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Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:08 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:Ok, here are the rules: Pick an anime, and give 10 reasons (serious and non-serious) as to why it should be made into a piece of the classic Robotech series. For the sake of variety, Macoss Zero, Macross Seven, Macross Plus, Macross II, Macross Flashback 2021, and Macross DYRL are disalowed, as are the Megazone series. Orguss, however, is fine.


1) Charazard is a Genisis pit Creation.
2) Poke-balls use Invid compression or Fold Technology to Store 40ft Monster in 3 inch balls
3) Ash is the Son of Scott bernard
4) The Girl is Lancers Daugthter with Sera
5) no one Really Cares about the SDF-3... all these Gensis pit monster need to be caught.
6) Bill and Prof. Oak are Scitentist on par with Lang and Penn.
7) No Valkeries in Pokemon
8)Gotta catch em all!
9)did i mention the Pokemon look Like Genisis Pit monsters, the all "Evolve" through enlightnend Evolution.
10) Team Rocket is the Natrual progression of The Anti-U/EBSIS.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:40 am
by Novastar
Surprised no ones suggested Bubblegum Crisis. I haven't seen enough to make a list, but it seems a natural candidate.

But for my entry...
1) Big Giant Frickin' Mecha!
2) The hero and main villian pilot the best looking ones! (Like Rick and Khyron)
3) Matilda!
4) Lunk's brother, Sgt. Ryu
5) Humans are evolving, just like in a Genesis Pit...
6) The leaders of both sides are evil pricks.
7) It sucks to be in a mass-produced mecha.
8 ) Cool mothership in both (SDF-1 and White Base)
9) Cosmic war story!
10) One of the coolest villians ever, Char Aznable, the Red Comet!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:01 pm
by glitterboy2098
Battletech: The Animated series!

1A) it's mangled setting info is better suited for robotech than battletech!

1B) We can have the unseen back! Wohoo!

2) the main characters are whiney idiots with no real personality, just like the ones in RT!

3) Jumpships can use fold drives!

4) the clans can be decendants of the Zentreadi and masters!

5) Mechs/Mecha, is there a difference?

6) animation quality is about as good as RT, despite being higher in detail!

7) a story about Destroid pilots, who can resist?

8 ) the innersphere explains where all the ships in Invid invasion came from, it's all colonies!

9) RT can be the time of the Star League!

10) Why the heck not?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:29 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Zerebus wrote:1. Tanks Rock.
2. The bacterial cloud covering the Earth is a natural progression of the contamination of the Invid Flowers of Life now that the Invid have left - the spores in the atmosphere rotted!
3. Tanks Rock.
4. Tank Police continues the trend of Robotech to revolve around a single city and it's problems with malcontents and alien threats. What, that Buaku guy looked like a Zentraedi to me. He was even created in a Tyrolian style bio-android-cloning vat!
5. Meltrandi Cat Girls.
6. Due to the destruction of the REF, mecha have become less common,
7. Leona Ozaki.
8. Specs is clearly related to Louie Nichols, and the Doctor to Exedore.
9. The architecture appears to be a natural progression in increasingly organic construction technologies noticed in... no wait, nevermind.
10. Tanks Rock.

Ok, here are the rules: Pick an anime, and give 10 reasons (serious and non-serious) as to why it should be made into a piece of the classic Robotech series. For the sake of variety, Macoss Zero, Macross Seven, Macross Plus, Macross II, Macross Flashback 2021, and Macross DYRL are disalowed, as are the Megazone series. Orguss, however, is fine.

you got the #1 reason wrong

Tanks. Beat. Everything. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:49 pm
by taalismn
Dairugger XV wrote:
Eh, I was sick when I wrote that list. So I guess my mistakes are excusable. Still, it's a kickin' anime and would probably be a far better addition to Robotech than what HG is currently producing. Oh I'm going to add something I nearly forgot and could have put in the top ten list instead of #5: It has better opening/closing music than RT.

Hmmm....the RT music is actually superior, by a great margin, to the original Macross score, or, the French adaptation :frazz:

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:00 pm
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Rhea Gall Force and Gall Force: Earth Chapter

10.) Done by ARTMIC Studios, the people who brought us Mospeada
9.) Ten Little Gall Force would make a cute intro, better than that stupid SD Macross
8.) The Neo-Paranoids look Invid-like enough to be new versions
7.) If Southern Cross can be Earth, then this Earth can be a colony!
6.) They've got a small planet-fragger to blow up the main base
5.) Mix in a little footage from the original Gall Force and you have a Mospeada-ish space fleet.
4.) The little kid isnt nearly as annoying as Annie
3.) They have androids like Janice
2.) The Mars Defense Force starfighters look cool.
1.) Sandy is a babe, especially in the shower scenes! :D

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:33 pm
by taalismn
[quote="Nekira Sudacne

you got the #1 reason wrong

Tanks. Beat. Everything. :D[/quote]

Hmmm...I take it then that you're a Bolo/Dinochrome fan?

