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Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:31 pm
by Entiago
26, insane, fiance, playing/running PFRPG for... oh..8 years
*D20 sucks* :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:59 pm
by Veknironth
Well, everyone knows me here.

"I've been here for years."

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:10 am
by SkyeFyre
19 year old college guy. Soon to ask, but for now in a relationship (Not that anyone on here's going to hit on me). Been into Palladium's system for... 4-5 years... and that happens to also be the time I've been playing tabletop RPGs...

Palladium Forever!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:02 am
by Rimmer
28 years old, engaged, first played DnD back when it came out in a red box "basic" I think it was called, got hooked on role playing games ever since.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:02 am
by Rpgpunk
26 yrs old, Produce clerk at a supermarket, started role-playing with Hero's Quest. After that started playing D&D basic then moved to AD&D, played AD&D until 3E came out and gave up on it and went searching for a new fantasy system about 3 yrs ago, thats when I found PFRPG. Haven't played with my group in about 5 months though.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:58 am
by Lord Malachdrim
24, been running Palladium games since 89 (yes at age 9), been gaming since 89 as well. Single. Also a certified GM for HackMaster (I like old style overly complex games, such as RoleMaster, HackMaster, and Palladium).

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:53 am
by Adam of the Old Kingdom
31, seperated (hey there SkyeFyre), into RPG since Robotech in '85 or '86. the PFRPG then Rifts. stopped in '92. started again in '02.

not actualy playing any pure system, of the games I am in they are either scratch built or cut down systems.

d20 sucks? get a grip, all systems suck, just in different ways. d20 is fine, OGL and poor products saturating the market suck.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:08 am
by Goliath Strongarm
Veknironth wrote:Well, everyone knows me here.

"I've been here for years."


Think of me an Vek like the board Twins.. We're two of the oldest (remaining) members, from since the board was in the old style format.

Of course, he's the nice twin. He calls it like he sees it, with niceties. I just call it like I see it. Which is the reason so many people don't like me.. *smirk*


Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:39 am
by Janus
Just turned 32 last Sunday. I started playing RPG's with the DnD red box and all the way through those. Then onto ADnD, 2nd, Palladium, Robotech, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Beyond the Supernatural, Rifts, heck even Call of Cuthulu, Warhammer Fanatsy, WEG Star Wars, D20 Star Wars and ADnD 3E. I am that person your mother warned you about. I think Palladium Fantasy first edition rocks and is still my favorite Palladium title, but of course bought just all of the 2ed stuff. I figure I have been playing for about 22 maybe more years. As for what I do I am an overworked, underpaid, government employee. Ok, ok I actually find a lot of time to play Diablo II at work.

Oh yeah I guess I do not feel any game actually sucks, they all play different and I try not to find ADnD styles of play in my Palladium cammpaigns. I am just here to roll the dice.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:36 pm
by Zer0 Kay
I'm a 30 year old A1C in the USAF, why yes that is old for that rank thank you for asking, who joined when he was 27. I aspire to complete my Bachelors within 2 years and apply for OTS. I currently have an AFSC of 2E031 which translates into English as My job in the Air Force is Ground Radar Technician and my skill level is Layman. I have been moved from the haven (because it has game shops) Anchorage, AK to Altus, OK where I have just started up a gaming club. I'm married and have three children Katryna Rayanne 5, Alekzander Lucius 2 and Izabella Marguerette 7 months. I have one dog.

I got attracted to a used copy of the 1st ed. AD&D DMG when I was 8 but wasn't allowed to get it. When I was 10 we moved from San Diego, CA to Anchorage, AK. In AK I met a friend who sold me all of his AD&D books. Then I met others who liked to play (first gaming experience). In 1987 I traded a guy a SJG Car Wars book (which he played) for a Battletech manual (which I liked because it was alot like Robotech which I had recently watched). That summer between 8th and 9th grades I enrolled in a NJROTC Mini-bootcamp and met a guy who played Battletech. When School started he introduced me to one of his friends (who is still my best friend). I explained to his friend that I got got the Battletech book because I it was the closest thing to Robotech which he answered by pulling The Robotech RPG out of his backpack. After that we played alot of games:
Palladium Fantasy
Beyond the Supernatural
Ninjas and Superspies
Heroes Unlimited

