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3rd Annual Martial Art Contest Voting Time

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:58 pm
by Guest
OK, after long-last, here are the entries for the 3rd Annual Martial Arts Contest and their status.

1. Way of the Wendigo - Kinthalis Silverbow
2. 3,000 Bo [3000 Steps, art of speed] - Poiuy Wired
3. Legendary Dolphin Style - Angryjack
4. Pistol Soul (Gunslingers of all gunslingers) - Poiuy Wired
5. Lilt-Nuru [Elfish Death-Dance, Graceful art of swordsmanship] - Poiuy Wired
6. Drenk-Kai Joutsu - Bahamut810 DISQUALIFIED (Not in format)
7. SE CH’UAN SNAKE FIST KUNG FU - Tinker Dragoon
8. Por Hei Kup Won Jee (Chi Crushing Spirit Draining Finger) - Poiuy Wired
9. Aikikai Aikido - The Dark
10. Valley-Style Slap Fu - Darque
12. DEADLY WASP STYLE - Tinker Dragoon
13. FONG NGAN – PHOENIX EYE KUNG FU - Tinker Dragoon
14. Zi Ran Men - Hibik
15. Kerb Abak - LordZaboem
16. Ming Jing, the Hell Mirror Martial Art - LordZaboem

As a side note, styles posted in another forum around the same time as the contest are now being allowed, due to the mass confusion about their legality among contestants. Entries disqualified for other reasons are still not eligable for voting.
NOTE: I've tried to place everything in one big, (hopefully) easy to read format, but if I missed a part that had text coding for whatever reason, I appologize.

The Categories
Best Original/Fictional Martial Art
Best Nonfictional (Real) Martial Art
Best Humorous Martial Art (be it wit or satire, low humor, or whatever)
Best New Martial Art Power
Best Background History
Best New Rule/Combat Move
Coolest Name

Best Martial Art Style will be awarded based on a composite result of the scoring from the Best and Coolest categories (i.e. Best Original/Fictional Martial Art, Best Nonfictional (Real) Martial Art, Best Humorous Martial Art, Best New Martial Art Power, Best Background History, Best New Rule/Combat Move, and Coolest Name) once all the votes are in and tallied.
Each category will have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner.

Ok I'll take a shot at it.
Way of the Wendigo
By Kinthalis Silverbow
Entrance Requirements: No Alignment Restrictions. Requires a minimum P.S. of 13 and P.E. of 14.
Skill Cost: 11 Years (9 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Style).
This style from the wilderness of Canada was created by a wandering mutant bear. The bear created this style based on events after the Crash. Finally, after much combative testing, the bear managed to perfect this style. This style has an accurate reputation for sudden violence, and has a casual, but important, focus on hunting skills.
Training in this style improves the devotees' health, running speed, and strength. At the first sign of a fight, advocates of this style enter combat aggressively, leaping or charging the opponent as soon as possible. At the first opportunity, masters prefer to close to grappling range to subdue opponents with a bear hug. Weapons training in this style includes spears and clubs.
This Way is practically unknown and is taught informally all over The North. The current head of this style is the wandering mutant bear who created the style.
Costume: None.
Stance: Feet shoulder's width apart, forward foot pointed ahead and to the outside, rear foot pointed out and to the front, knees bent. Forward fist rigidly extended on a straight line from the shoulder, rear fist tight against the waist.
Add +1 to P.S.
Add +3 to P.E.
Add +4 to Spd.
Add +1D6 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Leap.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry.
Advanced Defense Moves: Power Block/Parry.
Hand Attacks: Punch, Power Punch, Double Fist Punch.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Axe Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Double Kick Technique (SPECIAL! Wendigo practitioners are so well trained they can kick twice in the air before landing again, similar to many flashier Kung Fu styles and Tae Kwon Do; once per melee round the character may, if he has won Initiative, perform any two kicks in a row, rolling to strike with one immediately after the other; the first kick gets full strike bonuses, while the second gets only half bonuses, rounding down), Flying Reverse Spinning Kick, Jump Kick, Flying Jump Kick, Flying Reverse Turn Kick, Flying Hook Kick Takedown (SPECIAL! Jump onto the opponent's shoulders then fall backward, taking him over by the head with your legs. Standard damage is 1D6, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative and losing the next melee attack/action. Cannot be parried, but can be dodged.)
Special Attacks: Leap Attack, Crush/Squeeze (Special! This combat move uses the rules from After the Bomb 2nd Edition, page 144).
Holds/Locks: None.
Weapon Kata: None.
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike.
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of ONE (1) Martial Art Power from among Body Hardening Exercises and Demon Hunter Body Hardening Exercises. Automatically receives Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko Body Hardening Exercise. These can not be traded for Basic Skill Programs.
Languages: English and French.
Cultural: Brewing, Fishing, and Sports
Physical: None.
Survival: Forestwise, Hunting, and Wilderness Survival.
Temple: None.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Blunt, W.P. Spear.
Philosophical Training: None.
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Drunken Style (6 Years), Kyokushinkai (4 Years), Liang Hsiung (1 Year), Shan Tung (2 Years), Shih Ba Ban Wu Yi (3 Years), Tae Kwon Do (3 Years), or Tong Lun (3 Years).
1st: +1 to Strike, +2 to Leap (add 6 feet to Leap Distance).
2nd: +1 to Save vs Pain, +1 to Initiative.
3rd: +1 to Strike, +2 to Leap (add 6 feet to Leap Distance).
4th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening Exercises or Demon Hunter Body Hardening Exercises.
5th: +1 Attack per Melee.
6th: +2 to Parry, +2 to Leap (add 6 feet to Leap Distance).
7th: Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20.
8th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening Exercises or Demon Hunter Body Hardening Exercises.
9th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
10th: +1 to Initiative.
11th: +1 to Save vs Pain.
12th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening Exercises or Demon Hunter Body Hardening Exercises.
13th: Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19, or 20.
14th: +1 Attack per Melee.
15th: +1 to Leap (add 6 feet to Leap Distance).
Why Study Way of the Wendigo?
Highly mobile and damaging, but the art is short on defensive maneuvers. A good, strongly offensive form of martial arts that also includes weapon skills. The perfect outdoor martial art. A solid, combat effective form that stresses quickness and power.
NOTE: this form was designed for ATB2.

Here is my Entry Number 1.
This is a Fixed Repost of My Entry.
3,000 Bo [3000 Steps, art of speed][EXCLUSIVE]
By Poiuy Wired
Entrance Requirements:
PP 16
Speed 18
Skill Cost: 13 years
Little is known about the originator of this style, known as Fone(wind), after all the originator of the style thinks the less people knows about it, the better it is. A few famous practitioners of the style are less subtle about their abilities, the fabled thief "Plum-Picker" is said to be able to hop in and out of the Forbidden City unseen, all the effort to take a fresh Plum flower for a lady!
This is an ancient art for used my thieves and burglars. The art form provides ample training for stealth, speed and agility, perfect for "acquiring" desirables without being seen, or to outrun any angry owners. The flashy type with this style will wear flowing white outfit, hopping from building to building, as if taunting those who give chase. Although there are more subtle practitioners who sneak in and out of a building undiscovered, leaving nothing more than a gust of wind.
Costume: Something light and Dark, akin to the Ninjas. Style Concentrated on stealth and speed.
Stance: Whatever one feels comfortable. Prefers to stay as far away as possible. Afterall, why fight when you can just run away!
+4 PP
+10 Speed
+10 S.D.C
Double Normal Chi
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Back Flip.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge, Automatic Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike(punch), Palm Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Roundhouse Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: *none*
Special Attacks: Leap Attack.
Holds/Locks: *none*
Weapon Kata: W.P. All Paired Weapons, W.P. Knife, W.P. Sword, W.P. Throwing Darts.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Rear.
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of 2 Powers from the Arts of Invisibility. Select one Power from Any Category.
Languages: Chinese (usually Cantonese)
Cultural: *none*
Physical: Prowl, Athletic, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Running, Climbing, Swimming.
Survival: *none*
Temple: *none* (Trained by a master)
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. All Paired Weapons, W.P. Knife, W.P. Sword, W.P. Throwing Darts.
Philosophical Training: *none* (unless you count "everything-goes" as a kind of Philosophy)
1st: +4 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Critical Strike on Natural 20, Critical Strike from Rear, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
2nd: +2 Initiative, +1 Parry/Dodge.
3rd: +1 to Strike, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
4th: +1 Automatic Dodge, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20
5th: +1 Parry/Dodge, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
6th: +1 Attack Per Melee, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
7th: Select 1 Martial Art Power.
8th: +1 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 19-20
9th: +1 Initiative, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
10th: +1 Parry/Dodge, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
11th: Select 1 Martial Art Power.
12th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
13th: +1 Parry/Dodge, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 18-20
14th: +1 Initiative, +1 Attack Per Melee.
15th: +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance), Select 1 Zenjorike Power.
Why Study 3,000 Bo?
You want to be Fast, really Fast. You want to be Sneaky, really Sneaky.
You prefer Flight than Fight. You don't mind being called a Coward.
[Designer Notes: This style is quite similar to what the Japanese Ninja use. The main difference is mobility over lethality. The style is used mainly to spy and steal. That having said, underestimating a 3,000 Bo master is a lethal mistake, for he can run around you in circles all day raining steel over your head, and there is little chance you can catch him, if any.]
[The style have extreme mobility as one may see, but lacks powerful and damaging attack. Wise player would know to leap and dodge away from attackers, and use the various throwing skills to attack from afar. Trying to go melee with this style for any extended period of time is a bad idea. The style simply lacks powerful modifier or tough martial Art Power to stand up to the abuse. However, it should be easy for any 3.000 Bo master to just jump away from combat, up a to a roof, allows for quick getaway, or raining death from vairous weapons he carries. Modern Masters "MAY" think of gettin WP: pistols as a kata. A silenced pistol is quite effective for a sneaky personality, although the silence and ease of conseal makes darts and knives an all time favorate. It is also extremely common for some masters to coat poisons on his weapons.]

