Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
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- Wayne_Breaux
- Palladium Books® Freelance Artist
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2001 1:01 am
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Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Okay, here you go, a little treat from the dusty old archives of what-could-have-been: The other last Robotech manuscript I started right before the license was dropped. Maybe some of you can make use out of the barebones adventure it outlines. Just keep in mind that this was done in a couple of hours and is only the roughest beginning to a full blown book. Enjoy.
Hive War
An Invid Invasion Adventure
by Wayne Breaux Jr.
It could sense them. Like fleas on a dog that tickle as they move, sting when they bite and frustratingly disappear as they do nothing, the humans within the hive were doing a strange dance of hide and seek as they moved about, tickling the protoculture sensors of the brain and all the resident Invid as they moved, stinging when they killed with missiles and weapon fire, then seeming to disappear as they shut down their blasphemous machines and hid the Flower of Life's energies from its rightful masters. Though lacking emotions, the brain was as close to being frustrated as a living computer could be. Then it sensed the invaders and their stolen protoculture coming closer. Arraying the enforcer and shock trooper units about the room, the brain set about defending itself. It also prepared a tactical offensive in the form of an ambush.
Three Alpha fighters in guardian mode roared through one of the openings in the wall and entered the brain chamber. The assembled Invid knew not what kind of machines they faced, they simply knew they had to be destroyed, so they promptly opened fire. The Earth mecha responded in kind and rained missiles down on their Invid hosts as they rocketed for the far side of the room. As a multitude of explosions trailed across the floor in the wake of the Alphas, shattering and destroying enforcers and shock troopers alike, one of the fighters rapidly succumbed to the hail of energy from the defenders on the floor and pitched into a dive only to explode before hitting the floor. Shrapnel and debris from the destroyed craft rained across the room as the fiery bulk of its remains slammed into the base of the brain. Fire flared up against the brain and secondary explosions ripped into its soft flesh as it screamed for the Invid to respond. They did, all of them. The bewildered Alpha pilots raced unopposed out of the hive as the Invid moved to save the burning brain.
Almost five hundred miles and two weeks from the hive, the raid, and the injured brain was another hive very much like the other. Inside it, Borm was pacing the floor of the brain's chamber. He was a stage five Invid, the most advanced of his kind and a prince among his people. The brain commanded the Invid of the hive, but Borm could command the brain if necessary. There had been no contact with the other hive which was under the command of his "sister" Emra in two weeks and Borm was concerned, for as an Invid in the form of a human, he possessed the emotions his fellow invid lacked. He had ordered the brain to contact the other hives in the area and none had heard from Emra or her hive's brain. The brain here in Borm's hive would do nothing about it on its own. It had been charged with subduing the significant resistance pockets in this area and would do such almost single mindedly. Thus Borm took it upon himself to pay his sister a visit. Taking a heavy reconnaissance patrol of armored scouts, shock troopers, and a pincer unit, he set out to discover the source of his sister's silence.
Halfway to Emra's hive, Borm noticed the bright red wreckage of a patrol of scouts or armored scouts strewn across a field of grass. Dropping low to investigate, he discovered more destroyed mecha. Entire patrols of the small ruby colored mecha littered the field and stretched into the nearby woods. Most of them had fallen to missile fire and Borm suspected immediately that the Earth rebels were responsible. They were the only enemies with that many missiles and the inclination to use them on the Invid. With a full burn on his thrusters, he took to the air low over the trees but accelerating and climbing as he went, on his way to ensure the hive stood intact and intent on revenge should he find it any other way. If he had been more invid than human in his emotional response, he might have finished searching the battlefield where he would have found Emra's royal command battloid at the center of the destruction, its armor battered, the pilot dead, and its missile bays empty.
Hive War is a Robotech adventure set in the Invid Invasion segment of the RPG setting. It can easily be adapted for use with Sentinels, but beyond that is pretty much exclusive to use with the Invid time lines. The player characters will be caught in the middle to a large extent with both sides considering them enemies, but luckily the two Invid factions will be fighting each other also. The gamemaster could use this opportunity to introduce some stage 5 Invid character NPCs into the group as the course of events unfolds, or he can take the opportunity to give the characters insight into the enemy by having them play stage five invid characters for an adventure or two as they attempt to sort out the fates of Emra and Borm and the strange silence from the hive. This should be a bit more than a raid and destroy mission and gamemasters are encouraged to play it up as a murder mystery and sci-fi horror type experience. Regardless of the player character's loyalties, be they human or Invid, they will quickly come to realize that something is terribly wrong and for whatever reasons, they have been charged with finding out exactly what and fixing it if possible.
Section One: Background
The characters will hear tales of the Invid from a nearby hive attacking and destroying anything within hundreds of miles of the hive. One week they were as normal as Invid get, lording over the humans near them and ferreting out resistance or unapproved use of protoculture, and the next week they start killing everything they can find. Now this isn't impossibly strange, except that there are even reports of the Invid attacking other Invid. Certainly the latter will pique the curiosity of any resistance fighter. Most of this information will come through refugees fleeing the aggression of the Invid, but local resistance fighters can verify the Invid against Invid fighting and might be convinced (despite the danger) to show one of the battle sites to the player characters.
Sentinels: The characters assigned post, be it planet side base, Ikazuchi Carrier, or remote outpost receives intelligence reports (via scouting patrols, satellite, observation crafts in orbit, or whatever is appropriate) that one of the four localized hives has pulled back its patrols and some kind of battle was noted, though no Sentinel activity is supposed to be going on in that region. The characters may be dispatched to verify this with a quick reconnaissance flyby, likely in a beta fighter at full burn outfitted with high-speed cameras. Regardless of whether the characters perform the recon or not, it will turn up the wreckage of more than twenty Invid armored scouts. No native resistance capable of such success is known to exist and no Sentinels could be responsible. Something notably peculiar is going on and a quick call to the top brass will verify their interest in knowing exactly what that is. In order to do that, the character's squad will be dispatched to investigate.
