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No mention of Magic in BTS2nd Ed?
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:42 pm
by ghost2020
There doesn't seem to be any mention of magic or rituals in BTS 2nd ed. Does that mean we have to wait for the magic/ritual sourcebook?
Re: No mention of Magic in BTS2nd Ed?
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:40 pm
by dark brandon
ghost2020 wrote:There doesn't seem to be any mention of magic or rituals in BTS 2nd ed. Does that mean we have to wait for the magic/ritual sourcebook?
I'm gonna take a stab at this and say yes, there will be magic. It was in the original so i'm guessing it will probably be in this one. But it probably will be a minor thing.
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:39 pm
by ghost2020
I'm betting the Arcanum sourcebook will have all the magic and ritual rules.
Too bad that's coming out in February, barring that I can use the spells from 1st ed.
Sounds like the main book is focusing on psi characters for the most part.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:07 am
by dark brandon
ghost2020 wrote:I'm betting the Arcanum sourcebook will have all the magic and ritual rules.
Too bad that's coming out in February, barring that I can use the spells from 1st ed.
Sounds like the main book is focusing on psi characters for the most part.
I bet your right. Crud. That would suck. I wanna run a campaign here soon, but it only works if I have a magic class.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 12:21 pm
by gaby
I also think they are save all info on Magic for the Arcanum Sourcebook.
To you think it will have New Magic O.C.C,s for BtS?
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 6:49 pm
by dark brandon
gaby wrote:I also think they are save all info on Magic for the Arcanum Sourcebook.
To you think it will have New Magic O.C.C,s for BtS?
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:10 am
by pblackcrow
Nope...because if they were, why would have Wayne Smith said I need to work on the arcanist sheet?
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:32 pm
by dark brandon
I'm hoping tome grotesque will contain new creatures that are more Modern friendly or game usable in an x-fillish sort of way.
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:03 pm
by Vidynn
ghost2020 wrote:Too bad that's coming out in February....
well, dont bet on
otherwise I think youre right!
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:00 pm
by pblackcrow
Vidynn wrote:ghost2020 wrote:Too bad that's coming out in February....
well, dont bet on
otherwise I think youre right!
No, do bet on it...that away I can pay for my new house I am thinking of building. I'll give ya 10-1 odds.
Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:43 pm
by dark brandon
Geronimo 2.0 wrote:I don't use magic using characters for anything besides villains and NPC's most of the time anyway, even when there is one magic using PC the spell selection is very limited. I think that it should be given out sparingly and that they should have to research any spell they have heavily. But I'm a big fan of Vicim games and that's probably what I will run most of the time.
Actually, in my BTS games, Magic is there, but all spells are rituals even level 1 spells. Though, I do increase the time these spells are activated due to the time it requires to cast one. But generally, magic is concidered unreal in my games mainly because too many people don't have the patience to wait for it to take effect or wait for the ritual.
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:02 pm
by AlexM
The BTS 2 core book focuses on psychic abilities. References to magic are included but that subject will be covered in the Arcanum sourcebook. Various supernatural creatures and beings will appear in the Tome Grotesque.
Alex M
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:37 pm
by ghost2020
Thanks for the info Alex!
So there will be some creatures in the BTS 2nd Ed book though, right? It did say that there were some on the description of the book.
Were Tome and Arcanum written at the time of the BTS 2nd Ed writing? Will we have to wait long to see them?
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:52 pm
by AlexM
ghost2020 wrote:Thanks for the info Alex!
So there will be some creatures in the BTS 2nd Ed book though, right? It did say that there were some on the description of the book.
Were Tome and Arcanum written at the time of the BTS 2nd Ed writing? Will we have to wait long to see them?
Yes, there will be some creatures in the BTS 2 RPG. We have some material for the Arcanum book. The Tome has not been officially started but we have a few items for it as well. We should be putting out a press release after January 1st with more details.
Alex M
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:31 pm
by pblackcrow
Mate, that wasn't want I wanted to hear; but oh well. That's cool! Mages get their own sourse book! Which brings up a question...What are there going to be in the way of new magical OCCs?
