Vampire question

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Daniel Stoker
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Vampire question

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

So, would a character from Hero's Unlimited with APS: Plant and body weapons be able to use Body weapons to stake a vampire? Or would I need to limit that to someone who is say APS: Wood only?

Daniel Stoker
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Since I don't have PU1... I'd say yes, the character in plant form would be "woody" enough... in most cases... problem, of course, is that he'd have to keep his hand in the vamp's chest until he could transport the skeleton to a body of running water (or just a shower stall)) or expose it to sunlight.
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Daniel Stoker
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Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Well the plant not being wood is why I thought you'd at least have to have the 'Body Weapons' power since it would be a more 'woody' substance then just his plant hand. ;)

Daniel Stoker
Judaism - More Old School than either Christianity or Islam.
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