Gamemaster Info for Section One
There are roughly 37 resistance fighters operating in the triangular area formed by Borm and Emra's hives and a third one to the Northeast. The resistance has been active since the first war with the Invid, though their size has doubled since the battle at Reflex Point. Major Carter Harding is the regional commander and organizer (see Section Two for more information on Major Harding). He has established a field headquarters 150 miles to the south near the largest of the area's hives, the one under Borm's command. Serving as the commanding officers in the area where this adventure begins, central to the trio of hives, were Lieutenant Animara Betoravin, an REF pilot whose mother defected from the E.B.S.I.S. during the time after the first Robotech war, and Lieutenant Andrew Pleice, a military specialist who spent most of his career in space with the REF. The two lieutenants divided command between air and ground duties as well as reconnaissance and intelligence. Both took orders from the Major, but were given significant leeway to wage their guerilla war. To help them do that, the two had at their disposal ten mecha, including six Alpha fighters, three Betas, a pair of RDF VF-1J veritechs and a RDF Raider X. Lt. Betoravin's reconnaissance squad had an additional four alpha fighters in it. Other equipment included a dozen cyclones (in addition to those in the veritchs), some armored vehicles and two "Dark Knight" combat tanks.
If the characters are not already associated with these freedom fighters or they do not make contact with them, the resistance will learn of their presence in the vicinity and make contact, because there is a bit more to the Invid situation than just the alien's strange activity. When the unusual intelligence reports first reached the freedom fighters, they sent out their own reconnaissance team under the command of Lieutenant Betoravin. She was a local hero of sorts and had in her possession one of the ultra-rare shadow alphas, besides, reconnaissance was her command post. The Lieutenant and her squad radioed in the location of the battle site described in the short story before advancing for closer reconnaissance of the hive. None of them were heard from again.
So how bad is all that and what could it have to do with the characters? First, the Invid might now have a shadow fighter in their possession while the rebels have lost that valuable asset. No one knows if and what the Invid might learn from the fighter, but everyone fears the worst. Secondly, Lt. Betoravin was one of the leaders of the resistance against Emra's hive and her skills and experience are now lost. Thirdly, the squad represented almost a quarter of the local resistance movement's mecha contingent, and finally, both the lieutenant and one other member of the group knew the exact location of a hidden synchro cannon held in reserve should the time be right to take out a nearby hive (Borm's hive, actually) and the Invid may be able to glean that information from the two if they are prisoners. All in all, unless the characters help, it is Lieutenant Pliece's opinion that the resistance in this area is in a very tenuous situation. It could easily be wiped out within the next week or so.
Unfortunately, the Lieutenant is right, but for the wrong reasons. The Invid will not wipe out the local resistance by learning critical secrets, but if nothing is done to stop the mad brain in Emra's former hive, a war between it and the other two hives will erupt and the invid will destroy everything to wipe out the wayward brain, including its hive, all the invid associated with it, and anything else that lives within its territory. Men, women, animals, and any non-invid structure the purifiers find will be destroyed, razed to the ground or atomized.
Sentinels: The information given above is intentionally left general so that it can be adjusted to fit your particular Sentinels game. If your group is adventuring on Praxis or some other world with a native population capable of fighting the Invid, then ignore the reference to the natives being incapable of causing the damage and have the characters assigned to investigate that possibility first. They will need to travel to local villages, towns, or cities and talk to the locals to verify that they have not recently been fighting the Invid in the vicinity of the battle in the recon photos. The gamemaster can even have the locals lead the characters to the battle sight for their investigation, because once it is established the natives are not responsible for the conflict, the PC's squad will be assigned to investigate as noted previously. The gamemaster can also spice things up by having a recon unit go out to the battle site while the characters are interviewing the locals. Just as in the Invid Invasion setting above, it would be led by Lt. Betoravin and lost after making a quick recon of the battle site then moving on.
The group will be fully outfitted with new mecha and complete weapon payloads. Shadow mecha are likely to be issued, for the group will be moving through the overlapping patrol radiuses of two or three Hives. It is also likely the team will be given full Legios units for their alpha or beta pilots, though only the beta is likely to be a shadow unit in this case (Yeah, that means you have to fly in linked, with only the beta active and a dead alpha, but that extra mecha might just be your ticket out of the hell hole they're sending you into after all the crap hits the fan and stealth is secondary). The group's mission will be to penetrate the invid territory and do a thorough investigation of the battle site shown in the reconnaissance pictures. They are then to report their findings and await further orders. If the group doesn't have a field scientist with the proper skills to accurately analyze the battle site, one will be assigned to them for that purpose (he will also have mecha piloting skills complementary to those of the group).
In the rest of the adventure, only the sections that require specific adjustments or notes for the Sentinels setting will have such. If no clarifications are given, assume no changes are necessary.
The second half will be up shortly. . .
Hive War
An Invid Invasion Adventure
by Wayne Breaux Jr.
It could sense them. Like fleas on a dog that tickle as they move, sting when they bite and frustratingly disappear as they do nothing, the humans within the hive were doing a strange dance of hide and seek as they moved about, tickling the protoculture sensors of the brain and all the resident Invid as they moved, stinging when they killed with missiles and weapon fire, then seeming to disappear as they shut down their blasphemous machines and hid the Flower of Life's energies from its rightful masters. Though lacking emotions, the brain was as close to being frustrated as a living computer could be. Then it sensed the invaders and their stolen protoculture coming closer. Arraying the enforcer and shock trooper units about the room, the brain set about defending itself. It also prepared a tactical offensive in the form of an ambush.
Three Alpha fighters in guardian mode roared through one of the openings in the wall and entered the brain chamber. The assembled Invid knew not what kind of machines they faced, they simply knew they had to be destroyed, so they promptly opened fire. The Earth mecha responded in kind and rained missiles down on their Invid hosts as they rocketed for the far side of the room. As a multitude of explosions trailed across the floor in the wake of the Alphas, shattering and destroying enforcers and shock troopers alike, one of the fighters rapidly succumbed to the hail of energy from the defenders on the floor and pitched into a dive only to explode before hitting the floor. Shrapnel and debris from the destroyed craft rained across the room as the fiery bulk of its remains slammed into the base of the brain. Fire flared up against the brain and secondary explosions ripped into its soft flesh as it screamed for the Invid to respond. They did, all of them. The bewildered Alpha pilots raced unopposed out of the hive as the Invid moved to save the burning brain.
