A borgs brain...

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Unread post by Svartalf »

In most Rifts borgs, the head is heavily armored to protect the brains from chance harm. In some cases, there is also a limited life support system in place, to give a rescue party time to save the borg should he be shot down and put out of commission, but the brain unharmed.
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Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

In some Borgs the brain is inside the chest.

By brain armored do you mean like coated in metal or in something armored?
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Re: A borgs brain...

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Mike SSN-723 wrote:Just got done watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex. And it raised some questions for me. Is a cyborgs brain armored? Meaning if you chop off a borgs head, and peal the skull off, what do you find? Is it just a brain or is the actual brain armored too?

when you build your borg you would need to discribe this out. But Iwould say fo r the most part that the borgs would be in a independent container, much like what is seenin GitS (movie) and GitS2:SAC (Series). This is because it is the easyest way to do things....put the brain in its contaner and then build the borg body around the contaner, like in the begining of the GitS movie..

However after saying that, there might be "cheap" borg bodies out there in which the brain incasement is just the head unit of the borg, This would be given to just those who couldn't afford a good borg convertion, a slave borg, or a borg that got ripped off by a cyberdoc.
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Re: A borgs brain...

Unread post by Athos »

Mike SSN-723 wrote:Just got done watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex. And it raised some questions for me. Is a cyborgs brain armored? Meaning if you chop off a borgs head, and peal the skull off, what do you find? Is it just a brain or is the actual brain armored too?

Probably like Terminator, the head is mostly sensors with maybe the tongue and mouth. Not sure if the spinal cord remains or not, and if it does, must the brain remain attached to the top? Good questions you bring up.
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Unread post by Brian Manning »

I always thought they were contained in a glass jar full of fluid with the spinal cord (vertabrae and all) and eyeballs still attached, like Caine from Robocop2...

er...wait tha's stupid...nevermind...
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Unread post by sHaka »

The Skull is just reinforced with plating and the neck is built up to support it. The brain sits there unmolested.
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