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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

I like where you both are going on this. The trick is to differentiate this new APS: Anti-Matter power enough from the others to make taking it an attractive option -- but so far so good.

I especially like the idea of splitting the damage with the attacker... after all, anti-matter is supposed to be wildly dangerous, right? :ok:
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Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

But still, isn't eny explosing that happens on his body pretty much going to take him out?

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Unread post by VR Dragon »

didn't I post something about this type of power once? :?:
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Unread post by R Ditto »

This subject makes me want to rant on the subject of anti-matter.

Unless I'm mistaken, a matter/anti-matter reaction puts a nuclear fusion chain reaction to shame. A single kilogram of matter meeting mutual annihilation with a kilogram of anti-matter will make Hiroshima look like a firecracker. That is, 1 kg matter + 1 kg anti-matter = theoretical energy release = estimated 41 megaton yield blast.
A single gram would result in an estimated 41 kiloton blast.
A single milligram of matter that gets through would cause an estimated blast equal to 41 tons of TNT.

Even a single 5.56mm round (estimated 4 grams, 4D6 to 5D6 damage) that penetrates any "containment field" and contacts anti-matter will result in an estimated 160 kiloton yield blast/energy release.

That basically means that a single bullet hitting anti-matter would result in a blast several times more powerful than the nukes dropped in WWII, IIRC.

Unless I'm mistaken, a spell in Rifts (Annihilation?) is supposed to use a tiny amount of anti-matter contained in a magic field, and does effective tens of thousands of SDC worth of damage to anything hit by the anti-matter.

Overall, Anti-Matter is some serious stuff.
(and makes me think that anti-matter Ballistic Missile warheads in AUGG are using less than 1/2 of a microgram worth of anti-matter)

It's disturbing to know an amount of anti-matter the size of a grain of salt could react with the air and possibly release enough of a blast to level a city... and with more possible radiation effects than a dirty nuke bomb. While I'm no experts, it seems fission simply breaks atoms apart, but a matter/anti-matter reaction is mutual atomic annihilation that might be best to describe as simply shattering/exploding atoms into atomic/sub-atomic particles, rather than just cracking an atom in half.

APS Anti-Matter would be both the ultimate destructive force and the most suicidal APS form around. A full blown built in Force Aura would be a must for this type of APS.
And if that aura were to be penetrated by a large amount of mass... well, a 150 pound APS Anti-Matter being will basically go up like a 6 gigaton yield blast.

Final comment...
Why fear scary aliens and hulking ugly mutants when you have a walking equivalent to several dozen Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines worth of nuclear destruction walking around?
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Unread post by Borast »

I have a new name for the proposed APS...

APS - Planet Buster
Purpose: To crack a planet in half.
Result: 1 suicide, 1 crater with an approximate radius of 200-500km, 1 planet rendered unlivable can ONLY use this power once...unless you land on Qward. :lol:

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Unread post by ZEN »

Rule number one in pseudo science.. if in conflict with real science, slap a slightly different (and whacky) name on it and keep going..

Alter Physical Structure : Negative (or simply 'Nega') Matter.
The Nega matter being is composed of either a pitch black or mirror like reflective material which has equal mass and properties to his or her normal physical form, however, it has negative electrical charge, reacts kinetically by reverse polarity (anything that hits it gets whalloped back) and projects some form of negative magnetic/repulsion field, which provides a small amount of physical protection, and provides the power of limited anti gravity flight (Flight: Glide or Hover).
With concentration, the super being is able to generate and project a repulsion beam, which operates just like the Tractor beam power, except in reverse.

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