Couriousity, it'll kill me some day.

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Dr. Doom III
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It depends what they do with them.
Generally they sell them for what they can do. They are not going to turn a trained doctor into a T-man but a Grunt is another story.
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Re: Couriousity, it'll kill me some day.

Unread post by Athos »

Illithid13 wrote:Also, Do the slaves get new O.C.C.’s or do they just retain their current ones?

Not unless they are acting in an unusual capacity. Doesn't take an RCC/OCC to carry stuff, fetch stuff, clean stuff, etc. which is probably what most slaves do. If they are transformed by bio wizardry or tattoos, thats another matter.
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Dustin Fireblade
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Illithid13 wrote:What are Tmen? Or what does bio-wizardry do to them? and why would one do this sort of thing to a slave? You mentioned an arena, Is that sort of like a gladiator thing from anchent rome? Would people alter the slaves to fight there, or is it mostly feed the week to increadable monster?

I thought atlantis was a good place, hence the uneasiness between a true atlantian and vampires.

Curse me for not having many books!

Yes. Get Atlantis. Now.

On the arena: Yes to everything you listed.
On True Atlanteans/Vampires: Yes they hate each other, but the Splugorth don't like them either.

After you get Atlantis, Get Splynn Dimensional Market. Happy reading.
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Dr. Doom III
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Illithid13 wrote:What are Tmen? Or what does bio-wizardry do to them? and why would one do this sort of thing to a slave? You mentioned an arena, Is that sort of like a gladiator thing from anchent rome? Would people alter the slaves to fight there, or is it mostly feed the week to increadable monster?

I thought atlantis was a good place, hence the uneasiness between a true atlantian and vampires.

Curse me for not having many books!

Where to start?
Atlantians are not in control of Atlantis.
After the coming of the Rifts and the return of the continent of Atlantis from Limbo the Splugorth showed up and set up shop there.
The Splugorth are evil.

Get the book.

Oh T-men are Tattooed men. A splugorth slave specialty.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
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Dr. Doom III
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Illithid13 wrote:I'm looking into aquiring it. what world book # is it?

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
-George Orwell
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