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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:44 pm
by gelidus
Looking for the most munchkin cannon combo that you can come up with.

I'm looking for SDC guy walks into a cave with a SDC pistol and fights adult great horned dragon, He walks out with a dragons head to hang above his fire place.

That sorta combo.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:58 pm
by Guest
Sea Inquisitor, Gunslinger, Turned Demi-God, With the Following Superpowers: Sonic Speed, Slow Motion Control, Extraordinary P.P., Heightened Sense of Balance, Lightning Reflexes.

That hot enough for ya, scarecrow?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:05 pm
by Temporalmage
Psi-slinger/Sea Inquisitor

Any MDC energy attack aimed at them becomes SDC, and any SDC gun does MDC. Seen it done once, when I didn't realize what that combo did. Hoo Boy!! Talk about Munchi!!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:32 pm
by Guest
I was thinking of the Psi-Slinger/Sea Inquisitor thing...

But I felt like going a step further into Ludicrous Space.

We are now at Ludicrous Speed

Psi slinger

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:33 pm
by gelidus
Any engery attack up to 29 points I think, After that it just cuts right through.

Re: Psi slinger

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:35 pm
by Guest
gelidus wrote:Any engery attack up to 29 points I think, After that it just cuts right through.

Doing half damage.

So wear that armor..

Re: Psi slinger

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:35 pm
by Temporalmage
gelidus wrote:Any engery attack up to 29 points I think, After that it just cuts right through.

You say it like it's no biggie. Dude, no other OCC, RCC, or PCC has such an ability that is AUTOMATIC and costs ZILTCH/ZERO/NADA!!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:07 am
by AllMightyRCB
Why not just use a Promethien. They're SDC. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:56 am
by Killer Cyborg
Time Slip + Permanance Ward.

Then start using summoning spells.

Cast Magic Warrior, for example.
He appears, but no time passes for him no matter how long you spend in the time slipped state... so keep casting the spell until you run out of PPE. Then wait until you have 60 PPE and cast again.
Repeat until the dragon is absolutely covered in your minions, like literally covered completely in a huge pile of Magic Warriors.
Then start boosting your warriors with other spells.
Giant, for example. Magical-Adreneline Rush.
When you have a big enough army to kill the dragon (or just to take over the world), then cut the permanancy ward off of you and time will start back up.
Tell your supercharged minions to destroy...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:00 am
by Killer Cyborg
Or you could go with this combo:
Permanent Time Slip
Then cast Domination on the dragon until he fails his save.
Then get out a magic needle & thread (enchanted Alchemist-style for Sharpness and indestructability) and sew a permanence ward into the dragons flesh, making the Domination permanent.

Then you can remove your own ward and kick back and enjoy your dragon.

Or wander around permantly Dominating everybody you can find and take over the world, then remove your own ward.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:28 am
by Zer0 Kay
Deus Edge Machina wrote:I was thinking of the Psi-Slinger/Sea Inquisitor thing...

But I felt like going a step further into Ludicrous Space.

We are now at Ludicrous Speed

ThEy'Ve GoNe PlAiD!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:34 am
by Zer0 Kay
Killer Cyborg wrote:Or you could go with this combo:
Permanent Time Slip
Then cast Domination on the dragon until he fails his save.
Then get out a magic needle & thread (enchanted Alchemist-style for Sharpness and indestructability) and sew a permanence ward into the dragons flesh, making the Domination permanent.

Then you can remove your own ward and kick back and enjoy your dragon.

Or wander around permantly Dominating everybody you can find and take over the world, then remove your own ward.

