My personal Take on Eugenics

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My personal Take on Eugenics

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Rules for Eugenics

Let me clear a thing: I like Eugenic heroes, I truly like them. Dislike many, included Wayne, I don't think they are so overpowered. I don't think they are more powerful than cyborgs and Robots
Psionic powers apart, nothing of eugenic heroes could be considered too unbalancing. Now I don't want say "I’m right and you are wrong" ,I first admit that some things are missing . As example there should be some side effect to compensate the fact that at huge budgets they tend to have really freaky powers(one personal note all the eugenic abilities with offensive effect and with chimera word attached to them, tend to cost A LOT!!!!). Remember the golden rules, the more power the less humanlike you are. And loss of humankind could be a source for great role-playing.
Now this are some rules that I adopt for Eugenic heroes/villains
- For Each 1d4 million spent on chimera eugenic power, the character had to choose 1d4 Animal Vestigial trait, generally that fit the chimera eugenic feature
- For Each Brain modification roll for one random insanity(the eugenic hero was not born with the Psionic powers, so he/she never learned to control or deal with them)
- Armour Rating beyond 10 begin to appear obvious, like scaly skin, heavy plate, crab like armour, armadillo like armour, turtle shell , bone like armour and so on (reduce PB by 1 for each increment above 10, so an AR of 17 means a penalty of -6 to PB)
- For each 5 millions of budget roll for 1d4 random mutant trait, but the eugenic heroes does not get any SDC or PS bonus from it, in case of tail and prehensile feet, they are considered vestigial, unless the full cost for it is paid
The following table is optional
01%-30% Extreme feeding need. need to consume 2d6 times his/her weight in food, or risk starvation
31%-40% Genetical collapse - in stressful physical condition the body risk to collapse (a stressful physical condition is anything that hurt Hit point): if this happen roll vs. coma/death and hope for good, otherwise, well there is another pink gooey pool near Spiderman clone's one.
41%-50% Limited life span(not compatible with longevity trait): after awhile the monster will just burn out: 2d4+5 years of life
51%-70% Genetic Flaws that manifest after 1d4 levels after the first:
reduce 2 Attribute of choice by 1d6+1 and consider yourself lucky!
71%-80% Genetical regression: the character is slowly devolving into a mindless beast: At third level the character begin to lose 1d4 point from MA get a partial human posture and develop more animalistic beahviour,-5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at sixth level reduce by 1 IQ and human hands begin to devolve into partial, begin to forget most human like skills, -5% to all civilized skills(i.e. non domestic, physical or wilderness)
at 9th level IQ drop of another point and develop instinctive compulsions, like howling at the moon, chasing moving object, hunting the prey(now is interesting asking WHO is the prey...) and so on -5% to civilized skills,
at 15 level, hands are merely thumb less paws, legs and posture almost completely quadruped, intelligence is animalistic, any skill apart from physical and wilderness are too complex to use.
81%-90% Limited powers: each use of his/her powers will make the Eugenic hero tired a roll vs. PE is needed to use the power, failure means the character cannot use the power and can try again only after a melee round of rest (ideal for offensive powers)
91%-00% Mute. Unable to express any sound, absolutely none. Better learn sign language

It was a better looking version of my posting about alternative rules
Expect more on this theme
Hope you like
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well thank for the replies !!
oh well I'm not gonna die for this anyway
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Unread post by NMI »

Actually, your solution to the "Eugenics" class is the best that I have seen so far.

Yes, buying so and so trait or ability comes with or is created from Chimera engineering.. But no friggin side effects or unusual characteristics? Come on now foo!!!

In other words, I like your idea.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

this is awsome work man
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Well Thanks. I hoped that. Sincerely i found odd how little side effect PU" class have!! Very very little!!. So i think perhaps also the toehrs should get the "From great powers, come great side effects" treatment.
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Unread post by ZEN »

Just give me a little more Baron and I'l be printing this out and adding it to Kittenstomps tables.
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something more? Be more specific, you wann more side effect for eugenics and more eugentic powers or you want side effectt abel for all other class in PU2? In any case is somehting i thought to do anyway.
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Unread post by ZEN »

