The ideal Rifts adventure

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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Flaming death.
A psychotic robot helicopter door-gunner who has been programmed to say lines from Vietnam movies.
Assassins who pretend to be strippers.
Girl scouts pretending to be assassins pretending to be strippers.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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Unread post by Larsen »

1. catchy come-backs not unlike web-head says.

2.don't overpower your players in the first session and kill them.

3.never make a strict plot and never get to attached to a npc that you rolled up.

4. make sure your characters have a valid reason for being where they are when the game starts and try not to use their background as plot too often it gets boring.

5. always have pizza and/ or chinese takeout on hand during a game :D

6. make sure its fun!!!!! < most important rule there is.

7. talk to the maker and try to bring in the 8 ft afro character at some point :lol:
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Unread post by Bood Samel »

A good vehical fight scene ala mad max.
Something epic and horrific.
Punny references to the pre-rifts world.
Lots of shooting.
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Unread post by Nightbreed »

It all depends on what your players like. I say start them out as coalition troops. Make them part of one of the long range patrol squads. That can be fun. Have them get in a firefight with the enemy (FoM, Splugs, renegade d-bees, etc.) Then take it from there. It's lots of fun. Makes you feel like the colonial marines in Aliens. :D
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Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

run a power game where everyone can blow the crap out of everything. Run a couple sessions of that until they either die or get bored. Once that's out of their system, run a real game.
it never fails that a new rifts player is going to gravitate to the most powerful gear, spells, psionics, and character classes they can find. If you start them off playing a normal game, they spend most of their time going through the books going "OOH, I WANT THAT GUN!!" or "HEY CAN I HAVE ONE OF THESE POWER ARMORS??!?!" or "HEY WHEN CAN WE GO SHOPPING SO I CAN GET SOME NARUNI GUNS?" or "MAN I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED A (character more powerful than their current one)!!!"
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Unread post by Sir Blayse »

run a power game where everyone can blow the crap out of everything. Run a couple sessions of that until they either die or get bored. Once that's out of their system, run a real game.
it never fails that a new rifts player is going to gravitate to the most powerful gear, spells, psionics, and character classes they can find. If you start them off playing a normal game, they spend most of their time going through the books going "OOH, I WANT THAT GUN!!" or "HEY CAN I HAVE ONE OF THESE POWER ARMORS??!?!" or "HEY WHEN CAN WE GO SHOPPING SO I CAN GET SOME NARUNI GUNS?" or "MAN I SHOULD HAVE PLAYED A (character more powerful than their current one)!!!"

Wow, that sounds like one of my guys who always wanted to create his own class, race, and weapons. Never normal stuff either- some of it outrageous.
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Re: The ideal Rifts adventure

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Godlessdingo wrote:I'm about to start a new Rifts campaing and my head is just swimming with ideas (not unlike a rifter's realities). So I can get some of these ideas into focus, I ask you all: What elements do you think should be in an ideal introductory Rifts adventure?

It's up to your players.
I'd suggest starting them off low-powered and having them work their way up. By Low powered, I mean stuff from the main book... and the low-end stuff at that.
It may give them a perspective on things that they wouldn't get if they start off as truly powerful characters.

Also, I think that Rifts should be deadly.
It should make the characters really think things through before acting, otherwise they may have to roll up a new character.
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