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Solar Powered Question
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:44 pm
by Daniel Stoker
So, do you all think that a "Globe of Daylight" spell would be able to 'empower' a character with the ability Solar Powered?
Daniel Stoker
Re: Solar Powered Question
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:47 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Daniel Stoker wrote:So, do you all think that a "Globe of Daylight" spell would be able to 'empower' a character with the ability Solar Powered?
Daniel Stoker
The globe can ward off vampires but not kill them for example so it should work to some extent. Say about half.
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:48 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Sence the Globe of Daylight dose create Real Daylight, but it can not be cast of an object. The spell convert chi into light makes the char look like a human lightbulb, with all exposed skin shining like the sun.
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:50 am
by ZEN
Yep, fully effective, for a limited time, if you ask me.
Because it creates strong, very nearly full daylight, not enough to axe a vampire, but certainly enough to power up a Solar Powered character (who can get by on less than direct sunlight).. plus, using Globe of Daylight like that is hardly a long term thing and I would reward such clever thinking.. however, since it effectively neutralizes a disadvantage, I would give it some sort of long term side effect that the player is only going to find about if they really push their luck..
I suggest that this sort of
mystic light sustenance produces an effect almost exactly the same as
Scurvy, only faster to manifest itself (weeks instead of months).
"-becomes weak and has joint pain. Internal hemorrhages cause black-and-blue marks to appear on the skin. At the first visible signs of scurvy, raised red spots appear on the skin around the hair follicles of the legs, buttocks, arms and back. When the tiny capillaries of the hair follicles hemorrhage, the hair-producing cells do not receive the nourishment needed for the hairs to grow normally. Consequently, the skin becomes flecked with small lesions that begin to appear on the body after about five months. Gums hemorrhage and their tissue becomes weak and spongy. Dentin, which lies below the enamel and is part of the root of teeth, breaks down. Teeth loosen and eating becomes difficult and painful."
Ouch.. that would baffle the player eh?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:54 am
by Daniel Stoker
Considering that 'artificial' light doesn't have any negitive effects I'm not to sure how I feel about your 'super-scurvy' idea there Zen. It seems a bit harsh all things considered.
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:38 pm
by Daniel Stoker
The Baron vonClogg wrote:I like the scurvy idea, assuming that the character doesn't have access to normal sunlight during that time. It's a malnutrition thing....
If the character was using Globe to fight crime all night, I'd definitely start engaging some fatigue penalties. Maybe cumulative -1 to all combat rolls per night of poor rest, -2 for all-nighters?
We'd have to add that to the Artificial light bit too then, since the book allows them to use artificial light to 'feed' off of, but get none of the 'solar charged' bonuses. And all fighting at night does is
Bio-Regeneration is reduced by half (only 1D4), the bonuses are gone, and the P.S., P.B., and Spd attributes revert to normal..
I guess it depends also on how the person is using it. What if they end up soaking in a GoD for 8 hours?
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:31 am
by ZEN
Yeah exactly, I was just throwing the idea out there to give people the heeby jeebies.. I have this thing about players using magical energy to sustain themselves for long periods of time (in my D&D group, we have this long standing in joke about people who turn into liches from using a ring of sustenance for to long).
Lets face it, if artificial light is ok, a magical globe of nearly daylight should be about as good as a portable tanning bed.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:09 am
by Sir_Spirit
Ben Quash wrote:Sence the Globe of Daylight dose create Real Daylight, but it can not be cast of an object. The spell convert chi into light makes the char look like a human lightbulb, with all exposed skin shining like the sun.
could you repeat that in
English please?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:25 pm
by ZEN
While on the topic (well, mainly), what happens to a Solar Powered super hero when they are in close proximity to an actual star? Out in space.. I guess the hero would have to be a space native or have powers sufficient to let them work in space without a suit.. but yeah, how would being in direct exposure to solar energy effect the hero? (I just thought about it and it occurs to me that being closer to the sun makes little difference in space, as long as the hero is exposed to solar energy, they may as well be floating right next to the star).

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:05 am
by Daniel Stoker
ZEN wrote:While on the topic (well, mainly), what happens to a Solar Powered super hero when they are in close proximity to an actual star? Out in space.. I guess the hero would have to be a space native or have powers sufficient to let them work in space without a suit.. but yeah, how would being in direct exposure to solar energy effect the hero? (I just thought about it and it occurs to me that being closer to the sun makes little difference in space, as long as the hero is exposed to solar energy, they may as well be floating right next to the star).

Considering it can be as little as a sliver of sunlight on them... I don't think it really matters how much/how close they are.
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:41 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Because you can't cast Globe of Daylight on an object, you can't casst it on yourself to make yourself glow.
But in MC there is a spell that takes you char's chi (body energy) and makes it so the person's skin glow like daylight.
And No, you can not just use a common spell to make yourself have a hero's power. (to answer the original question of the topic)
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 1:17 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
While a GoD will make daylight that would make a Hero with the solar powered power to have his bonuses.
However, trying to empower a person with the hero power "solar powered" thorough the "Common spell" Globe of Daylight will Not work.
Common spell--the one listed in the BoM under incantations.
Thus, if a mage made a "costum" or "new" magic spell, spicificlly crafted to give someone the 'solar powered' hero power. Then, magic could, consestently, give the target of the spell that power.
Thou, a magical accedent is covered under the mutent creation section in the HU2 main book in step two. With the cause of the mutation being ether unknown or accidental encounter with "strange stuff", with the strange stuff being cosmic (magical) energy or other strangeness.
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:27 am
by ZEN
You know I've never thought of the 'encounter with strange stuff' to be mystical energy.. that puts me in mind of the DC character Blue Devil.. just a stunt man in a devil suit who gets hit by other dimensional energy from a real demon, which binds him permanently to the suit and ends up leaking a little bit at a time into his surroundings, causing him to be constantly plagued by weird things going on around him all the time.
Perfect set up for a Heroes Unlimited player character..
Starts off as a physical training or special training (stage magician) character, gets a nifty suit full of gimmicks and gadgets.. then gets hit with some strange stuff and is now a minor super hero with enhanced strength and damage resistance, but inflicted with some sort of weirdness leakage..

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hyperion wrote:Oh, well no1 was claiming that the spell would embue a hero with the power.
Just that it would charge a Hero who already had the power.
The question put to us was a bit aukwordly stated. so that is why I had to do some hurtal jumping to cover the possible means of the question.