not a direct quote wrote:If you use this, please give credit to TED HEINTZ or karma will be unkind to you.
This system takes the best and most practical shooting philosophies and techniques and forges them into a single complete combat shooting system. The Israelis are famous for this system in the shooting world. They are also famous for their love of the Isosceles shooting stance, which few other combat shooting schools utilize (though it is popular in competition shooting),yet they are not so impractical as to refuse to acknowledge the advantages of the Weaver stance. This system is the only one in the world which fully incorporates hand to hand and firearms combat, particularly in regard to the use of the firearm as a melee striking weapon. This system is taught to most of the free-worlds special forces and SWAT teams and precious few civilians (often bodyguards). Sniping is NOT a part of this system, sniping demands its own dedicated study.
Entrance Requirements: Must have law enforcement or military background or civilians who can pass an extensive background check.
Skill Cost: 4 Years (Primary), 2 Years (Secondary)
Costume: A handgun holster (usually strong side hip or drop-leg rig, but others may also be used, or a sling for a long gun), gun, & spare magazines.
Stance: Initial stance will have the strong side away from the threat at approximately a 45 degree angle with hands held loosely in front of chest and elbows tucked in. Shooting stance will be either Isosceles (basically horse stance with the arms and body forming an Isosceles triangle) or Weaver (basically a classic weak side forward fighting stance but you are holding a firearm).
Add + 1 to MA (visibly more confident and calm)
Add + 2 to PP (reflex training)
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Roll with punch, fall, or impact, Maintain Balance, Break-Fall, Forward/Backwards Shoulder Roll (when you fail a maintain balance these prevent you from falling on your face and move you one body length away, which is enough to go to the next longer hand to hand range category)
Attack Moves:Off-Center Step, the shooter steps forwards or backwards and to the side, diagonally, while simultaneously drawing, striking, or shooting. The idea is to make yourself harder to hit while simultaneously increasing your own chances to do so. It can be thought of as a combination simultaneous pre-emptive dodge and strike. Treat it as an otherwise normal doge that takes an attack to perform but with you get to attack simultaneously for no additional cost. On a failed roll he still gets the dodge but now the attack cost separately as per normal, on a critical failure he misses the dodge and the attack still cost as per normal.
Basic Defensive Moves: Parry, Auto-Parry, Circular-Parry, Dodge, Multi-Dodge, NOTE, parrying with the gun IS allowed, taught, and encouraged.
Advanced dfense Moves: Off-Center Step as per above.
Hand Attacks: Punch (strike), Knife-Hand, Palm-Strike, Grab, Hammer-Fist, Ridge-Hand.
Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Backward Sweep, Tripping/Leg Hook, this can be performed from the ground as well, Scoop Kick/Stomp this is a kick with inside edge of the arc of the foot performed to the shin, then scraping down the shin to stomp on the instep of the foot. It takes one strike roll, one attack and does 2D4 SDC.
Jumping Foot Attacks: None.
Special Attacks: Entangle, Disarm, Elbow, knee, forearm, Combination Parry/Attack, CombinationScoop Kick, Knee to groin, and Elbow to face, counts as one attack, needs full strike roll to start and half of normal strike rolls to continue, does cumulative damage from each segment, cost one attack, Groin Slap, used against someone who is holding you, this is a "slap" to the groin. Requires a strike roll of 13 or better, inflicts 1D6 damage, plus the victim must Save vs. Pain, or lose Initiative and 1-2 attacks, Groin Kick with Hammer Fist this requires two strike rolls. The first is for a kick to the groin, which, if successful, inflicts 1D8 SDC, and a Save as per the Groin Slap, followed up by a Hammer Fist to the face or back of the neck for 1D8 SDC, HANDGUN MELEE STRIKES, Muzzle-Punch, treat this as a vertical punch but using the muzzle of the pistol doing 1D8+2 SDC, Dust-Cover Chop, similar to a knife hand or hammer fist but using the underside of the slide in front of the trigger guard doing 1D8+2 SDC, Ridge Hand with top of slide, exactly how it sounds 2D6 SDC. Combo-Drill, this is a pre-set series of rifle/SMG strikes, it goes like so, Muzzle-Punch to chest, Muzzl-Punch to soft underneath of jaw/chin, Dust-Cover Chop to face/head/neck, , this requires a full roll to strike to get started, half the normal strike roll per move to continue, does the cumulative damage for each move, and only cost 2 attacks due to it being a pre-programmed set. RIFLE/SMG MELEE STRIKES, Muzzle-Jab, just like it sounds (without bayonet if you have a bayonet use its listed damage plus maybe a bonus for the extra weight and power of it being mounted) 1D8 SDC, Butt-Stroke 2D4, Combo-Drill, this is a pre-set series of rifle/smg strikes, it goes like so, muzzle jab-upwards butt stroke, horizontal forward butt stroke, bayonet slash-muzzle jab, this requires a full roll to strike to get started, half the normal strike roll per move to continue, does the cumulative damage for each move, and only cost 2 attacks due to it being a pre-programmed set.
Holds/Locks: None.
