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4 Armed Gunslinger
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:56 am
by Athos
This is really stupid, I know, but does a 4 armed gunslinger get 4x the number of attacks, or just 2x like any 2 armed gunslinger + 1 for their extra pair or arms?
I was reading Vampire Kingdoms and Doc Reid and it got me to thinking about the extra arms for a gunslinger. Seems like since a two armed gunslinger can shoot with both guns at the same time, a four armed could as well, especially if all 4 guns were trained on the same target. Yes, this would be incredibly munchkin, but I am still curious.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:01 am
by Dr. Doom III
Check out the four armed Slinger Borg.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 11:14 am
by The Galactus Kid
Also check out the description of the Octo-man in Splynn Dimensional Market. They make great four armed gunslingers.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:25 pm
by Athos
Dr. Doom III wrote:Check out the four armed Slinger Borg.
Makes sense. Having all four count as one action would really make it insanely powerful. I was looking at the Rahumen and this is similar to what they do as well. They start with 4 attacks instead of the regular 2, but then additional attacks are standard game rules. Thanks.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:31 pm
by Athos
The Galactus Kid wrote:Also check out the description of the Octo-man in Splynn Dimensional Market. They make great four armed gunslingers.
Wow... These guys get 4 simultaneous attacks, if they just weren't so butt ugly...
I think they are the exception to the rule though and not what your normal borg, bio borg or rahu man would get attack-wise. The cyborg gunslinger rules look like they would be applicable to most of the 4 armed, where the octoman rules seem to be more race specific. Thanks though, I didn't remember this race at all.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 12:33 pm
by Athos
Atlas6shot wrote:IMHO you are better off just playin a regular gunslinger or gunfighter with a high PP, you get extra ATM for that anyway.
Alas, I am GMing not playing. I was simply curious.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:21 pm
by Mack
MattLing wrote:Well you figure Sharpshooting lets you fire 2 guns at once for people with 2 arms, why not let a 4-armed dude fire 4 at once?
Huh? I don't recall that, but don't have my books with me at the moment either.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:39 pm
by Borast
Other than the oft mentioned (and let's not) Zebuloid, the ONLY PC race I can think of that receive obscene bonuses for something like this is the Rahu-Man, who STARTS with 4 PLUS any combat skills...
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:29 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Mack wrote:MattLing wrote:Well you figure Sharpshooting lets you fire 2 guns at once for people with 2 arms, why not let a 4-armed dude fire 4 at once?
Huh? I don't recall that, but don't have my books with me at the moment either.
It can't, Paired Firearms is a class feature, though I don't see a problem with letting somebody use two guns at same time, they just can't do so as skillfully as a 'Slinger.
Re: (4 Arms + 4 Guns)(Training)=1 Bad Ass Rahu-man Gunslinge
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:13 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Tokkabei Necromancer wrote:Naturally Rahu-men are accustomed to four arms. If they got the paitence to learn the skills of a gunslinger, then they can easily fire four guns at the same time with the same penalties and bonuses as a gunslinger with only two arms and two guns. Personally I wouldn't allow a PC to be a Rahu-man gunslinger, nor am I sadistic to make them fight one.
and the fact that it's illegal. MDC beings cannot be gunslingers, it's a racial restriction.
(possibly made with the rahu-men in mind for game balance. . .)
Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 7:16 pm
by NoJack
uhh... game balance? they use that in Palladium games? Never noticed.
Our GM let us use Rahu-men Gunslingers, one of us was a wired Gunslinger and the other was a regular slinger... well as regular as any 12' four-armed slinger could be. It was an epic sort of thing, dealing with fallen knights and the like.
The hard part was finding armor big enough that gave any real protection... I mean you make a real big bad target, and if you use naruni guns or the Bigbore (as a pistol thanks to giant size) you have a real good HF. That means that everyone who doesn't run is gonna empty their clips into you. It had its tradeoffs but was fun anyway.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:43 pm
by Athos
I guess one way to look at it from a game balance standpoint is that a glitter boy, basically the toughest combat character, does 30d6 MD per shot. Even a four armed gunman firing all 4 at once at one target, would be limited to 20d6 MD per melee attack. So logically, he would be about 2/3 of a glitterboy, which I don't think would be over whelming. Plus he wouldn't have the glitterboys range.
It looks like maybe Rahumen and Octomen might be able to fire all 4 guns at once, but that cyborgs and bioborgs would be more limited, maybe firing only one extra time from the extra set of guns. Does this pretty much summarize what people have said?
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:42 am
by Athos
What pistol does more? Share your munchkin wisdom.
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:45 am
by Dr. Doom III
Athos wrote:What pistol does more? Share your munchkin wisdom.
6D6 pulse pistols and Naruni plasma cartridge pistols.
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:49 am
by Athos
The Naruni does 1d4x10 MD? Now that is obscene.... 4d4x10 MD is still less than 3d6x10, but not by much.