Legendary Dolphin Style (Exclusive)
By Angryjack
Entrance Requirements:
PS 12
PP 12
PE 11
ME 14
SPD 12
Skill Cost: 12 years
The Legendary Dolphin style was mastered by an ancient island kingdom that was deep in mysticism, furthermore it was also located by an alcove frequented by marine animals. The desire of the people to be at one with the sea animals had lead them into wrestling each other underwater and above it, and often fighting beasts such as dolphins, sea lions, Walruses and Sharks. The intense power of the larger animals sent the sages and masters on a quest for a way to defeat these creatures and thus chi mastery soon entered the scene. Travellers from China taught them the various forms of chi mastery but the people soon needed ways to manipulate chi to further enhance their style. Legend has it a Fang Shih consulted a Water Dragon who further taught the people these new abilities. Infact, It seems the Fang shih of this island who developed most of the more remarkable abilties.
Note: Due to the extreme power of this art, advancement beyond 9th is only possible by defeating a master of equal or higher level , or from learning the abilities from a Water or Ki Spirit. if none Can be found the character continues to advance and only gains the ability to use another martial arts power or skill program each level past 9th.
Costume: Being that the character is meant to be able to fight underwater, costume only consists of short pants, and occassionally a Light cotton, canvas, or reed shirt for buoyancy. May or may not wear footwear. In modern times diving gear may be worn.
Stance: The Opening Stance of Dolphin style is to have one leg bent over the other and the arms held over high as if in a dive position.
+4 to Physical Strength
+2 to Mental Endurance
+5 to Speed
+2 to Physical Prowess
+2 to Physical Endurance
Cold Resistance: 1/2 Damage from cold and can stand in cold temperatures twice as long before suffering from hypothermia.
Double Normal Chi
+6d6 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Leap Away, Backflip, Roll w/ punch/fall, Power Dive( as leap but works underwater), Lock Break
Attack Moves: Sommersault Attack, Combination Trip/Stomp (D6), Leap attack,Trip, Disarm, ,Double Body flip/throw, Combination Parry/Leap kick
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Power Block, Multiple Dodge,
Advanced Defensive Moves: I mpact Sponge, Automatic Dodge (underwater),Combination Roll/trip
Hand Attacks: Finger tip Strike, Palm Strike, Knife Hand, Rake
Basic Foot Attacks: Knee kick, Snap Kick, Round House, Spin Kick, Reverse Spin kick, Axe Kick
Jumping Foot Attacks: Flying Reverse Kick, Leap Kick, Jump Kick
Special Attacks: Dolphin Smash A Head Butt that does D10 Damage, and causes the opponent to Save vs stun (16) or be at -6 to combat actions for D6 rounds, if they make the saving throw they are -2 to combat actions for 1 round. performable only once per round and counts as 2 attacks. Head gear may increase the damage by +1d6 to 3d6.
Holds/Locks: Head lock, Arm lock, Foot lock, Joint Break
Weapon Kata: WP Tonfa , Net , Trident , Dragoncatcher, Mancatcher, Knife, Spear, Staff are allowed ( Select 2 to start)
Modifiers to Attacks: Double strike ( allows the character to repeat the same move in secession if the first strike succeeds, 2nd strike is at 1/2 bonuses ), Pull Punch, Knock out/Stun, Stunning Blow (35+5 % per level of success, if successful treat as a disabling strike granting a penalty of -2 to all combat moves and -10% speed to the Opponent after blow. ) . Critical Strike
Note: May use Body chi to raise PE to increase Swimming Speed, Leaping Distances, or the amount of time one can spend underwater. Chi Climbing can also be used to run across water at 1/2 speed , as long as the water is calm.
Martial Art Powers: Starts with the following Katas and abilities:
Dragon Line Kata, Kangeiko/Shugeiko, Body Chi. May select 2 additional powers from Chi katas, Weapon Katas, Chi powers, and Body hardening Excercises.
Languages: Ancient Polynesian, Mandarin Chinese.
Cultural: Fishing, Cooking, Spear Fishing, Spelunking,
Physical: Oxygen Conservation, Running, Swimming, Acrobatics, Advanced Swimming
Survival: Underwater Navigation, Identify Marine Life, Wilderness Survival, Skin and prepare Animal Hides
Temple: Geomancy, Ancient History, Meditation, Calligraphy
Weapon Proficiencies: Select 2 from available katas.
: +2 feet to Leap distance, +2 to Strike, +2 to Pull/Punch/ Roll W/ Punch Fall
2nd: +2 to Disarm/Entagle, +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Body flip/Throw
3rd: +1 Attack per melee , +2 initiative, +2 Damage
4th: +1 Martial Arts power, +2 to Pull /Punch/ Roll w/punch /fall
5th: +2 Damage, +2 feet to Leap distance, +2 to Strike
6th: Double Chi, +1 Martial Arts power.
7th: Knock Out / Stun on 18+, Critical Strke 19+.
8th: +1 Attack, +2 to Parry/Dodge.
9th: +2 to Body Flip/Throw, +2 Strike.
10th: Invoke WATER CHI animus (special, same as spell but costs 35 chi to initiate, Animus may not be detached)
11th: Double Chi, +1 Martial Arts Power
12th: +2 intiative, Critical Strike 18+, Knock Out/Stun 16+.
13th: Invoke Tangle of Chi, Invoke Spiral of Chi (as spelsl but Chi cost instead of PPE)
14th: Absorb Chi (May absorb all the chi within anyone in the same body of water within 100 feet, when not in water it can only be used within touch range. the amount of chi absorbed is All. To Save vs the drain, must have the ability to sense chi or have a mental barrier such as a mind block. Those who can resist chi influences can resist as normal. Positive Chi and negative chi cancel each other out when it forms in the final pool. The pool will last for D6 rounds before it dissipates back into the water.
15th: Torrent of Chi: Can at the cost of 100 chi cause someone to violently expel all the chi they have and turn into a vortex of Chi. This is painful and does SDC damage equal to the amount of chi released. this has a range of Line of Sight.
Why Study Legendary Dolphin Style?
why Not Study it? course it does make you into a powerful warrior, on the Down side, you've been living in an isolated ancient kingdom that has few ties to the Modern world. You'll have difficulty meeting masters who have the greater powers of the Legendary masters, but on the plus side, You'll be able to Defeat almost any opponent straight off the bat.
OK... here is the updated Gun Fu style, with a new name and some background. This is a more "Rift" style submission. Feel free to play with it. Designer's note will come up soon
Notes: This Martial Art Form Is a Resurrection of the Old Triad Assassin Style, Designed to include new skills, and new weaponary of Rifts Earth. 'Slingers may choose to take this Style with the cost of 6 skills, making them true gods of Pistols. The bonuses is slightly juiced up and altered, but the style is considered exclusive.

Pistol Soul (Gunslingers of all gunslingers)(Exclusive)
By Poiuy Wired
Entrance Requirements:
Any Alignment
PP 18
Skill Cost: 8 years. (Rifts: Half the time If the Character is a Gun-Slinger related OCCs)
Costume: Officially None, though most wear a Tough (MDC) Vambrace for Parrying(usually armed with studs and sometimes even retractable claws), and most take to wear MDC trenchcoats.
Stance: Upright Stance, with Pistols Pointing at the Target.
All city rats would want to one day become heros, like those in the pre-rifts movies. Many have tried to imitate the various shooting styles from these ancient records. Some tried they new skills in real combat, with disappointing results. Then again, most did not return to tell the tale. There was a rumor amongst the city rats that hidden amongst the piles and piles of pre-rifts movies and flicks is the real ultimate way to use a pistol, something that would make a gun-slinger's skills look like child's play. So far none succeed in finding it. Yet, thousands are searching for it everyday. The Silver Blaster gang is amongst those who try to find this ultimate way of the pistol. Everyday they practise their skills with nerf laser, and flicks through tons of pre-rifts movies and flicks, learning from everyone of them. But the more the go through, the more disappointing they are. As their skills grew, something becomes disturbingly apparent: most of the movie gunfights are flawed. It was then, that miracle happens. Davy Boy, A brother of a member came back to the 'burbs for a visit. An amature gun-slinger, he was wounded in a firefight, and need to "lay low" for a while. Being bored in the safe-house, he flicks through the mountains of movies. It was then, that miracle DO happen. From one of those dusty old tapes with poor quality comes a short training video from a person called Saih. The video is short, with nothing other than a few simple shots being fired. But being a 'slinger Davy realize the extreme skills needed in executing such shots. For the weeks and months that followed, Davy would practice his skills acording to the video. The boys in the Silver Blaster gang may reguard it being a crazy idea, the legendary tape just CAN NOT be this simple! But Davy IS a 'slinger, and even an amature 'slinger is way better then the city rats in skills. So, they follow the training, of only to amuse themselves. It takes a long time before they can fully utilise the skils in the energy pistols they use, but it is possable. If fact, it is easier since energy pistols gives little recoil, and that partially speeds up the learning process. With a few skills "borrowed" from the gun-slinger training, a new style is born.
The new style focus on becoming one with the pistol, a weird concept from the Silver Blaster gang, definitely something they picked up from old movies. But for whatever the reason, it works! In the past some may consider this a dishonorable way of becoming a martial Artist, but the fact is, Who Cares? It Works, thats all it matters. The growing size of the Silver Blaster gang shows its effectiveness, as the style spreads, slowly, and selectively.
Next time, when you see some kiddo swinging around two pistols, don't call him a fool... he may just be the ones who know the Pistol Soul.
+2 PP
+2 Speed
+5 S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Automatic Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike(punch), Pistol Whip(1D8 Damage) (Note: Non-ranged attacks have their own set of bonus under the "Melee Attack" entry)
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Roundhouse Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: NONE
Special Attacks: NONE
Holds/Locks: NONE
Weapon Kata: W.P. Knife, W.P. All Pistols(character do not use W.P. bonuses, instead use the ones listed here), W.P. Paired Firearms(Pistols). (Found in RGMG)
Modifiers to Attacks: NONE
Martial Art Powers: One Life, One Hit, One Shot, One Kill.
Languages: NONE
Cultural: NONE
Others: Sniper.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Knife, W.P. All Pistols, W.P. Paired Firearms(Pistols), W.P. Sharpshooting Specialty. (Found in RGMG)
Philosophical Training: NONE
NOTE: Like the Triad Assassin Style in Mystic China, Bonuses in this Advancement table are NOT cumulative. Each Level lists all the character's bonuses exactly. Unlike Triad Assassin Style Pistol Spirit Works on most pistols, as long as they are capable of "standard" rate of fire, and have a payload of more than 10. The use of Knives allows for better parrying when only one pistol is used.
2 Attacks per melee.
+4 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage
+2 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2
+2 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 5
+1 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 to parry/dodge
2 Attacks per melee.
+4 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage
+2 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2
+2 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 5
+1 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
3 Attacks per melee.
+4 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage
+3 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2
+3 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 5
+1 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
3 Attacks per melee.
+5 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage
+3 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2
+3 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 5
+1 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
4 Attacks per melee.
+5 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage +1
+3 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2 +4
+3 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 6
+2 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
4 Attacks per melee.
+5 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage +1
+3 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2 +4
+3 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 6
+2 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
5 Attacks per melee.
+6 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage +1
+4 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 2 +4
+4 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 6
+2 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
5 Attacks per melee.
+6 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 1.5
+4 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 3
+4 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 9
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+1 to Automatic Dodge
5 Attacks per melee.
+6 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 1.5
+4 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 3
+4 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 9
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
6 Attacks per melee.
+6 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 1.5
+4 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 3
+4 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 9
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
6 Attacks per melee.
+7 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 1.5
+5 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 3
+5 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 9
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
6 Attacks per melee.
+7 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 2
+5 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 3
+5 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 10
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+3 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
7 Attacks per melee.
+7 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 2
+5 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 4
+5 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 10
+3 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+4 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+4 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
8 Attacks per melee.
+8 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 2
+5 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 4
+5 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 11
+4 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+4 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+4 to parry/dodge
+2 to Automatic Dodge
8 Attacks per melee.
+8 to strike with aimed shot: Normal Single-Shot Damage X 2
+6 to strike with three shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 4
+6 to strike with five shot burst: Single-Shot Damage X 11
+4 to strike with all melee attacks, including Pistol Whip
+4 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+4 to parry/dodge
+3 to Automatic Dodge
Why Study Pistol Soul?
Do you really want to run between in-coming enemy fire to deliver a punch?
Do you really want to even get close to those nightmarish creatures?
What else teaches you to Kill without getting your clothes dirty?
[Designers Notes: To be announced]

Another Entry, this one for Palladium Fantasy. Yes this one is a bit munchie, but it is supposed to be Special. Yes, even this will not beat a crazed Jeridu.
Lilt-Nuru [Elfish Death-Dance, Graceful art of swordsmanship]
By Poiuy Wired
Entrance Requirements:
Any Alignment
IQ 10
PS LESS THAN 14 (too strong and it breaks the "grace of this art form)
PP 16
Speed 12
Skill Cost: 36 years (No learning bonus if used as a secondary style, this style is simply too different)
This is a rarely known style of swordsmanship. It is rare in the even amongst Elfish swordsmen, not to mention other species. Some may argue that Lilt-Nuru started out as ritual dancing turned lethal, though that is unlikely. The unnatural grace and its deviation from regular laws of martial Art makes it difficult to learn and understand. Rumor is that the style is taught by the Old Ones, refined by the Jeridus, and passed on to the Elves as the Jeridus switches side. But the rarity of Jeridus makes it impossable to varify such facts.
Anyhow, the extreme agility of the style, coupled with the almost impossable moves dodging between blades is a wonderful sight, at least for the bystanders.
It is said that any race can learn this style, although no non-elf have been able to find a master and be able to complete the long and complex training, which consists of many nights of singing and dancing.
+4 PP
+4 Speed
+5 S.D.C
Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Back Flip, Maintain Balance.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry. DOES NOT get Automatic Parry. [Almost use Automatic Dodge exclusively in place of a Parry]
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge, Automatic Dodge, Automatic Roll.
Hand Attacks: Strike(punch).
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Roundhouse Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick.
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack.
Holds/Locks: None
Weapon Kata: W.P. All Paired Weapons, W.P. Knife, W.P. Sword.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Rear.
Martial Art Powers: None
Languages: Elfish/Dragonese.
Cultural: Dancing(+30%), Singing(+15%), Art(one music Instrument)
Physical: Acrobatics, Gymnastics.
Survival: None
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. All Paired Weapons, W.P. Knife, W.P. Sword.
Philosophical Training: None
This style is simply too different to provide and bonus in learning any other known style.
1st: +1 to Dodge, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Critical Strike on Natural 20, Critical Strike from Rear.
2nd: +2 Initiative, +1 Parry/Dodge.
3rd: +2 to Strike, +1 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
4th: +1 to Dodge, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20
5th: Critical Strike on Natural 19 or 20.
6th: +1 Attack Per Melee, +1 to Strike.
7th: +1 to Dodge, +1 Maintain Balance.
8th: +1 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 19-20
9th: +1 Attack Per Melee, +1 Initiative, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
10th: +1 to Dodge, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
11th: +1 Attack Per Melee, +1 to Strike.
12th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Death Blow on Natural 20.
13th: +1 Attack Per Melee, Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19 or 20.
14th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge.
15th: +1 Attack Per Melee, +2 Initiative, +1 to Leap (Add 6 Feet to leap Distance)
Why Study Lilt-Nuru?
To dance gracefully amongst your enemies, and to send them to their end with their screams as your appaluse.
[Designer Notes: This style is almost On Par with Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu when it comes to Attacks, and is Definitely way faster. The Focus on Automatic Dodge is a Good thing, though the lack of a basic Automatic Parry means it is extremely dangerous to be caught inmobile. The attacks are generally extremely precise, this is important since all Lilt-Nuru Elves have low strength.]
[NOTE TO GM: Please DO NOT send a Jeridu with Lilt-Nuru against your PCs, its not even fair. ]
[EDIT: I changed a few Typos and the weird out Automatic Dodge thingy. Since In N&SS format Automatic Dodge gets full Dodge Bonus]