Almost five hundred miles and two weeks from the hive, the raid, and the injured brain was another hive very much like the other. Inside it, Borm was pacing the floor of the brain's chamber. He was a stage five Invid, the most advanced of his kind and a prince among his people. The brain commanded the Invid of the hive, but Borm could command the brain if necessary. There had been no contact with the other hive which was under the command of his "sister" Emra in two weeks and Borm was concerned, for as an Invid in the form of a human, he possessed the emotions his fellow invid lacked. He had ordered the brain to contact the other hives in the area and none had heard from Emra or her hive's brain. The brain here in Borm's hive would do nothing about it on its own. It had been charged with subduing the significant resistance pockets in this area and would do such almost single mindedly. Thus Borm took it upon himself to pay his sister a visit. Taking a heavy reconnaissance patrol of armored scouts, shock troopers, and a pincer unit, he set out to discover the source of his sister's silence.
Halfway to Emra's hive, Borm noticed the bright red wreckage of a patrol of scouts or armored scouts strewn across a field of grass. Dropping low to investigate, he discovered more destroyed mecha. Entire patrols of the small ruby colored mecha littered the field and stretched into the nearby woods. Most of them had fallen to missile fire and Borm suspected immediately that the Earth rebels were responsible. They were the only enemies with that many missiles and the inclination to use them on the Invid. With a full burn on his thrusters, he took to the air low over the trees but accelerating and climbing as he went, on his way to ensure the hive stood intact and intent on revenge should he find it any other way. If he had been more invid than human in his emotional response, he might have finished searching the battlefield where he would have found Emra's royal command battloid at the center of the destruction, its armor battered, the pilot dead, and its missile bays empty.
Hive War is a Robotech adventure set in the Invid Invasion segment of the RPG setting. It can easily be adapted for use with Sentinels, but beyond that is pretty much exclusive to use with the Invid time lines. The player characters will be caught in the middle to a large extent with both sides considering them enemies, but luckily the two Invid factions will be fighting each other also. The gamemaster could use this opportunity to introduce some stage 5 Invid character NPCs into the group as the course of events unfolds, or he can take the opportunity to give the characters insight into the enemy by having them play stage five invid characters for an adventure or two as they attempt to sort out the fates of Emra and Borm and the strange silence from the hive. This should be a bit more than a raid and destroy mission and gamemasters are encouraged to play it up as a murder mystery and sci-fi horror type experience. Regardless of the player character's loyalties, be they human or Invid, they will quickly come to realize that something is terribly wrong and for whatever reasons, they have been charged with finding out exactly what and fixing it if possible.
Section One: Background
The characters will hear tales of the Invid from a nearby hive attacking and destroying anything within hundreds of miles of the hive. One week they were as normal as Invid get, lording over the humans near them and ferreting out resistance or unapproved use of protoculture, and the next week they start killing everything they can find. Now this isn't impossibly strange, except that there are even reports of the Invid attacking other Invid. Certainly the latter will pique the curiosity of any resistance fighter. Most of this information will come through refugees fleeing the aggression of the Invid, but local resistance fighters can verify the Invid against Invid fighting and might be convinced (despite the danger) to show one of the battle sites to the player characters.
Sentinels: The characters assigned post, be it planet side base, Ikazuchi Carrier, or remote outpost receives intelligence reports (via scouting patrols, satellite, observation crafts in orbit, or whatever is appropriate) that one of the four localized hives has pulled back its patrols and some kind of battle was noted, though no Sentinel activity is supposed to be going on in that region. The characters may be dispatched to verify this with a quick reconnaissance flyby, likely in a beta fighter at full burn outfitted with high-speed cameras. Regardless of whether the characters perform the recon or not, it will turn up the wreckage of more than twenty Invid armored scouts. No native resistance capable of such success is known to exist and no Sentinels could be responsible. Something notably peculiar is going on and a quick call to the top brass will verify their interest in knowing exactly what that is. In order to do that, the character's squad will be dispatched to investigate.
Gamemaster Info for Section One
There are roughly 37 resistance fighters operating in the triangular area formed by Borm and Emra's hives and a third one to the Northeast. The resistance has been active since the first war with the Invid, though their size has doubled since the battle at Reflex Point. Major Carter Harding is the regional commander and organizer (see Section Two for more information on Major Harding). He has established a field headquarters 150 miles to the south near the largest of the area's hives, the one under Borm's command. Serving as the commanding officers in the area where this adventure begins, central to the trio of hives, were Lieutenant Animara Betoravin, an REF pilot whose mother defected from the E.B.S.I.S. during the time after the first Robotech war, and Lieutenant Andrew Pleice, a military specialist who spent most of his career in space with the REF. The two lieutenants divided command between air and ground duties as well as reconnaissance and intelligence. Both took orders from the Major, but were given significant leeway to wage their guerilla war. To help them do that, the two had at their disposal ten mecha, including six Alpha fighters, three Betas, a pair of RDF VF-1J veritechs and a RDF Raider X. Lt. Betoravin's reconnaissance squad had an additional four alpha fighters in it. Other equipment included a dozen cyclones (in addition to those in the veritchs), some armored vehicles and two "Dark Knight" combat tanks.
If the characters are not already associated with these freedom fighters or they do not make contact with them, the resistance will learn of their presence in the vicinity and make contact, because there is a bit more to the Invid situation than just the alien's strange activity. When the unusual intelligence reports first reached the freedom fighters, they sent out their own reconnaissance team under the command of Lieutenant Betoravin. She was a local hero of sorts and had in her possession one of the ultra-rare shadow alphas, besides, reconnaissance was her command post. The Lieutenant and her squad radioed in the location of the battle site described in the short story before advancing for closer reconnaissance of the hive. None of them were heard from again.
So how bad is all that and what could it have to do with the characters? First, the Invid might now have a shadow fighter in their possession while the rebels have lost that valuable asset. No one knows if and what the Invid might learn from the fighter, but everyone fears the worst. Secondly, Lt. Betoravin was one of the leaders of the resistance against Emra's hive and her skills and experience are now lost. Thirdly, the squad represented almost a quarter of the local resistance movement's mecha contingent, and finally, both the lieutenant and one other member of the group knew the exact location of a hidden synchro cannon held in reserve should the time be right to take out a nearby hive (Borm's hive, actually) and the Invid may be able to glean that information from the two if they are prisoners. All in all, unless the characters help, it is Lieutenant Pliece's opinion that the resistance in this area is in a very tenuous situation. It could easily be wiped out within the next week or so.
Unfortunately, the Lieutenant is right, but for the wrong reasons. The Invid will not wipe out the local resistance by learning critical secrets, but if nothing is done to stop the mad brain in Emra's former hive, a war between it and the other two hives will erupt and the invid will destroy everything to wipe out the wayward brain, including its hive, all the invid associated with it, and anything else that lives within its territory. Men, women, animals, and any non-invid structure the purifiers find will be destroyed, razed to the ground or atomized.