More side effects for Eugenics and more Eugenic features would be nice, but yeah, now you mention it, a table of general side effects for various things would be cool.
I've often thought about a side effect table for bionics and cybernetics.. actually, I should convert that upgraded headjack/skill jacks stuff I wrote for Rifts and offer it up for the boards...
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Hmhm. Well I thought Cybernetics and Robotics had their built in side effect. But recently in some sourcebook this side effect were somehow negated. But perhaps ios better not to exaggerate with side effects. Otherwise the result would be ridiculous.
Anyway here some ideas

Cybernetics: well Side effect could include the classical insanity and alck of human sense, to need to recharge power system(unless a cybernetics unlimited come out and detail cyberntic system more), perhaps chance of reject the bionic system, slow time of reaction, lack of memory. But strangely i feel that for cyborgs side effects are more a roleplaying setting affair that should be realted to background rather than lock in rules
Robotics: here is easier. A machine , anyone know, coudl undergo to a series weird problem. Like overheating, system flaws, need for upgrading, need for memory expansion(otherwise you wil not increase in level), outdated skills, damaged power system, simply dont work in certin condition, not thought for a given problem(example not being thought to be used in too hot place make it vulnerable to fire etc etc), always had problem with some tasks, mechanic quirks that no engineer could fix(left thumb always spin when the robot is loading files, extract weapon systems when watch baywatch and so on), mount windows XP(uggghhh the nightmare for players had just begun...), Weak point( QUICK shot the cooling reactor of ultrax!! so he will shut down!!), Prone to logical system crash(make a logical trap and wait, the robot will burn his brain out..literally), Non shielded from magnetism(phiiiiiiiikrrrrrkrkrkrkr..this is sound of an hard drive formatted), non water proof(awwww damn, another robot broken, how many times i told you to not to bring your battlebot in the pool eh?!)
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Unread post by ZEN »

Cybernetics side effects.
01-06 - Implantation Error (minor defect, such as lack of full control in one finger or slight twitch in limb, performance decreased by 5%).
07-12 - Lack of sensation due to poor interfacing with nervous system (again, performance decreased by 5%).
13-18 - Chronic pain or discomfort due to poor interfacing with nervous system (same stats reduction as the experiment side effect).
19-24 - Weakening of original body due to infection (Same as chronic pain stat reduction).
25-30 - Constant requirement of immune system suppressant drugs (keeps the damage in check, but leaves the body vulnerable to infections and disease).
31-37 - Over sensitive feedback from cyber attachment (causes insomnia and reliance on sleeping pills/relaxants, however the implant is 5% more sensitive/effective).
38-43 - Auto Immune Rejection causes gradual loss of sensation and mobility (limb or implant is causing damage and will have to be removed).
44-50 - Psychological Rejection (lack of self confidence, character feels less than human).
51-56 - Psychological Dependance (increased self confidence, player feels superior to a normal human).
57-62 - Slow reaction time (due to damaged nerve where the cybernetic device interfaces).
63-68 - Hyper reaction response (implant reacts so quickly that the character has trouble controlling or suppressing the reaction).
69-73 - Complication during surgery caused severe heart failure (chronic fatigue).
74-79 - Complication during surgery caused memory loss (no memory of 2D4 months prior to surgery).
80-84 - Design fault (implant is vulnerable to a specific type of damage, such as heat, cold, electricity, etc.. takes double damage from that damage type).
85-90 - Design Strength (implant is highly resistant to a specific type of damage, such as heat, cold, electricity, etc.. takes half damage from that damage type).
91-93 - Mechanical Fault (implant may malfunction under sustained, heavy use, 5% chance when any normal character would start to suffer from 'fatigue').
94-97 - Unforseen beneficial use (character can attach a wire from the implant to a remote control and use nerve signals to flip TV channels, etc).
98-00 - Beneficial Neural Feedback (the implant triggers pleasurable sensations, handy for reducing stress and relieving pain.. possible bonus to saving throws, etc).
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Great work Zen!! Hey could I ask you athing, even if it seem stupid, how do you put the percentage number for random roll? I alwyas have problems deciding the percentage for the rolls.
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Unread post by ZEN »

write as many entries as you can think up, then count how many there are, divide 100 by the number of entries to give you the number.. in this case it was 5.4 or something.. so, each entry has a % of 5 or 6, to add a bit of variation, give some 4%, some 6%, usually the first and last entries have only a couple of %, even 1%.. ie, 99-00, which is a good way to cover any error you made while writing the numbers in front of the entries.
Hope that helps
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

yes i've to use it.
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