Drenk-Kai Joutsu
By Bahamut810
Entrance requirements: 8pp, a high PS and PE are recommended, Good or unprincipled alignments only. Must have access to an Andronian master.
Skill Cost: 9 years (7 years as a secondary)
This Martial Art is part of the lifestyle of a Memnon from the Androsenies alien race. In the Androsenies language it means “The Gods art of Life” which is a very fitting name. It shows a person how to truly live life by travelling to all the wonderful places the world has to offer…on foot. They have to find a way to scale all the mountains, cross the deserts, get to where they feel they need to be. Along the way they talk to everyone and help where ever they can and are generally pleasant to just be around. They like to spar with every other Drekken (the name for a Drenk-Kai Joutsu student) they meet as a matter of course to make sure they keep their skills sharp and to keep feeling alive.
Once the person has found his place, he settles down and helps the community that he has chosen. He will usually take a position of authority, such as a police officer or military official.
This form is a wonderful blend of punch and kick moved that is designed to be and practical. In this aspect it is very close to the Earth martial art Jujitsu. There are no illegal moves using this form, though when training “illegal” moves won’t be used. This form lets the student customize his own moves with relative ease and encourages the student to pick a weapon to be trained with (as to be more flexible).
When using this form the Drekken will usually start by moving in to debilitate his opponent in some way. This usually entails a sweep or a grab/throw move. After that he will use punches and kicks in the most effective way he can to stop his opponent from being able to fight, which is usually from dislocation of a limb, or just plain knocking them out.
Costume: Loose Fitting clothing, a Kung Fu uniforms usually works
Stance: Feet a shoulder length apart, one slightly behind the other, knees slightly bent. One fist extended in front of him at waist level, with the other fist about two inches from the waist.
Character Bonuses:
+1 MA
+1 PS
+2 PP
+1 PE
+10 SDC
Combat Skills:
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Maintain Balance, Back flip
Attack Moves: (none)
Basic Defense: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defense: Auto-Roll, Multiple Dodge, Disarm, Breakfall
Hand Attacks: Strike (punch), Knife Hand, Palm Strike
Foot Attacks: Kick, Tripping/leg hooks, Backward Sweep, Snap Kick, Reverse turning kick (combination Dodge/Kick)
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick
Special attacks: Leap attack, Body flip/throw, Automatic Body flip/throw, Choke, Knee, Paralysis attack (vital points)
Weapon Katas: None
Modifiers to attacks: Pull punch, Critical, Critical from Behind, Deathblow, Knockout, Body flip/throw, Critical flip/throw
Skills Included In Training:
Martial Arts Powers: You start with the Kangeiko and Shochu Geiko body hardening technique and may select a total of 2 extra powers from among Body Hardening, Martial Arts Techniques, Special Katas and Arts of Invisibility. If you desire any number of Powers can be traded, one-for-one, for basic skill programs (excluding physical).
Language: Androsian (Close to the Atlantian Language)
Cultural: Cooking
Survival: Wilderness Survival, Tracking
Physical: Prowl, Climbing
Philosophical Training: Zen Buddhism (Equivalent)
If this is your Primary Martial Arts form then the following other forms can be learned in a shorter time. Jujitsu (4 years), Moo Gi Gong (4 years), Shao-lin (6 years)
Level Advancement Bonus:
1st: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Parry/Dodge, Critical Strike from Behind
2nd: +1 Strike, +1 Disarm
3rd: +2 Body flip/throw (Does 2d6 damage instead of the normal 1d6), +2 to Maintain Balance
4th: +1 Attack Per Melee, Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19 or 20
5th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 20
6th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Arts power from Artemi, or Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas, or Arts of Invisibility. +1 disarm, Deathblow on a natural 20.
7th: +1 Body flip/throw, +1 to Disarm
8th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 Maintain Balance
9th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Damage
10th: +1 Parry/Dodge, +1 Disarm
11th: +1 Attack per Melee, Select One (1) Additional Martial Arts power from Artemi, or Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas, or Arts of Invisibility
12th: +1 Parry/Dodge, +1 Strike
13th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Maintain Balance
14th: +1 Attack per Melee, Knockout/stun on a natural 19 or 20
15th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Arts power from Artemi, or Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas, or Arts of Invisibility

Why Study Drenk-Kai Joutsu?
Most people are born into it, others fall in love with the near care-free life that they lead. This form specializes in disabling the
opponent and minimizes damage to everything (and everyone) around the fight.
*NOTE- Memnon is the warrior/priest caste from the race this is from. If you would like the writeup for the race, please email me.

By Tinker Dragoon
Entrance Requirements: No Alignment restrictions. Minimum Attributes are M.E.: 8, P.P.: 12, Spd.: 10
Skill Cost: 12 Years (9 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Form).
Yet another classic Chinese Style that imitates an animal, in this case the writhing motions and rapid debilitating strikes of the snake. Defenses in Se Ch’uan are typically soft and circular in nature, while attacks are hard and linear. The Snake Fist master prefers to evade the opponent’s blows rather than block them, touching the opponent only to attack.
In combat the snake fist master will carefully size up the opponent, writhing and swaying from side to side, just out of the opponent’s reach, using feints and sudden movements to provoke the opponent into attacking and leaving its vulnerable points undefended, at which time he will strike out with a single rapid Snake Fist or Atemi strike, often ending the fight in one attack. Against stronger and smarter opponents, powerful Negative Chi attacks and paralyzing blows will be employed to render the opponent helpless.
Se Ch’uan Kung Fu can be learned from martial art schools and lone hermits in China, Australia, and in Chinatowns across the USA and Canada.
Costume: Silk or cotton Kung Fu outfit, but sometimes bare-chested.
Stance: Upright, writhing and constantly shifting the angle of the body to the opponent, feet held at right angles and slightly apart with the right side of the body towards the opponent, arms are both bent with the right hand (the “snake fist”) held at eye level, and the left hand held near the chest (reverse for the left-handed).
Add 4 to M.E.
Add 2 to P.P.
Double Normal Chi
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
Attack Moves: None
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge, Breakfall, Combination Parry/Attack, Combination Dodge/Attack (SPECIAL! Against one opponent, once per melee round, the character can simultaneously dodge and attack. First the character must roll a successful dodge. If the dodge works, then the character rolls to strike using a Palm Strike, Snake Fist, or a melee weapon. No Strike or Damage bonuses allowed. The victim of Combination Dodge/Attack must use a melee round attack/action to defend against it, i.e. Automatic defenses won't work. Uses up one melee attack/action.)
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Fingertip Attack, Palm Strike, Snake Fist (SPECIAL! An openhanded stabbing strike with the fingertips to soft parts of the body, imitating the head of a snake. Does 2D4 damage.), Two-Finger Strike (SPECIAL! a variant of the Fingertip Attack which uses two fingers instead of one, and does 2 points of damage. Any Atemi ability that requires a Fingertip Attack or Fore-Knuckle Fist to use can be performed with this strike.)
Basic Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hooks.
Jumping Foot Attacks: None
Special Attacks: Choke, Death Blow, Leap Attack, Paralysis Attack (Vital Points).
Holds/Locks: None
Weapon Kata: None
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Behind, Knockout/Stun from Behind.
Martial Art Powers: Select three (3) Powers from among Atemi (including advanced), or Chi Mastery (including advanced). If desired, any number of Powers can be traded, one-for-one, for any Basic Skill Programs (excluding physical).
Languages: Chinese
Cultural: Acupressure*
Temple: Geomancy
Philosophical Training: Taoism
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Bok Pai (5 Years), Ch’in-Na (4 years), Fong Ngan (4 Years), Pao Pat Mei (3 Years), Tai-Chi Ch’uan (4 Years).
1st: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike, Critical Strike from Behind, Knockout/Stun from Behind.
2nd: +1 to Dodge, +1 to Damage.
3rd: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Atemi (including advanced) and Chi Mastery (including advanced).
4th: +1 to Breakfall, Critical Strike on Natural 19 or 20.
5th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Death Blow on Natural 20.
6th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Strike.
7th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Atemi (including Dim Mak and advanced) and Chi Mastery (including advanced).
8th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge.
9th: Double Existing Chi, Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, or 20.
10th: +1 to Breakfall, +2 to Damage, +1 to Dodge.
11th: Select One (1) Zenjorike Power.
12th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge.
13th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Atemi (including Dim Mak and advanced) and Chi Mastery (including advanced).
14th: Death Blow (Can be used whenever desired, i.e. No Natural Number required, however, character must announce intentions to use the Attack per Melee, costs two melee attacks).
15th: Select One (1) Zenjorike Power.
Why Study SE CH’UAN?
Not the most damaging style, but powerful Atemi and Chi powers allow the Snake Fist stylist to disable and even kill his opponents without bloodshed. Decent defense against multiple attackers.
* New Skill: Acupressure is an ancient Chinese total body treatment, given through clothing on pressure points, to stimulate the flow and improve circulation of energy throughout the body. Like its Japanese equivalent shiatsu, acupressure requires no needles relying instead on the thumbs, palms, heels of the hands and elbows, (sometimes knees and feet) to apply held pressure on vital points on the body. Along with pressure point treatment, gentle stretching and corrective exercises are also used. Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. (By Kuseru)

Another Form/Style... this one is a bit Weird.
[This style is Drastically Different from most other style. I try to bring out the feel of those Darker Arts in some Martial Fantasy. Please Excuse the difference in Format as it is the only way to present the newer alternative materials.]
Por Hei Kup Won Jee (Chi Crushing Spirit Draining Finger)
By Poiuy Wired
Entrance Requirements:
None! Anyone can study this style, but there is no turning back...
Skill Cost: 4 years (2 as a Secondary Martial Art Style).
Through Out the years many ancient styles are lost, and many are lost for good reasons! Still, many will seek those Rumored exotic styles, for fables of heros dashing through walls and crushing steel with mere touch of a finger is just too tempting.
Por Hei Kup Won Jee is NOT an ancient style. It is, in fact, the Failed effort of resurrecting an ancient style through patchments of scattered scripts and scrolls. Most who seek the fabled Kup Zing Dai Fat either failed, or worse, permanently patrified due to extreme Chi Influx. However, Gui Ling, a Martial Art Guru, is able to patch up a usable style from these patchments. The result is Por Hei Kup Won Jee. The extreme power over Chi allows for near super-human power. However, the the training process also disrupt the body's normal Chi Flow, turning the person into almost a monster.
Many would seek to learn Por Hei Kup Won Jee, attracted by its fast advancement. Most turns into horrable monsters rather than masters.
Costume: Basically Anything.
Stance: Hunched Over body with Fingers Spread Out.
-2 ME
+4 PS (Becomes Supernatural)
+4 PP
+4 Speed
+40 S.D.C. !!!
Quadruple(!) Normal Chi !!!
Roll/Choose 2 Insanities(can be found in other Palladium Books)
Chi-Thirst (Special Penalty!)
The weird training turns the character into a semi Chi vampire! The character requires to feed from a certainment amount of Chi everyday. Failure to do so for a week would result in the loss of 1D4 Hit Points and 1D6 Chi per day, which CANNOT be recovered by any means until the "missed" Chi is absorbed. The Chi MUST BE absorbed from Sentient Lives! The requirement of Chi per week is indicated at each level. At first level its 1 point of Chi only, but this requirement quickly goes up as the Character advances in Level. Obviously some Masters would perform horrable acts just to satisify his Chi-First.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, leap, backflip.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike(punch), Fingertip Attack, Claw Hand, Power Punch.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Tripping/Leg Hooks.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick.
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Leap Attack, Draining Finger(SPECIAL!! This special attack does the same damage as a normal Fingertip Attack, ut it also Drains a small amount of Chi from its Victim. The number of Chi drained is equal to 1D4 plus the Half Level of the Por Hei Kup Won Jee Master, Rounding Down. So a Fifth Level Master would drain 1D4 plus 2 Chi per successful hit with the Draining Finger. The Drained Chi can EITHER ALL be used to satisify the Chi-First(see Above) OR ALL be used just like normal Chi. It takes FOUR(4) Actions to perform Draining Finger at Level 1, but higher level Masters can perform it in a much shorter time.)
Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Neck Hold.
Weapon Kata: Select 2 W.P. of choice.
Modifiers to Attacks: Death Blow, Knock-Out/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from rear.
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of 4(!) Powers of any kind. Select one Zenjorike Power.
Languages: Chinese (Old Chinese)
Weapon Proficiencies: Select 2 W.P. of choice.
Philosophical Training: None.
If this is your Primary Martial Art, you don't get to learn other styles in a shorter time.
1st: Chi-Thirst(1), Draining Finger takes 4 attacks to perform, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from rear.
2nd: Chi-Thirst(2), +2 to Strike, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20.
3rd: Chi-Thirst(4), +1 Attack per melee, +2 to Parry/Dodge.
4th: Chi-Thirst(, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Select 1 Martial Art Power.
5th: Chi-Thirst(16), Draining Finger takes 3 attacks to perform, +1 to Parry/Dodge, Fingertip Attack does 1D4 Damage.
6th: Chi-Thirst(24), +1 Attack per melee, Critical on Natural 19-20.
7th: Chi-Thirst(32), +1 to Strike, Death Blow on Natural 20, Fingertip Attack does 1D6 Damage.
8th: Chi-Thirst(4, Select 1 Zenjorike Power.
9th: Chi-Thirst(64), +1 Attack per melee, +1 to Strike.
10th: Chi-Thirst(96), +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge, Fingertip Attack does 2D4 Damage.
11th: Chi-Thirst(128), Draining Finger takes 2 attacks to perform, Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 19-20.
12th: Chi-Thirst(192), +1 to Strike, Select 1 Martial Art Power.
13th: Chi-Thirst(256), +1 Attack per melee, +1 to Parry/Dodge, Critical on Natural 18-20.
14th: Chi-Thirst(384), +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike, Death Blow on Natural 19-20.
15th: No Longer Suffer From Chi-Thirst(!), Fingertip Attack does 2D6 Damage. Select 1 Zenjorike Power.
Why Study Por Hei Kup Won Jee?
You want to be powerful, and you want it Fast.
You would rather be a Tiger for one day than be a Sheep for 100 years.
[Note: I tone DOWN this Art a bit after seeing how ungodly this can be at my original design.]
Too weird?


Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:03 pm
by Guest
Aikikai Aikido (Exclusive)
By The Dark
Entrance Requirements: Minimum P.P.: 12. Alignment must be Principled (good), Scrupulous (good), or Aberrant (evil).
Skill Cost: 16 years
Aikido was founded in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. When he taught his first students, now the masters of Aikido themselves, each was taught according to their personality and abilities. Some were more pacifistic than others; their style is covered in the original entry for Aikido. Others learned the weapons styles that had been learned by O Sensei (a title of respect for Ueshiba-san). This school, known as Aikikai, is headed by Chiba-sensei. Students of Aikikai are known as aikidoka.
Costume: Thickly padded Karate outfit (equivalent to Cloth armor) with additional Black or Blue Hakama.
Stance: The aikidoka's standard stance is a side stance. The feet are shoulder's width apart, with the front foot pointing forward and the rear foot pointing to the side. The forward arm is extended forward, with the rear arm held roughly two hand's widths away from the body, also extending forward. The weight is carried evenly on both feet. If a weapon is held, it is generally carried pointing downward.
Add 10 to CHI
Add 1 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.P.
Add 10 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Breakfall
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge, Disarm
Hand Attacks: Punch, Knife Hand
Basic Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Tip Kick (SPECIAL! Does 1D6 damage and opponent is knocked prone. Can only be performed on someone already controlled with a Joint Lock. Requires a normal Strike roll with a +2 bonus)
Special Attacks: Critical Flip/Throw
Holds/Locks: Automatic Wrist Lock, Automatic Elbow Lock
Weapon Kata: W.P. Katana*, W.P. Jo (Long Staff)*, W.P. Tanto
Martial Art Powers: You may select a total of 2 powers from Body Hardening or Martial Arts (excluding Tamashiwara). You may also select 1 power from either Atemi or Chi Mastery. If desired, any number of powers can be traded, one for one, for any one "Basic" skill program (excluding the physical program).
Language: Japanese
Cultural (Pick One): Ikebana, Bonsai, Ukio-e, or Go
Philosophical Training: Zen
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Jujutsu (4 years), Isshin-Ryu Karate (4 years), Sankukai (5 years), Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu (3 years)
1st: +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +2 to Breakfall, +2 to Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact
2nd: +2 to Body Flip/Throw, +1 to Disarm
3rd: Select One (1) additional Atemi or Chi Mastery Power
4th: + 1 attack per melee
5th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Disarm
6th: Select One (1) additional power from Body Hardening or Martial Arts (excluding Tamashiwara), +1 to Body Flip/Throw
7th: +1 attack per melee, +1 to Parry/Dodge
8th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Strike
9th: Add One (1) Zenjorike Power
10th: Double Existing Chi
11th: +2 to Breakfall, +1 to Parry/Dodge
12th: Select One (1) additional power from Body Hardening or Martial Arts (excluding Tamashiwara), +1 to Disarm
13th: Select One (1) additional Atemi or Chi Mastery Power, +1 to Strike
14th: +2 to Body Flip/Throw, +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
15th: Add One (1) Zenjorike Power, +1 to Parry/Dodge
Why Study Aikikai Aikido?
Aikikai Aikido is one of the more defensive arts, but with more balance than standard Aikido. It's good against multiple attackers, and can be strong offensively when paired with a katana or jo staff. It contains a good blend of physical and spiritual powers. Its main disadvantage lies in the fact that it does not specialize, and therefore can be overwhelmed unless you focus on your advantages.
*If the katana is used, you cannot use the Body Flip/Throw move. If you are using a jo staff, Joint Locks cannot be used.
(Creator's notes: I based this off both the Aikido entry in N&SS and my own experiences learning Aikikai from a sensei who learned at the Manhattan School. Aikikai is considered one of the "hard" forms of Aikido, whereas the form in N&SS is a "soft" form.)
I think I covered everything... (edit: had to make some changes because it wouldn't pass the word filter for some reason... despite not being curse words)

Valley-Style Slap Fu
By Darque
Entrance Requirements: Female Only. Unprincipled or Anarchist Alignment, P.B. 17, I.Q. 15 or Less.
Skill Cost: 1 Year
Like, omigod! This is a tubular fighting style, you know. It was like, you know, created back in the 80's and stuff, you know, so like people could defend themselves and stuff. Of course you have to be like really careful, you know, so you don't break a nail or something. But this is like an awesome way to deal with really grody people who, like, try to bother you and stuff, like you know.
Okay, yeah! Anyway, this is like the neatest thing, it's sooo tubular and awesome and stuff! Like Totally!
Costume: Like, whatever looks awesome, you know?
Stance: I'm so sure! Like, standing, you know?
Add 4 to P.B.
Add 4 to Spd.
Attacks per Melee: 1
Escape Moves: Maintain Balance
Attack Moves: Like, I am so sure.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge
Advanced Defensive Moves: Omigod! I don't know.
Hand Attacks: Slap (SPECIAL! Does 1 point of damage)
Basic Foot Attacks: Like, none, you know?
Jumping Foot Attacks: Like, no way!
Special Attacks: Knee, Combination Grab/Knee (SPECIAL! After grabbing an opponent, the user may make a knee attack to a vital area! Damage is done directly to the Hit Points of the defender and is a paralysis attack if used on a male! Cannot be used two melee rounds in a row or twice in one melee round), Hairflip (SPECIAL! Does NO damage, if used on a Male opponent, the attacker rolls versus her Charm/Impress modifier. If successful, her opponent stops fighting and is stunned for 1d4 rounds while deciding his next move. Affects all male opponents and can only be used ONCE per combat. Stunned opponents will defend if attacked)
Holds/Locks: HairGrab/Pull (SPECIAL! Can be used on anyone with hair! A special Hold that does 1 point of SDC damage per melee round that the hold is maintained)
Weapon Kata: So like, I don't know.
Modifiers to Attacks: [B]Pull Punch.

Martial Art Powers: Those look so tubular, you know.
Languages: Valspeak! Fer Sure!
Cultural: Dancing, Shoping, Vegitating, Mall walking.
Physical: Like, I don't know.
Survival: Driving (Pilot Automobile)! Shoping!
Temple: I am so sure.
Weapon Proficiencies: Like, no way!
Philosophical Training: Shoping!
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Anything-Goes Mall-Rat Kung Fu (1 Year)
1st: +2 to Dodge, Knockout/Stun with a Slap on a natural 20! Fer sure!
2nd: +1 attack per melee, Critical Strike with Combination Grab/Knee on a natural 20
3rd: +1 to Dodge, +1 to Strike
4th: +1 attack per melee, Knockout/Stun with a Slap on a 19-20! Totally!
5th: +1 to Dodge, +1 to Damage
6th: Critical Strike with Combination Grab/Knee on a 19-20
7th: +1 attack per melee, +1 to Strike
8th: +1 to Dodge, Knockout/Stun with a Slap on an 18-20! You know?
9th: +1 to Dodge, Critical Strike with Combination Grab/Knee on a 18-20
10th: Deathblow with Combination Grab/Knee on a natural 20! Like Omigod!
11th: +1 attack per melee, +1 to Dodge, +1 to Strike
12th: +1 to Damage, Knockout/Stun with a Slap on a 17-20! Tubular!
13th: Critical Strike (triple damage) with a Combination Grab/Knee on a 17-20
14th: +1 to Damage, +1 attack per melee
15th: Deathblow with Combination Grab/Knee on an 19-20! Like Totally!
Why Study Valley-Style Slap Fu?
Like Omigod! It's like the neatest thing, you know, for like, dealing with people who get in the way of, like, the most important thing in life, like shopping, you know. It's so tubular you know, fer sure!

