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cut-and-paste engineering

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:39 pm
by badmoonz
does anyone have some interesting versions of their favorite mecha/vertechs out there. i got several including:

Armored Core Destroid (my fav)

i know i'm not alone, its just too tempting not to make improvements...

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:26 pm
by Lt. Holmes
Actually, I think I'm in the minority when I say I like the mecha just as they are. Because some of them are rather limited in what they can do and what ordenance they can mount (VF-1, Cyclone, etc.) the game becomes much more tactical in nature, and not just a club you use to bludgeon your opponent into submission :)

Especially with the Cyclones, you have to used called shots and aim for things like Sensor Eyes and other soft points of a target. You just can't stand up and slug it out with the enemy mecha since you'd get creamed.

Also, for me personally, I like the fact that the Robotech mecha CAN'T do every job or mission. Because they transform they have some mission flexability, which is really cool. But RT doesn't suffer from the "one mecha for all jobs" syndrome so many other shows do. Each mecha in the Robotech forces has their place in the scheme of things and has to work TOGETHER to get the job done.

Alphas? Short-range dogfighting. Betas? Medium-range clobbering. Cyclone? Special Forces operations, NOT infantry work. Destroids? Kicking ANY asses that come their way and not even bothering with the names :)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:55 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
I Much prefer the Macross theam that Valks can do EVERYTHING
why do you need a Destroid? a Valk in Soildermode works just fine.
why do you need a Tank? a Valk works just fine.
You don't need alot of Capital Ships, a Valk can take one out alone.
combine some Singing and Dancing... and a Few Valks, and every Invader will die.
If the Design dosent work for Everything... just change some minor thing abd now it works.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Colonel Wolfe wrote:I Much prefer the Macross theam that Valks can do EVERYTHING
why do you need a Destroid? a Valk in Soildermode works just fine.
why do you need a Tank? a Valk works just fine.
You don't need alot of Capital Ships, a Valk can take one out alone.
combine some Singing and Dancing... and a Few Valks, and every Invader will die.
If the Design dosent work for Everything... just change some minor thing abd now it works.

Because Destroids are less expencive to make.....that is why VFs are fly boys toys. Tanks....even cheper to make the destroids to make.

One lone valkaree can't take out a capital ship all by its lone-some
w/o a ton of luck.

Besides the SAP/FAST packs do a nice thing about changing the valkaree's basic combat roles. Like with the ELINT Fast pack set turns a VF into a long range space recon ship.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:53 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Ben Quash wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:I Much prefer the Macross theam that Valks can do EVERYTHING
why do you need a Destroid? a Valk in Soildermode works just fine.
why do you need a Tank? a Valk works just fine.
You don't need alot of Capital Ships, a Valk can take one out alone.
combine some Singing and Dancing... and a Few Valks, and every Invader will die.
If the Design dosent work for Everything... just change some minor thing abd now it works.

Because Destroids are less expencive to make.....that is why VFs are fly boys toys. Tanks....even cheper to make the destroids to make.

One lone valkaree can't take out a capital ship all by its lone-some
w/o a ton of luck.

Besides the SAP/FAST packs do a nice thing about changing the valkaree's basic combat roles. Like with the ELINT Fast pack set turns a VF into a long range space recon ship.

i was being Sarcastic....
The Macross Time line Droped the Destroid designs after Space war one.

Everythign in Macross is about the Transforming Valk.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:08 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote: Hmmm... well, blame Macross II's failure. It had great destroids in it, but mediocre valkyries, IMHO.

yep, they were nice Destroids.

EDIT: Though New Generation didn't exactly have much in the way of destroids, either.

Battloids! The Condor is not a Confirmed Veritech, it might as well be a Battiloid.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:16 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Zerebus wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Me wrote:EDIT: Though New Generation didn't exactly have much in the way of destroids, either.

Battloids! The Condor is not a Confirmed Veritech, it might as well be a Battiloid.

Yeah, but the Condor is about as relevant as a Southen Cross battloid in New Generation: they've all been blown up pre-screen time! ;)

but really, how much time do the Destroids get on screen? The SC Battliods get more onscreen time then they do....

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:16 am
by The Artist Formerly
I love to tinker with my death givers.

ASC battloids are the best. Remove one of the shield braces. Add a .50 cal MG and maybe a pair of mini missiles. Place a armor baffle over the exposed parts, guns and other assorted weapons. Adds a little punch and gives you the burst ability. Great for dealing with infantry who think a Koskov-47 will let them bring down a Battloid. Cyclone Vibro blades can be a fun mount too, but usually the assembly takes up all the room so no MG or missiles.

Armored canopy for the Hover tank. That way some ass with a hand grenade can't disable the controls with a single well placed toss.

All kinds of little things.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:28 pm
by Lt. Holmes
My personal favourite mod, which IS allowed by the rules, is adding either a GR-97 or a second EP-37 to my Cyclone. I'm not a fan of the mini-missles due to their extremely limited payload, but I can't ignore their range or punch.

But dual EP-37s give a hideous medium-range (for a hand weapon) damage capacity and a great payload (plus the fact that the e-clips are rechargeable, giving my weapons package a virtually unlimited supppy).