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Re: Max speed while in flight?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:25 pm
by cornholioprime
Vagrant Storm wrote:My particular question is about the Russian Kuznya's "Angel Armor" that gives the ability to fly at will. Just how fast can it go? We have toyed with the idea of twice the max run speed but then decided it should follow the rules of the spell Fly as the Eagle...which has a max speed of 50 mph (character in question could move at roughly 35 mph if run speed was doubled)

But I have seen other creatures, powers, and items that give magical flight. Is there any rule that states how fast they can travel while in flight?

Also is there any thing on how high it can go?

No..... but there IS a limit ot the creature using the item/spell....namely: A] Oxygen above 1 Mile altitude, if an air-breather; B] The Atmosphere itself, which ranges from -215 to +600 degrees Fahrenheit; and C] Wind Resistance/Speed: you can only go so fast before you find it difficult, or impossible to breathe. At Higher sppeds, you get the whole Drag/Wind Resistance/Extreme temperature thing (the average jet sees its skin temperature rise by up to 200 degrees based on how fast it is traveling........

Re: Max speed while in flight?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:05 am
by Athos
Vagrant Storm wrote:Also is there any thing on how high it can go?

I am pretty old and worn out ( its been 12 years since I was in the Army ) and I recently hiked over 13,000' in the rockies without breathing difficulties. Your character can probably go that high without problems, I don't think you can get much over 20,000' without oxygen though.

As for the speed, the book doesn't say, so I would probably go with 50 mph or something close to it.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:13 am
by Dr. Doom III
When in doubt go with the effect of the spell.