Leading Edge:

TSR (haven’t played any since Hasbro by way of WOC bought them):
AD&D (1st and 2nd ed.)
Gamma World
Star Frontiers
Marvel Superheroes

FASA (also haven’t played since TSR/WOC/Hasbro acquired them, although I really liked how the Shadowrun creators stuck it to TSR/WOC/Hasbro by not allowing them to continuing publishing Shadowrun since FASA didn’t “own” the game):
Battletech (yes I know it was a boardgame)
Earth Dawn

R. Talsorian:
Cyberpunk 2020
Bubblegum Crisis
Teenagers from Outerspace
Mekton (I, II and Zeta)
Dream Park

White Wolf:
Were Wolf
Street Fighter (only by peer pressure)

Call of Cthulu

Chaosium/Avalon Hill:

Games Workshop:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying

Wonderworld Press:

Iron Crown Enterprises (wow I didn’t know that’s what I.C.E. meant guess I didn’t care):
MERPS (now I did know that meant Middle Earth Role-Playing Game)

Macho Women With Guns

West End Games:
Ghostbusters, International
Star Wars
Star Warrior

Mutant Chronicles

Manufacturer Unknown:
Ironwood (from the adult comic)

Now I have moved away to a hole in the wall town but hope to get my game club going. Unfortunately the only other person I know that plays RPGs is an Officer, those of you in the military and familiar with the fear instilled in us of the UCMJ will understand the undertone there. So I guess my total RPG experience about 20 years.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:17 pm
..I suppose most know me, but I'm so sporadic around this board I'll go from scratch...

..30, Married, 2 kids, Charley (she's almost 3) and Maggie (almost 4 months). First RPG book I bought was Mutants Down Under, followed quickly by TMNT. Interestingly enough, I've never played that game. Quickly found my way to HU and N&S from TMNT (never played either of those in rl either), and from there bought the PF books. Then along came Rifts, which has dominated my rl games although PF has taken about 45% of the time. 2E is about my favorite.

..Minus all things Robotech, I have a pretty complete collection of Palladium Books, with a stack that's over 6 feet high. Also have WEG's Star Wars 2E, GURPS 2E with several supplements (played that once online but was abused by the GM so I dropped it), the Players Handbook for DnD 3E (sucks? maybe, but it's simple and therefore good for hack-n-slash goofing off), and am trying to collect the Hackmaster books to become a certified GM.

..Designed the official PF 2E character sheets as well as character sheets for a bunch of other Palladium games, found in the stickied thread on the GM's Forum. Did the Rifts Game Master Screens around the same time as the PF sheets, but nobody seems to remember them...

..Been gaming for 15 years now, although my first exposure was in 85 at church, but I didn't get it then. Put me on the Chess Team and I became a true gamer.

-Mike >8]

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:37 pm
by Shin Kenshiro
former serviceman, electronics technician, electrician, and now full time heavy laborer. Been playing Palladium since 1995 with Macross II, then Robotech, then PFRPG, and finally Rifts. Currently running a PFRPG game set in the Western Empire. Favorite character types are longbowmen, knights, soldiers and warrior monks. Never like palladins, mercenaries, or the magic users.

me:crazy stuff that nobody wants to listen to

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:45 pm
by highpriestrsw2
22, married, gamer for 10 years. From Jackson, MI. Been playing PFRPG for about 3 years. I dislike psionics. I'm a huge console gamer as well(FINAL FANTASY!)
Disabled Vet, cashier at a grocery store, nerd.
Still have a 1E D&D group...Dislike D20...LOVE KODT...

and I still have NEVER had a character that survived the Temple of Elemental Evil...

