Looking for the creator of...

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Looking for the creator of...

Unread post by Jimbo »

A website I went to in 1998. I know this sounds a bit ridiculous, but I can hope. It was from UCCS. It was about Rifts necromancers. The creator had some cool spells which I printed up and have used to harrass my players with great efficiency and malice.

However, I am planning on sending one of the adventures that the necromancer is in to the Rifter. As such, I would really like to find the person that created these spells and discuss terms with him on their use.

Please contact me either here via PM or at my email below. Thank you.


P.S. I know this is a longshot, but hey, gotta give it a try.
Jason Richards
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Unread post by Jason Richards »

Just as a note, I would advise against doing anything even BASED on the person in question's work without them signing an UMS form and getting paid for it.
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Unread post by Jimbo »

Thats the plan. I just need to find him or I am going to have to alter a few things. Other than that, I just use them in my own games.
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