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Transdimentional Turtles
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:17 am
by dark brandon
Ok, so I've had this book for a long time. I'd never read it up until last night when I was at work. I have to say this is probably one of the BEST books palladium has ever put out.
reading it, where did the idea for these coils and twists come from? Were they something Erik thought up? Regardless how they put it into the game to be played is just Awesome.
Seriously, the whole thing just reaks of awesomeness. This is something that to me may have been possibly the very book that inspired rifts.
I would seriously like to see an update of this book, and you know...I would love to see what was in store for the future after the barrier.
Does AtB deal with TdimentionalT in anyway?
Re: Transdimentional Turtles
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:01 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
DarkBrandon wrote: reading it, where did the idea for these coils and twists come from? Were they something Erik thought up? Regardless how they put it into the game to be played is just Awesome.
From meeting mr. Wujick I get the impression he has a 3000 IQ and is a Creative genuis on par with some Gods...
i dont have TD:TMNT in the house, but what i remember form reading it it was quite good. I'm not Sure if ATB covers anythign from TD, but it wouldnt be hard to modifiy.
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:06 pm
by Kalinda
I recently had occasion to dig out and re-read TDTMNT and I coud'nt agree more, very good book with lots of potential. Id like to see a rewrite like they did with AtB.
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:10 pm
by glitterboy2098
the best rewrite for TD TmnT would be to redo it for HU.
it doesn't fit AtB too well, but Timetravel is a standard for many superhero comic lines.
Re: Transdimentional Turtles
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:11 pm
by dark brandon
Colonel Wolfe wrote:i dont have TD:TMNT in the house, but what i remember form reading it it was quite good.
Not just quite, it was really really good. Like, Great Good. In fact, I dare say, that it is probably my favorite book of palladium...and that is saying alot.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:07 am
by J. Lionheart
TD:TMNT does have mention of Cardania and the Empire of Humanity, I believe it's Twist 2 that those are in (possibly 1, but I think 2). Beyond that, I don't really know how compatible it is, owing to my not owning ATB

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:05 am
by Marcantony
Didnt like the time travel ideas myself but I agree that this is one of the best palladium books ever. Due to its nature you can use it with any of the genres.
Not bad for one of their smaller books.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:33 am
by Zenvis
glitterboy2098 wrote:the best rewrite for TD TmnT would be to redo it for HU.
it doesn't fit AtB too well, but Timetravel is a standard for many superhero comic lines.
I agree with one thing though it would have to have tons of "gods, demons, angels etc..." and reasons for heroes of the past.
I still stand by my conviction in that I dont like time steam pressure/mutation not unless its for show.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:19 am
by dark brandon
Zenvis wrote:glitterboy2098 wrote:the best rewrite for TD TmnT would be to redo it for HU.
it doesn't fit AtB too well, but Timetravel is a standard for many superhero comic lines.
I agree with one thing though it would have to have tons of "gods, demons, angels etc..." and reasons for heroes of the past.
I still stand by my conviction in that I dont like time steam pressure/mutation not unless its for show.
I didn't like it at first, but the more I read, the more I thought it makes sense. the more it made sense the more I ended up liking it.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:27 pm
by Rali
glitterboy2098 wrote:the best rewrite for TD TmnT would be to redo it for HU.
it doesn't fit AtB too well, but Timetravel is a standard for many superhero comic lines.
Just my two-cents, but yeah. Trasdimentional would be a great sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited, but would work also for Beyond the Supernatural and AtB.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:31 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Perhaps, but if they hadn't been included you likely would have had the comic book fans clamoring for rules on playing a Time Lord.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:59 pm
by dark brandon
SabreRabbit wrote:Good point. I still laugh when I think of Lord Simultaneous.
I'm actually kinda glad they put it in there. It allows me easy access to turn it into rifts game.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:07 pm
by dark brandon
SabreRabbit wrote:DarkBrandon wrote:SabreRabbit wrote:Good point. I still laugh when I think of Lord Simultaneous.
I'm actually kinda glad they put it in there. It allows me easy access to turn it into rifts game.
Rifts doesn't really fit into the ATB timeline.
Wasn't that the whole point of rifts and Tmnt DT? Not only trancending time, but space and dimention?
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:39 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Quite possible the best RPG sourcebook that Palladium has ever written.
And since I was a fan of the comic, I was glad to see Lord Simultaneous and company.
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:04 pm
by acreRake
Semantics, dudes.
Anyway, i find TDTMNT one of the most useful PB books. And it has helped me enormously with Rifts. Namely by giving me an impenetrable wall at the #End of Time# to dump anything having to do with it behind!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:16 pm
by Sentinel
I kinda wish they'd take this book, strip the references to licensed characters out, and re-release it. Maybe with blank pages (created by removing TMNT stuff), they could expand the info sections on all the stuff people like about this book.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:10 pm
by Rali
Sentinel wrote:I kinda wish they'd take this book, strip the references to licensed characters out, and re-release it. Maybe with blank pages (created by removing TMNT stuff), they could expand the info sections on all the stuff people like about this book.
That would be a lot of blank pages.
No Time Lords, and I think references to the Time Twists were also from TMNT.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:08 pm
by Sentinel
Rali wrote:Sentinel wrote:I kinda wish they'd take this book, strip the references to licensed characters out, and re-release it. Maybe with blank pages (created by removing TMNT stuff), they could expand the info sections on all the stuff people like about this book.
That would be a lot of blank pages.
No Time Lords, and I think references to the Time Twists were also from TMNT.
Just the skills, time travel rules, guidelines, mutant dinos, vehicles,...stuff for GMs to work time travel into their games.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:25 am
by acreRake
...Or a senile old coot in the Californian desert.
/still badass
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:37 am
by gordyzx9r
Tyciol wrote:Since Time Lords are part of the TMNT comics, that could be seen as a definite copyright violation. It's nice enough they're letting wandering turtles into AtB.
Where have wandering turtles shown up after they lost the license?
Besides, Palladium is against backwards time travel now, so you can only freeze or fast forward ala Temporal Magic.
I haven't been paying attention, when did they go that route?
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:02 pm
by Rali
Tyciol wrote:Palladium is still printing After the Bomb, and I thought the turtles were mentioned (albeit not by name) in one of them.
Something about an old wacky turtle who likes to party wielding dual nunchaku or something.
The TMNT made an appearance in a short comic at the back of "Road Hogs", there is also an inuendo that they may be running the show down in Gatorland as the Gang of Four (or something to that effect, I don't have my book in front of me at the moment).
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:56 pm
by gordyzx9r
Tyciol wrote:Turtles ruling gators, I like it.
That could lead to a half way interesting campaign...a civil war of sorts between aligators and turtles; or something along those lines.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:13 pm
by Rali
Okay, I finally popped open the book and I was wrong in saying that the "Gang of Four" was running Gatorland. It's more like they are the nations "Spriritual Advisors".
The Gang of Four is described like a cross between a ninja organization and a monistary. Think Shaolin Monks that practice Ninjitsu rather than Kung Fu. However, I would assume they are more akin to Samurai Warriors than Ninja Assasins from the tone of the description.
Re: Transdimentional Turtles
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:15 pm
by Borast
darkbrandon wrote:Ok, so I've had this book for a long time. I'd never read it up until last night when I was at work. I have to say this is probably one of the BEST books palladium has ever put out.
reading it, where did the idea for these coils and twists come from? Were they something Erik thought up? Regardless how they put it into the game to be played is just Awesome.
Seriously, the whole thing just reaks of awesomeness. This is something that to me may have been possibly the very book that inspired rifts.
I would seriously like to see an update of this book, and you know...I would love to see what was in store for the future after the barrier.
Does AtB deal with TdimentionalT in anyway? IS a good book...
Noting that I have the FIRST edition book (only) the best of my Just the reverse.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:46 am
by Judas
Its a mad read! Had to read twice to get the basics of the time travel rules, but finally clicked and I got my Tardis and DeLorean ready 4 sum time travelling action rifts style. It worked pretty well.
Whats wrong with the title time lords? reading the TDTMNT I have to say that the null zones and the time lords was very Dr Who ish.
Better yet do a Red Dwarf and destroy your pasts selfs (muppets

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:19 pm
by Rali
Tyciol wrote:That alligator guy from Turtles 3: the Manhatten project is going to be mighty mad.
[TRIVIA]:That "alligator guy" would be Leather Head, who made his first appearnce in
"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6".
Not sure if he appeared in any other Eastman & Laird issues.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:25 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Rali wrote:Tyciol wrote:That alligator guy from Turtles 3: the Manhatten project is going to be mighty mad.
[TRIVIA]:That "alligator guy" would be Leather Head, who made his first appearnce in
"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6".
Not sure if he appeared in any other Eastman & Laird issues.
And he was very cool in that issue.