Along those same lines(I should probably intro this as its own thread...)
salvaging a GMU from being a lackluster mobile base and converting it to a giant super-tank? Hmmm...strip out the hangar bay and living quarters, reconfigure the armor for better protection, upgrade the missile launchers, toss out the super-laser for a Synchro-Cannon or Zentraedi-style ship laser turret, bolt on some old MAC II cannons, add a dozen Raidar laser cannons and fire control systems for point defense, maybe add on a Pinpoint Barrier Shield, and tie in all in to an EVE-derived A.I....
Drop on any world you want to attacking Invid Hives from the ground, or harassing Tirolian facilities... keep on thread, how about Venus Wars?
Could be a post-Invid War setup....REF-terraformed Venus coloy attacked by rival EBSIS colony....mecha are rare because of depleted protoculture reserves, so conventional vehicles least until the return of the REF...

Blue Submarine No. 6...another post-Invid War set-up, this time with a secret set of bio-engineered Invid 'leave-behinds' or another new alien race making trouble for humanity, this time intent on flooding the Earth...Earth forced to re-arm with transforming submarines and underwater mecha(The last remanents of the ASC SEa Squad step forward!)

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:25 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Zerebus wrote:1. Tanks Rock.
2. The bacterial cloud covering the Earth is a natural progression of the contamination of the Invid Flowers of Life now that the Invid have left - the spores in the atmosphere rotted!
3. Tanks Rock.
4. Tank Police continues the trend of Robotech to revolve around a single city and it's problems with malcontents and alien threats. What, that Buaku guy looked like a Zentraedi to me. He was even created in a Tyrolian style bio-android-cloning vat!
5. Meltrandi Cat Girls.
6. Due to the destruction of the REF, mecha have become less common,
7. Leona Ozaki.
8. Specs is clearly related to Louie Nichols, and the Doctor to Exedore.
9. The architecture appears to be a natural progression in increasingly organic construction technologies noticed in... no wait, nevermind.
10. Tanks Rock.

Here is my modifyed list of of reason TP is Kool.
1. Leona Ozaki
2. bonaparto
3. Leona Ozaki
5. the cat girl androids
6. ok the other bio-tanks...
7. eeerrr .... Leona Ozaki :D
8. Megane ....for you gaijin who don't understand even a little nihongo ....Specs
9. The architecture appears to be a natural progression in increasingly organic construction technologies noticed in... no wait, nevermind.
10. Briten, the chief, megane, Al, Briten's tank specle (yah it gets crashed in episode one. :p ), annnnnd Leona Ozaki hehe :D :D :D

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:54 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Ben Quash wrote:
Zerebus wrote:1. Tanks Rock.
2. The bacterial cloud covering the Earth is a natural progression of the contamination of the Invid Flowers of Life now that the Invid have left - the spores in the atmosphere rotted!
3. Tanks Rock.
4. Tank Police continues the trend of Robotech to revolve around a single city and it's problems with malcontents and alien threats. What, that Buaku guy looked like a Zentraedi to me. He was even created in a Tyrolian style bio-android-cloning vat!
5. Meltrandi Cat Girls.
6. Due to the destruction of the REF, mecha have become less common,
7. Leona Ozaki.
8. Specs is clearly related to Louie Nichols, and the Doctor to Exedore.
9. The architecture appears to be a natural progression in increasingly organic construction technologies noticed in... no wait, nevermind.
10. Tanks Rock.

Here is my modifyed list of of reason TP is Kool.
1. Leona Ozaki
2. bonaparto
3. Leona Ozaki
5. the cat girl androids
6. ok the other bio-tanks...
7. eeerrr .... Leona Ozaki :D
8. Megane ....for you gaijin who don't understand even a little nihongo ....Specs
9. The architecture appears to be a natural progression in increasingly organic construction technologies noticed in... no wait, nevermind.
10. Briten, the chief, megane, Al, Briten's tank specle (yah it gets crashed in episode one. :p ), annnnnd Leona Ozaki hehe :D :D :D

They also got that nice big artillery tank.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:36 am
by Shin Kenshiro
I'm going to go with something very special to my heart.....

Appleseed (The manga, not that one episode anime)

1. Briareos Hecatonichres - He can plug into a Veritech....the guy could make a Veritech do things that would make even Max go "whoa!"
2. Duenan Knute - makes Miriya look like a girl scout when it comes to determination and a rookie fresh out of boot when it comes to gunnery and piloting skills.
3. Masamune Shirow - imagine Robotech drawn in his style...
4. Landmates would make for awesome anti-Zent urban or jungle units
5. Olympus ESWAT doesn't pussy-foot around like the RDF, SC, and REF did....they go in and rain hell down on people in very tight, very fast engagements. No squeeling like girls when they get down to business.
6. Duenan would've left little Annie in the wastelands
7. The flying Guges suits
8. Gong ga-gong gong GOOOOONG! Coolest looking pistol ever.
9. Spider Gun Platforms. Cheaper and more manueverable than a MAC II, and they carry close-in defense unlike the Monster.
10. Gratuitous shower scenes with infinitely hotter babes than Robotech.

