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Re: Question about Deities/Idols

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 2:51 am
by talmor
Shivn Sanosuke wrote:My GM and I agreed upon a temporary plan until I posted this question and received the results, which will be used to create a new ruling towards this aspect in his game. Right now he gives my character three tries per day for my character and his student to try and pray to her for help (percent check). If I pass, then it all depends on if my Deity cares or not about the situation enough to help my character out, which is up to the GM to decide.

Ok, it depends on the precepts of the faith, but off hand I'd go with this as far as a "rule."

Off hand, I'd give you a 1% chance to commune with your deity. This can be increased if the player is actively involved in something that the Deity cares about--War for a war god, etc. Say, up to 10%.

Then, comes the ritual. If you pray in a ritualized fashion, the chance of successful communion increases, based on the level of ritual and it's approbriateness (sp?) of the ritual. For example, a war god, having a massive war game or celebration. So, a dedicated worshipper conducting a massive and correct ritual for the proper cause would be at, say %50.

Though, personally, I'd go with a GM's call. Technically, the gods are NPC's, and so it's all up to him. As always, it depends on the god. I'm not familar with the one you mentioned as I do not own Rifts: Africa.

Also, I would have a talk with your fellow players about the game and discuss the problems your having. I know leaving the group isn't really an option, but it sounds like you're not enjoying it. I'd try figuring out what the heck is going on with them.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:37 am
by Borast
You could consider something I have in my AD&D game that you could adapt very easily.

In a SERIOUS situation (typically used only when the character has just taken a death wound), pray to your god. There is a 5% chance +1% per level of the god checking in and seeing what (if anything) (s)he'd do. Next, you RP the situation out! (Between you and the GM, even if it takes 15-20 minutes out of the city destruction.) Incidentally...if one of my Players ever rolls a "00," they contact the wrong power...BIG TIME. 95 and up is just a "misdirected telephone call."

Lastly, even should you decide to multiclass as a priest of Bennu, because you are a necromancer, you can probably depend on her not answering you as often as she would any other priest...after all, almost the entire pantheon (on the side of light) hate necromancers.

Even these city destroying gods have to sleep...control a dead (super poisonous) snake and have it bite one of them.

Oh...incidentally, something you can bring-up with the actual battlefield nuke will vapourise everything within 5-10m of the bomb. A 1Kt nuke will vapourise everything within about 100m...this includes structures that due to the mathematics of their MDC armour versus the MD of the blast. Or, just drop a couple of megatonnes of gravel on them. They'll be pinned, and expire naturally of suffication.

Before I rattle on too much could always remind your GM of one weapon in his arsenal that is always 100% effective... GM fiat. The GM rules them dead, they are dead (although few GMs will do this to prevent ruining it for the people effected. (Besides, if your GM sat down and thought about it, he could easily design a situation that WOULD be fatal to your munchkins in the party.)

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:09 am
by NMI
I would like to know how they brushed off a nuke.