Horse Question

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Re: Horse Question

Unread post by Athos »

Illithid13 wrote:I have a question about horses. In game, is there a rule as to how many pounds they can pull in a burst vs. over a distance.

In real life I know what they are capable of as I have raised them, but I cannot find anywhere in the books where this is covered.

Can any answer this question and/or refference where I can find the information?

Average horse that weighs 1000 lbs , carry 400 lbs burst, 250 lbs distance

This is what I use, don't know what if anything is in the books
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Dr. Doom III
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One horse equals one horsepower. :D
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Dr. Doom III
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Lunarix wrote:
Dr. Doom III wrote:One horse equals one horsepower. :D

We'll see if I let you win Powerball. :P
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

A horse is a horse of course of course... UNLESS HE IS THE DEVIL OF COURSE!!!!
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