Invid Enforcer/Pincer command unit:

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Invid Enforcer/Pincer command unit:

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in Episode 74, Annie's Wedding, the Regis Creates a new Unit for her army, The Enforce or Pincer Command unit.

Funny thing is, if you include the Senitnels, The Pincer command unit was present on Optera... in 2022.

was the Regis lying, or did HG simply not care about Continuity?
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given that the scene in the sentinals was a direct rip from the footage in NG, i'd say the answer is

B) they just don't care.

lots of re-used footage was spliced in to save costs, and most of it was horrible in placement and sequencing.

for example, you could argue that the SDF-1 was rebuilt because Rick and Lisa fly to it in the wedding footage, a result of the re-use of the Max/Miyria wedding footage.
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glitterboy2098 wrote:given that the scene in the sentinals was a direct rip from the footage in NG, i'd say the answer is

B) they just don't care.

lots of re-used footage was spliced in to save costs, and most of it was horrible in placement and sequencing.

for example, you could argue that the SDF-1 was rebuilt because Rick and Lisa fly to it in the wedding footage, a result of the re-use of the Max/Miyria wedding footage.

This is all true, but when you say the Sentinels causes to many errors to remain a canon part of Robotech. people get mad about that too....

The Sentinels causes so many problems in Robotech its not funnny.... but alot of people say it should remain Canon...
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you just have to take everything you see with a grain of salt.

personally i have more issue with the parts you never see but made it into the RPG and novels than the movie. the movie suffers from a low budget, while he rest begs the question "dude, what were they smoking?"
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glitterboy2098 wrote:you just have to take everything you see with a grain of salt.

personally i have more issue with the parts you never see but made it into the RPG and novels than the movie. the movie suffers from a low budget, while he rest begs the question "dude, what were they smoking?"

The Entirety of the Sentinels makes me wonder is the people making it actually watched their own product.
The Invid are invading the Mining Colony Rilac on Tirol... which according to Exodor is the Home wolrd of a Culture that made 5 Milion Zent Ships and Spanned Mutiple Galaxies.... but they still have mining Colonies on it... and it look horridly under developed. Cabell says the Entire Master Fleet left... but who are the Masters at earth communicating back with in the SC era? The REf Liberates 7 wolrds form the Invid... but cannot take back Earth w/o wanting to Destroy it? When troopes operate in Space, they are under Hunters command, but on a Planet they answer to Edwards? Edwards is ASC, but not REF... arent they both part of the UEF?
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I don't know what's in the little sentinels stuff that was produced...

but the RPG is rather clear that the Regent does not use Pincer units.
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Svartalf wrote:I don't know what's in the little sentinels stuff that was produced...

but the RPG is rather clear that the Regent does not use Pincer units.

I know he dosent use them, but the Sentinels Movie has the Regis's chamber filled with them... IIRC the footage is recycled form the Episode I Linked before... the Regis si still a Protoplasmic blob... and She has Several Pincers in the room with her... in the Sentinels she is Whining about how much a a Barbarian her Husband is. (once agian... the Senitnels is in disagreence with the OS, she never adopted her human fomr til after the Creation of Ariel, Sera & Corg.
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Zerebus wrote:My understanding is that that movie was put together in the wrong order and using improperly recycled footage (the one you pointed out and the Max and Miria wedding stuff) in order to make the most out of what little had already been made... ie make it into a sellable VHS tape.

For instance, the attack on Tiresia by the Regent's forces is supposed to happen first from my recollection, and the Inorganics dropped off to maintain order and crush the remaining pockets of resistance after Tiresia has already fallen and the Invid have set up shop there. I wish I had my script book with me to confirm this (that thing rocks), but I don't.

heres RTsurfers Site:
Thanks Stan for the help on those scripts.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:The Entirety of the Sentinels makes me wonder is the people making it actually watched their own product.
The Invid are invading the Mining Colony Rilac on Tirol... which according to Exodor is the Home wolrd of a Culture that made 5 Milion Zent Ships and Spanned Mutiple Galaxies.... but they still have mining Colonies on it... and it look horridly under developed. Cabell says the Entire Master Fleet left... but who are the Masters at earth communicating back with in the SC era? The REf Liberates 7 wolrds form the Invid... but cannot take back Earth w/o wanting to Destroy it? When troopes operate in Space, they are under Hunters command, but on a Planet they answer to Edwards? Edwards is ASC, but not REF... arent they both part of the UEF?

Not to attempt to salvage anything from the cut and paste monstrousity that was the Sentinels tape(as pointed out: a wretched attempt to distill what should have been two or three episodes of set-up into a sellable product to the desperate clamoring fans)....
But the thought occured to me, given what you've here's stretching it....
The region around Rilac frankly looks stripmined and barren...given that the Masters' regime is on the skids, the cream of its society sent to administer the wars in distant corners of the empire, and the Elders hidden away within an inner sanctum isolated from the last dregs of their society, and the planet's resources spent(along with other resource worlds) on building war material (although most of what went into the Zentraedi fleets comes from offworld)..
The planetside Tirolians see little of the material largesse being lavished on the war with the Zentraedi fleets gone, most of the technical castes offworld(traditional professional education having given way to the hypno-indoctrinated clone caste system and bread and circuses for everyone else), the few remaining 'native' Tirolians with any inclination to take up labor-intensive technical professions start mining their mine tailings, scrapyards, and low-quality ore beds to serve the small but still needy domestic markets...

