Where is Soldier town?

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The Artist Formerly
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Where is Soldier town?

Unread post by The Artist Formerly »

Where is this place located? Anyone expand or run with this place as a setting at all?
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Re: Where is Soldier town?

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The Artist Formerly wrote:Where is this place located? Anyone expand or run with this place as a setting at all?

"Valhalla"/Soilder Town is believed to eb located in Northren Brazil, Due south of George town, Guyana, a bit north of the Equator... well. at least RTsurfer thinks so... Its Definatly before they go in to Northamerica.
These maps might help some.

After My Death... I mean Colonel Jonathan Wolfe Died in action saving a Young Lt., The Invid Quickly Moved in a Killed everyone. though before the Death of Wolfe it might be a intresting setting for Freelancers... working with a Great hero... unfortunatly Wolfe may try to turn them over to the invid. The Pc's couldnt suspect anything thou... if they did. its aweful meta-gamming.
Thou Wolfe was a "traitor" What he did Kept the populus of non-soilders (read: Innocents)alive.

Wolfe was quite right in his words to the Foolish Rand. "You don’t understand, kid, My efforts keep this whole town alive."

The Whole Ironic part of this Episode...While they would Damn Wolfe for Doing what he did to Protect the Women and Children of Soilder town... Team Bernard were Pivitol in giving the Regsis Time to Escape Reflex point where She ended the Lives of at Least 7000 REF Soilders on board the REf Fleet she Fried in orbit, Way to go Rand.
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An interesting idea is the parrallels, in their own twisted way, between the fictional characters of Colonel Wolfe of Robotech and Colonel Kurtz of Apocalypse Now. One could almost imagine someone in REF command learning about Wolfe's little 'enterprise' and sending a soldier in to terminate his command.

'Are you an assassin?'

'Im a soldier, sir.'

'You're neither. Your an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect an overdue bill.'

Just remember these words....'The horror.....the horror....' :D
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Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:
Just remember these words....'The horror.....the horror....' :D

Rand is quite the Paradox...
Wolfe Sell soilders to the invid to protect a town of innocent people... Rand hates him for it... and even to the end he hates Wolfe, even after Wolfe Saves Scotts Life form 5 invid mecha....

When Dusty Ayers Tries to Kill Rand, after Murdering tons of People in cold blood simply for Revenge... Rand Forgives him because he Killed some invid and Saved their Lives...

By the end Rand and Team bernard have Sympathy for the Genocidal Invid (who Killed untold 100's of Millions), and protect them long enough to let them escape earth, and destroy half a Fleet....

Go Team B!
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Well it seems to me that all those troops would have been drawn to Soldier town by something other then Wolfe's Mostache. Two ideas spring to mind on that point, the first being that it is or is near a rally point for the REF. The second idea would be that was some important RDF/ASC facility, or near by it. Possibily both cases are true. REF command set a point near an RDF/ASC facility as a rally point hoping to take advantage of any left overs their people on the ground might be able make use of.

Taking what Col. Wolfe said about upper Brazil as our starting point. 108 of the ASC book shows we have a ASC base in Venezuela ("Brazilia" base maybe?). The dot is a bit inland, but I think that may have been built on or around the ruins of Caracas (the old capital of Venezuela). This makes sense, because Venezuela is a big producer of oil and natural gas. Even if the Zents leveled every above ground building, there is still alot of resources to be had underground. Old highways, ruble for recycling in to new building materials, the posibility of being able to tap a semi-skilled labor pool.

But I doubt that the REF would set a major facility as their rally point without some intel first. The Invid might have blasted the place until nothing less then nothing was left. If there were any ruins, odds are even the Invid might have enough sense to keep a few scouts in the area to watch. Just in case.

Break Out tells us of the dozens of little bases that the RDF and ASC were putting in to the area. Small bases to act as guards for strageic sites and to provide protection from bandits, Zents and anti-uni terrorists. Similar to the fort system used in the American west during the 19th century. An important oil production center would demand RDF/ASC defense and provides resources to the near community that the rest of a dirt poor community would never be able to render. That works on three points for us.

First, we have a site that REF Command, due to their total lack of intel, might have concidered the site valid for a rally point. The Invid are not through warriors nor are they particularly well led. That makes them sloppy. Second, we have all of these fragments of technology we see in Soldier town. Things that didn't come with the REF soldiers. These things, like lighting, electricty, wiring for said electricty, speakers to boom music out into the streets, stuff to make stills with, materials to build bars out of, ect. And third, we have the name of the place itself, soldier town. If the place was of Latin origin, it would carry either a Native American or Spanish name to it. To pick up a name like Soldier town, we need alot of peolpe identifying it as town full soldiers. Odds are, this place was built to protect something, as a watch base or outpost base, and a town grew up around or near it.

Now, we have just one final piece of the puzzel to figure in. The Invid. We know that there is a hive in the near by landscape. Well page 103 of Invid Invasion tells us that we have a hive in either northern Brazil or Southern Veneuzela.

Based on these clues, I'd wager we're talking about some Oil Reserve or refinement plant somewhere to the South of Arauca.
When I look in the dictionary and see the word Cool...I see Taffy's picture...-Shady Slug
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Colonel Wolfe
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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

The Artist Formerly wrote:Hmmm.

Well it seems to me that all those troops would have been drawn to Soldier town by something other then Wolfe's Mostache.

By the Series... Soilder Town drew so many people only because the Great hero Wolfe was its protector. Wolfe was basically a God among men... and his Pre-return exploits, as wel as the Illusion of Invinsibility verus the Invid would bring many Freedom fighters to the City... Their dosent seam to be a Real stratigic Value to the area... its definatly a Pre-invasion city that has been kept in Real good shape (an i thought the Invid Destroyed most of the Major populus centers on the planet... that 5 Major cities in SA alone)... Suposedly Wolfe Returned with the REf Fleet to fight the Masters... He's been on Earth for well over 10 years when Scott comes to Earth.

heres a nice picture of it as well. http://www.magicbicycle.net/alphavt/panshots/ep8d.jpg
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