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Class: Special Training: Hunter/Vigilante ? ? ?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:16 am
by Daejiv
on page 215 of the Offical Heroes Unlimited Book it shows Step Two: Education and Skills. Can you or cant u get all the Skill Programs or are u limited to the one little skill program you get ? ? ? ?

Re: Class: Special Training: Hunter/Vigilante ? ? ?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:08 am
by Uncle Servo
AncientRobotechPlayer wrote:on page 215 of the Offical Heroes Unlimited Book it shows Step Two: Education and Skills. Can you or cant u get all the Skill Programs or are u limited to the one little skill program you get ? ? ? ?

"the one little skill program you get?????" :eek:

Dude, are you looking at the same page 215 of the HU2 core book as I am?

You start off with the four skill programs listed, PLUS the special skills that aren't generally available to other categories. That's the same number of programs available to a Ph.D. skill level. Even though you don't have the selection of secondary skills available as do other categories, I'd hardly call that "little."

The point of doing a Hunter/Vigilante's skills this way rather than the regular 'roll for education level' method is that well, the H/V is a result of special training. I'm trying not to sound overly sarcastic here, but that's the whole point of the Special Training section; the character types listed therein get their 'edge' not through super powers or magic weapons, but by their skills and abilities that generally aren't availabe to other kinds of characters. If you look at the other categories in that section (Ancient Master, Secret Operative, Stage Magician, and Super Sleuth), you'll find that ALL of those categories tell you to NOT roll on the education level table.