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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:59 pm
by Levi
That is cool! Wow!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:25 am
by AzathothXy
Draco Light wrote:Rock on, man. Definitely saving this.

Though, an odd question... In Dragons and Gods (at least, the original version; does anyone know if it's been changed in the recent rerelease?), the current top priestess for Thoth (Demiurge or something like that for the Church of Light/Dark; I'm going off of memory, as I don't have the book with me) is a Priest of Darkness. What's up with that, and with your alterations here?

Thoth is basically neutral, He dosen't have a prefrence when it comes to priests. Light or Dark, it's all the same to him.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:50 pm
by Yisterwald
I don't want to take anything away from your work, because it looks great, but I long ago made similar changes to my game. The base rules simply don't provide enough Priestly variety to suit me. Nice work.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:24 pm
by Maddog
What about the priests of Dragonwright?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:50 pm
by Judas
Very nice!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:05 pm
by Borast
Lynx8882 wrote:once again Kittenstomp comes through with some great work ... someone give the man an applause


Yup...quoting stuff from books... :lol:

Seriously though, I have to admit I never thought of coalating it into a coherent mess like that, so thumbs-up to Kittenstomp... :D :ok:

Kittenstomp wrote:
Draco Light wrote:Rock on, man. Definitely saving this.

Though, an odd question... In Dragons and Gods (at least, the original version; does anyone know if it's been changed in the recent rerelease?), the current top priestess for Thoth (Demiurge or something like that for the Church of Light/Dark; I'm going off of memory, as I don't have the book with me) is a Priest of Darkness. What's up with that, and with your alterations here?

I'll look into that when I get home. Either way, as Thoth is an Anarchist god, I could see both priests of Light or Darkness worshipping him and gaining powers from him. As a God of the Pantheon of Light, I just naturally assumed that he'd be a priest of light.

With Thoth being simply a god of knowledge...he just wants to KNOW, doesn't matter the source(s). However, he does have a conscience and morals (hence, his testing of the ultimate rune weapon on himself, and refusal to use it...). He is Politically neutral (and has "friends" on both sides), although officially in the GoL catagory.

The main reason I can see PoDs not being attracted to him is that he discourages things like bullying and things like that. They would constitutionally (as the expression goes) be more interested in Amon the Hidden One. His priests, while powerful due to knowledge gained, are reactive and not active or pro-active. PoD's by their nature want control of a situation, Thoth's priests are (typically) more happy sitting back learning while others act, and re-acting only when forced to. However, their "knowledge of all things" make them great allies! ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:29 pm
by Great_Cthulhu

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:43 pm
by Cranus
Good ideas. I may have to use them the next time I run a PFRP game. Although I agree with another poster in that Innocence of Panath coul easily be abused.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:32 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
JSUN wrote:
Draco Light wrote:I'm a touch leery of Utu and Osiris priests getting Resurrection straight from the get go, even at those low percentages.

Bare with me cause its been a long time but, Aren't all the priest(/esses) of Osiris powerless cause he's dead? I was under the impression [having drawn that conclusion based on the description in D&G p90 "Annihalated body investment"] that because their god was gone, they were unable to draw on him for power, prayers, spells, and miracles.

I supposes Isis could have taken over those duties as well...

All in all, a kick A** job, Kitten! Its what I would have done were I not lazy!

here's an interesting question...

when mortals die, they go to the afterlife.

when gods die...where to their souls go?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:30 pm
by Guest
According to references in the Old Ones, Priests of Aco and the Juggernaut are Priests of Darkness. (Page 97 in the 2E book, under the description of Hanna, building 57, The Scrivener.)

I also wouldn't mind seeing better notes on what ceremonies, rituals, and rights each type of priest performs, as well as detailed hierarchies for the different churches and preferred weapons, dress, and symbols of each type of priest.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:56 pm
by Slag
Dude, this rocks. :shock:

Formalize this and submit it to the Rifter, pronto!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:02 pm
by Borast
Shadowmagic wrote:Some REALLY good stuff here!!!

