Wired Gunslinger's psionics

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Wired Gunslinger's psionics

Unread post by chaserone »

What psionics does the wired gunslinger get? It doesnt give a list in the New West book. A player was asking me and I was under the impression that most crazies get some form of psionics. If they dont, then what class of saving throw would you give these characters? Would thier save vs psionics class them as a minor or major psionic?
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Dustin Fireblade
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Unread post by Dustin Fireblade »

I wouldn't give them psi-powers, they have enough stuff already I think. And I wouldn't give them any bonus to save vs. psionics either.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Kittenstomp wrote:
Zerebus wrote:It was my understanding that the implants used for Wired Gunslingers were set to focus completely on reaction time rather than expanding the potential psionic powers of the person receiving the implants. In other words, no psi-powers, just hyper-awareness in excess of other Crazies.

Ditto. Wired Gunslingers are in terms of Mindwerks psynetics purely "physical" psynetic enhancements with no leeway for the development of psionic abilities.

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grandmaster z0b
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Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Yeah, they lose almost all of the interesting Crazy powers for basically two things; sharpshooting skills and auto dodge. It is a worthwhile exchange though.
Of course a character could roll up random psionics anyway.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

z0b wrote:Yeah, they lose almost all of the interesting Crazy powers for basically two things; sharpshooting skills and auto dodge. It is a worthwhile exchange though.
Of course a character could roll up random psionics anyway.

That's true; if so, I recommend Sixth Sense and Intuitive Combat. :D
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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