Weapon Kata: WP Blunt (for pistol whipping type strikes), WP Spear (for rifle with bayonet, if no bayonet treat as a strike with the blunt end of the spear).
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Behind (x3), Knock-Out/Stun, Knockout/Stun from Behind, Deathblow.
Martial Art Powers: Iaijutsu for handguns at full value and rifles/SMG’s at half value (and these weapons ONLY), One Shot, One hit, One Kill (with firearms ONLY), Find Weakness (a non-chi dependent version).
Languages: (OPTIONAL) Hebrew.
Cultural: None.
Physical: Plyometrics.
Survival: None.
Temple: (OPTIONAL) Comparative religion with emphasis on Judaism and Christianity.
Other: Small Unit/Team tactics, +10% to conceal/holdout a pistol, +5% for an SMG.
Weapon Proficiencies: WP Pistol, WP Revolver, WP SMG, WP Semi or Full Auto Rifle.
Philosophical Training: “If a man comes to kill you, rise up quickly and kill him first.” From the Jewish/Hebrew Talmud.
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Krav Maga can be learned in half the usual time and the two arts work very well together as they overlap a great deal but they are NOT cumulative. Instead, you can use them together in the same melee round, no need to switch or declare such. You may use whichever bonus is higher but not both.
1st: +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, + 1 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1 to maintain balance, +1 to disarm, +1 to forward/backwards roll, +1 to Off-Center Step, Controlled Pair(as per burst +1 to strike), Failure to Stop Drill(2 to the chest one to the head and the SOB’s dead, roll once to strike for the chest and once for the head cost 2 attacks, the first is a standard Controlled Pair and the second is an aimed/called, this is both a critical strike and a deathblow combined), Mobility Kill Drill (For when the Failure to Stop Drill fails add a shot to the targets hips/pelvis, 3 attacks, Controlled Pair, Head-Aimed/Called, Hip/Pelvis-Aimed/Called roll to strike for each of the three segments).
2nd: +1 Attack with firearms ONLY, +1 to resist disarm, +1 to disarm, tactical reload (before you run out of ammo and you want to keep the partially full one for later) cost 3 attacks and ideally should be done behind cover or during a pause in the shooting.
3rd: Controlled Pair (between burst and aimed at +2 to strike), +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, +1 to breakfall, can draw, aim, and fire in 2 attacks, +1 to entangle., can fully manipulate a handgun ONLY, load, charge, clear, and so on, with one hand, can clear malfunctions in 3 attacks.
4th: +1 Attack with firearms ONLY +1 to resist disarm, +1 to disarm, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, + 1 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1 to maintain balance, +1 to forward/backwards roll, +1 to Off-Center Step, can reload and fire in a single attack (a Speed-Load when you have run dry).
5th: +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, +1 to breakfall, can shoot on the move at half bonuses.
6th: +1 Attack with firearms ONLY, +1 to resist disarm, +1 to disarm, +1 to entangle, tactical reload cost 2 attacks, can clear malfunctions in 2 attacks.
7th: +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, +1 to breakfall, can draw, aim, and fire in 1 attack, can shoot on the move at ¾ bonuses.
8th: +1 Attack (any), +1 to resist disarm, +1 to disarm, +1 to strike. parry, and dodge, + 1 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1 to maintain balance, +1 to forward/backwards roll, +1 to Off-Center Step.
9th: Controlled Pair (full bonuses as per aimed at +3 to strike), +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, +1 to breakfall, +1 to entangle, can clear malfunctions in 1 attack.
10th: +1 Attack (any), +1 to resist disarm, can shoot on the move at full bonuses (this requires a special technique I won’t discuss, go learn it yourself if you want).
11th: +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, Called shot requirements are reduced by 1, effectively no critical failures on Off-Center Step.
12th: +1 Attack (any), +1 to resist disarm, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, + 1 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1 to maintain balance, +1 to forward/backwards roll, +1 to Off-Center Step, + 1 to entangle.
13th: +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, Failure drill cost one attack, Called shot strike roll requirements are reduced by 2.
14th: +1 Attack (any), +1 to resist disarm.
15th: +1 to strike with firearms ONLY, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, + 1 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +1 to maintain balance, +1 to disarm, +1 to forward/backwards roll, +1 to Off-Center Step, +1 to entangle, Failure drill cost one attack, Called shots strike roll requirements are reduced by 3, Mobility Kill drill cost 2 attacks. In Isosceles stance ONLY (Isosceles works better with pistols than SMGs and rifles, if you want to use this technique with them you must put the butt in the center of your chest, I hope you have armor and the recoil isn’t too bad) can shoot despite blindness and without penalty but NO bonus of any kind, straight roll of the dice, plus range is limited by hearing and you can not tell if the target is behind cover, and they have to be making some kind of noise you can hear.
Why Study the Israeli Shooting System? This is a no frills practical shooting system that integrates the use of firearms together with hand to hand in a seamless system. That, and you are done taking crap from terrorist and even those pesky ordinary and mundane murders, home invasion robbers, and rapist. Plus, you have a homeland to defend. Well, at least that is why I do it.
I'll keep looking for your version of Krav Maga, I can't seem to find it right this second.