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Re: What would the Regis have done...

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:48 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:...if there had been no final assault on Reflex Point, if the REF had simply given up after the Mars Division Attack Wave?

The Regis wasn't exactly idle, remember. She was evolving her children... but to what final purpose? If all the Invid suddenly became Stage Five, would they have ceased to require the human slave camps? Did they ever really require them in the first place?

One Word, Genocide.

Corg would have lead his brothers on a Terrible Rampages across the earth killing all non-invid.

The Regsis ment to replace humanity in its Evolution on earth. To her the Invid were Supeior Beings compared to the Humans/Masters. The Destruction of the Remaining Humans on earth would have been no loss to the universe as a whole. W/O the Senintels the Regsis is the Ultimate Evil in the universe, and cares only for the destiney of her Children in the universe.. With the Sentinels the Regsis is only more Cautious then the Regent, She plans her attacks and takes advantage of weakness. The Regent wants whole-sale Slaughter of all non-invid, the Regsis only Cares for Revenge on the people who Destroyed her Forefathers.

The Invid needed the Humans to Process the Protoculture into the Cells the Invid mecha used (Which happen to be the same ones the REF Uses, Thou all Invid Designs Predate the REF's Encounters with the Invid). After a Human form I established and they can fully over come their weakness to earth's enviroment... The humans will no longer be needed.

Corg: "You’ve known all along that we planned to save only a small percentage of the humans to use as workers on our protoculture farms."

Whats a Ton better about this is... Lancer(aided by Sera) and Scott (Defending Lancer form a Shadow drone) both Protect the Regsis while she prepares her Children to escape... I Could reall See a Courtmarshall for Lancer and Scott in the Near future....
13 Counts of Aiding the enemy.
5 count each destruction fo UEG property.
Both were Key in allowing the Invid to escape earth.
Both are know assoiates of Enemy agents.

Team Bernard should meet the Pointy-Death end of a REF Fiering Squad.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:53 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Basara_549 wrote:Don't forget

Preventing the murder of millions of innocent civilians by a military out of control, that apparently weren't even trying to seek a resolution through diplomacy.

The leadership on both sides were wrong - it was just easier to get through to the Regis, in the end, to prevent the genocide of both humans and Invid.

Loss of half the fleet aside, you can bet the survivors of the fleet were happy that the Neutron S bombs didn't land on Earth (and we know from dialogue that even the people ordering the launch weren't all that thrilled with doing it, but they were following orders).

Hmm... Did you notice Corg's Dialog.. and The Regsis' Dialog as Well? Humanity is their Lesser... and is to be Destroyed, Simply because the Resemble the Robotech MAsters... Diplomacy with the Invid is even Dumber then Emmerson wanting Peace with the Masters.

from Big Apple-Corg: "You’ve known all along that we planned to save only a small percentage of the humans to use as workers on our protoculture farms."
Regsis: "Behold – I am the Invid. I am the soul and the spirit. I have guided my people across the measureless cosmos from a world that was lost to a world that was found. I have led my people in fight from the dark tide of shadow that engulfed our forefathers, that threatens to engulf us even now."
Regis to Ariel:"Your contact with them has blinded you to their true nature, my child. It is the genetic instinct of their species to destroy what they cannot understand"
Corg to Sera: "This pathetic species cannot be allowed to stand in the way of our future!"

Then when She is about to get beat... "Whether one race or the other emerges victorious is of little meaning. Such hatred can only breed more hatred. Oh, my children…if we stay, this conflict will rage from generation to generation....However, the humans have been too strongly influenced by the malignant shadow of the Robotech Masters and are only intent upon the destruction of their race."... Seh Invaded Earth... She started the War.. and now she Blames the Humans as being Warmongers. She Killed Several 100Million People in her initial Invasion.. and Comminted a Decades worth of Torment on them. She Never Tried Diplomacy... She started a War and the REFwent to Finish it.(Just like the Masters and the UEF)

Team Bernard is Full of Traitors, The influence of Ariel and Sera Made them pawns of the Invid...
yes the Neutron-S Missiles were over-Kill... but had Scott Followed Orders... "If only one of you survive, you much seak out the Invid reflex point and kill the Invid Queen Regis", The Invid would have been a non-issue.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:29 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote: but had Scott Followed Orders... "If only one of you survive, you much seak out the Invid reflex point and kill the Invid Queen Regis", The Invid would have been a non-issue.

