How Good are the Weapons and Power Armors in China2?

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How Good are the Weapons and Power Armors in China2?

Unread post by gaby »

Tell What do you think of the Weapons and Power Armors in China2?
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Unread post by cornholioprime »

Actually, most of them pretty much bite. In Rifts China, it's all about the Monks, baby!!

Go Shaolin Tai-Chi Wu-Tang Clan Style!!!!!

(IMHO, these two books are actually kind of lame. Something about BOTH Books sems rushed...)
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Unread post by Jefffar »

Well the descriptive text and such about the PA is kindof lacking, but I'm sure if you check the stats, you'll find them quite comperable to Triax systems.
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Unread post by Greg Diaczyk »

The Tech was pretty good, about what I expected. Nothing I really noticed that was more powerful than the CS or NGR. I did like the fact that all the Geofront soldiers had mystic marital art training, sort of a magic and tech combo group.

Weapons: The standard tech weapons were pretty reasonable, they had a hand gun that fires MDC explosive rounds (1D6 MD?), but can do bursts. It also has two ammo types (double barreled) for extra damage or with the additional of specialty ammo (silver rounds, DU rounds etc) you can switch types in a flash, depending upon what your fighting. Also the usual Ion and Laser type weapons used by other tech civilizations.

Chi-Weapons: A Freakish version of Techno-Wizardry, lets you charge normal ammo with Chi (ISP) to do MD. But you need to be a Martial Artist, Mage or Psychic to charge the gun. Still needs regular bullets. Ok, but they only work in China :-x , that parts dumb if you ask me... (and is removed as one of my house rules).

Power Armour: Is quit acceptable, nothing's Glitter Boyish, but the Black Tiger has a really nice picture of it. It also has stolen German Force Field Technology (Pre-Rifts Espionage, Prototype design. I think it's kind of neat that they did this), as well as a stolen designs for a plasma sword, which they got for the Horune (who got from Atlantis from the Kitanni). Some have complained that it's rail gun burst damage and laser do the same damage, but that's just fine. One you use when low on ammo, the other you use on energy resistant enemies. No picture for the Red Falcon (or the Brigandine body armour, which is supposed to be the basis for the Red Falcon Armour (Brigandine + wings, kind of like the CS armour and the SAMAS design I guess?)).

A Note on China One Technology: For the fifth Yama Kingdom I believe says it uses a fighting force that includes Robot and Power Armour Pilots and Conventional Tech warriors (Headhunter, Crazies, Juicer and Cyborgs). Since the Yama King in charge really hasn't invented much (nothing listed in the section) I'd simple say he's acquired tech from the surrounding area and Pre-Rifts tech from China. So he'd probably have most of his human tech armies outfitted with Black Tigers (Minus the Plasma Sword and Force Field as they were added later by the Geofront), Red Falcons (No Gun Dragons as they were created by the Geofront after the Rifts), Japanese Robots (salvage from after the Rifts, used magic to locate them (such as that Mirror thing the Yama King uses), which could include a couple glitter boys and SAMAS variants, Russian Borgs and equipment, Horune/Altantean/Kittani (only stuff they could have stolen or traded for from the Horune, and even then only the tech stuff). They might also have a few rare items from Undersea/Tritonian/New New Navy equipment, Australian Power Armour and the occasional Triax item.
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Unread post by gaby »

Well I think the Geo-front will try to decrease the Numbers of Demons.
they will focus on the ones in Henan Province and Sichuan province first.

Did China2 said any thing about what they think of each Yama king?
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Unread post by chaserone »

Yes as I understood it, being half japanese myself and having been raised for a good portion of my life in Japan, Zen Buddhism was primarily developed in japan as is Daishonin Buddhism.
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