I know it's supposed to be munchie and silly but the ward would be regenerated out of the dragons hide besides sewing into it's hide would be considered harming it and you can't do that while in time slip. However you can get out that new TW Sharpee PERMANENT marker (dang, now I'll actually have to make that) and use that on it's hide.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:41 am
by Zer0 Kay
Mighty_Grackle wrote:well, maybe a shifter... You said he walked in with a pistol, never said he didn't also walk in with a rune staff :D

He also said he walked in with an SDC pistol...who cares what it's made of what does it shoot? DERVISH rounds!! :D :P

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:57 am
by Zer0 Kay
Mighty_Grackle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mighty_Grackle wrote:well, maybe a shifter... You said he walked in with a pistol, never said he didn't also walk in with a rune staff :D

He also said he walked in with an SDC pistol...who cares what it's made of what does it shoot? DERVISH rounds!! :D :P

well...he never said you had to USE the pistol

Hey here is another one a Lycanthrope walks in an SDC being...
Or how about a Nightspawn? Human form is still SDC in Rifts...right?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:51 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Zer0 Kay wrote:I know it's supposed to be munchie and silly but the ward would be regenerated out of the dragons hide besides sewing into it's hide would be considered harming it and you can't do that while in time slip. However you can get out that new TW Sharpee PERMANENT marker (dang, now I'll actually have to make that) and use that on it's hide.

That's likely true.
Except for the Sharpee part...

Gotta point

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:03 pm
by gelidus
As long as he walks into the cave SDC, what happens on the inside is open to just about anything, oh one more thing I forgot to add, can't be above level 5.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:39 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mighty_Grackle wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mighty_Grackle wrote:well, maybe a shifter... You said he walked in with a pistol, never said he didn't also walk in with a rune staff :D

He also said he walked in with an SDC pistol...who cares what it's made of what does it shoot? DERVISH rounds!! :D :P

well...he never said you had to USE the pistol

Hey here is another one a Lycanthrope walks in an SDC being...
Or how about a Nightspawn? Human form is still SDC in Rifts...right?

yes, the Nightspawn (bane now technically)'s human form is still SDC in Rifts (their morpheous form is MDC though)

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:45 pm
by Dave the dragon
A nightbane, trained it N&SS Tai Chi And Mu tai (yes, I know I misspelled it) kickboxing. Dragon chi his PS to 160 and then lightning kata. Its all over but the crying.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:25 pm
by Guest
Dave the dragon wrote:A nightbane, trained it N&SS Tai Chi And Mu tai (yes, I know I misspelled it) kickboxing. Dragon chi his PS to 160 and then lightning kata. Its all over but the crying.

Good Munchkinizing!

Munchkinize me Cap'n!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:42 pm
by Shadowfyr
Killer Cyborg wrote:Time Slip + Permanance Ward.

Then start using summoning spells.

Cast Magic Warrior, for example.
He appears, but no time passes for him no matter how long you spend in the time slipped state... so keep casting the spell until you run out of PPE. Then wait until you have 60 PPE and cast again.
Repeat until the dragon is absolutely covered in your minions, like literally covered completely in a huge pile of Magic Warriors.
Then start boosting your warriors with other spells.
Giant, for example. Magical-Adreneline Rush.
When you have a big enough army to kill the dragon (or just to take over the world), then cut the permanancy ward off of you and time will start back up.
Tell your supercharged minions to destroy...

The only disadvantage of this is the fact that you cant break a permenance ward. Once its set in place its considered indestructable, and if i remember correctly that you cant place permanence wards on yourself anyways..

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:27 pm
by Guest
Sea Inquisitor Gunslinger with Triad Assassin Training.

Noro Ghost Maker (send a Possessing Entity in first to take over the dragon, then walk in and claim your new pet)

Silhouette Psi-Ghost wouldn't be S.D.C. when he walked in.

But Intangible Mages are NASTY.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:07 am
by Dave the dragon
Deep Edge wrote:Sea Inquisitor Gunslinger with Triad Assassin Training.

Nice! :-D I may try that one.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:42 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Shadowfyr wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Time Slip + Permanance Ward.

Then start using summoning spells.

