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Janisary gnome,

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:55 am
by churchoftin
Ideas, friends, are what I am looking for. I said to my younger brother yesterday, "roll up a character, I don't realy care what the race is, but no trolls, changling, or elves. " So he picked two races, rolled up three sets of stats each, and had to choose one race and one set of stats.

john rolled up a human and a gnome, he picked the gnome becaues it was uber smart with and IQ of 26, above average in strength with a PS of 9 and fairly good looking with a PB of 25. I then had to drop the bomb, No warrior OCCs and No Magic OCCs. He was of course incredules, this kid knows almost all the books front to back, his character generation would be merciless in the arina of magic, whcih is an area I am personally not all to comfortable with.

"Don't worry, I have got it covered." I picked out the books he could choose OCCs from or told him whcih were available. It came down to Master Collector and for giggles imperial Janisary if he traded in three of his PB points.

He went with the imperial Janisary, the results are absolutly hiliarious. So after he selcted all his skills, just to make him more of a gnomish brick house I said, "Now pick a martial art from Ninjas and super-spies, "

"That will totally upset everything!" He said. "I know, just do it, "said I.

Well, john had to leave shortly after that, so after thinking it over I went through N&S and selected a list of martial arts he could and could not have... I hope he picks sumo :lol: but I am sure he is going to go with Tai Kick boxing.

I'll be back in a second.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:10 am
by Shin Kenshiro
I already like where this is going... :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:20 am
by churchoftin
In truth I was hopeing he would select something like lumber jack, hell even the master collector would have been cool, we could have done some Sherlock Holmes type stuff. I said, why don't you go with lumber jack, " Are you kidding?" He was incredules, "How long do you think it would take a Gnomish lumber jack to cut down a tree?" I said, "Regardless, don't you think it would be fun?" "No." Well...

But I am satisfied with the selection. I just decided I wanted to have a totally wackey and insane game, something I'll make up as I go along, but I'm not telling him that. He probebly thinks I have a plan. I don't.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 2:12 pm
by churchoftin
I think that the origin of his character is rather simple: Once part of a long line of gnome warriors who were the protectors of a certain small farming community, this aberrant character and his companions were unable to stay the onslaught of a western company of soldiers. Seeing the power of these imperial troops filled the young gnome with awe, surely this here is a Empire worth defending, it's strength and might obvious, he could only folow the path of his heart and plead not for mercy, but for the opportunity to become one of them...

The powers that be, finding the spirit of the fighting gnome undeniable, allowed him to train to become an imperial janisary. But will he serve only as a lackey, the equivalent of a negro fighting in the Civil War?

He is preparing for the day when he, a might janisary general, will address his troops by the thousands, not nearer their feet than heads, but rather eye to eye, man to gnome; so John chose to take tumbling as a skill, where stilt walking is included.

Laugh now, but may the Gods have mercy on you, for the rath of the lone and only Gnome to EVER become an Imperial Janisary will hear that chuckle; nay, he will HEAR that smirk before the breath leaveth thine lunges :shock: !!

So I'm wondering if any of you folks have any ideas, the more outlandish the better ... because eventually this gnome will develop super powers as well ... quiver!! Quiver in your little pink boots!!

I want to find a way to have his campaighn involve:
A. The old ones
B. The Shadow colonies
C. The land of the damned
D. Conflicts within the empire.
E. Whatever, anything.

Remember: I'm looking for the most outlandish ideas you can think of, things that would make most any player or GM make a double take.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 7:34 am
by churchoftin
"The powers that be, finding the spirit of the fighting gnome undeniable, allowed him to train to become an imperial janisary. But will he serve only as a lackey, the equivalent of a negro fighting in the Civil War?"

Now come on folks, I hope no one thought I was being stupid in that statement, just pointing out how a [literally] lowly gnome could be treated within the Corps. Or are the Janisary above that? Are there other races within the Corps besides humans (Dwarf, Elves, others)? Would that really make a difference? :-?