I hunt for whatever back issues of The Rifter that I don't have in my spare time and I'm STILL waiting for Australia 2 and 3 (because from time to time my loose knit qusai-eclectic group and I play RIFTS and we are still playing our game in Australia ever since I bought the book in early 2000)

And I'm in the market for a new group around my area because my group has drifted apart as of late (due to military deployments, college graduation, college start-up, family and other issues that seem to have disrupted us)

That pretty much sums up ME

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:49 pm
by Reagren Wright
33 years old, engaged with a baby on the way. Freelance fiction writer
and Aquatic Director for a YMCA. Been playing Palladium
for over 15 years. Was a big DnD 1st edition player, but I got
tired of having PC with 1D4 hit points and trying to
survive a bar fight in the first encounter. I've done some
gaming with Deadlands, Shadowrun, Mech Warrior, DnD 3rd edition,
and various other games at lease once or twice.
But not matter where I roam, I'll always come back to

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:06 pm
by Damian Magecraft
37, seperated going on diviorced, been gaming since i was 13, not much else to tell except that janus and i are good friends, oh and i used to game IRL with deathstorm as well.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:43 pm
by Janus
Damian Magecraft wrote:37, seperated going on diviorced, been gaming since i was 13, not much else to tell except that janus and i are good friends, oh and i used to game IRL with deathstorm as well.

Beg Pardon!?! I do not know who you are! Just kidding. Good to see you posting again.

Re: "Who's Who" among PFRPG posters

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:27 am
by Killer Cyborg
Basemonger wrote:While I'm not sure if this is ther right place to bring this up, I was wondering if people would care to do a "Who's who" of PFRPG posters.

I know a few of you - heck even GAME witha few of you - but in all, I don't know who most of you are, your story, RPG experiance, etc.


Sort of an intro "this is who I am" kind of thing...

I haven't played much straigh Palladium Fantasy, but my Rifts campaign took the party to Palladium for a year of real time and several years of game time.
(I had bought all the adventure books and such and wanted to use them.)

My screen-name here is "Killer Cyborg" because my first (possibly second) character for Rifts was named "Killer Cyborg from Heck".
He's a Shifter/Summoner who doesn't like to give away his powers in his name... that way his enemies aren't expecting to get hit by spells.
(Although this didn't matter on the Palladium Fantasy World...)

I run an odd jobs service and go to school (university studies major) and am married (happily, for the past 8 years), and in my remaing time I like to role-play, watch movies, read books, and sleep.
I am also an aspiring writer, and I am designing my own RPG game system and world(s).
Unfortunately, I have trouble finding people to help playtest it...

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:30 pm
by Cranus
24, male, been gaming since '93 or '94 (depending on point-of-view). I'll disclose more (gaming-related info) later...

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:05 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
34, male, single,has been playing for about 8 years.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:12 pm
by Carl Gleba
31, married and have been gaming since I was 14. I started with Robotech, then went to Rifts in the 90. Probably started PF in 94 or 95 and from then have played/ran every PB game out except ATB. I've also played an assortment of other RPG's and systems over the years from Champions to peoples home brewed systems. When the Rifters first came out I got this crazy idea to submit something that sort of turned into my First Book.

Some of the old timers may remember me as Venom the Great. He just happens to be my favorite character, a Kobold Palladium Wizard who was last on rifts earth fighting against the Phoenix Empire.


Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:15 am
by Prettz
I'm 23.

Been gaming for 7 years.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:28 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
I'm 32, started gaming in '85 with Star Frontiers from TSR. Played that, Gamma World and D&D/1stEd AD&D/2ndED AD&D every weekend for about four years straight, then I started Rifts in '90. Been playing Rifts and PFRPG off and on ever since.
Currently my regular gaming group has decided to try 3.5 D&D, dropping everything else. No major reason for the switch other than something different.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:16 am
by Entiago
PFRPG fan Trailer?!? like with images and still motion graphics? or with 3-d animation? I had this cool idea of a dragon image (scaned picture) flying
onto screen and breath {"fire" to reveal PFRPG}. fast 'flashes' of images
then stop to reveal single adventurers slowly one at a time, fade out one after the other. the usual classes of course. the PFRPG logo 'slam' in.

but thats just an idea i had (whatever)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:53 am
by maldoror
Hi, Fabien from Paris (France in case of), have to take some Rift to join U.
25 years old and master in sport business management.
Knew on PFRPG and other Rifts games, but not on RPG. Began to play 17 years ago (!) with my old cousin on the red D&D box. But never really liked this game, and ADD too... :? :P
Prefer games like Warhammer RPG, Blue Planet, Unknown Armies, Kult, Trinity...