Sentinels: The information given above is intentionally left general so that it can be adjusted to fit your particular Sentinels game. If your group is adventuring on Praxis or some other world with a native population capable of fighting the Invid, then ignore the reference to the natives being incapable of causing the damage and have the characters assigned to investigate that possibility first. They will need to travel to local villages, towns, or cities and talk to the locals to verify that they have not recently been fighting the Invid in the vicinity of the battle in the recon photos. The gamemaster can even have the locals lead the characters to the battle sight for their investigation, because once it is established the natives are not responsible for the conflict, the PC's squad will be assigned to investigate as noted previously. The gamemaster can also spice things up by having a recon unit go out to the battle site while the characters are interviewing the locals. Just as in the Invid Invasion setting above, it would be led by Lt. Betoravin and lost after making a quick recon of the battle site then moving on.
The group will be fully outfitted with new mecha and complete weapon payloads. Shadow mecha are likely to be issued, for the group will be moving through the overlapping patrol radiuses of two or three Hives. It is also likely the team will be given full Legios units for their alpha or beta pilots, though only the beta is likely to be a shadow unit in this case (Yeah, that means you have to fly in linked, with only the beta active and a dead alpha, but that extra mecha might just be your ticket out of the hell hole they're sending you into after all the crap hits the fan and stealth is secondary). The group's mission will be to penetrate the invid territory and do a thorough investigation of the battle site shown in the reconnaissance pictures. They are then to report their findings and await further orders. If the group doesn't have a field scientist with the proper skills to accurately analyze the battle site, one will be assigned to them for that purpose (he will also have mecha piloting skills complementary to those of the group).
In the rest of the adventure, only the sections that require specific adjustments or notes for the Sentinels setting will have such. If no clarifications are given, assume no changes are necessary.
The second half will be up shortly. . .
- Wayne_Breaux
- Palladium Books® Freelance Artist
- Posts: 143
- Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2001 1:01 am
- Contact:
Hive War: Part 2
Section Two: Securing the Cannon
Lieutenant Pliece decides it is best to notify the Major by mouth about the situation and let him determine if the synchro-cannon should be moved or not. Recent high-tech bandit activities in the area have forced the resistance fighters to keep their radio activity as secure as possible, which has translated lately into: use it as little as possible. On top of this, the Lieutenant can not spare any of his men (unless the characters are his men) and wants to send as few of his people as possible, thus the characters are asked to escort the messenger on his mission to notify the Major of recent happenings.
Gamemaster Info for Section Two
The characters will run into little notable trouble on their way to meet with Major Harding. When they arrive at his headquarters, it is immediately obvious that the operation of Lt.s Pliece and Betoravin they have so recently been a part of is a small outpost compared to the nerve center run by the major. ***Detail the set-up they have and the mecha available.***
The Major will indeed think it prudent to move the cannon and will set about making plans. The player characters will be asked to help secure its safe movement to another location. Despite the size of the Major's operation, only so many military personnel can be spared to participate in this mission. Given its importance, they will find the manpower if necessary, but the visiting player characters present a welcome alternative to cutting back more than is necessary in this situation and the Major would be the last person to let such an opportunity pass. To repay the player character's and/or bolster their reserves (as well as contribute to the success of the mission), the resistance will offer four missiles to each character (six if they have both cyclones and larger mecha) and a gallant rifle clip or two other clips for non-protoculture energy weapons. The missiles can be mixed and matched from any type except long range (they have none to spare).
Everything will go smoothly, excepting the occasional Invid patrol that can't be avoided, until the group and the other resistance fighters actually move the cannon. At that time, a group of high tech bandits that suspected the existence of the cannon and have been looking for its location will attack with the intention of capturing the powerful weapon for their own use.
Sentinels: The gamemaster may or may not use this section of the adventure in a Sentinels setting, but it is possible the REF has established an advanced position with a hidden synchro- cannon that will be threatened in a similar manner, but only if the lost squadron option is used in section one.
Section Three: Invid Battlefield
Even if the characters do not go to the battle site to look around, it is the easiest landmark for the resistance members to use when giving directions to the hive, and the characters will at least have to pass it on their way. Whether or not they decide to actively investigate as they pass is entirely up to them. Should they look about, they will find the destroyed remains of nearly forty armored scouts strewn across a grassy field and some nearby woods. Almost half of them were destroyed by explosions, likely from missiles, and the rest have damage made by some kind of heavy plasma beam. A search of the entire area will turn up a destroyed RCB in the general center of the site. By all appearances, the RCB was fighting the scouts and eventually lost. Someone with the criminal sciences skill or intelligence can verify as much on a successful roll. The royal command battloid is blue and green in color and has apparently been shot down by a multitude of hits from the small plasma canons of the armored scouts, though it is not completely destroyed. Again, successful criminal science or intelligence rolls could reveal that the pilot was killed on impact when the battloid fell from the sky, its thrusters too damaged to sustain flight, indicating also that is was mainly attacked from behind, as if fleeing from the other Invid. Its missile bays are empty and the pilot's compartment is largely intact.
Gamemaster Info for Section Three
The only trouble on the battlefield, except for the usual patrols is one patrol looking specifically for any survivors of the latest battles, namely those with Emra and Borm.
If the gamemaster prefers to have Emra survive instead of Borm (see Section Four), he can have her barely alive inside the cockpit and Borm will be found in his destroyed battloid, thus fueling Emra's drive for revenge against the mad brain. In such a case, she will be in a state of semi-conciousness until after Borm's battloid is discovered and will remember little of what happened except that there was a human raid on the hive (not the lost lieutenant and her squad) and afterwards, the brain started issuing aggressive orders. When she questioned one of them it branded her a traitor and sent her fellow invid out to punish her. Statistics are not given for Emra, and the gamemaster will have to customize her to suit his needs should he use this option.
Sentinels: At this point, the characters are required to report in with their findings. The evidence indicating that the Invid are fighting themselves can not be ignored by the brass and the group is ordered to continue their reconnaissance. If necessary and possible, they are to enter the hive itself to discover why the aliens are turning on their own kind.
