What are the Geofront,s chances of defeating a Yama king?

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What are the Geofront,s chances of defeating a Yama king?

Unread post by gaby »

What are the Geofront,s chances of defeating a Yama king?

Will the Geofront make contacts with the Repoblic of japan?

What Yama king will be the Next to fall?
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Unread post by Preacher »

I honestly don't have the answers but there is new material in Rifter 28 which I have not had time to read yet but might shed some light on the question.
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Unread post by LunarYoma »

i thick they might not take down a yama king without a major offensive. but keeping to gurilla hit & run tactics, using overwhelming force & firepower, then they will proove to be a major thorn in the side for the daemons & yama kings.

slowly & quietly eliminate the daemons from the surronding regions of the Geo-front, & quietly populate the region with pro geo-front humans, & eventually you will have a sizeable population to get recuits from when it is time for a major offensive against the yama kings.

the geo-front is in it for the long haul, formulating long range plans(that will take decades to centuries to complete) to take back as much china as possible from the yama kings.
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