Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

perhaps you could do a Invid Remnant down in Austrailia?

i could see all the stage 5's being left by the Regis (failed experiments, after all. either over aggresssive or to pacifistic.), and the more militant ones with delusions of grandure heading down to carve out kingdoms in a wilderness.
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hey, Zere, a link with stuff you may want to work in. would seem to fit the setting.

patchwork mecha using scavenged parts? sounds like a Tech-bandit thing to me. :)

as for the aussie Invid, i'd guess perhaps a few RCB's, some refitted troopers (fitted with a cramped human useable cockpit), and lots of human lackies.

perhaps several little coalitions of stage 5's, each claiming a different section of the habitable area?
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glitterboy2098 wrote:perhaps you could do a Invid Remnant down in Austrailia?

i could see all the stage 5's being left by the Regis (failed experiments, after all. either over aggresssive or to pacifistic.), and the more militant ones with delusions of grandure heading down to carve out kingdoms in a wilderness.

I'd say the Regis would leave all the Female ones behind who fell inlove with human scum... These Females would form a Amazon nation... and using limited Invid alchemy, they would make more of them selves, and form a huge Passive commune, and attack all men on site. (as they Blame men for their beloved queen leaving them behind on earth)

Corg was Perfect, he never strayed from the proper corse of action, Killing inferior Humans and ensuring Earth as the new homewolrd of the Invid. a true Hero of the Invid died at the hand of the Murderous Scott Bernard.
one Funny Rumor, Scott bernard in the Final episodes of Robotech was Actually a Simulagent, according to a Rumor about shadow Cronicles, Scott Bernard betrays the REF halfway through the Series.
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i'll draw up some using bas's Stinger tables.
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first time i used it i wound up with a gladiator body, a OPB right arm, a scratch built left arm, TBP legs, and minimal weapons.

trust me, thats fairly more original than your gonna get any other way.

ever design will be different, though they tend to be on par with Destroids in power, unless you wind up with a Battloid or alpha for your main bod.
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Zerebus, this is great stuff :)

on the other hand, your starting to make Therumancer look laconic :shock:
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Zerebus wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Zerebus, this is great stuff :)

on the other hand, your starting to make Therumancer look laconic :shock:

Except unlike Therumancer, I harness my powers for good!

true :)

and great good you do, still waiting egarly for the next alternate robotech installment :)
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Unread post by R Ditto »

Interesting stuff (other than eyestrain I got trying to read it).

One thing that comes to mind is a small timeline I saw someplace (Sentinels, IIRC) making mention of something that makes sense, of a few million Invid returning to Earth within a year or two after the Battle of Reflex Point, for the purpose of harvesting the flower of life.

Could be interesting to have a few Hives (each with an Invid Brain and a few hundred thousand Invid) near/in the places were the flower grows best (with exception of areas where the RDF/others have already rebuilt and/or taken control of). They could mostly stick to themselves, except maybe for raids on the Robotech Masters (since they are supposed to hate them with a passion).

Could be interesting to see what might happen if the RDF or others were to take out a few of the Invid "Bread Baskets". It might trigger a full blown return of the Invid in some areas, or at least a large force that replaces whatever got blasted. Could lead to a delicate truce/nonaggression pact between the Invid and others.

Also, perhaps the Invid would be less aggressive towards the use of protoculture by non-Robotech Masters since it is no longer in limited supply.
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R Ditto wrote:Interesting stuff (other than eyestrain I got trying to read it).

One thing that comes to mind is a small timeline I saw someplace (Sentinels, IIRC) making mention of something that makes sense, of a few million Invid returning to Earth within a year or two after the Battle of Reflex Point, for the purpose of harvesting the flower of life.

Thats in book 5, it htakes place 6months after Reflex point, the Invid Return... "only" 2 million this time.

Could be interesting to have a few Hives (each with an Invid Brain and a few hundred thousand Invid) near/in the places were the flower grows best (with exception of areas where the RDF/others have already rebuilt and/or taken control of). They could mostly stick to themselves, except maybe for raids on the Robotech Masters (since they are supposed to hate them with a passion).

From Lancers Rockers/Return of the masters the Invid occupation force is large enough that they Dominate the Earth, and no one is able to Truely challange them. they dont stick to them selves, they are now more dependent on humans then ever to harvest and process the Flower of Life for them.

Could be interesting to see what might happen if the RDF or others were to take out a few of the Invid "Bread Baskets". It might trigger a full blown return of the Invid in some areas, or at least a large force that replaces whatever got blasted. Could lead to a delicate truce/nonaggression pact between the Invid and others.

its Unlikely the Regis would ever return to Earth, She has found a new homeworld else where, and took most of the Wolrd Protoculture and FOL with her... at leats according to her dialog in Symphony of Light.
Unfotunatly I can not see there ever being a Peace Treaty between the Invid and humans, they consider humans to be on the Exact same level as the Robotech Masters. After her defeat at the REF's hands, the Regis would have an even lower opion of the Humans on Earth, in true Re-invasion by the Full Invid swarm spells death for All Humans on Earth... at least in the RPG.

Also, perhaps the Invid would be less aggressive towards the use of protoculture by non-Robotech Masters since it is no longer in limited supply.

by the book the Re-invasion for is just as Evil as before, and practice the same tactics used during the main occupation. Kill non-loyal humans who use Protoculture. Enslave humans to be Farmers.
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Robotech 2058: Fraken-mecha

started up a thread for the Modded mecha.
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Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Anyone else interested in taking part? So far, there's myself, Phalanx, Persephone, and The Nestene Consciousness. We've all gamed together before and we're looking for some new players.

The way Z has related it to me, we're gonna play it a little fast and loose, drawing on anime tropes and cliches from outside of Robotech. As to exactly what, you'll need to see Z about that. Just as a point of comparison, I'm playing a Faye Valentine bombshell-type. (The first person to make a Man-Faye joke gets a kick in the knutes.)
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Unread post by Novastar »

While I would love to, I'm afraid my schedule isn't very accomodating... :frust:

EDIT: And Zerebus' just corrected me. It's not a Chat game, but on the messageboards. So I'll see you guys there, later today or tomorrow (eek! I need to make a character! :lol: )...
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Unread post by Deathknight69 »

Zerebus wrote:The game has not yet started. There is no rush. I myself have the flu, so my own ability to work on this has been limited for the last few days. I suspect the first round of characters to be completed this weekend or the next, and that will allow me to piece together the prologue and start the game.

EDIT: I've already passed the bare minimum number of players to start the game. This will be going forward. As new players arrive, the difficulty level rises and encompassing story expands. In the meantime, I've created some rather... different character creation rules than what most of you are used to. I encourage anyone curious to take a peek at them (Pilot's Locker Room forum on the Swankytown board).

This stuff is frakkin' awesome !! Great job mate. :eek: 8-)
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Re: Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

Unread post by ZINO »

wow this is epic well done
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

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Ya, he did a good job.
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Re: Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

Unread post by taalismn »

Agreed. Zerebus has a knack for the epic Robotech alternity. :bandit:
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Re: Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Reading this i started to cry a little...crying tears of VICTORY!

Robotech... :love:
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Re: Alternate Robotech Dimension: Robotech 2058 Repost

Unread post by taalismn »

Zerebus wrote:......I haven't set foot in this forum for over a year, yet I see my great works continue to live on. :D

Immortality of a sort. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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And the Turning of a Page"

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