Section Four: Survivor
Borm did indeed rush headlong into the hungry jaws of the maddened brain, but unlike his sister, he managed to survive the encounter, though his RCB and the rest of his patrol did not. The characters will find him injured and wandering the woods about 100 miles or so away from the rogue hive. The characters can ally themselves with him, though it is likely they will take him prisoner initially (he is obviously bleeding green blood from his wounds). Regardless, Borm will be willing to give the characters information on the hive in order to discover what has happened to his sister. If the characters have seen the battle site and Emra's body or her RCB and describe it to Brom, he will be able to verify that it was hers and will gladly help them get to the bottom of this mystery as a matter of revenge.
As the characters approach the hive, they will see that it is indeed a stilt hive. Less than 50 miles from the hive, the skies fill with Invid, hundreds of them, but they are not looking for the characters. The scouts and armored scouts fly off in a half dozen directions forming into waves as they do. If they were all headed in one direction, it might be a massive assault, but they seem to be going in all directions. Do the characters forge ahead or attempt to warn the resistance? Maybe the Invid know of their location or went to look for the synchro-cannon?
Gamemaster Info for Section Four
The waves of invid are going out to look for a place to establish other hives, for the damaged brain believes it is the only surviving leader of the invid people. They will clash with other invid and be destroyed, prompting not only the insane brain to awaken more soldiers and prepare for war, but also alerting the other hives to the fact that something is wrong. They will react logically and send out their own investigative sweeps which will be destroyed. Borm's hive will react faster, having lost two patrols and thus will begin to gear up for a major assault.
Section Five: Brain Damage
Borm can show the characters how to enter the hive through one of the stilts so they do not have to fly up to it and alert the brain to their presence.
If the group has mentioned the lieutenant and her alpha, Borm can lead them to the storage area usually used for alien artifacts and the holding area for prisoners.
Gamemaster info for Section Five
The brain was not severely damaged in the alpha's raid on its chambers, but it did suffer significant damages to its personality so to speak. The fire and shrapnel destroyed its link to the other Invid (those outside its hive), making it think its hive and the invid in it were the only Invid left. Thus anyone else who threatened it was an enemy. When Emra questioned its orders, it saw her as not only a traitor, but a threat to its position and had her killed, just as it had Borm's patrol wiped out and began to eradicate the humans too close to its hive. Its next agenda is to awaken all of the invid in stasis within its hive and send them out to create new hives. The flights of invid the characters saw on their way in are the first massive wave of this plan. They represent one quarter of all the Invid that were in stasis up until a few days ago. Now they are going out to establish footholds to begin the regrowth of the Invid race. The two hives closest to this one, Borm's and one other will be attacked by the time night falls. Once the Invid leave the range of the brain's telepathic communication (at about 300 miles), it will wrongly assume they are destroyed and begin awakening the next wave from stasis.
The characters should use stealth techniques, such as abandoning mecha or using cyclones on gasoline or shadow mecha to sneak through the hive. It is imperative that they discover not only the damaged state of the brain, but the fact that it is awakening pilots and mecha from stasis as if it is gearing up for a major war. With that done, the group should either destroy the brain, except they were not outfitted for seek-and-destroy and aren't likely to have the means. Instead, it is instead probable that they would do better getting out and reporting back, which will allow other sources, such as the Major's own recon, to verify the invid are gearing up for a war with themselves. The humans should quickly realize the possible destruction that will result. With all three invid hives already mobilizing, it will be impossible to evacuate the resistance bases, let alone the civilians before all hell breaks loose. That will leave one possible recourse: remove the problem. To this end, the characters will be sent back to the hive on a seek-and-destroy mission to wipe out the renegade brain.
The characters will be given everything they might need that is available for the completion of the mission and could possible even end up with the synchro-cannon as back-up.
The hive is far from empty, though the numbers of invid present are less than normal. The waves that went out earlier came exclusively from those revived out of stasis.
Section Two: Securing the Cannon
Lieutenant Pliece decides it is best to notify the Major by mouth about the situation and let him determine if the synchro-cannon should be moved or not. Recent high-tech bandit activities in the area have forced the resistance fighters to keep their radio activity as secure as possible, which has translated lately into: use it as little as possible. On top of this, the Lieutenant can not spare any of his men (unless the characters are his men) and wants to send as few of his people as possible, thus the characters are asked to escort the messenger on his mission to notify the Major of recent happenings.
Gamemaster Info for Section Two
The characters will run into little notable trouble on their way to meet with Major Harding. When they arrive at his headquarters, it is immediately obvious that the operation of Lt.s Pliece and Betoravin they have so recently been a part of is a small outpost compared to the nerve center run by the major. ***Detail the set-up they have and the mecha available.***
The Major will indeed think it prudent to move the cannon and will set about making plans. The player characters will be asked to help secure its safe movement to another location. Despite the size of the Major's operation, only so many military personnel can be spared to participate in this mission. Given its importance, they will find the manpower if necessary, but the visiting player characters present a welcome alternative to cutting back more than is necessary in this situation and the Major would be the last person to let such an opportunity pass. To repay the player character's and/or bolster their reserves (as well as contribute to the success of the mission), the resistance will offer four missiles to each character (six if they have both cyclones and larger mecha) and a gallant rifle clip or two other clips for non-protoculture energy weapons. The missiles can be mixed and matched from any type except long range (they have none to spare).
Everything will go smoothly, excepting the occasional Invid patrol that can't be avoided, until the group and the other resistance fighters actually move the cannon. At that time, a group of high tech bandits that suspected the existence of the cannon and have been looking for its location will attack with the intention of capturing the powerful weapon for their own use.
Sentinels: The gamemaster may or may not use this section of the adventure in a Sentinels setting, but it is possible the REF has established an advanced position with a hidden synchro- cannon that will be threatened in a similar manner, but only if the lost squadron option is used in section one.
Section Three: Invid Battlefield
Even if the characters do not go to the battle site to look around, it is the easiest landmark for the resistance members to use when giving directions to the hive, and the characters will at least have to pass it on their way. Whether or not they decide to actively investigate as they pass is entirely up to them. Should they look about, they will find the destroyed remains of nearly forty armored scouts strewn across a grassy field and some nearby woods. Almost half of them were destroyed by explosions, likely from missiles, and the rest have damage made by some kind of heavy plasma beam. A search of the entire area will turn up a destroyed RCB in the general center of the site. By all appearances, the RCB was fighting the scouts and eventually lost. Someone with the criminal sciences skill or intelligence can verify as much on a successful roll. The royal command battloid is blue and green in color and has apparently been shot down by a multitude of hits from the small plasma canons of the armored scouts, though it is not completely destroyed. Again, successful criminal science or intelligence rolls could reveal that the pilot was killed on impact when the battloid fell from the sky, its thrusters too damaged to sustain flight, indicating also that is was mainly attacked from behind, as if fleeing from the other Invid. Its missile bays are empty and the pilot's compartment is largely intact.