Yeah, too bad you died before you could hammer that into his head after they hammered it back into your head and then slowly forgot about it themselves in the long trip North.

I'm lost... who died... and when was the death of the person. Scott just got Lust for the Green-blooded Chick... and forgot about that particulare order.... least its how i see it.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:38 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:Scuse me, when Col. Jonathon Wolfe of Soldier Town died.

nope, i'm a awesome Actor....
Afterward, when Scott tries to take Wolfe back to town, the colonel remains behind. He wants to die: "A traitor should die on the open plain like this so the buzzards can pick at his body. When I think of the lives I traded to the Invid so I’d be spared….My wife…my boy…."

Scott was a Fool... i laid there abotu 30 minutes... and went about my buisness... watched Soilder town get fried... and Retired to the Keys.
as i told rand before:
"Welcome to the real world," Jonathan tells him. "Now you know the dark side of being a Retired-Hero don’t you?"

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:47 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:Yeah, Bernard was a real ninny about that sort of thing. I mean, good grief, he didn't even check for injuries on Sue Graham.

Scott's Afraid of Blood.... well... Red Human Blood...
He passes out at the Sight of it.

he hates Rain too.... Must be a Hemo-phobic and a Hydro-phobic

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:49 pm
by Lt. Holmes
Imagine the sort of trouble that could've happened if the Regis and Regent put aside their differences and actually reconcilled? From him would come the need and desire to destroy all non-Invid, and from her would come a steady supply of the Flower of Life for food and mecha powersupply.

... of course, I would HATE to be that marriage councillor that had to sit between them and make them see eye-to-eyestalk...

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:55 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Lt. Holmes wrote:Imagine the sort of trouble that could've happened if the Regis and Regent put aside their differences and actually reconcilled? From him would come the need and desire to destroy all non-Invid, and from her would come a steady supply of the Flower of Life for food and mecha powersupply.

... of course, I would HATE to be that marriage councillor that had to sit between them and make them see eye-to-eyestalk...

There is no Diffrence Thou.... The Regis was Happy to Kill off all non-invids... but even the Regent kept slaves... The Stone men on Spheris were Kept around as his Personal Gardeners, as the FOL took over the Water/Stone wolrd of Shperis...

People compare the Regis and Regent as a Yin and Yang.... which is inncorect, they are the Exact same thing, both Super ego'd Monsters bent on the Destruction of another Race. Corg admits the Regis was gonna Murder all but a Tiny Percentage of the Humans and Use them as Slaves... the Exact same thing the Regent did on the Sentinels worlds.

Actually they Did Reconcile... Right after his Death (go Edwards!)... when she called the Entire Invid Force to Earth.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:53 pm
by Shadyslug
Remember that the Regis is slightly insane.

She was connected to her people and her planet before the RM came and completely destroyed her world.

Granted, one can think that when she split into the Regent and Regis, that the Regent was all the hate, anger, and pain rolled into one being. But the Regis still had the memory of being completely abused and tossed as being worthless.

Even if she isn't a bit looney, The Regis herself was an enlightened being of godlike power...but as such, she operates on a different perspective...

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:01 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Shady the Loon wrote:Remember that the Regis is slightly insane.

She was connected to her people and her planet before the RM came and completely destroyed her world.

Granted, one can think that when she split into the Regent and Regis, that the Regent was all the hate, anger, and pain rolled into one being. But the Regis still had the memory of being completely abused and tossed as being worthless.

Even if she isn't a bit looney, The Regis herself was an enlightened being of godlike power...but as such, she operates on a different perspective...

Actually, the Split is only implied in the RPG... both the Regent and the Regis are Equals by the Sentinels Canon, Husband and Wife actually.

Also, the Regis says her Forefather Were Defeated by the Masters.
Regis in Dark Finalie "I have led my people in fight from the dark tide of shadow that engulfed our forefathers, that threatens to engulf us even now."