For some reason, they turned him into a Cajun idiot in the cartoon.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:42 pm
by Rali
Astroman wrote:They made everything stupid in the cartoon. It's made for kids, not like the original comic.
True, true. Even the Archie Comic series gave more credit to the readers intelegence that the original catoon series.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:29 pm
by highpriestrsw2
I just purchased the book to use with my PFRPG game. I really wanted it for the black powder rules.
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:41 pm
by Rali
highpriestrsw2 wrote:I just purchased the book to use with my PFRPG game. I really wanted it for the black powder rules.
I have to agree, the Transdimentional TMNT book was a useful tool, for more than just TMNT/AtB. Those rules worked well for a frontier era Beyond the Supernatural game I ran in once.
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:47 am
by gordyzx9r
PoiuyWired wrote:Hmmm... now despite the timelord thing being a bit way to powerful there are quite a few good things in this book making it one of the top 5 palladium sourcebooks in my library.
The other four have to be AtB supplements...I mean really, there isn't anything else but AtB. Well, except for Robotech.
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:52 pm
by Zenvis
Rali wrote:glitterboy2098 wrote:the best rewrite for TD TmnT would be to redo it for HU.
it doesn't fit AtB too well, but Timetravel is a standard for many superhero comic lines.
Just my two-cents, but yeah. Trasdimentional would be a great sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited, but would work also for Beyond the Supernatural and AtB.
Wouldn't be a little dark for BTS? What would be the alternate to a world without technology facing off against the Unnatural?
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:38 pm
by dataweaver
I tend to agree that Transdimensional TMNT could easily be reworked as Transdimensional Heroes Unlimited for the most part - especially if you expand the focus from Time Travel itself to also include "roleplaying in historical eras" rules and guidelines.
I'd also want to expand the book to cover Power Categories other than Mutant Animals; frex, what would a fourteenth-century equivalent of a Hardware character be like? Admittedly, most of the HU Power Categories wouldn't fit in very well as recently as the Victorian Era, let alone in pre-industrial settings; ever notice how many of them are technology-based? (Aliens, Cyborgs, Experiments, ...)
I wouldn't want to tie Transdimensional to BtS. It's not just that the latter is dark; it's also that BtS is all about, well, the supernatural. The sci-fi'ish feel of Transdimensional has no place there, and vice versa.
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:58 pm
by The Baron of chaos
dataweaver wrote:I tend to agree that Transdimensional TMNT could easily be reworked as Transdimensional Heroes Unlimited for the most part - especially if you expand the focus from Time Travel itself to also include "roleplaying in historical eras" rules and guidelines.
I'd also want to expand the book to cover Power Categories other than Mutant Animals; frex, what would a fourteenth-century equivalent of a Hardware character be like? Admittedly, most of the HU Power Categories wouldn't fit in very well as recently as the Victorian Era, let alone in pre-industrial settings; ever notice how many of them are technology-based? (Aliens, Cyborgs, Experiments, ...)
I wouldn't want to tie Transdimensional to BtS. It's not just that the latter is dark; it's also that BtS is all about, well, the supernatural. The sci-fi'ish feel of Transdimensional has no place there, and vice versa.
Well aliens ar enot aproblem
Hardware character could be unique genius, able to build things other can't
I suggest read Bereserk byt Kentaro Miura, great manga. The mani character Gatsu, got his arm choped and replaced by a, hmm , primitve medieavl bionic arm, wiht black powder cannon built into it!
Experiments could b the result of an alchemist experiment
Robot are the eays ones, every recent fantasy setting has its onw ones(Escaflowne, Magic Knight Rayearth and there was crazy chracater in that Slayers that was specialized in Golem making)
Remeber ehcnology could look like magic to older societies
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:13 pm
by acreRake
That is a point: it's all about your point of view. Inclusion of high tech in other time periods just makes it a more cartoony (which, frankly, is as valid a way to play a superhero game as any other). But look at what Daedalus was supposed to have made! Were almost talking robots here, in ancient Greece! Especially with Temporal and Extraterrestrial influences, anything's possible!
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:02 pm
by acreRake
Totally. I run an HU/TMNT/NSS game where, throughout history, alien encounters set off all the major eras of "superpowers" (Atlantis, Egypt, Summeria, Greece, Yucatan, Norway, USA etc). For the Summerians it was the Annunaki, the Greeks had the Titans and for us a little incident in Grover's Mill, NJ.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:13 am
by Jesterzzn
Astroman wrote:Actually, there's a time travel scenario/device in an adventure in BTS.
Where is that...I might use it.