Gamemaster Info for Section Three
The only trouble on the battlefield, except for the usual patrols is one patrol looking specifically for any survivors of the latest battles, namely those with Emra and Borm.
If the gamemaster prefers to have Emra survive instead of Borm (see Section Four), he can have her barely alive inside the cockpit and Borm will be found in his destroyed battloid, thus fueling Emra's drive for revenge against the mad brain. In such a case, she will be in a state of semi-conciousness until after Borm's battloid is discovered and will remember little of what happened except that there was a human raid on the hive (not the lost lieutenant and her squad) and afterwards, the brain started issuing aggressive orders. When she questioned one of them it branded her a traitor and sent her fellow invid out to punish her. Statistics are not given for Emra, and the gamemaster will have to customize her to suit his needs should he use this option.
Sentinels: At this point, the characters are required to report in with their findings. The evidence indicating that the Invid are fighting themselves can not be ignored by the brass and the group is ordered to continue their reconnaissance. If necessary and possible, they are to enter the hive itself to discover why the aliens are turning on their own kind.
Section Four: Survivor
Borm did indeed rush headlong into the hungry jaws of the maddened brain, but unlike his sister, he managed to survive the encounter, though his RCB and the rest of his patrol did not. The characters will find him injured and wandering the woods about 100 miles or so away from the rogue hive. The characters can ally themselves with him, though it is likely they will take him prisoner initially (he is obviously bleeding green blood from his wounds). Regardless, Borm will be willing to give the characters information on the hive in order to discover what has happened to his sister. If the characters have seen the battle site and Emra's body or her RCB and describe it to Brom, he will be able to verify that it was hers and will gladly help them get to the bottom of this mystery as a matter of revenge.
As the characters approach the hive, they will see that it is indeed a stilt hive. Less than 50 miles from the hive, the skies fill with Invid, hundreds of them, but they are not looking for the characters. The scouts and armored scouts fly off in a half dozen directions forming into waves as they do. If they were all headed in one direction, it might be a massive assault, but they seem to be going in all directions. Do the characters forge ahead or attempt to warn the resistance? Maybe the Invid know of their location or went to look for the synchro-cannon?
Gamemaster Info for Section Four
The waves of invid are going out to look for a place to establish other hives, for the damaged brain believes it is the only surviving leader of the invid people. They will clash with other invid and be destroyed, prompting not only the insane brain to awaken more soldiers and prepare for war, but also alerting the other hives to the fact that something is wrong. They will react logically and send out their own investigative sweeps which will be destroyed. Borm's hive will react faster, having lost two patrols and thus will begin to gear up for a major assault.
Section Five: Brain Damage
Borm can show the characters how to enter the hive through one of the stilts so they do not have to fly up to it and alert the brain to their presence.
If the group has mentioned the lieutenant and her alpha, Borm can lead them to the storage area usually used for alien artifacts and the holding area for prisoners.
Gamemaster info for Section Five
The brain was not severely damaged in the alpha's raid on its chambers, but it did suffer significant damages to its personality so to speak. The fire and shrapnel destroyed its link to the other Invid (those outside its hive), making it think its hive and the invid in it were the only Invid left. Thus anyone else who threatened it was an enemy. When Emra questioned its orders, it saw her as not only a traitor, but a threat to its position and had her killed, just as it had Borm's patrol wiped out and began to eradicate the humans too close to its hive. Its next agenda is to awaken all of the invid in stasis within its hive and send them out to create new hives. The flights of invid the characters saw on their way in are the first massive wave of this plan. They represent one quarter of all the Invid that were in stasis up until a few days ago. Now they are going out to establish footholds to begin the regrowth of the Invid race. The two hives closest to this one, Borm's and one other will be attacked by the time night falls. Once the Invid leave the range of the brain's telepathic communication (at about 300 miles), it will wrongly assume they are destroyed and begin awakening the next wave from stasis.
The characters should use stealth techniques, such as abandoning mecha or using cyclones on gasoline or shadow mecha to sneak through the hive. It is imperative that they discover not only the damaged state of the brain, but the fact that it is awakening pilots and mecha from stasis as if it is gearing up for a major war. With that done, the group should either destroy the brain, except they were not outfitted for seek-and-destroy and aren't likely to have the means. Instead, it is instead probable that they would do better getting out and reporting back, which will allow other sources, such as the Major's own recon, to verify the invid are gearing up for a war with themselves. The humans should quickly realize the possible destruction that will result. With all three invid hives already mobilizing, it will be impossible to evacuate the resistance bases, let alone the civilians before all hell breaks loose. That will leave one possible recourse: remove the problem. To this end, the characters will be sent back to the hive on a seek-and-destroy mission to wipe out the renegade brain.
The characters will be given everything they might need that is available for the completion of the mission and could possible even end up with the synchro-cannon as back-up.
The hive is far from empty, though the numbers of invid present are less than normal. The waves that went out earlier came exclusively from those revived out of stasis.
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I like the story arc

It is always a bad thing when political matters are allowed to affect the planning of operations (Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, 1943)
Nelly ~ He's one romantic smooth operator and a true old school gentleman. Heck he's an Austrian officer, it's in his blood.
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10 + 100 Geek Points (Danger + Shawn Merrow)
Nelly ~ He's one romantic smooth operator and a true old school gentleman. Heck he's an Austrian officer, it's in his blood.
Co-Holder with Jefffar of the "Lando Calrissian" award for Smooth. - Novastar
10 + 100 Geek Points (Danger + Shawn Merrow)
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Interesting, I'd only modify it to be pre-Reflexpoint. Smethign like This Surly could have happened in the 14years of occupation.
Give another Gamer a hand up with his education.
"By no means am I an expert on Southern Cross (I cordially detest the series)"-Seto
"Truth is determined by the evidence, not some nonexistent seniority system."-Seto

"By no means am I an expert on Southern Cross (I cordially detest the series)"-Seto
"Truth is determined by the evidence, not some nonexistent seniority system."-Seto

- Dungeon Crawler
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oh man, this is great. I second the opinion that anything else you have laying about be brought up.
