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Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:06 am
by Judas
Travelling to bane causes ALL man-made materials to vanish, a borg would appear as a bit of brain & spinal fluid, a mechnoid would be a mound of flesh :shock: (thereby making this one of the few dimensions the mechnoids will struggle to destroy), a nano-plague is microscopic but still man made thereby it will be destroyed, an RMK kit wouldn't make it through as wouldn't a juciers bio-comp, both of which use nano-bots :P .

The only thing from Splicers that could make it through would be the humans and the living armours, can't remember what that O.C.C is called that can actually control the virus, be he/she will have nadda when they get to 'bane.

Ergo, since no metals, plastics anything man-made can get through neither can any of the machines, exploding metal objects and such like, but then of course you go from fighting for your life against machines to running from the Nighlords, unlucky :nh:

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:33 pm
by RockJock
I said yes for the same barrier reasons.

Re: Splicers through the Nightlands

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:57 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Quester wrote:If (by some miracle, experiment or just plain GM cruilty) a Splicer gets rifted to the Nightlands, would that have the capability of "cureing" the Splicer from the Nanobot plague?

Please state your reasons why or why not and try to use as much REAL world logic as possible as the Great One's (Kevin and companey) can say "Yes or No" with "Becouse I said so." All others need to have a valid argument (think like you are trying to convince your GM).

Shure it's a cure but so is every other dimension that doesn't have them. Remember the nanites have a limited power supply and don't clone themselves.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:41 pm
by Mike Taylor
Lazrous wrote:Where does it state that man made objects can't be transported to the Nightlands? Did I miss that in a book, or is it in a Rifter?

Manmade objects from other dimensions can not enter the Nightlands (or even the same dimension as the Nightbane setting for that matter). Manmade objects on Nightbane Earth, however, CAN be brought over. The only stipulation I would make about Splicers characters and organic equipment coming to the Nightlands would be that they become SDC beings that inflict SDC damage.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:50 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Lazrous wrote:Where does it state that man made objects can't be transported to the Nightlands? Did I miss that in a book, or is it in a Rifter?

Nightbane RPG, p. 203.

Alternate rules can be found in Between the Shadows, p. 142.

Re: Splicers through the Nightlands

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:52 am
by Zer0 Kay
Quester wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Quester wrote:If (by some miracle, experiment or just plain GM cruilty) a Splicer gets rifted to the Nightlands, would that have the capability of "cureing" the Splicer from the Nanobot plague?

Please state your reasons why or why not and try to use as much REAL world logic as possible as the Great One's (Kevin and companey) can say "Yes or No" with "Becouse I said so." All others need to have a valid argument (think like you are trying to convince your GM).

Shure it's a cure but so is every other dimension that doesn't have them. Remember the nanites have a limited power supply and don't clone themselves.

I ment a cure as in no more nanobots in the Splicer, as in a Splicer can touch metal and not have a reaction.

That is a quick fix but as I said the little guys have a limited powersupply and would eventually die off. The thing that keeps them going in Splicers (constant manufacture isn't available in any other dimension. So eventually they'd die off. Not to mention the most effective way to power nanites by an advanced civilization would be broadcasted power so all nanites may go dormant... Ah I see so instead of them remaining dormant or unpowered within the body you want them completely gone. Hm wouldn't a body be able to naturally get rid of them? If not how long does it take before you die from having your system congested with nanites? How long does it take for you to "drown" in nanites since every breath draws in more? And what is keeping the machine from changing it from metal to other organic material eg foreign DNA? Granted that would stop humans from touching each other driving the entire population crazy from lack of human contact and eventually destroying them from 0 population growth.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:55 am
by Gomen_Nagai
the nanites would go away for 2 reasons
1. The barrier either nukes everything

2. The Barrier removes the broadcast source of hte nanites and thus they'd go away within a week or so

personally I don't use the Anti Matter style barrier and just convert EVERYTHING to sDc when involving cross overs.
now appearing in Nightlands itseelf, I'd be inclined to use the Anti Matter Rstyle reaction