By Heretic888
Entrance Requirements: Limited to those of Honorable Alignments. Minimum attributes are I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 12, P.P.: 14; a high M.A. and P.E. are useful but not required.
Skill Cost: 13 Years.
*Author's Note: This is a revision of the Ninjutsu form presented in the Ninjas and Superspies gamebook, which I feel is truer to the real-life martial art form it is supposed to depict.
Editor's Note: As Heretic has previously posted his revisions of Ninjutsu, this style is not considered new or original, and hence, disqualified.
Ninjutsu, the art of perseverance and forbearance, refers to the collective of martial skills studied by the infamous Ninja warriors of feudal Japan. The Ninja were the warrior clans (mostly made up of jizamurai, warriors that lived like farmers) that controlled the mountainous Iga and Koga regions of south-central Japan. These families were reknowned for possessing great skill in the areas of espionage, reconaissance, sabotage, and commando warfare, and hired themselves out to anyone that could serve to protect their communities' interests as well as the interests of the nation as a whole. Even today, their exploits are legendary both in and out of Japan, and the descendents of the original Ninja families have found themselves often satirized by popular culture. A select few, however, know the actual truth...
The martial arts of Ninjutsu focus heavily on dealing with situations that the feudal Ninja would find themselves in, mostly on reconaissance or sabotage missions. Thus, there is a strong emphasis on evasion, avoidance, and escape found in Ninjutsu, as opposed to simply "defeating" one's opponent. A Ninjutsu stylist will typically use the momentum or energy generated by his opponent's initial movements to attack an exposed vital point, knock the opponent to the ground, distract him/her with shuriken (throwing blades) or metsubishi (blinding powders), and then escape as quickly as possible. There is a very relaxed, soft, and flowing dynamism to Ninjutsu techniques, and they make extensive use of rolling maneuvers and other acrobatics, as well as an in-depth of study of attacking Atemi weak points. Ninja are also known for their diverse training in various forms of weaponry.
The guiding philosophy underlying Ninjutsu, known as Ninpo, informs the Ninja's entire of way of seeing and relating to the world. It is closely rooted in Mikkyo Buddhism and Amatsa Tatara Shinto, with many Ninja masters being of a Taoist alignment in gameplay.
Ninjutsu can be studied at many "civilian" dojos throughout the world, but is most common in Japan and the United States. After a student has reached a high enough level of skill and demonstrated a sincere loyalty to the tradition in one of these schools, he/she may be initiated into the clan itself. This is a rare occurence, however, and not to be taken lightly. Virtually all higher-ranking Ninjutsu practitioners are clan members.
Costume: Black shinobi shozoku including tabi (split-toed, lightly soled socks), leggings, pants, and jacket. Hood, mask, and gloves are available, but typically not worn. White outfits are also available. Some Ninjutsu students are known to don hakama (usually black) in the training hall, as well.
Stance: Ichimonji no Kamae --- low, wide-legged, side stance, with most of the body centered over the back leg, forward leg pointed toward opponent. Forward hand is held out and open, the rear hand is pulled back and out at waist or neck level.
Add 1D4 to M.E.
Add 1D4 to M.A.
Add 1D4 to P.P.
Add 1 to P.E.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Leap, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
Attack Moves: Leap, Roll.
Basic Defensive Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Automatic Roll, Breakfall, Circular Parry, Combination Roll/Dodge (special!), Multiple Dodge, Muto Dori (special!).
Hand Attacks: Claw Hand, Double-Fist Punch, Extended Knuckle Fist (special!), Knife Hand.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Rear Kick (special!), Snap Kick.
Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick.
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw, Combination Joint Lock/Throw (special!), Combination Roll/Attack (special!), Death Blow, Escape Throw (special!), Leap Attack, Paralysis Attack, Roll/Knockdown.
Holds/Locks: None.
Weapon Katas (Choose Any Three): W.P. Chain, W.P. Forked, W.P. Knife, W.P. Large Sword, W.P. Polearm, W.P. Short Sword,
W.P. Spear, W.P. Staff, W.P. Thrown.
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike, Critical Strike or Knockout/Stun on Sneak Attacks, Knockout/Stun, Pull Punch.
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of four (4) Powers from among Arts of Invisibility, Atemi, Martial Art Techniques, and Weapon Katas. Powers cannot be exchanged for Skill Programs.
Languages: Japanese.
Physical: Acrobatics, Climbing, Gymnastics, Prowl, Swimming (Basic).
Cultural Skills: None.
Survival: None.
Temple: None.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Bow, W.P. Chain, W.P. Forked, W.P. Knife, W.P. Large Sword, W.P. Mouth Weapons, W.P. Polearm, W.P. Short Sword, W.P. Spear, W.P. Staff, W.P. Thrown.
Philosophical Training: Ninpo (special!).
1st: +3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Parry/Dodge, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 20, Critical Strike or Knockout/Stun on Sneak Attacks.
2nd: +1 to Strike, +2 to Breakfall.
3rd: +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Roll/Knockdown.
4th: +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Muto Dori.
5th: Death Blow on a Natural 20, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Arts of Invisibility, Atemi, Martial Art Techniques, and Weapon Katas.
6th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Breakfall.
7th: Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18 or better, +1 to Roll/Knockdown.
8th: Critical Strike on a Natural 17 or better (triple damage), Death Blow on a Natural 19 or better.
9th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Muto Dori.
10th: +1 to Breakfall, +1 to Roll/Knockdown.
11th: +1 Attack per Melee, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Arts of Invisibility, Atemi, Martial Art Techniques, Weapon Katas, and Zenjorike.
12th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
13th: +1 to Muto Dori, Death Blow on a Natural 18 or better.
14th: +1 to Breakfall, +1 to Roll/Knockdown.
15th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from among Arts of Invisibility, Atemi, Martial Art Techniques, Weapon Katas, and Zenjorike.
Why study NINJUTSU?
The true art of the Ninja, Ninjutsu embodies the spirit and essence of Japan's mystical shadow warriors!! Flexibility, surprising attacks, and deadly moves, as well as a vast repertoire of weapon skills, are all the Ninja's trademarks.
- Combination Roll/Dodge: This is a defensive maneuver in which the character uses a Roll that is either an advance or retreat from combat range to simultaneously avoid an aggressor's attack. When using this maneuver, the defender must roll above (or equal) the opponent's Strike roll using only the bonus to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact. Failure to beat the Strike means taking full damage without a chance to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall. Success means avoiding the attack and either closing or escaping from immediate combat range. Combination Roll/Dodge can be used at any range and uses up one melee attack/action, even if it fails. This technique cannot be combined with Automatic Roll.
- Muto Dori: An advanced Disarm maneuver in which the opponent’s weapon is taken by the disarmer. This maneuver can be used as a defense only, and the defender can only use P.P. bonuses and Muto Dori bonuses (no bonus to Strike or Parry allowed). Requires at least one free hand to use (and thus no Weapon Kata or W.P bonuses allowed, either). This technique does no damage and uses up one melee attack/action, even if it fails.
- Extended Knuckle Fist (Shikan Ken): A clenched fist with all the finger knuckles protruding out. Cannot be used at Grappling Range. Does 1D8 damage.
- Rear Kick (Koho Geri): This is a version of the Kick Attack used on opponents from behind the character. Does 1D8 damage.
- Combination Joint Lock/Throw (Gyaku Nage Waza): By applying pressure against a particular joint, often the wrist or elbow, the character can force the opponent to the ground. Standard damage is 2D4 (plus any Damage bonus) with the opponent knocked down, losing initiative, and losing the next melee attack. Victims can attempt to defend normally with Parry, Dodge, or a similar technique. After a Combination Joint Lock/Throw, a victim who succeeds with a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall takes no damage and is not knocked down, but still loses one attack. With a Breakfall the damage is reduced in half, even if the roll fails. As an attack, it is possible to throw the victim of a Combination Joint Lock/Throw into something or someone. To determine success, roll another Strike. The second victim, the one who's getting hit with the thrown body, can attempt to defend with a Parry, Dodge, or similar technique. If the two bodies collide, then they both take the same amount of damage, lose initiative, are knocked down, and lose one attack.
Another unique aspect of this ability is that it can be used to disarm an attacker by using the flipping action to turn the arm and bend the hand to make the attacker drop his weapon (no damage), or to throw him in such a way that no damage is inflicted, but the attacker drops his weapon. Bonuses to Muto Dori can be applied to this maneuver along with any Strike bonuses, as can the damage upgrades from Grasping Hand Atemi.
- Combination Roll/Attack: This maneuver combines a Roll with a melee attack, including thrown weapons and body flip/throws. It cannot be used defensively (no Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact allowed), but what can be done is a melee attack combined with a Roll that is an either an advance or retreat from combat range. Against an opponent from the front, only a rolling Body Flip/Throw can be used at Grappling Range. All others must be attempted at Combat Range. Against an opponent to the rear, only kick attacks or melee weapon attacks are possible and these can only be done at Combat Range. The only bonuses that can be used with this maneuver are those to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact (no P.P., Strike, or Weapon Kata bonuses allowed). This maneuver cannot be used with Death Blow or Knockout/Stun, and the character cannot add his/her Damage bonuses to the attack. Uses up one melee attack/action.
- Escape Throw (Hajutsu): This is a special maneuver which can only be used if the opponent has successfully applied a Hold, Joint Lock, or Pin to the character. Instead of escaping normally, the character can attempt to unbalance the opponent, thus reversing his/her grasp, and then throwing him/her to the ground. This technique requires agility. Both the character and the opponent roll twenty-sided die and add their P.P. attribute. The character doing the Hold, Joint Lock, or Pin also gets to add in any bonuses to Hold or Lock or Pin, and to Strike. The character attempting the escape can add in any bonuses to Muto Dori. If the defender meets or beats the aggressor's roll, then he/she can throw the character doing the Hold, Joint Lock, or Pin. Standard damage is 1D6, with the victim ending up knocked down, losing the initiative, and losing the next melee attack/action. A character's Damage bonuses are not included in this technique. The character doing the Hold, Joint Lock, or Pin cannot attempt to defend normally with a Parry, Dodge, or similar maneuver. After an Escape Throw, a victim who succeeds with a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall takes no damage and is not knocked down, but still loses one melee attack. With a Breakfall the damage is reduced in half, even if the roll fails. An Escape Throw can only be used to knock someone down, it cannot be used to throw them into something or someone else. This maneuver uses up one melee attack/action, even if it fails.
*Author's Note: Combination Joint Lock/Throw and Escape Throw are essentially revisions of Kuseru Satsujin's Joint Throw and Reverse Hold/Throw.
- Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho: 'Method of interchanging truth and falsehood'. This refers to the Ninja's preference for utilizing deceptive and non-direct means to accomplishing his goals. Violence and direct confrontation are to be avoided unless no other option is viable. This involves the use of stealth, political manipulation, espionage, reconaissance, illusion, reverse psychology, suggestion, sabotage, and surprise tactics such as ambushes. Even when the Ninja is forced into a direct battle, he will attempt to make use of evasive and deceptive tactics, including Sneak Attacks.
- Wa: 'Harmony and balance'. In Ninpo, life is regarded as the most sacred, superseding value in the universe and it is to be protected at all costs. This refers to the lives of not only the Ninja's friends and family, but those of the supposed 'enemy' as well. Killing another sentient being is regarded as violating the Laws of Nature, unless deemed absolutely necessary as a last resort. Connected with this ideal is Ninpo's prescribed goal of continually attempting to ensure a peaceful balance within human society --- by any means necessary. As something of a paradox, it is sometimes required to perform assassinations or other acts of violence to secure this balance. The motivation of the true Ninja is to fight not only for the peace of his loved ones, but for the peace of one's enemies as well.
- Ninniku Seishin: 'Spirit of perseverance'. The true Ninja is expected to receive all threats, insults, and oppression with a calm, enduring heart. He is not to allow his personal desires to dictate his actions, and is not to indulge himself in such things as hatred, anger, guilt, jealousy, sadness, or malice. Such motivations are not only unhealthy but can also interfere with the success of the Ninja's mission.
- Nagare: 'Flow'. In the end, there should be no such as surprise to the true Ninja. He is expected to constantly prepare himself for any situation in not only his martial arts training but his mental outlook, as well. He is to develop the flexibility of mind and adaptability of spirit to face any unforseen obstacles.
- Fudoshin: 'Immovable spirit'. The true Ninja is not to allow himself to be possessed by such things as greed, personal desire, luxury, laziness, pride, or egotism. He is discouraged from relying too much on others, even close friends, to accomplish his goals.
- Jin: 'Humanity'. The true Ninja is expected to develop a kind and compassionate, yet detached, understanding of others. He is taught to allow his heart to grow into a warm palace and not wither away as a cold fortress. According to Ninpo traditions, the Ninja is encouraged to develop the Kajo Chikusei (Flower Heart, Bamboo Spirit) --- a heart that is as kind and pure as a flower, but as firm and flexible as the bamboo.
- Gambatte: 'Keep going'. The true Ninja is expected to train intensively in all the prescribed areas of training, and master many forms of weaponry. The Ninja Juchachi Kei (Ninja 18 Levels of Training) are Seishin Teki Kyoyo (spiritual refinement), Taijutsu (skill with the body), Ninja-ken (Ninja sword), Yarijutsu (spear and lance fighting), Bojutsu (staff fighting), Naginatajutsu (halberd techniques), Kusarigama (chain and sickle techniques), Shurikenjutsu (blade throwing), Hensojutsu (disguise and impersonation methods), Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods), Intonjutsu (escape and evasion methods), Bajutsu (horsemanship), Sui-ren (underwater training), Cho-ho (espionage), Bo-ryaku (unconventional tactics and strategy), Kayakujutsu (use of fire and explosives), Chi-mon (knowledge of geography), and Ten-mon (knowledge of meteorology).
- Bunbu Ichi: 'Pen and sword are one'. The true Ninja is expected to study and master many things in addition to the martial arts. These include varying different arts, sciences, philosophies, and so forth. Besides the personal development afforded such study, the goal is to be prepared for any situation one might encounter --- particularly during espionage missions.
- Giri: 'Duty and obligation'. First and foremost, the true Ninja is loyal and respectful to his clan and its allies. He is not to betray his clan for any reason and not to go against the teachings of Ninpo. If the Ninja is asked to do something that either weakens and endangers the clan and its members, or that violates the teachings of Ninpo, he is to report the request to the clan heads to determine what the appropriate course of action is to be.