Cast Magic Warrior, for example.
He appears, but no time passes for him no matter how long you spend in the time slipped state... so keep casting the spell until you run out of PPE. Then wait until you have 60 PPE and cast again.
Repeat until the dragon is absolutely covered in your minions, like literally covered completely in a huge pile of Magic Warriors.
Then start boosting your warriors with other spells.
Giant, for example. Magical-Adreneline Rush.
When you have a big enough army to kill the dragon (or just to take over the world), then cut the permanancy ward off of you and time will start back up.
Tell your supercharged minions to destroy...

The only disadvantage of this is the fact that you cant break a permenance ward. Once its set in place its considered indestructable, and if i remember correctly that you cant place permanence wards on yourself anyways..

You can put them on yourself, but after a time they kind of grow into your flesh. The only way to get rid of them is to cut them off/out, which does significant damage.
But with proper preparation it's survivable.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:46 pm
by Borast
Closest I can think of is give a belt fed 9mm MG to the guy that does double MD damage with SDC firearms (and load it with ramjet rounds, since they do a base 3D6x10SDC damage!)...that comes in at double boom-gun damage per burst!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:53 pm
by gelidus
Hmmmmm.....anyway to make it with there bare hands or abbilitys?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:32 pm
by Danger
Sure. With Super Powers you can get probably get enough strength to grab it, and stick its head in the ground like an ostrich. I don't have the books at work, so I can't give you the exact formula/combination.

Course, that might take a while (to kill it), but you didn't specify a time-frame.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:39 pm
by Sentinel
Dave the dragon wrote:A nightbane, trained it N&SS Tai Chi And Mu tai (yes, I know I misspelled it) kickboxing. Dragon chi his PS to 160 and then lightning kata. Its all over but the crying.

Muay Thai kickboxing is exclusive, and counts as two arts, so the Nightbane can't get it.
Muay Thai doesn't give Chi abilities.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:38 am
by starkiller
Permanence wards cannot work on magic-based/supernatural creatures. But you have the right idea. You can buff up yourself with spells and cast a permanence ward and have those buffs stick with you forever. One awesome spell to do this with is the temporal spell, 4d self. That way you always get initiative, can never be surprise attacked, can see everything around you in 360 degrees including astral beings, and can literally step out of time and space at will. All this without the "comedown" of an insanity.

So you want to munchkin?
Be a Noro Mystic Warrior (shouldn't they be called a Psi Warrior, since they don't have any magical ability?) that has trained in Psyscape and has a psychometric booster (mindwerks) and a psychic booster (coalition psi-implant). If you get the right combination of side-effects, psionic outburst and astral avenger respectively, you get a crazy powerful psychic, that can do incredible amounts of damage.

Level Noro Mind Blast (d6)
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 6
5 7
6 8
7 9
8 10
9 11
10 12
11 13
12 14
13 15
14 16
15 17
Boosters Bonus
Psychic Booster +1d6 18
-Side Effect: Astral Avenger x2 36
Psychometric Booster x1.5 54
-Side Effect: Psionic Outburst x2 108
Psyscape Master ability (master) x2 216

Total Dice: 216d6 @ level 20

Maximum Damage: 1296 md / bolt
Near Ley-line Nexus x3 3888 md

and if you get a level of sea inquisitor you can do double damage to supernatural creatures. hehe

This would be a perfect character to take down that supernatural intelligence in the Psyscape book (name is escaping me at the moment), since all psychic attacks are multiplied times ten.
Just imagine...
A noro mystic warrior is sent down by the Noro to investigate claims of cybernetic implants granting psychic powers. He gets caught by the Angel of Death, gets released with some new head gear, goes a bit crazy and gets rescued by Psi-warriors who hear his psychic screaming. He gets brought back to Psyscape, gets trained to control his new powers since he cannot remove the devices without dying, and starts fighting the Xombi hordes, eventually squaring off with the intelligence itself.
It could happen :-)

edit: the intelligence's name is Nxla.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:41 am
by Killer Cyborg
starkiller wrote:Permanence wards cannot work on magic-based/supernatural creatures.

Where's it say that?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:34 pm
by starkiller
Killer Cyborg wrote:
starkiller wrote:Permanence wards cannot work on magic-based/supernatural creatures.

