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Cyborg intelligence

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:17 am
by Larsen
I was reading through HU recently and saw the robotics section where there is a part about transferred intelligence and I was wondering if that was possible in rifts? It certainly would get rid of all those pesky questions about the organics in borgs this way as there is nothing organic in the machine. Only his essence, soul, consciousness remains. But if this is even possible in the rifts scenario what possible negatives are there that a borg doesn't already have?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:42 am
by Marcethus
MIO uses the VR system not a transferred intelligence though the side affects are similar to the MOM effects listed in Triax

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 7:58 am
by Marcethus
Yes the CAN republic the ones from the moon that have Archie 7 the non sentient one.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:19 am
by Dr. Doom III
The only one listed in any book who would be capable of it would be ARCHIE 3.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:56 am
by Vrykolas2k
Rifts Sourcebook 1 and Triax both describe the transferring of essence/ intelligence. It is somewhat 'borg-like, though I'd think the 'bot could have more goodies of flaming death installed than could a 'borg.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 12:08 pm
by Killer Cyborg
The transferred intelligence bots in Rifts are different from the HU type transferred intelligence.
The HU characters are robot "pilots" who can move their intelligence into any robot that they fit with an electromagnetic containment unit.
If one of these guys gets to Rifts Earth, he could theoretically fit one of these into any robot from a Mechanoids Thinman to a Shemarrian Warrior if he could get one to hold still long enough for the operation.

In Rifts, a Transferred Intelligence Bot is somebody who has been transferred into a bot, but who is stuck there. They can't leave.
In the world of Rifts, Transferred Intelligence Bots are "a completely alien design found only in rare robots of alien design from other dimensions."

One advantage that the TI Bots have over a full conversion Borg is that a TI Bots can retain half of their ISP (which no longer increases per level) and any psionics from the Physical and Sensative categories.
I actually played a TI Mind Mage once, for the heck of it.

The VR bots from Mutants in Orbit and Triax are NOT Transferred Intelligence bots. They're just a system for piloting a robot from remote using a Virtual Reality system.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:53 pm
by Marcethus
[quote="Killer Cyborg")
The VR bots from Mutants in Orbit and Triax are NOT Transferred Intelligence bots. They're just a system for piloting a robot from remote using a Virtual Reality system.[/quote]

Actually Triax uses a variant of HU's electromagnetic containment unit via MOM implants and if the Pilots body dies they are stuck in the robot. NGR pg 168. though it has the insanity problems inherent to all MOM implants. Triax also uses a VR system as well as a brain transplant method in which one of the Military OCC's that gets severely injured (aka body mutilated beyond repair) and they signed up and passed the psych test they can get their brain transplanted into a special robot housing. [/quote]