There is always a 5%chance of anything happening...even a monkey can crawl out of your butt.
Flamethrowers, that's what we need. The army has them, why can't we have them too?
I am the King of Thoughtless Wishing.
I nominate you for Fan Defensive Lineman of the year. - Geronimo 2.0
Flamethrowers, that's what we need. The army has them, why can't we have them too?
I am the King of Thoughtless Wishing.
I nominate you for Fan Defensive Lineman of the year. - Geronimo 2.0
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Excellent we are so worthy, we are so worthy.
There is always a 5%chance of anything happening...even a monkey can crawl out of your butt.
Flamethrowers, that's what we need. The army has them, why can't we have them too?
I am the King of Thoughtless Wishing.
I nominate you for Fan Defensive Lineman of the year. - Geronimo 2.0
Flamethrowers, that's what we need. The army has them, why can't we have them too?
I am the King of Thoughtless Wishing.
I nominate you for Fan Defensive Lineman of the year. - Geronimo 2.0
- Wayne_Breaux
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Boy that Rocks the house!
I have been trying for years as various PCs to get the Invid to fight each other (why should I do all the heavy lifting?). I dig the idea very much.
I have been trying for years as various PCs to get the Invid to fight each other (why should I do all the heavy lifting?). I dig the idea very much.
When I look in the dictionary and see the word Cool...I see Taffy's picture...-Shady Slug
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln
This is a very cool adventure idea, are there any more laying around that you know of?
Moderator 3 of 6, Rec.Games.Mecha Newsgroup for Robot Games Discussion.
10th Lyran Guards, The Revenants.

10th Lyran Guards, The Revenants.

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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
here you go Gryphon hope everyone enjoys it
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
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The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Thanks for finding this!! 

They can't see me...Right!?
- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
well i think if it was reworked and tweeked just enough it would fit into the 2nd edtion robotech just fine. And i think it would go nicely into a rifter to honor Waynes work.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
i like that. make the PCs fight with moral rights and wrongs. I also like the idea that the UEEF moon base Intelligence would be using a shadow team to test expermental weapons.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Arnie100 wrote:Thanks for finding this!!
your welcome. I love this stuff.
@ Gryphon:
this could also be a case where the freedom fighters are trying to infiltrate the hive of a protoculture farm. its possible that this happens before the battle of reflex point. and that because of the actions of this resistance cell the local area is suffering for it. those who once supported the resistance turns them away for bringing death and destruction.
this resistance cell could become the target of bandits or even other resistance members for thier failure.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
OK this is epic story telling
man you rock!!!
man you rock!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
ZINO wrote:OK this is epic story telling
man you rock!!!
I agree Zino Wayne B. Had come up with some great story telling here.
well both can make for long term campaigns. I was thinking of how it could keep as much of its origional content while getting it crossed over from 1st edtion to 2nd. I agree with you about making it a long term thing. I would not let the PCs even have a chance to enter the hive until after a couple game sessions where the Invid have been going crazy. I like your ideas as well, and if i should ever get a earth based campaign again I will likely use some of them.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

- Adventurer
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
I see only one snag to this story. When there is a Stage 5 in residence, the brain is most certainly NOT the hives commander. The stage 5 is. Likewise if a brain(Any Brain) orders the assassination of a ROYAL without the permission and/or direct order of the Regis(and yes ALL invid would know wether or not said brain has such premission or not) all local invid would themselves immediately turn on and attack, with the intent to destroy, the brain in question. The ONLY Invid that outrank the Stage 5's in the Invid command structure is the Regis herself.
Other than that, it is a good story arc.
Other than that, it is a good story arc.
- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
yes this was written back in first edition and will need a little tweeking for the new edition. However we know Sera is give the hive complex to command from the series. So it was a good guess that a stage 5/prince(es) would be given command of one. Plus the Return of the Masters sealed it as for the Rpg goes.
But as i have been reading the new generation source book, i have come to realize that the Players wishing to play invid princes(ess) will have not teleportation powers ever. the brain control the lesser cast not the prince(ess), the lower cast will generally obey without question. so if the brain is injured and loses it then its possible the hive turns.
But as i have been reading the new generation source book, i have come to realize that the Players wishing to play invid princes(ess) will have not teleportation powers ever. the brain control the lesser cast not the prince(ess), the lower cast will generally obey without question. so if the brain is injured and loses it then its possible the hive turns.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
@ Lt Gargoyle
One can assume that(For a lack of a better term) Invid have some hard wired Instructions which cannot be tampered with and/or bypassed by anyone but the Regis. Using Rifts as an example from Sb1 The Skelebot example where that 1 officer ordered a akellbot to kill a prosek and the skellbot Immediately turned on the offending officer. It would not be too much of a stretch to imagine that invid have similar "Hard Coded Programing".
Just some food for thought.
One can assume that(For a lack of a better term) Invid have some hard wired Instructions which cannot be tampered with and/or bypassed by anyone but the Regis. Using Rifts as an example from Sb1 The Skelebot example where that 1 officer ordered a akellbot to kill a prosek and the skellbot Immediately turned on the offending officer. It would not be too much of a stretch to imagine that invid have similar "Hard Coded Programing".
Just some food for thought.
Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Wayne_Breaux wrote:Okay, here you go, a little treat from the dusty old archives of what-could-have-been: The other last Robotech manuscript I started right before the license was dropped.
So does anybody know what the other Robotech manuscript was?
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- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
FreelancerMar wrote:@ Lt Gargoyle
One can assume that(For a lack of a better term) Invid have some hard wired Instructions which cannot be tampered with and/or bypassed by anyone but the Regis. Using Rifts as an example from Sb1 The Skelebot example where that 1 officer ordered a akellbot to kill a prosek and the skellbot Immediately turned on the offending officer. It would not be too much of a stretch to imagine that invid have similar "Hard Coded Programing".
Just some food for thought.
Well if my memory serves there is one of the coalition war books has Archie 3 infiltrating the CS with stolen skelebots. over riding thier basic program.
under the invid brain Psychic Invid Control, the invid can take control of any Invid under its command except for the Invid human caste, other Invid Brains and the Regess.
this means the Invid does not even have the choice to resist. the only one i can see over riding the brain would be the Regess. Which is absent durning this manuscripts write up. The book is very clear a human caste cannot take control of the invid.