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:43 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zerebus wrote:Ok, here are the rules: Pick an anime, and give 10 reasons (serious and non-serious) as to why it should be made into a piece of the classic Robotech series. For the sake of variety, Macoss Zero, Macross Seven, Macross Plus, Macross II, Macross Flashback 2021, and Macross DYRL are disalowed, as are the Megazone series. Orguss, however, is fine.


1) Charazard is a Genisis pit Creation.
2) Poke-balls use Invid compression or Fold Technology to Store 40ft Monster in 3 inch balls
3) Ash is the Son of Scott bernard
4) The Girl is Lancers Daugthter with Sera
5) no one Really Cares about the SDF-3... all these Gensis pit monster need to be caught.
6) Bill and Prof. Oak are Scitentist on par with Lang and Penn.
7) No Valkeries in Pokemon
8)Gotta catch em all!
9)did i mention the Pokemon look Like Genisis Pit monsters, the all "Evolve" through enlightnend Evolution.
10) Team Rocket is the Natrual progression of The Anti-U/EBSIS.

YOU watch too much Pokeman. Yuck

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:59 pm
by Zer0 Kay
[quote="Novastar"]Surprised no ones suggested Bubblegum Crisis. I haven't seen enough to make a list, but it seems a natural candidate.

BGC and it's spawn.
1. Nene's cute and has a really weird hair color (must be Zentradi or related to max)
2. Scantily clad women.
3. There's alot of music sung by on character imparticular.
4. A pervert brother who trys to get a peak at his sister in her lingere.
5. The good guys "mecha" emphasises agility.
6. Occasionally Nude (anime barbie nude) women.
7. More upbeat and better quality music than the non-dubbed version
8. Scantily clad women in the same bed.
9. Genom is a front for the RT masters who weren't destroyed by the SC and went into hiding and have returned to take over the world financially and enslave the human race by mass producing Magic The Gathering, Pokemon and a billion other stupid but oddly addictive games.
10. The much smaller Battle Movers and Hardsuits are obviously where RT advanced too, plus the Hardsuits still show off their...curves.

Was that good enough?

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:10 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zer0 Kay wrote:YOU watch too much Pokeman. Yuck

Really? I took my nephew to the 1st Movie & sat/slept through his videos when i babysited him.... thats about the extent of my pokemon viewing

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:21 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
taalismn wrote:[quote="Nekira Sudacne

you got the #1 reason wrong

Tanks. Beat. Everything. :D

Hmmm...I take it then that you're a Bolo/Dinochrome fan?[/quote]

never heard of it. it's a line I got from Zerebus's Robotech Alternate Timeline second season. I threw it back at him :D

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:40 pm
by glitterboy2098
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
you got the #1 reason wrong

Tanks. Beat. Everything. :D

Hmmm...I take it then that you're a Bolo/Dinochrome fan?

never heard of it. it's a line I got from Zerebus's Robotech Alternate Timeline second season. I threw it back at him :D


when you absolutly positively Have to defeate the Zentreadi Grand Fleet......

......With one 100 meter tank.

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:45 pm
by Shawn Merrow
glitterboy2098 wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
you got the #1 reason wrong

Tanks. Beat. Everything. :D

Hmmm...I take it then that you're a Bolo/Dinochrome fan?

never heard of it. it's a line I got from Zerebus's Robotech Alternate Timeline second season. I threw it back at him :D


when you absolutly positively Have to defeate the Zentreadi Grand Fleet......

......With one 100 meter tank.

Also have the Dimensional Cannon from "Tenchi Muyo Movie 1: Tenchi in Love" that can blow up a whole galaxy.

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:37 am
by Zer0 Kay
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:YOU watch too much Pokeman. Yuck

Really? I took my nephew to the 1st Movie & sat/slept through his videos when i babysited him.... thats about the extent of my pokemon viewing

Oh I guess that's alright then...but dangerous your subconsious could be learning about it while you sleep. Do you ever feel the need to chatch them all?

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:47 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:YOU watch too much Pokeman. Yuck

Really? I took my nephew to the 1st Movie & sat/slept through his videos when i babysited him.... thats about the extent of my pokemon viewing

Oh I guess that's alright then...but dangerous your subconsious could be learning about it while you sleep. Do you ever feel the need to chatch them all?

The is a Need to Kill them all.... :demon:

Re: Why Tank Police Should Be a Part of Robotech

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 2:25 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:YOU watch too much Pokeman. Yuck

Really? I took my nephew to the 1st Movie & sat/slept through his videos when i babysited him.... thats about the extent of my pokemon viewing

Oh I guess that's alright then...but dangerous your subconsious could be learning about it while you sleep. Do you ever feel the need to chatch them all?

The is a Need to Kill them all.... :demon:

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:31 am
by NoJack
Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Anything that combines man and machine that closely probably has protoculture involved some way... The EVA units are the only piece of hardware I would take over a VT. Those 14 year olds were pretty well developed. It was like a 15 hour session of Mind Rape. (I loved every minute) Giant invading Aliens... Giant invading Aliens with 98% compatible DNA. Clones, the end of the freaking world... It even had some character development and neat plot twists.