Otherwise like playing music (DJing and Jumbe), sport and going out :D

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 11:53 am
by Fargoth
Real Name: Paul
Age: 38
Family info: Married with 5 children (2 of which are getting into RPGs … the legacy continues).

I’m a career Army guy who has been in for 18 years. I work in logistics and love it.

Gaming Experience: Started playing 1st Ed AD&D in 1986 after I joined the Army. I have since played Rolemaster, Palladium, AD&D 2 and 3.*, Dragonquest 2nd Ed, WHFRP, and a smattering of obscurities even I have a hard time recollecting.

My favorite systems are Palladium and Dragonquest 2nd Ed.

I also created the Fargoth World Building Project ( back in 1997 and still oversee its development.

I fancy myself as a cartographer and have created maps for private and professional parties. I’m only now making a serious effort to create an online portfolio to hopefully drum up more business. I hope to create some maps of the Palladium world for others to use and to add to my portfolio.

I own a few PC games but only play NWN online regularly.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:01 pm
by Fargoth
LYNX8882 Wrote: “...currently in school for Anthropology with a focus in Archaeology and that’s about it.”

Ahhhhh right up my alley! I did the same in the 80's. I later changed my focus to forensics (hard tissue only). Looking back I sometimes wonder if I should have gone into Graves Registration in the Army to capitalize on the anthropological and forensic knowledge I had.

I’ll tell ya … the anthropology experience really helps when designing new cultures for gaming worlds! I’ve been told I get wrapped up in the details too much at times.

Best of luck in your studies!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:55 pm
by Omote
27, close to married, been playing RPGs for about 16 years now. I started with the D&D Red Box basic set. I remember clearly my first Palladium Experience. It was about 1999 I remember reading a magazine (Dragon I think) with an ad for the ROBOTECH RPG. I had watched this show everyday and was a Robotech Junkie. So when I saw this game, I immediatly picked it up and started playing less then a year later. I remember loving the system and then reading a different add about the PFRPG. I was playing a lot of D&D then and the fantasy aspect piqued my interest. Picked up the PFRPG and literally 2 days later I had started a new campaign. Have been playing on and off PFRPG for about 15 years now. I have loved every minute of it!!!


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:04 pm
by Veknironth
Well, Omote, you're 27? You look much younger than 27. You're like the Dick Clark of the Palladium Boards.

"Met him at Origins."

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:34 pm
by Zenvis
30, Father of two (one is blind so I'm fluent in braille) with a wonderful wife who plays occasionally. Writer of one of the articles in the Rifter series. Gamer for over 18 years. I have had my stab at all the books of Palladium (although as of lately I have fallen behind in my collection by about 20 books). I like to think of ways to get as creative as possible in my roleplaying game.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:07 pm
by Omote
Veknironth wrote:Well, Omote, you're 27? You look much younger than 27. You're like the Dick Clark of the Palladium Boards.

"Met him at Origins."

Dayum, I've got to get to Times Square FAST! Y'all bring your dice.

Oh and, thanks for the compliment. :)


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:32 pm
by dpedicinijr
34, male, married been playing RPG's on and off since I was 10 years old. Now own Kiln Publications but would LOVE to freelance write for Palladium either Fantasy or Rifts!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:40 pm
by Syndicate
Wow...look at all the new faces... :D ... :o ... :P ...

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:01 pm
by Sir Blayse
22, been playing RPG since i was 12.
I've also been with the boards since the start, but under a different name then. I'll let some of the older one's ponder that one. I became Sir Blayse after the first major board change, and have been on and off the boards as my life dictates. It is strange that now here in Baghdad, I can spend more time here than at home. That brings me to the other point. Yes, you guessed it- married...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:40 am
by Levi
Although I have been poster here for a long time, I don't post often and many here don't know me. So, here I go...

