Characters with the knowledge of all spells.
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:10 am
This should be a simple question to answer (who am I kidding:). I am tinkering with a "godling" character and one of the 3 abilities he is getting is going to be a mage, specifically a mystic, and that one of the "godlings" perks in that area is that, quote; "The spells available: All magic spells of the same level as the characters experiance; i.e., at first level character knows all first level spells, a second level character knows all first and second level spells."; unquote (Pantheons of the Megaverse, page 16,column 2, #10).
The Question is this: Is the "godling" limited to only incantations, or would he know all spells available, including elemental spells, stone magic spells, temporal magic spells, etc... (limited to the above mentioned restrictions; 1st level knows 1st level spells, 2nd level knows all 1st and 2nd level spells), furthermore would the spells in the "Chaos Earth Sourcebook, Rise of Magic" be applicable to the all spells available?
Yours; Scot
The Question is this: Is the "godling" limited to only incantations, or would he know all spells available, including elemental spells, stone magic spells, temporal magic spells, etc... (limited to the above mentioned restrictions; 1st level knows 1st level spells, 2nd level knows all 1st and 2nd level spells), furthermore would the spells in the "Chaos Earth Sourcebook, Rise of Magic" be applicable to the all spells available?
Yours; Scot