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Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:11 am
by SkyeFyre
RPGMAN wrote:I said, "I turn off the light"

lol... I love that line...

Um... well seeing as I've never actually played... I guess I should say what I did to my players... *gasp* I haven't done anything I can remember

/makes a note for Saturday's game

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 1:35 am
by Killer Cyborg
I had fun with my players during a Mexico campaign.

1. They were flying through the desert in their super-duper hover-vehicle (Mark V transport rigged with artificial intelligence and jets among other toys from the Sourcebook 1 Bots section) and they spotted something out in the sands in the middle of nowhere.
It was a Flooper struggling his way through the sand, clutching an inflatible rubber woman.
They gave him a ride to town.
He accidentally left his rubber woman onboard.

It was a set up- the flooper was a psychotic assassin named Rumtummy who was hired by a local Master Vampire (see 2) to smuggle a vampire onboard the PCs hovercraft.
It was in the rubber woman, in mist form, until nightfall. Then it popped its way out and trashed the place and wounded a PC before they killed it.

2. The PCs were tracking a Master Vampire who was uniting all kinds of secondary and wild vampires into a massive gang that verged on being an army. He claimed to be the vampire equivilant of the Second Coming and that Dark Gods had given him vast powers above and beyond any other vampire:
They shot the heck out of him with silver bullets, but couldn't drop him.
They beat and stabbed him with wooden weapons, but couldn't drop him that way; stakes couldn't penetrate his skin.
They parked their Hovercraft in the middle of a river and he walked across the water to attack them.
He was waterproof.
He could twist silver crosses into pretzels and ignore cross shadows
He shrugged off Globe of Daylight...

(He was an insane Vagbond who just thought that he was a vampire and who had HU super powers that imitated vampire abilities)

Eventually they launched every missile they had at him and blew him into atoms.
Of course that didn't leave a body, so they never knew if they killed him or not...

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:30 am
by Aerv
I allowed a friend to use an RCC I made once, a Metaloid. Basically, a creature of entirely liquid metal, based (very) loosely on the T-1000 from Terminator 2.

Well, the first incarnation of him was a bit too powerful, and when the group was captured, he escaped way too easily for my liking, but fumbled his prowl roll to sneak out, so he got caught again, and the bad guys forced him in to a glass bottle, corked it and put seal on it, then strung it up over a pit of lava on the bottom level of the base. If he broke the glass to get out, he'd fall in to the lava before he could do anything, and there was no way to push the cork out and slide up the string suspending it.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:30 pm
by The Galactus Kid
That is awesome

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:49 pm
by Stormseed
BrokenChild wrote:I had a really good one this weekend! let me share:

Okay so my GM (Jay) was really encouraging me to make a Machine People character for his Phase World game and abandon my old MegaJuicer (for this new campaign).

So I made one but the only name I could come up for him was Beldar (like beldar conehead) my friends started laughing at that, then I started doing the high-pitched voice Dan Akroid used in the movie "Sometimes I feel, I've got to EH EH! Get away I've got to EH EH! Run away!....." at this point Jay is choking really hard he's been laughing for so long. and he goes: "I'm choking so hard its burning!" to which i suddenly channel strongbad and go: "HA HA! I BURNINATED YOU!" and got a roar of cheers from the group and a bunch of high-fives!

:lol: :lol: