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Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 10:34 am
by kamikazzijoe
LODIII is still being advertised as being written by Bill Coffin. If it's still by him why isn't it out yet? Didn't he leave almost a year ago?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:09 am
by Borast
Rumour floating around is it was dropped...

If so, there is no reason known, since PB doesn't "air it's laundry" as it were on the boards.

However, we can hope it will come out BEFORE Wolfen Wars... :nh:

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:35 pm
by Borast
Tell me about it...

I bought the first two books of a trilogy, and the authour died before completing the last book... >sob<

Damn, they were good books!

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 3:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Well here is the bad news. It not even named on the newest comming soon part of the press realice.

2005 Release Schedule

January, 2005
Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition (New) – $24.95 retail, 256 pages, Cat. No. 700 – an epic new game.
The Rifter® #29 – $9.95 – 96 pages. Cat. No. 129. All kinds of good stuff. January 21, 2005.

February, 2005
Rifts® Merctown (New) – $17.95 – 160 pages. Cat. No. 863. February 11, 2005.
Heroes Unlimited™: Villains Unlimited™ – back in print and revised – $22.95 retail, 224 pages, 16 pages of new material and a new cover, Cat. No. 501. Written by Siembieda and Long. February 23, 2005. New material by Siembieda and Rosenstein.

March, 2005
Rifts® Merc Ops (New) – $17.95 – 160 pages. Cat. No. 865. Tentatively March 10, 2005.
Tome Grotesque™ (New) for Beyond the Supernatural™ – $17.95 or $22.95 – 160-192 pages. Cat. No. 702.

April, 2005
The Rifter® #30 (New) – $9.95 – 128 pages. Cat. No. 130. All kinds of good stuff. April 7, 2005.
Arcanum™ (New) for Beyond the Supernatural™ – $17.95 or $22.95 – 160-192 pages. Cat. No. 703. Tentatively April or May, 2005.

Other 2005 releases in development
Listed in no particular order.
Rifts® Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp™ (New) – est. $17.95 – 160 pages. Cat. No. 866.
Rifts® China 3: Masters of Magic (New) – $17.95 – 160 pages, Cat. No. 864.
Rifts® World Book: Arzno™ – Vampires & Mercenaries! Probably a Spring release.
Rifts® World Book: Lazlo™ – 160 pages and probably a Summer release.
Chaos Earth™: NEMA™ Mission Book One™ (tentative) – $10.95 – 64 pages. Release date pending.
Chaos Earth™: Psychic Storm™ (tentative) – $10.95 or $13.95 – 96 pages. Release date pending.
Splicers™ Sourcebooks – The first one probably a May release.
Beyond the Supernatural™: Sourcebooks and adventure books of varying size, cost and styles.
Sourcebooks for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and other lines are also in the works.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:07 pm
by Entiago
If you also notice..NO PF books are on that list

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:09 pm
by J. Lionheart
Entiago wrote:If you also notice..NO PF books are on that list

Aye, which should make us like blood-starved vampires by next year, being as there were no new PF releases last year either.

I believe LoD III was mostly written when Bill left, and that it was in revision stages with Kev, where it has sat ever since.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:11 pm
by Sureshot
I am not suprised. We are talking about the same company which gave us a map and information on Tolkien in the same book in which the destroyed Tolkien.

On the other hand I really can't blame them. As much as I want them to do PF they will and should focus on the game lines that bring them more money. They are a business after all. They need to pay the bills like everyone else. And to make money and be profitable.

Though I wish they would cancel some game lines that do not seem to be supported in anyway. Like Nightsbane and System Failure. The last thing I want is another WW Wraith debacle. WW did a real lousy job in supporting it and it was not that popular to begin with yet they insisted they were doing a going job with it. It took them almost 10-12 before they finally destroyed Wraith. In that time they did almost nothing with Wraith.

Finally it's not that I don't like NB or SF it just that it's a shame to see their potential wasted.

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 10:12 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
memorax wrote: The last thing I want is another WW Wraith debacle. WW did a real lousy job in supporting it and it was not that popular to begin with yet they insisted they were doing a going job with it. It took them almost 10-12 before they finally destroyed Wraith. In that time they did almost nothing with Wraith.

or Palladium with Robotech.... Sure they had to Get HG's okay, but they did the ZB-4 for the Rifter whiel not being able to print a single book after 1998..... and 80% of the Rt line was published pre-1990.

best thing to do for LOD:3 Pre-order it.

LOD:3 the Bleekness Pre-order.

if they got like 1000 preorders they might print it.... the reason they droped TNMT was the fact they only got 300 or so Pre-orders for it, not enough populairty for them to see publishing it.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:14 am
by Entiago
Colonel Wolfe wrote:best thing to do for LOD:3 Pre-order it.

Yeah, I preordered it about 3 years ago when it was titled LOD3: Northern Mountains. Also that was around the time they said that the LOD series would span several books-due out every 2-3 months. :lol: - its funny cause its true.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:32 am
by Colonel Wolfe
Entiago wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:best thing to do for LOD:3 Pre-order it.

Yeah, I preordered it about 3 years ago when it was titled LOD3: Northern Mountains. Also that was around the time they said that the LOD series would span several books-due out every 2-3 months. :lol: - its funny cause its true.

wow.... that is Sad. perhaps you need to use my whiteout methoud on other Palladium books...

Truckin-tur... Wolfen is the newest PFRPG book i made.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:27 pm
by Borast
Face it folks...

Probability of LoDIII seeing print in the next 2-3 years: <1%

Probability of Wolfen Wars seeing print in the next 2-3 years: 0%

Guess we'll have to live with it! :(


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:49 pm
by Entiago
Zachary The First wrote:So what was the deal with Randi and the O.K. books?

To my knowledge, she wrote alot of stuff on the Old Kingdom, so much that it had to be cut back to fit into the two books it was ment for. Kev had/has to review the manuscript-it has been 10 years since they advertised its "release" so who knows what happened? I'm still not sure what happened to Coffin.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:39 am
by Entiago
I think it has to do with time-or lack there of. Possibly also (as you suggested) it doesn't fit with his (Kev's) vision. I love his atention to detail for the PF line makes things less complicated, takes longer but easier.
I don't mind waiting for a good book, but I won't mind complaining about it. :-P


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:37 am
by Maryann
kamikazzijoe wrote:LODIII is still being advertised as being written by Bill Coffin. If it's still by him why isn't it out yet? Didn't he leave almost a year ago?

Bill left over two and a half years ago. The root writing was done by Bill, but its being completely rewritten by Kevin (from what I know, this may change to another writer).


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:19 pm
by Entiago
Maryann wrote:Bill left over two and a half years ago. The root writing was done by Bill, but its being completely rewritten by Kevin (from what I know, this may change to another writer).

Thanks Maryann. Do you happen to know who the other writer may be? or if the LOD3 will include the evil group that sit up in the citidal known as the 999's (I actually forget their name)?

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:09 pm
by Svartalf
memorax wrote:I am not suprised. We are talking about the same company which gave us a map and information on Tolkien in the same book in which the destroyed Tolkien.

On the other hand I really can't blame them. As much as I want them to do PF they will and should focus on the game lines that bring them more money. They are a business after all. They need to pay the bills like everyone else. And to make money and be profitable.

You know Memo, you ought to check your spelling... I thought you were talking about Tolkien the writer, not Tolkeen the city.

What I find funny is that they tell us that PF is Kev's fair haired child... but he'll still turn out medium to mediocre, bug ridden stuff (often written by others, but crappily edited by PB) for other lines, and not deliver us the good stuff he must have for PF... I've already stopped buying all PB stuff that comes out on principle, I may decide to use my RPG money for other, worthy products at last.

And frag it, I bet they are sitting on some quite good NB material, since the whole stuff has always been outsourced to freelancers, why can't they at least review and publish what they've got? The output of PB is ridiculously low compared to the raw stuff they are supposed to be able to tap.

There are times I wish I were a little mouse, or had a crystal ball, and could check if Kev is as busy as they claim he is.


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:06 pm
by Maryann
Zachary The First wrote:
Maryann wrote:
kamikazzijoe wrote:LODIII is still being advertised as being written by Bill Coffin. If it's still by him why isn't it out yet? Didn't he leave almost a year ago?

Bill left over two and a half years ago. The root writing was done by Bill, but its being completely rewritten by Kevin (from what I know, this may change to another writer).

Thanks, you know exactly what happened with Old Kingdom? I remember it being advertise din the catalog online as early as that a rewrite, too?

The problem with Old Kingdoms was there was way too much of it. It didn't exactly go in a direction that Kevin had planned for Old Kingdom. Randy is a good idea lady and is a pretty good writer, it just needs a lot of cleaning up and redirection.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:26 pm
by Maddog
Does any one know what has become of Bill Coffin since he left? What's he doing now ? Does he own the rights to his un-published PFRPG material ?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:36 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Maddog wrote:Does any one know what has become of Bill Coffin since he left? What's he doing now ? Does he own the rights to his un-published PFRPG material ?

1) I think Bill is writing Fiction again..
2) nope, all his submitted work he did for palladium is their property, and un-submitted work is his, but is basically a Fan-fic.