By Tinker Dragoon
Entrance Requirements: P.P. 10 or higher. Limited to Dishonorable and Non-Honorable Alignments only.
Skill Cost: 10 Years (7 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Style).
A style created by and for assassins, Deadly Wasp teaches one to throw all manner of small weapons with deadly accuracy. A master of the style can even turn ordinary household objects into an assassin’s tool. Practitioners of this style are also experts in the use of poison, traps, and gimmicked weapons.
Much of the style’s focus is on throwing weapons, but some rudimentary unarmed techniques are taught as well. Practitioners generally prefer to stay at a distance from their opponents in combat, using escape and evasion techniques if forced into close range. Teachers of this style are seldom sought out; Instead, itinerant masters seek out and train students at their own discretion. Such training is most commonly found in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, but some masters are rumored to teach in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Costume: No specific costume is worn, but loose, long-sleeved clothing is preferred.
Stance: Upright, legs shoulder width apart, hands held loosely depending on the location and availability of throwing objects.
Add 3 to P.P.
Add 2 to Spd.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap.
Attack Moves: None
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Multiple Dodge, Automatic Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch).
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack.
Jumping Foot Attacks: None
Special Attacks: Combination Strike/Throw (SPECIAL! This is a dual attack where the character can strike one target using one of the hand attacks while simultaneously throwing a held weapon at another target. The character has no bonuses or penalties for this dual strike), Dual Throw (SPECIAL! The Deadly Wasp master can draw and throw two weapons -- or shoot two darts -- simultaneously at the same target, inflicting full damage from both weapons, but counting as one melee attack! Alternatively, the two-weapon attack can be divided between two different targets visible to the martial artist and within his range of peripheral vision. The divided attack counts as one simultaneous melee action aginst two different foes. The martial artist must make strike rolls against each target, and the bonus to strike for each divided attack is reduced by half.), Paralysis Attack (Vital Points).
Holds/Locks: None
Weapon Kata: W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired Knives, W.P. Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Paired Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Mouth Weapons, W.P. Dart Gun, W.P. Paired Dart Guns.
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear.
Martial Art Powers: Automatically receives the Hidden Blade Technique*. Also select One (1) Art of Invisibility. These Powers
cannot be traded for skill programs.
Languages: Chinese
Physical Skills: Acrobatics, Prowl, W.P. Knife, W.P. Paired Knives, W.P. Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Paired Small Thrown Weapons, W.P. Mouth Weapons, W.P. Dart Gun, W.P. Paired Dart Guns.
Other Skills: Use & Recognize Poison¹, Trap Construction²
Philosophical Training: Taoism
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Moo Gi Gong (4 Years), Shih Ba Ban Wu Yi (3 Years).
1st: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Strike with any thrown weapon, Critical Strike From Rear.
2nd: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry/Dodge
3rd: Any small found objects not usually considered a weapon (anything from pencils, to bottles, to credit cards) becomes a 1D6 damage weapon when used in hand-to-hand. Throwing one of these found objects does 1D4 damage.
4th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Martial Art Techniques or Arts of Invisibility.
5th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
6th: +1 to Strike with any thrown weapon, +1 to Parry/Dodge
7th: +1 to Leap (+4 feet to Leap distance), Critical Strike on Natural 19 or 20.
8th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Martial Art Techniques or Arts of Invisibility.
9th: +1 Attack per Melee, +3 to Damage.
10th: +1 to Strike, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
11th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Parry/Dodge
12th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Martial Art Techniques or Arts of Invisibility.
13th: +1 to Strike with any thrown weapon
14th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Leap (+4 feet to Leap distance).
15th: +1 Attack per Melee
Why Study Deadly Wasp Style?
To kill your enemies from afar, quickly and quietly. Surprise attacks and long distance strikes are the hallmarks of this style. Weak in melee combat, and very limited without a weapon, but then again a weapon is never very far away for a master of this style.
* Okugi Yaiba (Hidden Blade) By Kuseru. This is an iaijutsu variant where the character can draw and strike in one action with a hidden or concealed weapon. At first level, this skill provides a +3 to initiative, and an additional +1 is added at third, fifth, eighth, eleventh, and fourteenth levels.
¹ See Palladium Fantasy RPG main book, second edition, page 57 for details.
² See Rifts Game Master Guide, pages 63-64, or Chaos Earth, pages 123-124 for details.

By Tinker Dragoon
Entrance Requirements: No Attribute or Alignment restrictions.
Skill Cost: 10 Years (5 years as a Secondary Martial Art Style)
This style originating from China’s Hopu province bases its technique around the Phoenix Eye Fist, a variation of the Fore-Knuckle Fist. The Phoenix Eye Fist is combined with strong palm strikes, finger strikes and chopping hand techniques as well as tripping and leg-hook throws which are followed by a 'killing' blow or strike. The style’s only kicking technique is the front snap kick, commonly directed low at the opponent’s groin.
There are no formal stances in Fong Ngan. Instead, practitioners learn to crowd an opponent, enticing him to make a wrong move. A Fong Ngan practitioner never retreats from an attack, but moves into it, or, if necessary, jumps to the side while counter-attacking. Masters of Fong Ngan Kung Fu are fairly plentiful, and training is available in martial art schools around the world.
Costume: Silk or cotton sam (Kung Fu uniform).
Stance: None.
Add 3 to M.A.
Add 1 to P.S.
Add 1 to P.E.
Add 15 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Backflip, Leap.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Combination Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry, Disarm.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Knife Hand, Fore-Knuckle Fist, Double-Knuckle Fist, Backhand, Fingertip Attack, Palm Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hooks.
Jumping Foot Attacks: None
Special Attacks: Death Blow, Combination Strike/Parry, Knee, Elbow, One-Hand Choke (SPECIAL! After latching on to the enemy’s throat with one hand, attacking is continued with the other hand or with kicks. Choking damage is 1D6 per melee until escaped or released.), Combination Grab/Groin Kick (SPECIAL! Grabbing the opponent with both hands, preferably at the shoulders, head or arms, and following up with a solid Snap Kick to the groin. Roll once for Grab, and if successful roll again for the Kick. Damage is 2D6 and the victim must save vs. pain or be stunned for 1D4 melees. This move counts as two melee attacks, and is wholly ineffective against female opponents.)
Holds/Locks: None
Weapon Kata: None
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knockout/Stun From Rear, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear.
Martial Art Powers: Select a total of two (2) Powers from Body Hardening Exercises, Martial Art Techniques, and/or Special Katas. If desired, any number of Powers may be traded one-for-one for Basic Skill Programs (excluding physical).
Languages: Chinese
Physical: Climbing, Gymnastics.
Temple: Fasting.
Philosophical Training: Taoism
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Li-Chia (3 Years), Monkey Style (4 Years), Se Ch'uan (7 Years), Shaolin (6 Years).
1st: +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Strike.
2nd: +2 to Damage, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening, Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas.
3rd: +1 to Leap (add 4 ft. to Leap Distance), +1 to Disarm, Critical Strike or Knockout From Rear.
4th: +1 to Strike, Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, or 20.
5th: +1 to Backflip, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +1 Attack per Melee.
6th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening (including Demon Hunter), Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas.
7th: +2 to Damage, +1 to Disarm
8th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Attack per Melee.
9th: +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Strike.
10th: Add One (1) Chi Mastery or Zenjorike Power.
11th: Death Blow on Natural 19 or 20.
12th: +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Damage.
13th: +1 to Backflip, +1 to Leap (4 ft. to Leap Distance).
14th: Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening (including Demon Hunter), Martial Art Techniques, or Special Katas.
15th: Add One (1) Chi Mastery or Zenjorike Power.
Why Study FONG NGAN?
Possibly one of the most aggressive of all martial arts, but at the same time one of the most dangerous. The practitioner must be fearless, pushing right into grappling range, willing to be subjected to enemy blows and ignoring threats from other opponents. Simultaneous Attacks are particularly favored.
(Yay! I did one without stealing anything from Kuseru's site! )

Zi Ran Men (Nature Gate)
By Hibik
Entrance Requirements: M.E. and P.P. of 12 or higher. No alignment restriction.
Skill Cost: 14 Years (7 Years as a Secondary Martial Art Style).
'There is no beginning or end of movement, there is no beginning or end of stillness, there is no beginning or end of change. Actual attack is hidden within fake attack, movements are within stillness'
-The Theory of Zi Ran Men.

Zi Ran Men, or Nature Gate, was created in the midst of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.) in China’s Sichuan Province. Its founding is accredited to Xu Ai Zhai, an expert in many forms of Daoist Kung Fu, who also went by the name “Dwarf Xu”. Zi Ran Men’s influences probably came primarily from the various arts that Dwarf Xu had learned that had developed around Emei Shan, one of China’s three holy mountains and the home of many renowned fighting arts. Sichuan, being relatively isolated from the rest of China due to vast mountain ranges, eventually came to develop its own martial tradition, and many often made a dangerous trek through the mountains just to receive skills in one of Sichuan’s almost legendary arts.
Dwarf Xu would eventually start a one-disciple lineage to avoid vast spreading of Zi Ran Men, making sure there would only be one master and one student per generation. This would continue until the 20th century, when Zi Ran Men started to be openly taught to the public.
Zi Ran Men, like many Sichuan (and Emei) arts, is a combination of Hard and Soft, Internal and External fighting methods, consisting of physical training, qi gong, and traditional Chinese medicine. Zi Ran Men training begins with the internal and soft, consisting of various forms of Qi Gong designed to increase and cultivate chi flow, and then a series of physical conditioning exercises designed to increase muscle and harden the body in a non stressful way. Iron hand training methods are used to harden the hands, and basket-walking exercises are used to increase balance and make the body light and agile. Qin Na (Chin Na) training is also prominent within the system.
Zi Ran Men is a light, quick art that ideally flows like water. When attacked, evasion is said to be “like being blown by a gust of wind”. Offense and Defense are one and the same, so even while avoiding the enemy’s attack, there is reaction as the enemy’s attack force is it is being expended. The artist is often low to the ground, and movements are light and fast, with attacks consisting of punches, palm strikes, and kicks that consist of relaxed, soft movement, but turn to hard, powerful strikes, like a transition from cotton to iron. The artist must remain light and nimble, able to make transitions at a moment’s notice and flow with any situation.
Zi Ran Men training is available in a few schools within the United States and China. Although not widespread, its popularity continues to increase.
Costume: Silk Kung Fu Uniform.
Stance: The Bao Be Shou (Tablet Holding General) stance, which is an erect stance with feet close together, positioned to form a ‘T’ formation. Hands remain held up and relaxed.
Add +1 to M.E.
Add +2 to P.P.
Add +1 to P.S.
Add 10 to Chi.
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, and Breakfall.
Attack Moves: Leap.
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, and Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defensive Moves: Automatic Dodge, Multiple Dodge, and Combination Dodge/Attack ((From the Palladium Martial Arts Net Book)) Against one opponent, once per melee round, the character can simultaneously dodge and attack. First the character must roll a successful dodge. If the dodge works, then the character rolls to strike using either a Backhand, Elbow, Hammer Fist, Knee, Knife Hand, Palm Strike, Spear Hand, Thumb Drive Fist, or a melee weapon. No Strike or Damage bonuses allowed. The victim of Combination Dodge/Attack must use a melee round attack/action to defend against it (Automatic defenses won't work). Uses up one melee attack/action.).
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Palm Strike, Chop, Spear Hand, and Claw Hand.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Snap Kick, Backward Sweep, and Leg Trip/Hook.
Jumping Foot Attacks: None.
Special Attacks: Forearm, Elbow, Paralysis Attack (Vital Points), and Death Blow.
Holds/Locks: Wrist Lock, Elbow Lock.
Weapon Kata (Select One): W.P. Dao (Broadsword/Saber), W.P. Gun (Staff), W.P. Jian (Straight Sword), or W.P. Qiang (Spear).
Modifiers to Attacks: Knockout/Stun, Critical Strike, and Critical Strike from Rear.
Martial Art Powers: Automatically receives the Iron Hand Body Hardening Exercise. Select a total of TWO (2) from Chi Mastery, Martial Art Techniques, or Specialty Kata (including Chi Kata).
Languages: Chinese (choose one dialect).
Medical: Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Acupressure, Qi Gong, and Chinese Holistic Medicine.
Philosophical Training: Buddhism or Daoism (choose one).
If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Mian Quan (6 Years), and Taiji Quan (5 Years).
1st: +2 to Dodge, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, and Critical Strike From Behind.
2nd: +2 to Strike, +1 to Breakfall.
3rd: +1 Attacks per Melee, +1 to Parry.
4th: Select one from Chi Mastery, Martial Art Techniques, or Specialty Kata, +1 to Damage.
5th: Add 10 to Chi, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
6th: Automatically receives the Karumi-Jutsu Zenjorike.
7th: Critical Strike on Natural 19-20, +1 to Dodge.
8th: Select one from Chi Mastery (including Advanced), Martial Art Techniques, or Specialty Kata (including Advanced), +1 to Strike.
9th: +1 Attacks, +1 to Parry.
10th: Double Existing Chi.
11th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Breakfall.
12th: Select One from Chi Mastery (including Advanced), Martial Art Techniques, or Specialty Kata (including Chi Kata).
13th: +1 to Strike and Dodge.
14th: +1 Attacks per Melee, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.
15th: Deathblow on a Natural 20.
Why Study Zi Ran Men?
A wonderful blend of physical external training and intensive internal training, as well as education in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zi Ran Men is an overall well balanced martial art, using quickness, and natural flowing movement to react and defend against almost any danger.