As for the who the ASC-era Masters are communicating with? The Elders, of course, who have fled offworld from Tirol and taken refuge at some other outpost of their crumbling Empire.

As for the liberation of the Sentinel worlds vs the botched liberation of Earth? Well, I won't try to tackle that in any detail(that's a thread unto itself, and one that also risks degeneration into arguing what is the canonical source for info on the Regent campaign) but IMHO it was because of the generally weaker, disorganized, and inferior quality of the Regent's forces....Bloodthirsty lout, yes, who was able to line-drive through the weakened Tirolian empire, but who was losing solitarity within the ranks of his own hierarchy(the Regis would have slapped a worm like Tesla down without a second thought), and hemmoraghing from the poor quality Flowers he was squeezing out of the Sentinel worlds.
On Earth, we had the Regis, who weilded a tighter reign/consensus over her people, and had a source of the real Flower under her control...While the Regent spend his resources on garrisoning multiple worlds and fighting planet to planet, stretching his forces to the point that commando-style raids could do real damage, the Regis was consolidating and building her numbers(for an eventual 'swarming ' action to remove all human life from Earth, perhaps? Then to secure the borders of the Solar System against a repeat of the Defoliation of OPtera?), spawning a teeming new generation of warrior-drones, while the REF tries to rebuild its own numbers in more conventional manner(and argues over how many ships they strated out with, and whether or not they should use cloning).

As for the Edwards question....Another situation where butchered data from various sources of dubious canonality fail to paint an accurate picture. I get the impression that Edwards' posting was a political compromise reflecting the factionalism beck on Earth. In what passes for reality(i.e, what would make sense), his control of the ground forces likely comes later, when there's the need to free up better officers like Grant and Wolffe for operations wihe Sentinels...not that Edwards doesn't jump at the chance, and the Council certainly would give hima vote of confidence for being the hero of first contact/combat with teh Invid(after all, the Regent wouldn't have negotiated with the REF anyway, regardless of what Hunter and the diplomats might have thought), granting him the power.
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taalismn wrote:
As for the Edwards question....Another situation where butchered data from various sources of dubious canonality fail to paint an accurate picture. I get the impression that Edwards' posting was a political compromise reflecting the factionalism beck on Earth. In what passes for reality(i.e, what would make sense), his control of the ground forces likely comes later, when there's the need to free up better officers like Grant and Wolffe for operations wihe Sentinels...not that Edwards doesn't jump at the chance, and the Council certainly would give hima vote of confidence for being the hero of first contact/combat with teh Invid(after all, the Regent wouldn't have negotiated with the REF anyway, regardless of what Hunter and the diplomats might have thought), granting him the power.

The Ewards question is actually at one point Hunter the Mission Commander Tells edwards to evac soilders getting groudn up ion a groud position... Edwards tell him the forces are his while they are on the ground....
Later Edwards is flying, and hunter orders the retreat.. he resisits... and hunter points out they are under his command until the land...
it seam loony.
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Re: Invid Enforcer/Pincer command unit:

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Colonel Wolfe wrote:in Episode 74, Annie's Wedding, the Regis Creates a new Unit for her army, The Enforce or Pincer Command unit.

Funny thing is, if you include the Senitnels, The Pincer command unit was present on Optera... in 2022.

was the Regis lying, or did HG simply not care about Continuity?

Enforcers have been used my the Regent and the Regis (see the epsiode Big Apple where Rand and Lancer liberate some Protoculture in Carnegie Hall in NY).

The Pincer Command Unit was created by the Regis and later evolved into Stage 5 Invids (Sera and Corg).
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Re: Invid Enforcer/Pincer command unit:

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Ice Dragon wrote:Enforcers have been used my the Regent and the Regis (see the epsiode Big Apple where Rand and Lancer liberate some Protoculture in Carnegie Hall in NY).

The Pincer Command Unit was created by the Regis and later evolved into Stage 5 Invids (Sera and Corg).

