Rodent Cartel/New Filly Enforcer
Born and raised in Filly, the character received a streetwise education through the school of hard knocks. The character probably began as a gang member or thug whose potential was not lost on the Rodent Cartel. The character was indoctrinated into the Cartel where his or her strong-arm skills were fine-tuned. The character is now an Enforcer for the Rodent Cartel, excelling in the role of strong-armer, collection agent, assassin and so forth.
Apprenticeship: None
Primary Skills: HtH Expert, language, interrogation, prowl (+15%), streetwise (+25%), tailing (+15%), 2 ancient WP of choice, 3 modern WP of choice, & any 3 from military, rogue, or technical (HtH Assassin may be chosen in lieu of 2 modern WP)
Secondary Skills: Select any 8
Special Bonuses: +1 to PS, PE, PP, & Spd, & +5 to SDC
Money: 1D6X500 Bucks
Equipment: The Rodent Cartel will provide characters with equipment, weapons, clothing, and so forth as needed and as pertains to the task. In addition, the character will have their own personal sets of basic clothing, a personal sidearm and an ancient weapon. Characters may purchase their own equipment if they so desire.
Relatives & Connections: The character initially has 1D10 informants, snitches, and/or other contacts throughout Filly, each of whom have a 15% of having knowledge detrimental to the characters mission.
Originally I was just going to throw together some stats for generic NPC templates but decided to do it this way instead. If I'm ever able to get people together for an AtB campaign my plan was to use Chameleon Mice (with an emphasis on HtH Assassin and maybe some psionics), shifter mice, bats, and rats as the choices for Enforcers. Any suggestions?
Rodent Cartel Enforcer Background
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Rodent Cartel Enforcer Background
Last edited by gordyzx9r on Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Select the facts and you manipulate the truth!" - Calvin & Hobbes
Great background! I'll have to make a copy of this for use if I can ever get a group together to play AtB again. 

AtB Warehouse Blog (New Animals, Adventures, Bestiary, and More)
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril
~Nekira Sudacne
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril

~Nekira Sudacne