A couple suggestions on Summoning:

God's who are knowledgeable in purely Elemental magics could perhaps have their Priests summon Elementals( I did note a few).

God's of Light may allow their priests to summon Beings of Light(supernatural worshippers of said god). This would be ALOT of work for the GM as PB has gone really lite on good aligned creatures and such. I'm still debating on whether or not to let Priests of Light summon Angel's in my game, follows under the same heading as what I said before: "...these beings are way too powerful, should be out of the question. Just my opinion don't mind me." Maybe if the summoning was limited to 2 attempts per day with a max of 1 success and 1 being.

I can agree with the Elemental bit...although the priest wouldn't be able to easily communicate with the elemental like a Warlock would, nor would (the priest) share the same level of protection as afforded to the Warlock.

As for summoning a class ability, NO. (Unless your world is a dark world with the forces of light fighting an underground battle against an overwhelming evil dominating the world.) Count this as a miracle, with the priest's god (i.e.: the GM) providing APPROPRIATE assitance. That plus the fact that the priest has to remember that the Angels are ALLIES and powerful ones at that - they can take offence and vanish as soon as the priest starts treating them like talking dogs...! :D

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:38 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
JSUN wrote:
Kittenstomp wrote:
I assume that there still exists some form of Osiris priesthood as the CHurch of Light and Dark has a sub-sect known as the Cult of the Great One, which worships Osiris exclusively. Also, traditionally, Osiris was seen as a dualist god, worshipped for Agriculture and Death simultaneously, he was worshipped both as a living god and a dead god in the underworld. Furthermore, he hasn't been "annihilated" he's been cut up into multiple pieces. So technically, there still IS an Osiris, its just his consciousness has been divided into 14 parts.

I agree, I think there is a thriving cult (as far as cults go) to Osiris, Im just not sure he's the one handing the power out.

What I was eluding the with the ABI is that a god, if he's killed or blows himself up or whatever can be resurrected by his fellow gods or followers...and this has not happened with Osiris. I assume cause of the spells/ rituals Set cast after he killed Osiris. Im thinking Isis CAN'T raise him or she would have (and why not, what benefit is there to him remaining dead?).

actually, Isis DID raise him from the dead the first time set killed him.

so set killed him AGAIN and then cut up his body in 14 parts and cursed them so that Osirus cannot be raised unless all parts are brought togeather. then he scattered them thoughout the Megaverse. Isis is trying to assemble them all, but Set is opposing her at every step

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:01 pm
by Xynar
It would be correct to assume that a god has power as long as they have worshipers. So even a dead god can give powers to followers. Fallen gods are weakened and can not be brought back without a Pantheon. This is of course based off of observations from the books.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:11 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
JSUN wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
here's an interesting question...

when mortals die, they go to the afterlife.

when gods die...where to their souls go?

Gods can be reformed/ ressurected by their fellow Gods (or over a long enough period, their followers) but this is not the case with Osiris cause of his unique condition.

Personally, I don't think gods go to an afterlife, they just cease existing just as if they were to loose everyone folowing/ believing in them.

If you think wholeisticly, dead gods' souls would join with the Tao, the universalness of everything (see Discorperate in MC) untill their followers can call them back.

As for a god that looses all it followers I would sugest that he be demoted to godling status (if he was actully the child of two other gods) or if he was mortal demoted to demi-god status. Each being just till they get a sigificant following agine.

Re: Kittenstomp's Revised Priests

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:18 pm
by Library Ogre
Kittenstomp wrote:Cirga
· Type: Druid
· Spell Casting: Standard for Druids.
· Prayer of Arrow Blessing: This prayer turns a single arrow into a holy weapon of Cirga. The arrow is +4 to strike and flies twice as long as normal. It does 2D6+6 damage to mortals of good or selfish alignment and double damage to supernatural or evil creatures, triple damage to creatures that are both evil and supernatural. The arrow burns with fire and inflicts 1D6+2 damage a melee. Supernatural creatures who touch the arrow will take an additional 2D6 damage straight to hit points. Tearing out the arrow inflicts 6D6 damage, double to the supernatural and triple to supernatural evil. Costs the priest 5 PPE. 21%+7% per level of experience, PPE is expended even if the roll is unsuccessful.

