Bioware Possible rifter submission review and critique

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

guess what?

by posting that materail, even the fluffless and simplified version you did, you just killed any chance of it being published.

Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)
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Unread post by Athos »

Looks a little like some Shadowrun stuff 8-)
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Kittenstomp wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:guess what?

by posting that materail, even the fluffless and simplified version you did, you just killed any chance of it being published.


What? No. There are multiple people on this message board that have submitted stuff to the Rifter and Palladium that did all of their work originally on the board.

That was before plagerism became a real possible problem though.
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Unread post by Athos »

US copyright law says that you own whatever you write, so unless you sign away the rights to your work, you own it.
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

Kittenstomp wrote:
Dustin Fireblade wrote:
Kittenstomp wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:guess what?

by posting that materail, even the fluffless and simplified version you did, you just killed any chance of it being published.


What? No. There are multiple people on this message board that have submitted stuff to the Rifter and Palladium that did all of their work originally on the board.

That was before plagerism became a real possible problem though.

Well until I hear differently from the staff, I won't believe it. Maryanne and others have assured us in the past that what we post on the website is still ours, especially because by the time it goes to final print, it'll be a hell of a lot different.

If that were still the case, then I'd say the RPG Think Tank would still be doing business for one.
Check out the "All things" board, the (now) closed thread about the cutting room floor, page 3 concerning the RPG Think Tank.
I may be totally wrong and if so then I apologize, but I don't see guys like Jason, Todd, Carl or Carmen writing stuff here now.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i tried adding a few Cybernetic Biosystems a while back, didn't go over well here.

basically they where systems intended to enhance a person, with out having to fully sacrifice some body parts.

new bio-system idea's

Response Web: (needs a better name.)
a net of implanted circits and wires designed to enhance the users agility. a micro-computer at the base of the neck reads the nerve impulses, and sends signals out along the web of artificial nerves, giving the user greatly enhanced response times.

45,000 cr. to increase the PP stat by 5, 10,000 cr. for each additional PP point. the total enhanced PP cannot exced a total of 25. the system gives the user an additional Hand To Hand attack per melee, and a +2 dodge bonus. For an additional 20,000 Cr. an On/Off circut can be added, allowing the Character the ability to switch off the system when not needed.

(cannot be combined with non bio-system cybernetic and bionic limbs. affects magic and Psionics as if the person had a Partial borg Conversion)

Muscle Enhancement:

a system of artificial mucles and tendons overlaid on the Characters existing muscular system. increases strength and speed, altough it produces strain on the skeleton.

70,000 Cr. to increase the PS by 4 and the SPD by 2. 16,000 Cr. for each additional point of PS. (for every 2 points additional PS, increase the SPD by 1). a Character can only increase his PS by 10, 16 if he also has the Re-Inforced Bones enhancement. (Pg. 32, Bionics Handbook.) if the Character possesses both the Re-inforced Bones and the Re-inforced spine enhancements (also Pg.32, Bionics Handbook), the PS can be increases by up to 20 points.

the Response web can be used with this system, although due to the alterations needed means it costs an additional 10%, and can only increase the PP score up to a total of 20.

Thermal Eye:
this Bio-system Eye allows the user to veiw heat, such as body heat and hot engines. its appearance is normal except for the Pupil, which is a trio of Diamonds vertically connected point to point, like a rattlesnake. provides normal 20/20 vision, and strong heat sources are overlaid on the Characters vision.

Cost: 80,000 Cr. for a single, 140,000 Cr. for a pair.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)
* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.

-Max Beerbohm
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