Shiva7 wrote:It's no longer 13+ for a called shot...
They changed it to 12+ instead. My RMB has the 13+, but everything after that says 12+. CB 1, P. 12 "A successful strike (a roll of 12 or higher) means the specific target, in this case the bullseye, is hit."
..Interesting. I looked that up, and had to go to the first printing of the Conversion Book, as that section was not reprinted in the Revised Edition; You are indeed correct.
..But then I thought, that's from like, 12 years ago, so surely it was just a misprint. So I looked it up in the Game Master Guide, and what do you know, it says that twice in the same sentance. Called shot must be 12 or higher.
..Cool. You learn something new every day, even if it's old.
-Mike >8]