Where's it say that?

It says right in the Palladium fantasy book 2nd ed. right under Permanence wards. It talks about how permanence wards can be placed on a human being, but it cannot be placed on supernatural/magic beings such as dragons, faeries, etc. I don't have the book in front of me, but it says so. In the second edition I think it clarifies it more.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:26 pm
by Killer Cyborg
starkiller wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
starkiller wrote:Permanence wards cannot work on magic-based/supernatural creatures.

Where's it say that?

It says right in the Palladium fantasy book 2nd ed. right under Permanence wards. It talks about how permanence wards can be placed on a human being, but it cannot be placed on supernatural/magic beings such as dragons, faeries, etc. I don't have the book in front of me, but it says so. In the second edition I think it clarifies it more.

Found it!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:57 pm
by Mouser13
House of glass kill your self and then have your timeslip friends finish the dragon with one shoot or magic spell.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:42 am
by Zer0 Kay
Borast wrote:Closest I can think of is give a belt fed 9mm MG to the guy that does double MD damage with SDC firearms (and load it with ramjet rounds, since they do a base 3D6x10SDC damage!)...that comes in at double boom-gun damage per burst!

Why stop with 9mm? Why not .50 cal ramjet, uranium rounds modified with I-beam technology?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:03 pm
by MDGiest
Ok the most munchkin character I can think of that Ive created (by accident honestly) is as follows:
Pheaton Juicer
Juicer Assassin OCC skills (includes Sharp shooting: E.Heavy skill)
Light Power armor (I used Terrain Hopper)
Shemmarian (spelling?) rail gun/rifle

Baically, at lvl 1 you have 11 attacks per round with the rail gun, and you are +14 to called shots (things like, say...helmets?) and your doing 2d6x10 damage per shot!!!

Yes, this was an accident...even acquiring the rail gun was not intenetional.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:44 pm
by Zer0 Kay
MDGiest wrote:Ok the most munchkin character I can think of that Ive created (by accident honestly) is as follows:
Pheaton Juicer
Juicer Assassin OCC skills (includes Sharp shooting: E.Heavy skill)
Light Power armor (I used Terrain Hopper)
Shemmarian (spelling?) rail gun/rifle

Baically, at lvl 1 you have 11 attacks per round with the rail gun, and you are +14 to called shots (things like, say...helmets?) and your doing 2d6x10 damage per shot!!!

Yes, this was an accident...even acquiring the rail gun was not intenetional.

The E. Heavy of course did not go toward the bonuses right? Since it is not an energy projectile weapon it wouldn't receive bonuses.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:50 pm
by Zer0 Kay
well then Ty a trickster mage with 52 Cards in the face and dagger cards would be fairly munchkin then? So your definition of munchkin is playing a character as something it's not? Too many definitions.

I've heard:
Munchkin is-
Someone who uses items, spells, etc. for purposes they were not intended for. (aka MacGuiver)

Someone who mixes classes that never should be.

Someone who cheats and uses all max roles for stats or damn close to it.

I guess yours would go under the first one.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:00 am
by MDGiest
So long as you pick Sharpshooter:E Heavy yes you get the bonuses from both. Remeber, Sharpshooting HAS to be selected for every weapon you want to use it with (Note: There are 3 or 4 OCCs that make exception to this rule in the New West book among other places)

Aimed: +3
PP bonus from Sharpshooting on a Called shot: +6
Bonus from Terrain Hopper itself for ranged weapons: +3
Bonus from skill Weapon Systems (yes it applies to hand held rail guns and the like when in power armor or robot vehicles): +2

Total bonus to strike on a called shot: +14


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:31 am
by Kioras
Something I always wanted to mess with was a True Atlantean Demon Quellor(from japan)

Just the right combination of spells, tatoo's, skills and stats, and you can come up with a rather unique character. that is pretty muchy.

Not as strong against dragons, granted, but against either Demons or vampires has quite the potential.