Kerb Abak , exclusive martial art (also known as "Zentreadi Mecha Wrestling")
By LordZaboem
Entrance Requirements: The character must be a full sized Zentreadi to properly study this style. The secrets might be shared with half-Zentran offspring and Marduke warriors from Macross II RPG.
Skill Cost : Most of the training takes place when skills are imprinted during the cloning process. Thus, the skill cost is actually less than 1 year. This style may be taught traditionally, but the cost increases to 8 years of hands-on training experience and requires access to a Micronization Chamber for use with full size.
Author’s Note: This martial art form is designed for use with standard N&SS/MC rules. Practice in a Robotech campaign setting is encouraged but should be handled slightly differently. Pay attention to the different bonuses offered by different physical skills. I would recommend allowing this form to new Zentreadi characters or half-Zentreadi, but the cost should be all mecha piloting skills. In the language of the gigantic alien Zentreadi, “Kaba Brek” means “Honorable Death.” Every loyal Zentreadi warrior strives for this honor. Destruction of mecha is not truly death because the mecha was never alive in the first place and it certainly has no concept of honor. Such a death is “Breaking of the Dishonorable” or “Kerb Abak.”
In the Robotech Universe, martial artists are rare among the Zentreadi race. A few have learned basic martial art moves. (See the book Ghost Ship for details on Zentreadi who know Hand to Hand: Martial Arts as a skill.) Short of equipment after the Rain of Death, a handful of Earth-bound Zentreadi developed their skill with simple weapons. (Please see the Zentreadi Melee Specialist OCC in Strikeforce.) Both of these examples, however, lacked a guiding philosophy common to most advanced martial art forms.
A different type of Zentreadi martial artist developed in a galaxy far from Earth and Tirol. In a nebula of Galaxy #4242, the 13th Zentreadi fleet was dispatched to route out a colony of the Regent’s Invid. The Invid discovered a small Robotech Factory and captured it. Although most of the production facilities aboard the factory were functional, the factory’s navigational computer was damaged during the capture. Thus, no guidance was possible with the space fold engines and the factory could not escape. The Invid worked hard to build a hive inside the factory and convert the assembly lines to construction of their own mecha and inorganics. Since Invid mecha is typically grown with alchemy instead of build, conversion was slow and tedious.
The 13th fleet attacked the hive only to have the hive space fold away to another area inside the nebula. The cat and mouse game continued for a long time in the nebula. Due to the Invid siege on Tirol, reinforcements and supplies had become impossible for the 13th fleet. After running completely out of missiles and low on functional mecha, the Zentreadi commander Vector changed tactics. Vector ordered his science officers to develop a new form of combat for unarmed Zentreadi special forces to use against Invid Mecha.
The scientists consulted a captive Praxian Warrior who taught them how her people wrestled. Realizing that they could apply variations of the same techniques against mechanical opponents, the scientists and Praxian together developed an entirely new collection of tactics. The scientists programmed their techniques into a battalion of fresh clones as imprinted skills and began testing the new system.
The Invid scientists aboard the factory, however, had also been busy. It wasn’t long before they released their new creation on the 13th fleet. Inspired by the brutal effectiveness of Zentreadi might, a breed of Z-Stage Invid were developed. The new Invid warriors were Zentreadi sized and capable of piloting Zentreadi mecha from the factory.
The Z-Staged Invid launched a surprise attack on the Zentreadi capital ships. Commander Vector took advantage of the situation and sent his Zentreadi Martial Artists to the factory in dummy missiles. Due to the Invid reliance on Protoculture detectors in their sensors, the Zentreadi commandos were able to penetrate deep within the factory-hive before they were detected. The battle went well for the Zentreadi fleet after commandos assassinated an Invid brain. The factory was captured relatively intact, but the victory came too late for the 13th fleet to aid in the defense of Tirol.
The martial art style itself is very unusual by Earth standards. After that time, Zentreadi who study Commander Vector’s unarmed martial art are a rare sight, but they are found from time to time. The entire concept is based on using the extreme mass of a full sized Zentreadi warrior and applying it in the most efficient ways possible. When practiced, the art looks fairly similar to sumo wrestling. Most of the techniques are geared towards disabling enemy mecha, but even micronized Zentreadi fighting flesh covered opponents will find some benefits. These moves are most effective when two Zentreadi martial artists work together with the first warrior disabling an opponent mecha in a hold and the second warrior tearing it apart one system at a time.
Costume : Any regular Zentreadi standard armor will do. They do not use Power Armor except perhaps as transportation. The armor is a large part of this style, and even unarmored masters will wear greaves on their arms for aid with parrying.
Stance : Typically, the Zentreadi will crouch particularly low to suppress his center of gravity. His legs are spread wide to distribute his weight over as much ground as possible. Even in a low gravity environment, this is the standard stance. His head is raised to face forward. Arms are held underneath the torso with hands rolled into fists.
Attributes – PS, PE, and PP are automatically raised to a minimum of 15. Weaker clones are simply not selected for this training.
Immunity to Modern Weapon Penalties – Due to the unique emphasis placed on fighting against mecha, the Zentreadi who uses Kerb Abak faces no penalties to dodge or parry energy weapons and gun pods which mecha use against him. Even a Zentreadi martial marts master can not dodge a laser after it is fired, but he will be able to listen for the humming of laser artillery to know exactly when it will fire. He will be able to spot the flash of plasma being released inside a plasma cannon one split second before the super-heated matter is funneled out. He knows how a rail gun moves when it has locked onto a target, and he knows how to recognize a guidance fire stream from a particle beam weapon just before the main stream is fired.
That’s right, the much debated –10 penalty to dodge simply does not apply. The penalty does apply to sneak attacks, attacks from behind, and unfamiliar weapons.
Attacks per Melee : 2 (and don’t forget +1 from boxing)
Escape Moves : Maintain Balance, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
Basic Defense Moves : Dodge, Parry, & Automatic Parry
Hand Attacks : Strike (always as a punch)
Basic Foot Attacks : Kick, Drop Kick
Special Attacks : Stomp (new! -- This is a special attack which a full sized Zentreadi can use on any target less than ten feet or three meters tall. This attack does 1D6 Mega-Damage at first experience level or 1D6 SDC damage if the Zentreadi is micronized. It is a particularly effective attack against small vehicles and buildings. A micronized Zentreadi can perform a Stomp Attack against targets which are less than two feet tall or on their backs. Any opponent caught by a Stomp Attack might also be pinned, but that is the gamemaster’s call.)
Holds/Locks : All holds apply to both fleshy opponents and mecha. Full sized Zentreadi may attempt holds on any mecha less than 100 feet (30 meters) tall. Micronized Zentreadi may only perform holds on mecha which are less than 10 feet (3 meters) tall. Arm Hold (which can also be used to perform a hold on a pivoting turrent or gun barrel), Leg Hold, and Elbow Lock.
A Zentreadi’s main holding attack is the Pin ability from the Wrestling Skill. To pin an opponent, the player must declare her intension to pin, then roll a successful strike, and her natural roll on the twenty sider must be 18 or higher. Pinning becomes easier as the Zentreadi gains experience. The Pin attack will completely immobilize a mecha but it is only effective against models which are familiar to the Zentreadi.
Weapons Katas : none
Modifiers to Attacks : Critical Strike on a natural 20; In Kerb Abak, there is no such thing as pulling a punch.
Martial Arts Powers : Choose one power from this list selected at first level.
Eight Horse Stomp (range doubled when full sized)
Iron Hand (adds +5 MDC instead of SDC when full sized)
Kick Practice
Wrist Hardening (adds MDC instead of SDC when full sized)
Zero Gravity Combat (new! – This allows the Zentreadi to fight in conditions of zero gravity with enough familiarity to suffer no combat penalties.)
Gift of the Shapings (new! – This special technique allows Zentreadi warriors to regenerate bodily damage by utilizing the medicinal benefits of protoculture. The downside of this technique is that it is horribly inefficient. By lapsing into a trance much like meditation, a Zentreadi can actually regenerate all damaged hit points, SDC, or MDC lost recently in a few minutes. An entire protoculture cell like those used to power cyclone mecha is required for one healing session, and the extra energy is released harmlessly into space).
Mecha Atemi – Blindness (new! -- When used against mecha with a successful attack roll, this attack will damage and deactivate the mecha’s sensor array. Otherwise, this martial arts power works exactly like the Atemi ability of the same name.)
Mecha Atemi – Hydrolics Paralysis (new! – When used against opponent mecha, the Zentreadi may target particular limbs or weapons and immobilize them with a carefully placed strike against hydrolics. Otherwise, this martial arts power works exactly like the Neural Atemi ability.)
Tamashiwara (works against MDC targets because it is the chi inside the target which is being attacked)
Languages : Zentreadi (also called T’Sentreadi in some settings)
Physical : Boxing, Wrestling, and choice of either Swimming, Running, or Climbing
Philosophical Training : The Shapings (new! – The psuedo-regligion of the Zentreadi teaches the glory of battle, respect for protoculture, following commands without question, and blind loyalty to the Robotech Masters)
1st : +3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Parry, +2 Dodge, Wrestling Pin may be performed on a roll of a natural 18 through 20.
2nd : Select one other martial arts power from the list above.
3rd : +1 to Strike, Stomp does x2 damage
4th : +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
5th : Wrestling Pin may be performed on a roll of a natural 18 through 20.
6th : Stomp does x3 damage
7th : +1 Attack per Melee, +3 to Strike
8th : Select one other martial arts power from the list above
9th : Wrestling Pin may be performed on a roll of a natural 14 through 20.
10th : +3 to Parry, Stomp does x4 damage, +10 SDC or MDC if full sized
11th : +1 Attack per Melee, +3 to Dodge
12th : Select one other martial arts power from the list above.
13th : Wrestling Pin may be performed on a roll of a natural 12 through 20.
14th : +3 to Initiative, Stomp does x5 damage
15th : Select one other Martial Arts Power from the list above, Wrestling Pin may be performed on a roll of a natural 10 through 20, the Zentreadi martial artist master who achieves this level of proficiency sometimes gains insights or prophetic visions when using protoculture.
Why Study Kerb Abak?
The power of Kerb Abak can not be denied. No other known martial arts form focuses on mega-damage combat. The lack of the dreaded –10 penalty to dodge modern weapons is reason alone to study this style. Lastly, it is fun to stomp buildings.
Downsides include somewhat fewer than normal martial arts powers and attacks learned. Also, the form is slightly dependant on teamwork, uses no weapons, and is particularly weak against missiles.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 11:07 pm
by Guest
Ming Jing, the Hell Mirror Martial Art
(also known as the Martial Art of the Self-Mutilators)
By LordZaboem
updated January 22, 2004
Entrance Requirements : ME 12, PS12, and the character must have a PE of 13 or supernatural endurance (see Nightbane RPG for details about SN Endurance). This form is only taught to human inhabitants of the Nightlands or the doppelgangers who live there naturally.
Skill Cost : 6 years as a primary martial art, 4 years as a secondary
Author’s Note : This martial art form is designed for use with standard N&SS/MC rules. Use in a Nightbane campaign setting is encouraged but should be handled slightly differently. Pay attention to the different bonuses offered by different physical skills. I would recommend allowing this form to certain characters at the same costs as Hand to Hand: Martial Artist. Humans use all of the martial arts powers normally, but the supernatural attributes of doppelganger characters prevent them from taking Body Chi or Kokyu. “Ming Jing” translates as “Hell Mirror.” Although the origin of the name is a mystery, it is ironically appropriate. Hell Mirror Fighting was developed in the hellish Nightlands which are hidden from Nightbane Earth by the Mirror Wall.
Practiced by nomads deep in the Wastes, Ming Jing is perhaps the most unsettling martial arts style to come from the worlds of the Nightbanes. Waste wandering tribes are composed of escaped (or forgotten) doppelgangers, rogue hollow men, and the occasion very lost human. These barbarians face not only the harsh dry environment but also unrelenting attacks from monsterous predators like Lizard Kings. Even more dangerous are the incorporal predators which can not be fought with conventional weapons. The impoverished transients often own little to combat these threats other than their own bodies.
Many nomads have learned over time to gather and focus their own chi by wounding their own bodies. Their self-inflicted wounding is controlled but still very painful and disfiguring. Very many of the Waste Nomads learn at least the basics of Ming Jing under the cloaked sky of the Nightlands. Almost none live long enough to perfect the advanced techniques. Only a handful of Ming Jing masters (level 12 or higher) have existed over the last three thousand years. Although of these masters have been human or doppelganger, they are often mistaken for Nighbane due to their great power and the repulsive scars covering their bodies.
According to nomadic legends, a particularly long lived doppelganger created Ming Jing three millennia ago. Shang Po was a doppelganger who wandered the Wastes with a small tribe of humans. Shang Po’s mortal reflection was the human Shang Po who resided on Nightbane Earth. Each was the ying-yang of the other without knowing of the others existence. Shang Po the human had somehow achieved a form of immortality. Whatever power preserved Shang Po the human also preserved Shang Po the doppelganger. Shang Po was already two hundred years old when he first challenged Hong.
Hong, a human, had been acting as the leader of Shang Po’s tribe despite being a much younger and weaker man. Hong had decided to sell some of the tribespeople to a community of vampires in exchange for weapons and safe passage through their territory. All of the people in the tribe were horrified by Hong’s plan, but only Shang Po the doppelganger had courage enough to oppose Hong.
What Shang didn’t realize was that Hong had already sold his people out to the vampire intelligence. Hong had been transformed into a master vampire.
Hong quickly dispatched Shang Po by running him through the chest with a dull bronze sword. Hong marched his people into the vampires’ sanctuary. Shang was left bleeding into the sand.
Despite his grievous wound, Shang Po the doppelganger could not die so long as his earthly twin remained immortal. Summoning his supernatural endurance, Shang pulled himself to shelter. He began to slowly recover.
Shang came to understand that his damaged body was channeling positive chi energy to the wound. He discovered that healing required positive chi. Shang taught himself how to borrow parts of this chi energy to augment the strength in the rest of his body. Like a broken bone growing back stronger than ever before, Shang was making his entire body stronger. Shang also learned he could gather smaller pools of positive or negative chi by inflicting minor flesh wounds on his body.
He slowly recovered over the next forty years. He never, however, allowed his chest wound to fully close. So long as the wound remained open, Shang Po grew substantially stronger.
Shang Po spent the next forty years tracking Hong. When the met again, Hong had not aged a day. By this time, Hong had created an army of vampires by kidnapping humans from earth one at a time. Five hundred secondary vampires and an uncounted number of wild vampires together had raided a Nightlands city and captured three thousand unarmed doppelgangers. They had been gathered for a blood sacrifice which was supposed to bring the Vampire Intelligence to their realm.
Shang Po challenged Hong to another duel. Not recognizing Shang, Hong gleefully accepted. Shang Po destroyed Hong with one mighty blow. Hong had been the Vampire Intelligence’s only link to the Nightlands. Without Hong, all the other vampires immediately crumbled and fell into dust. Three thousand hostages stared in awe at the single doppelganger who destroyed thousands of vampires in one punch.
After that day, Shang Po the doppelganger wandered the Wastes for another eighty years. He aided other nomads whenever he could. He always remembered to teach them the basics of his techniques before leaving. At the end of this period, Shang Po simply vanished.
Training in Ming Jing relies upon basic strikes and kicks, but focuses most strongly on the ability to control pain. Ming Jing students are taught several techniques to handle pain. Students then continue the lessons by subjecting themselves to various forms of torture. A common technique is to visualize the chi energy radiating from the navel which Ming Jing calls the “birth wound.” The visualization continues as the chi energy washes away the pain out of the body.
A constant danger to the student is addiction. Some students actually become addicted to pain. Every time a Ming Jing martial artist gains an experience level after the first, he must make three saving throws versus insanity. If all three rolls fail, the martial artist becomes addicted and will begin injuring himself not to gather chi but just to do it. Reduce the addict’s ME to 1 and roll for one extra random insanity with each experience level afterward. Like any other addiction, an addiction to pain can be broken, but the addict can relapse at any time.
Costume : The chest may be clothed and even armored, but the arms and legs must be kept bare for access when performing self-mutilations. Traditionally, the miserable creatures who practice this style wear rags but not by choice.
Stance : Standing upright with legs slightly wider apart than shoulders, the martial artist holds his arms loosely at the sides. A knife or razor blade is held in the off hand. The primary hand is usually balled into a fist. Shoulders are drawn back. The mouth is either blank or frozen in scowl or grimace. When using negative chi, the artist will growl lowly and twich. When using positive chi, he will tend to stand still as a statue and not blink. The primary hand is held in a claw shape when negative chi is channeled into it and flattens into a knife hand when positive chi is focused on it.
Add +3 PE
Add +10 hit points (not SDC!)
Add +10 base Chi
Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
Basic Defense Moves: Dodge, Parry, & Automatic Parry
Hand Attacks: Strike, Knife Hand
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick, Snap Kick
Special Attacks: Automatic Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact (new! – Because a Ming Jing fighter is so accustomed to pain and damage, they are better able to shake off the effects of a hard blow. He may roll with an impact to decrease damage as normal, but it does not cost him an attack per melee. He may do this as many times as he is struck, but he may not apply this move to self-inflicted damage.)
Holds/Locks: Choke
Weapons Katas: Knife (primarly used for inflicted wounds to self and less often used to parry, almost never used to attack)
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike on a natural twenty, Pull Punch
Martial Arts Powers: A character will begin with Chi Healing at first level. He will need this power to heal damage from self-inflicted wounds. The Chi Healing of these wounds does, however, leave unsightly scars.
He also gets two new powers, Releasing the Chi and Charging the Flesh
Releasing the Chi (new! – As a single melee attack, the martial artist may self-inflict a wound on the arm or leg to release a quick supply of positive chi. Only self inflicted wounds will release the chi, but the martial artist can not miss so a roll to Strike isn’t required. The artist can not Roll with the Impact of this blow to reduce damage. This wounding is usually done with the knife in the off hand which does 1D6 damage. Because only certain types of nasty wounds will work, damage is applied directly to hit points instead of SDC. A bite may be used in place of of a knife wound, but the only does 1D4 damage and takes 2 melee attacks. The benefit is that the artist gains a temporary bonus of chi points equal to x2 the damage of the wound. Add this chi to the character’s own chi pool. That bonus exceeds the cost of healing those same hit points. Yes, a character may kill himself this way if he goes too far, but a high level martial artist can generate great amounts of chi from nothing other than the plundering of his own body’s natural healing energy.
Charging the Flesh with Chi (new! – Similar to Charge Object with Chi, this technique allows martial artist to focus positive or negative chi into a single limb before attacking. This ability will allow the martial artist to directly attack creatures which are not normally harmed by physical attacks like vampires and ghosts. Limitations are the same as with Charge Object.)
When other Martial Arts Powers become available at later levels, choose from this list. Powers (except Chi Healing) may be traded for any skill package but only if the training takes place on Earth instead of the Nightlands.
Body Chi or Kokyu
Hardened Chi or Shi Jin
Soft Chi or Chao Jin
One Finger Chi or Negative Empty Chi
Radiate Positive Chi
Control Negative Chi
Control Revulsion
Blind Man’s Kata
Chi Ball Kata
Any Body Hardening Technique from Ninjas and SuperSpies
Any Martial Arts Techniques from Ninjas and SuperSpies
Languages: none
Cultural: First Aid
Physical: athletics
Survival: Wilderness Survival
Philosophical Training: Ming Jing teaches an unusual combination of anatomy similar to yogic theory, a dark and cynical version of Zen, and the general concept that victory comes by way of sacrifice
1st: Two attacks per melee, +2 to Automatic Parry and Parry, and don’t forget Chi Healing
2nd: +2 to Roll with Punch/Explosion/Impact, select a Martial Arts Power from the list above
3rd: +1 to Strike, +1 Attack per melee but this extra attack may only be used to perform Releasing the Chi
4th: +10 SDC, +1 Dodge, +1 PE, -1 PB
5th: Select another Martial Arts Power from the above list
6th: +1 Attack per Melee, -1 MA
7th: +2 to Parry, +1PS, -1PB
8th: +2 to Roll with Punch/Explosion/Impact, +1 ME, -1MA
9th: +10 Chi, +2 Dodge, -1 PB
10th: At this level, the character intuitively learns how to draw chi from a nearly mortal wound to the abdomen or head. Unlike the cuts from Releasing the Chi, this wound need not be self-inflicted. Some healing is allowed to keep the martial artist from bleeding to death or gaining infections, but the wound should be kept open. By keeping the wound from ever fully healing, the body is over-charged with positive chi. Hit Points lost from the injury which created the wound are not regained until the wound is fully healed. The tradeoff is that the martial artist gains a number of positive chi points equal to the lost hit points every day. In this survival mode, the body may store up to twice the normal limit of chi.
11th: +1 to Initiative, +1 PP, -1 PB
12th: +3 to Parry, +1 PE, -1 PB
13th: Select another Martial Arts Power from the list above
14th: Death Blow on natural 20, +1 IQ, -1 MA
15th: +1 Attack per melee, +3 to Strike, -1 PB
Why Study Ming Jing?
There is no real reason to do it. No sane and healthy person would want to develop chi abilities by slicing themselves to ribbons. The cost, physically and mentally, is substantial. Fortunately, the Nightlands are filled with denizens who are neither sane nor healthy.
On the other hand, Mind Jing does offer an excellent edge to survival oriented characters. It also offers an interesting mixture of physical and chi powers. The Charge Flesh with Chi special power comes in handy against disembodied pests.
The style’s weakness is in its own self-reliance. The martial artist is unable to draw on any other source of chi.


