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X-Mas Grab bag

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:14 am
by sHaka
Hello there!

I'm gonna order an Xmas grab bag and I have two questions if any one has time to answer.

1) Are they worth it? Are you usually miffed with what arrives?

2) what should I ask for!! i'm thinking two books but I can't make my mind up!! I've already got: RMB, SB1&2, WBs 1-6 + 11, Conv1. I really want mercenaries, but not sure about the other choice. Perhaps book of magic or FoM book.

any ideas, suggestions gladly received 8-)


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:56 am
by Dr. Doom III
Give a list of what you already have unless you want to take a chance to get a book you already have.
The only time I was annoyed was the year they gave everyone the Xiticix Rifter and the Rifts Index#1. I already had them.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:11 am
by sHaka
Dr. Doom III wrote:Give a list of whay you already have unless you want to take a chance to get a book you already have.

Cheers, will do - shipping to the UK and I can't afford to risk that!!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 12:59 pm
by Dave the dragon
Gideon wrote:Get yerself the Game Master's Guide and the Book of Magic. Those two and the Bionics Sourcebook are excellent references and get a lot of work at my table.

Gotta agree. Those ARE the most important books for your library. Ive been getting the grab bags since they came out. Great value, wonderful stuff, and the little freebies (shirts and such) are great. You dont think to buy one till after you see them. They rock! Ive never really had a complaint, as if I get a duplicate book, it becomes a present for someone in the group that doesnt have it.

Be clear.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:56 pm
by Flick
I'd have to say be very clear about what you want and present it in order of importance. I have done so for the last four years and have always ended up with a great value and had a lot of fun. It's kind of like being a kid at Christmas waiting to see what Santa brought. :) The one year with the Rifts index and Xictic Rifter was a bit of a waste of space for me but they still threw in the HU2 and GM guide for Rifts so I was pleased even on this "off" year. After all we're talking about $50 of books I really wanted for only $31 with shipping included and that was my worst year! Go nuts and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.