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Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:14 am
by pblackcrow
How far up in level have your characters made it? I have 2 pc who have made it to 13th level.
Re: Level?
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:21 am
by Colonel Wolfe
pblackcrow wrote:How far up in level have your characters made it? I have 2 pc who have made it to 13th level.
7th, a Robotech Veritech Pilot. the Gm was stingy with exp, and Rightly so, by 7th level i had over 300 solo Kills (and another 100 Contributed Group Kills). Easily out classing both Maxx and Roy as top RDF Pilot.
Sad thing was he wouldnt let me Count the Landing Ship we destroyed at 30K Kills... aprently 1 ship and its whole crew is one kill
in other games, it was maybe second or 3rd.... Stingy GM's
(In D&D2nd i had a Humnad Bard Make it to 23rd Level... but that system was broken)
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:39 am
by pblackcrow
Uh, in BtS.
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:04 pm
by acreRake
Wow, Mister
blackcrow, they 'jacked this thread but good didn't they!
Well it may be several months late, but:
2nd level is as high i've gotten in BtS. My GM just isn't into it... We've tried several times to play. But so much time elapses between BtS games that i have a brand new character that i'm all excited about playing each time.
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 12:32 am
by Sentinel
Had a Parapsychologist who made it to 5th level before being sidelined. Had several other PCCs who made it to 2nd, but the games never went on very long before turning into some other campaign.
Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:43 am
by Jefffar
Well, my most epic BTS campaign - which eventually also became a Rifts Campaing started with me as the GM and one of the NPCs was a teenage girl - victim PCCC, prankster.
We started to rotate GMIng duties and the next guy in line asked me if I'd liek to make the girl a proper PC, so I did, starting her off as a 1st level Arcanist (student of one of the other PCs).
I never gave her XP when I was GMing, but with the rotating GMing she eventually ecame a 10th level arcanist and 7th level technowizard and 1st level conjurer over the 10 or so years we played before we retired the group and had allt he characters become NPCs (and godlike ones at that)
Might highest in 1 class was in Robotech, 15th level Mechanical Engineer. He got there because he would always retreat when the rest of the players got taken out. He had about 5 player groups killed around him.