So it is still very plausible that if the invid brain is damaged it could go berserk.
thorr-kan wrote:So does anybody know what the other Robotech manuscript was?
Sadly I don't but if he had another one I would have loved to have gotten it.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
thorr-kan wrote:Wayne_Breaux wrote:Okay, here you go, a little treat from the dusty old archives of what-could-have-been: The other last Robotech manuscript I started right before the license was dropped.
So does anybody know what the other Robotech manuscript was?
I think parts of the other one got put into one of the Rifter articles, real early in the series.
Moderator 3 of 6, Rec.Games.Mecha Newsgroup for Robot Games Discussion.
10th Lyran Guards, The Revenants.

10th Lyran Guards, The Revenants.

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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
I think there was one called insurrection and was tied to New World Order I some regards.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree 
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Email -, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, - Icerzone
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Juvatsman wrote:I believe Robotech: Insurrection book was originally a fanfic pdf that could have become a real PB book and was featured on the Southern Cross Recruitment Manual website. The pdf that was available at the time had loads of world data concerning the time frame of 2030 to about 2033 (after the 2nd Robotech War and before the Invid Invasion).
I thought the main plot points involved Australia and Indonesia. There was a Southern Cross field army that had not been completely gutted by the Masters, was stationed in Western Australia, and had a general that wanted to form his own private country with his army. I could be mistaking Insurrection with Ring of Fire, another pdf book that was on the same website.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
jaymz wrote:I think there was one called insurrection and was tied to New World Order I some regards.
Nope, that one's by Bjorn Palmqvist. Based on Wayne's comments at the beginning of the thread, he'd submitted something as well.
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- Lt Gargoyle
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Yes insurrection was fanfic. still a good read.
It would make a certain amount of sence if the other manuscript was just absorbed into some other material.
It would make a certain amount of sence if the other manuscript was just absorbed into some other material.
Well men if we are destine to die, let us die with honor
If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

If all of your wishes are granted then many of your dreams will be destroyed.
The final form of a person character lies in their own hands

- Shawn Merrow
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Wayne has not visited the site since last July, so your not likely to get a response from him.
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Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Juvatsman wrote:I just noticed that Jaymz has kindly made available pretty much the entire Southern Cross Recruitment Manual as a PDF on another website. I didnt look any further though, so maybe Jaymz or someone else familiar with the SCRM could provide greater details.
plz plz send me the link!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- D-Bee
- Posts: 37
- Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:00 pm
- Comment: Once upon a time I started writing "Insurrection". No, it's not likely to be completed... still...
- Location: Sweden
Thanks Lt Gargoyle! Out of pure interest (my son is now an avid Robotech Fan and he reminded me of it) I went out and looked to see if my Insurrection Book still lived on the net... and 'tis true, nothing dies on the net! Bummer I never finished the darn thing. What I couldn't find were the REF supplements I wrote. Hope they become obsolete with the new RPG books. Hey Kevin, I sent you a couple of them ten years ago, feel free to use them if they're still around!!!
/Bjorn Palmqvist
/Bjorn Palmqvist
Re: Insurrection
Bamse wrote:Thanks Lt Gargoyle! Out of pure interest (my son is now an avid Robotech Fan and he reminded me of it) I went out and looked to see if my Insurrection Book still lived on the net... and 'tis true, nothing dies on the net! Bummer I never finished the darn thing. What I couldn't find were the REF supplements I wrote. Hope they become obsolete with the new RPG books. Hey Kevin, I sent you a couple of them ten years ago, feel free to use them if they're still around!!!
/Bjorn Palmqvist
I loved Insurrection! You wrote REF supplements!? Do you still have those by any chance...

They can't see me...Right!?
- D-Bee
- Posts: 37
- Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:00 pm
- Comment: Once upon a time I started writing "Insurrection". No, it's not likely to be completed... still...
- Location: Sweden
Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
I'll try to open a new topic on my fan fic supplements so as not to disrupt this awesome Hive War thread.
- jedi078
- Champion
- Posts: 2360
- Joined: Wed May 04, 2005 8:21 pm
- Comment: The next group of player characters to surrender in one of my games are going to play Russian roulette.
- Location: Salem, Oregon
Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
Now that we have the Genesis Pit source book the second Hive could be a Genesis Pit Hive that the PC's thought they took out with a nuke. While the nuke essentially destroyed the Genesis Pit by collapsing the underground dome, the Hive itself was only buried. The radiation from the nuke then caused the Invid within the Hive to mutate into Gura Invid which then managed to dig a few tunnels to the surface.
As it is this is what I had occur in my PBP Return of the Masters game on, except it was the Robotech Masters who nuked the Genesis Pit. Another spin I added was to make the Gura Invid attack and kill normal Invid much like bees from different hives would. I also made the Gura sort of cannibalistic in that after destroying or disabling a normal Invid mecha the Gura Invid would rip into the mecha and eat bot the pilot and any raw protoculture.
As it is this is what I had occur in my PBP Return of the Masters game on, except it was the Robotech Masters who nuked the Genesis Pit. Another spin I added was to make the Gura Invid attack and kill normal Invid much like bees from different hives would. I also made the Gura sort of cannibalistic in that after destroying or disabling a normal Invid mecha the Gura Invid would rip into the mecha and eat bot the pilot and any raw protoculture.
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem".
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985
Re: Hive War: the other last Robotech RPG book
jedi078 wrote:Now that we have the Genesis Pit source book the second Hive could be a Genesis Pit Hive that the PC's thought they took out with a nuke. While the nuke essentially destroyed the Genesis Pit by collapsing the underground dome, the Hive itself was only buried. The radiation from the nuke then caused the Invid within the Hive to mutate into Gura Invid which then managed to dig a few tunnels to the surface.
As it is this is what I had occur in my PBP Return of the Masters game on, except it was the Robotech Masters who nuked the Genesis Pit. Another spin I added was to make the Gura Invid attack and kill normal Invid much like bees from different hives would. I also made the Gura sort of cannibalistic in that after destroying or disabling a normal Invid mecha the Gura Invid would rip into the mecha and eat bot the pilot and any raw protoculture.
Wow, interesting.
Re: story
hope this will be printed and I love robotech and macross
the power of the bear and mother moon
Re: story
Alpha 11 wrote:Werebear wrote:hope this will be printed and I love robotech and macross
Not officaly. Sorry.
thank you one can hope
the power of the bear and mother moon