The Trouble with Tarnow
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:49 am
Leafing through my newly acquired copy of 'Mindwerks' last night, it suddenly hit me that there's something a miss with the material on Tarnow. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole corrupting magic artefact thang (**cough** Ilsidur's Bane ** cough ) but someone seems to have gotten their maths wrong. How could King Peter possibly have managed to whip round the entire kingdom on a mission to transmute SDC into MDC - i'm assuming he's the only guy who uses the crystal's powers and is quite protective of it - there just aren't enough hours in the day, plus the guy has a kingdom to run. More importantly, the crystal can only transmutate 2 tonnes per day.
I appreciate that after several years, this power triples, but still, that ust doesn't account for the 9000 + Stingray suits of armour (which looks v. cool BTW), thousands of Sea Star suits and their other vehicles, not mentioning thier MDC armour, weapons and conventional modes of transport.
I really like the whole Tarnow concept though (wish ENgland had been handled as well) as so i'm just gonna have to up the crystals power to something like 200 tonnes daily, or even more. Still doesn't explain how the king can get round all the weapons factories and other industrial centres just to make MDC material. Anyone have any decent suggestions to side-step these issues?
Leafing through my newly acquired copy of 'Mindwerks' last night, it suddenly hit me that there's something a miss with the material on Tarnow. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole corrupting magic artefact thang (**cough** Ilsidur's Bane ** cough ) but someone seems to have gotten their maths wrong. How could King Peter possibly have managed to whip round the entire kingdom on a mission to transmute SDC into MDC - i'm assuming he's the only guy who uses the crystal's powers and is quite protective of it - there just aren't enough hours in the day, plus the guy has a kingdom to run. More importantly, the crystal can only transmutate 2 tonnes per day.
I appreciate that after several years, this power triples, but still, that ust doesn't account for the 9000 + Stingray suits of armour (which looks v. cool BTW), thousands of Sea Star suits and their other vehicles, not mentioning thier MDC armour, weapons and conventional modes of transport.
I really like the whole Tarnow concept though (wish ENgland had been handled as well) as so i'm just gonna have to up the crystals power to something like 200 tonnes daily, or even more. Still doesn't explain how the king can get round all the weapons factories and other industrial centres just to make MDC material. Anyone have any decent suggestions to side-step these issues?