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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:42 am
by Borast
Assuming the charcters

a: have the technological know-how
b: can defend the complex
c: it fits the campaign

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:32 pm
by acreRake
If i did it wouldn't be for long. i think i've run it twice, once it got destroyed an last time... i think they turned it over to the government, like they were supposed to.

If a player group did want to keep it... i'd probably let them use it for a while, let other *greedy* people hear about it and come after them. if they held onto it for long enough, i'd have someone mount a big enough force to tempt the players to use it as a weapon (or if they already were skip to this step). Then i'd have some scavengers in Orbit swipe it just when they need it most. hahahahha.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:16 pm
by gordyzx9r
When I think back on running that one, I may have let the players use it once in a last ditch effort to escape or something along those lines. But, they were never able to keep it for very long, either turning it over to the government or it gets destroyed in the course of events.