I am 28 years old, married for 7 years, no kids (yet anyway), former USAF Aircraft Armaments Specialist (five years), now work for UPS as a technology support technician.

I have been going to school part or full time while working for the last year and a half. My current major is computer systems security.

I started role-playing in '91 and started GMing in 92'. I have mostly played and run Palladium games, but I used to dabble in several other systems. I have mostly played and run Rifts, however, my favorite game to run is Nightbane, and my favorite game to play is PFRPG.

I am working on becoming a freelance RPG writer. My first success is my article Enthralled in Rifter #25. I have a lot of other projects in the works, but they are going very slowly due to school.

I have several other hobbies including running, weight lifting, disc golf, white water rafting, CCGs and computer games.

I think that about covers it.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:10 pm
by AdmTolval
31, male, married, 1 daughter (11 months). Been gaming since I was 8. Started as a dm for D&D. Moved to Marvel Super Heroes and Star Frontiers. Started with Robotech in 1992. Moved to Rifts in 1994. Palladium Fantasy in 1996.
I recently moved to Raleigh, NC. I had the largest game collection in western NC. The gaming store misses me :D
At some point in time I've gmed and played these games:

Marvel Super Heroes
Star Frontiers
Star Trek (FASA and Last Unicorn)
Star Wars (West End only)
Legend of 5 Rings
Twilight 2000
Dark Conspiracy
Conspiracy X
Palladium Fantasy
Heroes Unlimited
Bubblegum Crisis
WOD: Project Twilight
Advanced Recon
Indian Jones
Numerous home games

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:48 pm
by Northern Ranger
30 years old, married with two children, a boy and a girl. GM and Player in PF for more than seventeen years. I've also played D&D, Earthdawn, Shadowrun, Vampire and a lot of computer oriented role playing games. (Recently discovered D&D online, thanks to my brother in law and best friend.)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:06 pm
by J. Lionheart
You have gotten better at Thread Ressurection! (78)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:45 am
by Yisterwald
Goliath Strongarm wrote:
Veknironth wrote:Well, everyone knows me here.

"I've been here for years."


Think of me an Vek like the board Twins.. We're two of the oldest (remaining) members, from since the board was in the old style format.

Of course, he's the nice twin. He calls it like he sees it, with niceties. I just call it like I see it. Which is the reason so many people don't like me.. *smirk*


I'm far more sporadic on the PF boards than either of these two regulars, but everyone who's anyone knows me too. 8-)

Been playing PFRPG since the first printing, and favor 1st Edition.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:51 am
by Library Ogre
29, married, teacher and freelance author. Been playing Palladium since the early 90s when a friend of my brother's introduced me; that would be around 7th grade.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:22 pm
by GreenGhost
36, married, work in shipping and export, living in CO. Been playing/GMing PF since '87.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:49 pm
by The Immortal ME
I'm another fairly old timer of these parts. I have been on sabbatical for a while now so most of ya'll probably don't know me.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:51 pm
by Yisterwald
But I do!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:52 pm
by Ridley
16, been playing since i was 12. I was introduced by my couson when he came to town to go to college. Imeediatly I realized what potential there was, and still is. Really confused about life right now, I'm afraid of ending up alone, a geek with no one except his books. Don't know why, cause I know alot of people. :(

My first game involvled nomads from another deminsion scouting the land for invaison. I still remember the day we play that game, in the library no less. We played in the library until the day we got kicked out. :lol: Good times man. We played with random people who came in to look for a book and found that the game still lived on.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:17 am
by Yisterwald
Ridley wrote:Really confused about life right now, I'm afraid of ending up alone, a geek with no one except his books. Don't know why, cause I know alot of people. :(

At 16 in you're not confused about life there's something wrong with you. Don't sweat it. While you shouldn't fritter away too many years of your time, you've got more than you imagine ahead of you. Ending up? Man, you're just getting started...