I wouldn't make anyone's default clergy type Druid, especially given the notes about the deities that the Druids do worship.

· Type: Priest of Light
· Spell Casting: At level 3 the Priest gains the Water Elemental spell Resist Cold and one spell of choice from Water Elemental spells 1-3. Choose one additional water elemental spell from levels 1-3 per level of experience.
· Prayer of Intervention: All water elemental spells levels 1-5, plus Little Ice Monster and Creature of the Waves. The Priest of Lista can use his Prayer of Intervention: Scroll skill to create protection circles and summoning circles but must have the necessary PPE and material components. The priest has no special control over the creatures he summons and must bargain with them.

As uncaring as Lista is, I could see her having a few priests of Darkness... they wouldn't be really DARK, just sorta dark.

· Type: Priest of Darkness
· Spell Casting: Standard, no changes.
· Greater Resurrection: Priests of Utu begin with the ability to resurrect the recently dead at 10% at level one. Add 5% per level. Reduce percentage by half if the Priest leaves the Palladium world where his god is strongest.
· Special Curses: In addition to the normal curses available to Priests of Darkness, Priests of Utu can cast Haunted by the Slain, Necrosis and Zero Hour, all from Eternal Torment.
· Summoning: Priests of Utu only summon Demons.

I would allow Utu to also have priests of light, and put a time limit on their greater ressurection; while Utu CAN hold the souls of the dead indefinitely, he's supposed to pass them along in a timely fashion.

· Type: Priest of Light
· Spell Casting: Standard, plus the spells Drain PPE from Followers and Make Weapon Holy
· Prayer of Intervention: Any common wizard spell levels 1-15 and any Earth Elemental spell levels 1-8.
· Greater Resurrection: Priests of Osiris have a 10% chance of resurrecting the recently dead at level one, increase by 3% for every level of experience.
· Special Prayers/Miracles: Prayer of Contagious Scripture, Prayer of Dream, Prayer of Sanctified Vestments, Miracle of Consecration, Miracle of Holy War. See pages 136-137 of Dragons & Gods.

Of course, being dead, he's not doing much for priests these days.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:20 am
by NMI
I didnt see a listing for Priests of the Juggernaut!!! After all he is the Juggernaut *****!!!! (xmen 3 reference - and no, i didnt say that bad word, i just put the stars!!!)

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:19 pm
by plata_knight
JSUN wrote:
Draco Light wrote:I'm a touch leery of Utu and Osiris priests getting Resurrection straight from the get go, even at those low percentages.

Bare with me cause its been a long time but, Aren't all the priest(/esses) of Osiris powerless cause he's dead? I was under the impression [having drawn that conclusion based on the description in D&G p90 "Annihalated body investment"] that because their god was gone, they were unable to draw on him for power, prayers, spells, and miracles.

I supposes Isis could have taken over those duties as well...

According to the PRPG 2nd Edition, Priests can draw their power from an entire pantheon even if they reviere just one or two specific deities. (pg 64)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:11 am
by Xynar
Lynx8882 wrote:
Mephisto wrote:I don't think Deevil and Demon Lords would offer ANY abilities to PF Priests of Darkness, because they don't have to. After all, 20 million on PF doesn't compare with 80 billion on Dyval.

Um hes got a point here.... although I could see the occasional tool for a short term plot


They could use an anchor to the world. A priest can be that anchor. Without this extra source, the other gods can kick their butts right back to Dyval with little trouble.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:16 am
by acreRake
And Witches!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:02 pm
by plata_knight
acreRake wrote:And Witches!