So I've rolled up the beginnings of an NPC to use:

Action Name: Oldleath Trueblood OCC: Noble
True Name: Sire Trueblood Race: Human

IQ:11 Sex: M Height: 6'3" Weight: 210lbs
ME:12 Build: Husky Age: 17
MA:11 LOO: Western Empire
PS:12 TOE: Small farming community
PP:13 Social Back: Noble-Poor
PE:20 Racial Hostilities: Supernatural, Dwarves, Trolls and Giants
PB:11 Exp. Lvl: 1 Exp. Pt: 0

Insanity(s): Phobia-- Lizards

I think that the basic idea here is this prince comes from the same community as our Gnomish hero. The gnome has been attached as an escort for a barons son (this kid above) since he knows the lay of the land around his home own. This lowly prince has been getting a military education, but the problem is he thinks he knows everything already about the military. The fact that his main instructor was dwarven compounded the problem in his academics, so he is being sent home to get some "encouragement" from his father, who became an imposed mayor on the small farming community.
This Boy has [delusional] dreams of becoming a great cavalry officer in the Imperial Cavalry Corps. He could make it but feels that he has to prove himself every minute of the day because his family is relatively poor and the community his family over sees is so paulty.
but the empire finds something special about the community, as to what it is, we'll have to see.

I'll finish up the stats here later.

Our Hero

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:55 am
by churchoftin
Action Name: Mome the Stout
True Name: Jigaraharty la Cles

OCC: Imperial Janissary Race: Gnome
Alignment: Abberant

IQ:26 Sex: M Height: 2ft Weight: 72lbs(!)
ME:9 Build: Muscular/pumped Age: 17
MA:13 LOO: Western Empire (has forsaken original home land)
PS:22 :eek: TOE: Small farming community
PP:21 Social Back: Warrior Clan
PE:23 Racial Hostilities:
PB:23 Psionics: None
Spd:22/4)Disposition: Mean and Bitter; Suspicious

Exp. Lvl: 1 Exp. Pt: 0

Bonuses: +12 to skills, 65 to charm & Impress, +16 v. Coma/Death,
+4 v. poison, +4 v. magic, +0 v. Horror Factor

Insanity(s): Obsession: Power and Leadership - Craves it

OCC Skills:
Climb/scale walls: 67/62
Swimming: 45
Forced March
Body Building
Basic Math: 77
Language; Western: 98
Language; Elven: 67
Military Etiquette: 82
Intelligence: 68
Land Navigation: 61
Wilderness Survival: 57
WP Shield
WP Sword
WP Archery
WP Blunt
WP Spear
HH Fu Chio Pai/ Tiger Claw :shock:

OCC Related:
Surveilance: 62
Interrogation: 52
Detect Ambush: 52
Prowl: 62
Camoflage: 52
Heraldry: 47/52
Detect Concealment & Traps: 52
Locate Secret Compartments: 37

Secondary Skills:
General Repair: 52
Rope Works: 52
Tumbleing (Back Flip [+4dodge]: 57
Body Throw,
Leaps 8ft Long & 7ft High
Pole Vault 8ft High: 67
Stilt Walk: 67)

Skills From Tiger Claw: Fasting: 60
Track Humanoids: 52
WP Claws
Gymnastics( Sense of Balance: 47
Work Parallel Bars/Rings: 45
Somersault: 57)

Martial Arts Powers:
Dam Sum Sing
Stone OX
Zenjoriki: Karumi-Jutsu (can fall 2000 ft & take 2d4dmg,
x3 to jump: 24ft long, 21ft high)

APM: 4
+3 initive
+5 strike
+5 parry
+5 dodge
+7 roll
+0 pull punch
+1 leap attack
+7 damage :shock: (a gnome!)

SpecialTalents & Flaws:
Precision: Reduce # required for critical strike by -1
Shield Attack: +3 Strike w/ shields

Will not drop dead intil HP is at -PE + Lvl.

ME check of 9 or under to control self when wounded of insulted; a failed roll will result in a BERSERK fit; roll may be forfeited.
Can NOT stop until all foes are down
Perception check required if the berserker is at HP level of 30-IQ-Lvl.

Notes: Reduce Critical by 1
Unarmed Knock Out/Stun 1d4 melees w/ N.20

Equipment: Provided as needed (gnome sized)

Weapons (gnome sized):
Dwarven Long Sword (Gnomish Fury): 1d6+4dmg +1Strike
Dwarven Knife (Gnomish Revenge): 1d4+4dmg +1 Strike
janissary Shield: 1d6+3dmg
Hand Claws (2): 1d6+1dmg
Long Spear: 1d6dmg
Short Bow: 1d4dmg

Quiver: 10 Arrows

Plate and Chain: AR:15 SDC: 75

Gold: 600