Of course, you could get a second power source implanted for the purpose... so your main one did not get tapped.
Svartalf - Flamboyantly Fresh Franco of Freedom Freakin' Fries : Shadyslug Embrace the Darkness, it needs a hug - Cherico PC stands for "patronizing cretin" G'mo I name you honorary American Subjugator & Ratbastard
Expensive, but S. is right. That's the ONLY way to avoid the problems in question.
I don't know if you used the spell checker or what, but this post is MUCH easier to read than your last one (about paired weapons and an automatic firing method). Thank you.
Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!
.sig count to date: 2
"May your day be as eventful as you wish, and may your life only hurt as much as it has to." - Me...
Normality is Relative, Sanity is Conceptual, and I am neither.
You can use either the second power supply mentioned above, or the internal "giant e-clip" style battery. I know it is in the Bionics handbook, and originally in Rifts:WB8, but without books I can't give you page numbers. I would allow the use of the battery to power your weapons, and allow the nuclear power supply to charge the battery while sleeping,or not engaged in combat.
get a borg design that is designed to allow built in/pluged in weaponry to operate. or you can always replace the power source with another one that has a much higher energy output.