Which, in my opinion, are really just dark priests (gift of magic) and anti-palladins/unholy warriors (gift of power), made by alien intelligences and demon lords. It says right in the description that they are often called upon to create cult/churches, and fight good in a very similiar manner to priests and palladins/holy warriors fighting evil.

Thus, they do give powers and such to their followers. It even gives them additional abilities such as summoning demons, rodents, and such if they make a lifetime commitment. These are very similiar to the abilities of a priest/ priest of darkness.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:48 pm
by plata_knight
A note on the original topic ...

I don't have Rurga's stats, but I though she hand psionic abilities but not much magic.

Why not just give her priests psionic powers in place of magic spells?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:50 pm
by Marcethus
Still want the powers for the priests of dragonwright but it's an awesome job over all and tyvm for saving me from having to do it myself because I have been kicking the idea around for years but always never got arround to it.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:15 pm
by Eryk Stormbright
Mephisto wrote:I'd like a sticky on this thread, there is a lot of good material here to be discussed.

i Fully agree :D

Re: Kittenstomp's Revised Priests

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:28 pm
by Reagren Wright
I brought this thread back because I was hoping to find powers for Priests of the
Dragonwright, but there are none. Might have to do something about it.

Re: Kittenstomp's Revised Priests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:36 am
by DiceCollector
No one playes the Dragonwright.....They are way to cool!!

Re: Kittenstomp's Revised Priests

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:02 pm
by Reagren Wright
After two months of suffering a malise of being unable to write or post anything of Paladium I'm
back. Time to finish off the Kittenstomp's awesome list


Special Priestly Powers

Immunity to a Dragon’s Initial Horror Factor: All Priest of the Dragonwright are impervious to
the initial effects of encountering a dragon and its transfixing glare. This means while others
will run in fear if there is even a rumor of a dragon nearby or one flying 1000 feet (304.8 m)
over head, the Priest of the Dragonwright will likely be curious to seek out the dragon and
start a conversation with it. Whenever encountering a dragon (regardless of its age, species,
or status), the priest will not be intimidated or awe struck by its sheer size, display of might,
or ferocity. However, should the dragon decide its doesn’t want to be disturbed or wants to
make a meal out of the priest, if it makes a second attempt to horrify the priest or does
something that endangers the priest’s life, then the priest will have to make a saving throw vs.
horror factor, but even then the priests enjoys a +3 bonus and is still unaffected by the
dragon’s gaze. This bonus can only be applied to saving against the horror factor of a dragon.

Palaver: Because Priests of the Dragonwright have an in-depth knowledge of dragon mentality
and habits, dragon physiology, and dragon ecology (territorial habits and whatnot), they are
well skilled in being able to negotiate, bluff, charm, even successfully taunt a dragon without
offending the creature (never a good idea). This ability provides the following bonuses when
dealing with a dragon (an only a dragon): +5% to Find Contraband, Gambling, and Intelligence
(gathering info from the dragon); +10% to any Domestic or Communication skill. +20% to Lore:
Magic and/or Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic (the later is a skill from Rifts).

Prayer of Invocation: This is a last ditch effort by a Priest of the Dragonwright to prevent a
dragon determined to do away with the priest. The priest makes a prayer to one of the Dragon
Gods to intervene against the will of the offending dragon. Some believe the Dragon Gods
actually do something (perhaps a psychic communication or invisible intervention) that physical
halts/stops the dragon’s aggression or perhaps by profession ones faith of the Dragon Gods
gives him pause to reconsider. Then again, maybe the dragon is merely amused so he “delays”
harming the priest. However, if the priest does not include anyone else with him or her in his
prayer, the dragon will go ahead and attack anyone in the priest’s vicinity. Ratio of Success:
Equal to the priest’s M.A. attribute score +3% per level of experience. Duration: 3 minutes
only. Note: During the 3 minutes, if anyone (including the priest) attacks the dragon or
performs an action that enrages the dragon, there is nothing to stop him for retaliating.
Furthermore, dragons are not stupid. The dragon will attack PCs who are building or setting up
a device (including performing a ritual or lengthy spell invocation) during the 3 minute duration.
I encourage G.M. to use common sense when players attempt these situations.