Looking forward to the Press Release
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:43 pm
by dark brandon
pblackcrow wrote:Mate, that wasn't want I wanted to hear; but oh well. That's cool! Mages get their own sourse book! Which brings up a question...What are there going to be in the way of new magical OCCs?
Looking forward to the Press Release
We're never gonna see BTS magic book!
They had rifts china done, but it still wasn't out!
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:17 pm
by pblackcrow
DarkBrandon wrote:pblackcrow wrote:Mate, that wasn't want I wanted to hear; but oh well. That's cool! Mages get their own sourse book! Which brings up a question...What are there going to be in the way of new magical OCCs?
Looking forward to the Press Release
We're never gonna see BTS magic book!
They had rifts china done, but it still wasn't out!
Not true...We will. But it maybe 2 months - 7 years before we see it.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:03 pm
by Omote
Well (as usualy) I'm very worried about the "magic sourcebook" for BTS2. The fact that it is "not started yet" scares me. BIG TIME.
Magic was going to play a large part of my BTS2 games. Sheesh.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:19 pm
by pblackcrow
Omote wrote:Magic was going to play a large part of my BTS2 games. Sheesh.
Same here, but hey. Don't sweat it! It'll be out within the following 72 months.
KIDDING!!! Should be out by July at the latest, if we push him hard enough; it maybe out by March.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:37 pm
by dark brandon
pblackcrow wrote:Omote wrote:Magic was going to play a large part of my BTS2 games. Sheesh.
Same here, but hey. Don't sweat it! It'll be out within the following 72 months.
KIDDING!!! Should be out by July at the latest, if we push him hard enough; it maybe out by March.
I would hate to say it, but perhaps BTS2 should have waited until the magic book was done. the two are very close related and its gonna suck that we will have to wait longer than a month for it to come out.
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:45 pm
by Maryann
For crimeny sake, the book is 256 pages now and they had to put a third of it in 9 pt type as it is. What did you want them to shoot for 525?
Give the guys a break, magic and monsters are coming.
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:23 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Maryann wrote:For crimeny sake, the book is 256 pages now and they had to put a third of it in 9 pt type as it is. What did you want them to shoot for 525?
Give the guys a break, magic and monsters are coming.
oohyah...yes hehehe
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:03 pm
by pblackcrow
I wouldn't have objected to a 525 pager...LOL But like I said early, we have 1st ed, NB, TMNT, HU, PF, and Rifts to draw up on...So, what are we bizzitching for?
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:53 pm
by Entiago
pblackcrow wrote:I wouldn't have objected to a 525 pager...LOL But like I said early, we have 1st ed, NB, TMNT, HU, PF, and Rifts to draw up on...So, what are we bizzitching for?
Human Nature
Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:20 am
by dark brandon
Maryann wrote:For crimeny sake, the book is 256 pages now and they had to put a third of it in 9 pt type as it is. What did you want them to shoot for 525?
Give the guys a break, magic and monsters are coming.
THat would have been AWESOME. Then the BTS 2 hard bound would be concidered a real tome....
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:12 am
by gaby
The up-date on the Arcanist will be Arcanum.
Ther will also be Other Practitioners of magic in it.
What do you think will be other magic O.c.c,s for BtS?
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:34 pm
by pblackcrow
No Jason, it's good...But some stuff has been left out for the sake of time and space, not to mention price.
Uh it's full of fluff, good; very well writen; and nice touch fluff, but fluff nonetheless.
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:02 pm
by Daniel Stoker
The focus is way more on the Psychic in the game though. Remember the first book and the one Magic based O.C.C. compared to the what... 7 P.C.C.'s?
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:20 am
by ghost2020
The game looks great. Although I didn't see an equipment section, or did I miss it?
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:20 pm
by Sentinel
Maryann wrote:For crimeny sake, the book is 256 pages now and they had to put a third of it in 9 pt type as it is. What did you want them to shoot for 525?
Give the guys a break, magic and monsters are coming.
