foot Talon Slice - 5D6 M.D.
Note: Inflicts double damage to supernatural monsters and creatures of magic such as dragons.
Other Attributes:
Double-Bladed Sword: Appearing as a hinged tube attached to the hip when not in use, once activated this ferocious weapon unfolds to reveal a central hilt that may be grasped with one or both hands. From both ends of this shaft unfurls a fluked, sweeping blade, each of which is about two feet (61 cm) in length. Amazingly sharp and barbed, this blade is capable of slicing through titanium with remarkable ease. Damage: punch damage plus 3D4 if used one-handed, plus 5D4 if with two hands, Thrown Range: 50 feet ( m). Damage is doubled against supernatural monsters and creatures of magic.
A lost or destroyed sword regenerates after 2 days.
Blade Discs: These razor-sharp discs are solid except for the finger holes in their center which are used for gripping. Deadly at any range, each disc will return once thrown so long as it isn’t somehow prevented from doing so; the Battle Angel may catch its own discs without effort. When not in use the discs are stored upon the upper chest, one per side. Damage: 4D6 M.D. (+9 due to P.S.), Throwing Range: 150 feet ( m).
A lost or destroyed disc regenerates after 2 days.
Bonuses: The symbiote doubles the range of the pilot’s senses, with sight up to two miles (3.2 km), and hones them to a razor sharp acuity and awareness, granting the following: +4 to initiative, +1 attack/action per melee, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge (+4 in flight), +7 to all perception rolls, +30% to Detect Concealment and Detect Ambush (or a base of 45% in both skills if not possessed). It also has nightvision.
With a successful parry roll with a -4 penalty, the Battle Angel may swat ancient missiles (arrows, thrown daggers, javelins, etc.) out of the air so long as they are within reach. This maneuver does not use up an attack so long as the pilot has at least basic hand to hand training.
Abilities of Note: The Battle Angel does not fatigue and is impervious to poison, drugs, gases, normal fire, cold, S.D.C. weapons, possession, mind control, illusions and ordinary weapons. Mega-damage weapons, energy attacks and magic inflict full damage. The pilot may be susceptible to psionic and other types of mental attack. The Battle Angel is not a self-contained environment, rendering its pilot susceptible to gas attacks.
Magic Powers of Note: Each of the following can be performed twice per 24 hours of activity. All are equal to an 8th level spell of the same name.
Sense Evil
Paralysis: Lesser
Cloud of Smoke
Summon Wind (prayer)
Multiple Image
Globe of Daylight
Summon Mist (prayer)
Note: The Forces of Darkness or any characters of evil alignment are incapable of summoning, using or corrupting a Battle Angel.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:09 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
I wish I had time to do some sketches of them.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:17 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
Worms of Attack
These are large, thick worms that coil themselves loosely about the upper body, they attack at the back just beneath the shoulder blades. Each weighs roughly 4 lbs (1.8 kg).
Abilities: It obeys the user's mental commands and lashes out in combat with 2 attacks per melee, is +2 to strike and does 1D8+2 M.D. The worm attacks by whipping its target; its strikes will cause harm to creatures hurt only by magic.
Penalties: -5% to prowl, acrobatic and/or gymnastic skills.

Worms of Sustaining
These long, thick worms must be ingested so that they can extend into and attach themselves to the eater’s lungs, stomach and intestines.
Abilities: Once attached, a process that takes 1D4+1 minutes, the worm will remove the eater’s need for food, water and air for 1D4+3 days. This also renders him immune to ingested poisons and gases that work through inhalation.
Penalties: -4 to save vs non-ingested poisons and gases, removes all sense of taste for the duration.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:49 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
gadrin wrote:neat stuff (saves page to hard disk), I'm just getting into wormwood.

P-L-E-A-S-E tell me you have more expansion stuff on the Spatial Mage...Even just raw ideas.

that's one of my favorite expansion OCCs.
I think I had a few more spells beyond what appeared in the two Rifter articles, but I've no idea where they'd be. I do, however, have lots of new Blood Magic spells ...

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:10 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
I'll try and find them tonight when I get home from work.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:30 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
There you go. They're in a new thread.