Anti-monster coolness!

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Unread post by Marcethus »

I have a level 4 antimonster that has retractable phase claws. This was done by having a promeathean on the team that helped build him. He also tended to like hand to hand combat more than other's and also loved it when the SN being tried to regen and found that his wound's weren't healing right.
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Unread post by Marcethus »

no mental disorder the dice rolled high enough that I didn't get one. as far as his alignment he was aberrant. he had a liberal view of what innocent was. and in the phase weapons section of phase world it says that SN beings with regen have it reduced when damaged by a phase weapon.
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Uncle Servo
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

I have played one Anti-Monster before by the name of Domingo Hernandez... about the only thing unusual about him was the fact that he did manage to get hold of a power halberd.

I did have a lot of fun with him though, even if it was just roleplaying a hulking, monstrous brick with a Hispanic accent. :lol:
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