Type: Priest of Light
Spell Casting: At FIRST level, priests of Kym-nark-mar receive the spells Decipher
Magic and See Aura. At 3rd level, the priest may select any spell from levels
1-3rd. At 7th level, select two spells per level of experience and receive the spell
Mystic Portal.
Prayer of Intervention: ANY Wizard spell including Spells of Legend. At 7th level, the
Priest can use his Prayer of Intervention to gain temporarily knowledge to create runes,
wards, protection and summoning circles but must have the P.P.E. necessary to energize
the circles, wards, and provide the materials himself. The priest gains no special powers
over anything he summons and must make a deal. The circle, ward, or runes must be made
within 12 hours.
Miracle: Miraculous Sleep of the Ages: A powerful miracle that is based on the great
spell used by Kym-nark-Mar, Lokum, and Lictalon to put the Old Ones to spell. Has the
same range as a Sanctuary spell, but it puts all living and undead things (including lesser
and greater supernatural beings, creatures of magic, demi-gods, godlings, and dragon
hatchlings to sleep, with no saving throw).

Type: Priest of Light
Spell Casting: At FIRST level, priests of Zandragal receive the spells Decipher Magic and See
Aura. At 3rd level, the priest may select any 1-3rd warlock spell from air, fire, and earth.
At 7th level, select two spells per level of experience and receive the spell Havoc.
Prayer of Intervention: ANY air, fire, or earth Warlock spells from any level. At 7th level, the
Priest can use his Prayer of Intervention to gain temporarily knowledge to create
protection and summoning circles but must have the P.P.E. necessary to energize the
circle and provide the materials himself. The priest gains no special powers over anything
he summons and must make a deal. The circles must be made within 12 hours.
Miracle: The Flames of Zandragal: A powerful miracle that allows the priest to expel the
deific flames of the god. The damage will affect any living or undead beings (including
gods, alien intelligences, demon and deevil lords, etc including those impervious to all
forms of fire, heat and plasma. The effect can be narrows to a single target or spread it
out to cover a small group. The range can be from 9 feet (2.74 m) to a maximum range
of 950 feet (290 m). The damage can be as weak as 1D6x10 to a full strength blast of

Type: Priest of Light
Spell Casting: At FIRST level, priests of Kormath receive the spells Decipher Magic and See
Aura. At 3rd level, the priest may select any 1-3rd warlock spell from water or air. At
7th level, select two spells per level of experience and receive the spell Oracle.
Prayer of Intervention: ANY air or water Warlock spells from any level. At 7th level, the
Priest can use his Prayer of Intervention to gain any dimensional spell (any teleport,
dimensional pocket, dimensional envelope, wink-out, etc).
Miracle: The Search of Wisdom: This miracle allows the priest to be able to solve the answer
to a particular problem. However, this doesn’t mean the priest will have the “means” to
solve the problem, just the insight on how to go about achieving the completed result.
This is not an end all solution given to the player by the G.M., but more or less
enough “clues” that allow the player to see the obvious choice.

Styphon the Black
Type: Priest of Darkness
Spell Casting: Standard, no changes.
Summoning Minions of Darkness: Any lesser supernatural evil being (demon, deevil,
elemental, ghost, spirt, etc) can be summoned by the priest. At 7th level, two supernatural
evil beings can be summoned or one greater supernatural being (deevil, demon, undead,
major elemental, angels, sea serpent, Lizard Mage, etc). The limits are the same as a
Special Curse: Standard, Any curse found in the PFRPG book (page 262-264), spell
magic curses (phobia for example), or those found in Land of the Damned, Book Two
(pages 51-71) can be utilized by the priest once they reach 7th level.

Re: Kittenstomp's Revised Priests

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:18 am
by DarkwingDuk
Awesome, thanks, this was just what I was looking for!