The Enforcer in the RPG is actually named the Malar or Soilder.
The Pincer in the RPG is Actually named Enforcer.
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Re: Invid Enforcer/Pincer command unit:

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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
The Enforcer in the RPG is actually named the Malar or Soilder.
The Pincer in the RPG is Actually named Enforcer.

he's right.

we don't have a name in show for what the RPG calls the enforcer, the OSM gives it the name Malar.

and in the show what the RPG calls the Pincer is referred to as the "Enforcer".

of course, a lot of terms in the show seem interchangable.

the RPG's Trooper is referred to as "scout"

the RPG's shock trooper is referred to as a Soldier, Shock Trooper and once as "Storm Trooper" (is it coincidence that the episode was the nutty RotJ clone with giant tree's and Ewo...errr...jungle tribes trying to take on the invid with spears?)

the RPG's scouts are left unnamed

the show doesn't distingush between terms for most, so you can decide what you like.
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Lenwë Ancalímon wrote:The cartoon series wasn't produced for us. It was produced for kids, so that they could watch them on Saturday mornings. Continuity wouldn't be important as most kids, and even most adult fans wouldn't care about a little splicing here and there. 20 years from now, our kids will be arguing about continuity problems with the Teletubbies. And we shall all weep.
I'll agree wiht you here, but Alos theres comes a point when even Children would question huh????

if in Transformers if Bumble-bee died to a Guy with a Knife in one Episode.. and next episode he is back... full health and Shruging off Megatrons best Blasts... even a Kid would find that kind-off off... Looking at Kids carottns today... the Rittlen-Kids of today all have ADD and cant pay attnetion to 1 epidose, much less a continued story shown over weeks.. Even the people who Write "Fairly Odd Parents" do a better Continuity job then most Cartoons... and my 5yr old Nephwe watches it.
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You also told us to shoot you if you were still on these BOARDS in 4 years...let alone debating this stuff. My guess just want to get shot Z
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your only as old as you feel, i'm 31 but i don't act it, unless it comes to my kids,job ect... but i still think of myself as just a big kid who loves my games and plays them every chance i get.
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Zerebus wrote:Eryk, look at my post count. I have a serious problem.

yes he dose.... I've asked the Moderators to bann him for his own good... but that won't.
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Zerebus wrote:Oh no you don't. I've gotta at least reach the rank of Priest before I go.

only 3K to go.... we can do that tonight Z. once you go priest... you'll wanna get the Mage title next...


I remember when I was reading the Robotech novels many years ago, and whenever I came across the term "Pincer", I tended to think of the Scouts and Armored Scouts of the RPG, not the Pincer Command Unit (which commanded Pincers).

Its Why i tend to use the Term Enforcer for the RPG's PCU, and Mauler/Hive guard for the RPG's Enforcer.
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*g* yes i see the post counts, and damn! lol i didn't think someone could make so many posts on a site, but oh-well, you love the game as we all do, nothing wrong with that in my book, i'm sure once my move is finished and i come back to a great system*coughs* Rifts*coughs* and leave behind WW then i'll start making more and more posts here aswell.
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Eryk Stormbright wrote:*g* yes i see the post counts, and damn! lol i didn't think someone could make so many posts on a site, but oh-well, you love the game as we all do, nothing wrong with that in my book, i'm sure once my move is finished and i come back to a great system*coughs* Rifts*coughs* and leave behind WW then i'll start making more and more posts here aswell.

hey, WW aint bad... but Robotech is better... rifts is to full of poop to be good anymore.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Eryk Stormbright wrote:*g* yes i see the post counts, and damn! lol i didn't think someone could make so many posts on a site, but oh-well, you love the game as we all do, nothing wrong with that in my book, i'm sure once my move is finished and i come back to a great system*coughs* Rifts*coughs* and leave behind WW then i'll start making more and more posts here aswell.

hey, WW aint bad... but Robotech is better... rifts is to full of poop to be good anymore.

full of poop? *rae* explain please since i've been away from the megaverse for quite sometime.
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Eryk Stormbright wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Eryk Stormbright wrote:*g* yes i see the post counts, and damn! lol i didn't think someone could make so many posts on a site, but oh-well, you love the game as we all do, nothing wrong with that in my book, i'm sure once my move is finished and i come back to a great system*coughs* Rifts*coughs* and leave behind WW then i'll start making more and more posts here aswell.

hey, WW aint bad... but Robotech is better... rifts is to full of poop to be good anymore.

full of poop? *rae* explain please since i've been away from the megaverse for quite sometime.


Juicers got Slower....everyone has 4 attacks per round, a Juicer still get +2... but is not only 50% faster then a Vagabond, compared to 2x as fast before the GMG. The Power Creep has not slowed down... The GB, whihc was the big dog... is considred a relativly Weak robot.(with pitsols that do 2D6x10... ro worse) Cyber knights no have Anti-tech Zen powers an Living cyber armor. the Cs with about 10 Million troops barely stop Tollken... even thou they have 4Million Samas... it just got less and less Likeable to me.
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well the last Rifts book i picked up was Australia(didn't like that one much). it just started to cost too much and money was, and still is tight. but i miss the world and system, and i haven't been in the loop of things in a very long time, i knowthat the CS and tolkeen had a big thing but never knew what about.*shrugs* for me though i love Robotech, it's a closed system, say your a VT pilot in the first war with the Zent and your wingman to Rick Hunter, but in the game someone gets a lucky shot in and blows him to bits, kinda messes up the rest of the SL. SO many things wouldn't happen andjust mess everything up. i've always just found it hard to rp Robotech unless all the "main" chars are no where around...... ever. and that kinda sucks.
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