Speaking only for myself, I have never based a decision to buy or not buy a Palladium book soely on price. I would have bought a 525 page book, and I bet many others here would have as well.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:35 pm
by dark brandon
Sentinel wrote:Maryann wrote:For crimeny sake, the book is 256 pages now and they had to put a third of it in 9 pt type as it is. What did you want them to shoot for 525?
Give the guys a break, magic and monsters are coming.
Speaking only for myself, I have never based a decision to buy or not buy a Palladium book soely on price. I would have bought a 525 page book, and I bet many others here would have as well.
seriously, And palladium books are always interesting and fun to read. I commonly find myself saying "man, i wish I had more to read", and then have to open another palladium book. As long as every book doesn't cost an arm and a leg (and they are quite cheep to beginwith now) I wouldn't mind at all.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:56 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Sentinel wrote:Speaking only for myself, I have never based a decision to buy or not buy a Palladium book soely on price. I would have bought a 525 page book, and I bet many others here would have as well.
No offence, but while I'd buy that book too.... we're mostly geeks on this board and while many of us would buy it a book that size and 'expensive' would scare away to many people I think.
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:47 am
by Iczer
I have noticed a lot of smaller books, that have managed to include magic and psionics as well as all the written rules to run the game. BTS first edition and nightspawn/bane/damn you Mcfarlane spring to mind. I Picked the book up yesterday and I notice a lot of fluff text. a lot.
I Do Like what I see in the psionics section, how it has been shaken up and redesigned really piques my interest.
But with that in mind, I probably won't be purchasing any extra supplements for a book needed to complete the setting. Thats the reason I never ventured into rifts, and why I stopped buying Fantasy products. simply there was too much needed to complete a book ( How may books do you really need for land of the damaned anyway?!?)
That said, I think a rifter article, something swift and easy to convert canon palladium magic rules into more streamlined-for-the-new-BTS rules should get written up. As a proud owner of Through the glass darkly, and enough palladium products to sink a ship, I'm going to pass mightilly on buying a new book and just adapt spell casters from elsewhere (probably dropping their base PPE to 10% and using the same multiplying system works for me.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:19 am
by Sentinel
I'm more likely to buy a supplement book as opposed to Rifter. I do get Rifter, but I won't buy it for one article if everything else has no use to me. That's the main reason I stopped buying Dragon Magazine.
In any event, I don't have to have all the books pertaining to a particular game setting (while I do have 99% of the HUII books, I only have 75% of the Rifts Books, and only 3 Nightbane books), so the number of sourcebooks and supplements don't frighten me off.
If the product justifies the price tag, then I'll pay it. BtS would just look cool as a thick Tome the size of the Guttenberg Bible.
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:04 pm
by Sentinel
Unkledak wrote:So if this was "Call of Cthulhu" what do you think a book like that would cause in "Sanity Damage"?
We'd have to have sanity to damage first.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:39 am
by Sentinel
Unkledak wrote:Ahhh I see you think we qualify as insane cultists already. I agree after all the misery Kevin has caused with delayed book releases he must be one of the Thousand forms of Nyarlathotep.
Kevin Siembieda is the only Old One not in a coma.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:58 am
by Daniel Stoker
Unkledak wrote:Ahhh I see you think we qualify as insane cultists already. I agree after all the misery Kevin has caused with delayed book releases he must be one of the Thousand forms of Nyarlathotep.
Well I always thought it was more of the simple fact that you have to be pretty insane to be the guy to go in that dark basement with the rickety stairs with that flashlight with the weak batteries to destroy the evil monster.
Daniel Stoker
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:34 pm
by Sentinel
Daniel Stoker wrote:Unkledak wrote:Ahhh I see you think we qualify as insane cultists already. I agree after all the misery Kevin has caused with delayed book releases he must be one of the Thousand forms of Nyarlathotep.
Well I always thought it was more of the simple fact that you have to be pretty insane to be the guy to go in that dark basement with the rickety stairs with that flashlight with the weak batteries to destroy the evil monster.
Daniel Stoker
I always took a candlestick holder as a back-up.