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:06 pm
by Guest
A quick note since I noticed this while working on my votes.

For the purposes of the contest here is what categories the various qualified entries fit:

Way of the Wendigo - Kinthalis Silverbow
3,000 Bo [3000 Steps, art of speed] - Poiuy Wired
Legendary Dolphin Style - Angryjack
Pistol Soul (Gunslingers of all gunslingers) - Poiuy Wired
Lilt-Nuru [Elfish Death-Dance, Graceful art of swordsmanship] - Poiuy Wired
Por Hei Kup Won Jee (Chi Crushing Spirit Draining Finger) - Poiuy Wired
Valley-Style Slap Fu - Darque
DEADLY WASP STYLE - Tinker Dragoon
Kerb Abak - LordZaboem
Ming Jing, the Hell Mirror Martial Art - LordZaboem

Aikikai Aikido - The Dark
Zi Ran Men - Hibik

Valley-Style Slap Fu - Darque
(Although you can consider any entry humorous if you wish)

Now, to get this vote rolling, after careful consideration, I have to vote for the following:

Best Original/Fictional Martial Art
Legendary Dolphin Style

Best Nonfictional (Real) Martial Art

Best Humorous Martial Art (be it wit or satire, low humor, or whatever)
Valley Style Slap Fu

Best New Martial Art Power
Absorb Chi (from Legendary Dolphin Style)

Best Background History
Zi Ran Men (Nature Gate)

Best New Rule/Combat Move
Power Dive (from Legendary Dolphin Style)

Coolest Name
Ming Jing

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:51 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Best Original/Fictional Martial Art: Deadly Wasp Style - Tinker Dragoon

Best Nonfictional (Real) Martial Art: Zi Ran Men - Hibik

Best Humorous Martial Art: Valley-Style Slap Fu – Darque

Best New Martial Art Power: Charge Flesh with Chi (from Ming Jing)

Best Background History: Zi Ran Men - Hibik

Best New Rule/Combat Move: Flying Hook Kick Takedown (from Way of the Wendigo)

Coolest Name: Por Hei Kup Won Jee

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:47 pm
by Guest
So either everyone's forgotten about these, or they all sucked and no one cares who's got the funnest, coolest, most interesting and/or hillarious styles.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:38 am
by Sentinel
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:So either everyone's forgotten about these, or they all sucked and no one cares who's got the funnest, coolest, most interesting and/or hillarious styles.

I admit it: I forgot to vote. :oops:
If I can still do so, I will do so tomorrow, time permitting.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 2:30 pm
by Sentinel
Best Original/Fictional Martial Art: Deadly Wasp Style, by Tinker Dragon

Best Nonfictional (Real) Martial Art: Aikikai Aikido, by The Dark

Best Humorous Martial Art: Valley Style Slap Fu

Best New Martial Art Power: Okugi Yaiba

Best Background History: Ming Jing, by LordZaboem

Best New Rule/Combat Move: Flying Hook Kick Takedown

Coolest Name: Por Hei Kup Won Jee

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:42 pm
by sinestus
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:So either everyone's forgotten about these, or they all sucked and no one cares who's got the funnest, coolest, most interesting and/or hillarious styles.

i opt for the second...

after it got to the point where so many felt they had to defer to the wisdom of a select few the boards just goy dull...

that and, after what, 3 years of everyone cranking out new HTHs... there are already enough in N&SS to choke a dead horse...

every style does not need a special interpretation

every move does not need its own listing

weapons can be generalized

nothing has to be dead on accurate. styles never needed revision.


that said...


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:17 pm
by Guest
sinestus wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:So either everyone's forgotten about these, or they all sucked and no one cares who's got the funnest, coolest, most interesting and/or hillarious styles.

i opt for the second...

after it got to the point where so many felt they had to defer to the wisdom of a select few the boards just goy dull...

that and, after what, 3 years of everyone cranking out new HTHs... there are already enough in N&SS to choke a dead horse...

every style does not need a special interpretation

every move does not need its own listing

weapons can be generalized

nothing has to be dead on accurate. styles never needed revision.


that said...

:P change in posting style since the first contest. I'm somehow not surprised.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:30 pm
by Jefffar
Toooooo much reading!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:49 am
by Guest
Jefffar wrote:Toooooo much reading!

Well, it's been over a year, it's not like anyone except the authors and myself remember all the details on the various entries.

Not too mention completely missing a "4th annual" contest (I suppose I could start a new one, but I don't think it would go as well as the 1st or 3rd contests).

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:01 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Don't just bump it, vote!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:41 pm
by Sentinel
How a contest involving the styles people have placed on this forum? It seems like there were quite a few.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:22 pm
by Guest
Sentinel wrote:How a contest involving the styles people have placed on this forum? It seems like there were quite a few.


Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:31 am
by Sentinel
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Sentinel wrote:How a contest involving the styles people have placed on this forum? It seems like there were quite a few.


The styles people posted that were excluded from the competition, for whatever reason.
How about a competiton for those?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:39 am
by Guest
Sentinel wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Sentinel wrote:How a contest involving the styles people have placed on this forum? It seems like there were quite a few.


The styles people posted that were excluded from the competition, for whatever reason.
How about a competiton for those?

Both of them? No real point in it.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:39 pm
by Sentinel
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Sentinel wrote:How a contest involving the styles people have placed on this forum? It seems like there were quite a few.


The styles people posted that were excluded from the competition, for whatever reason.
How about a competiton for those?

Both of them? No real point in it.

I had thought there were more than two.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:24 pm
by Guest
ash_wednesday wrote:How about a thread where evreyone post what martial art the had or are still studying.

Someone already did that too.