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Pre Rifts Super Powers

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:32 pm
by Kagashi
I read somewhere that there were 7 big super powers, but i dont remember where. Anybody else seen that.

In the CE book, it states that there are at least 10 super powers, 8 of which are NEW super powers. The NEW ones are Germany, India, China, Japan, Korea, mexico, Argentina, and Canada. Then it says USA and Russia lead the industries. i would think England and Isreal would be in there some where. (I dont have Rifts England, but in Rifts Africa it does mention Pre Rifts Isreali equipment that is obviously Mega Damage).

Does anybody know of any other reference to Pre Rifts Super Powers?

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:56 pm
by glitterboy2098
lets see....

we know about the triple alliance, the USA, Mexico, and Canada (actually a very scary idea, in a good way. some of canada's economic and political practices would greatly benifit the USA if applied, it would just ruin a lot of big buisness at first. and Mexico has a huge population [cheap labor, anyone?])

we know that some form of the soviets are back (though personally, i'd figure just a democratic russia which has had enough time to finish the transition and has become a USA like super power. or perhaps a hybrid democratic/socialist nation?)

the P.R.C. (Peoples Republic of China) is likely to be a huge threat, with 1/6th of the worlds population in its army alone, though its likely that its technological development was lagging behind by a bit.

Germany seems to be a major player, perhaps a new NATO equivlent?