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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

I hope ya like it. :)
Arachnid Pack
Similar to the Wing pack , with the most significant difference in the fact that it does not have wings, but four giant spider limbs. The Legs allow increased speed, agility and all terrain movement plus the limbs could be use din combat dislike the wings. The arms are double jointed and interfere very little with movement. When not use the Limbs bend back looking like scrawny skeletal wings. The Archangels specializing in this peculiar Pack are called Black Tarantulas

Class: One-Man All-Terrain Spider Pack
Crew: one Pilot
M.D.C. by Location: Spider Limbs(4): 85 each – Main Body: 180 (Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body kills it. Thankfully unless you are climbing at great heights this rarely means death of the pilot) – Web shooters limbs(2) – 25 each Note: Any additional Features added with Bio-E points are small and difficult target to hit, thus, they can be hit only on a called shot at –3)
M.D.C. Regeneration: As a living organism, the Arachnid Pack regenerates and heals damage at a rate of 1d12 M.D.C. per hour for the main body and 1d8 per hour for the limbs and other locations. To regrow the spider limbs or other destroyed systems, each must have a least two M.D.C. point remaining. If M.D.C. is reduced to zero, that system is destroyed

Running: Top speed 180 mph but cruising speed is between 80 – 90 mph, need only one action to reach top speed and Is not slowed by obstacles
Leaping: leap 200 ft high and 400ft horizontally
Climbing: Climb at half the normal speed at 90% on any solid surface and in any direction . The pilot can carry only a 80lb while climbing
Digging and Swimming: Digging speed: 10mph(this is added to Host Armor Digging speed), Swimming is not possible with the Arachnid pack
Flying: not possible with the Arachnid pack
Swinging: using the web shooters the arachnid pack pilot can swing himself around Spd is 73 mph +2 per 5 PP of the pilot but swinging is impossible in closed, small spaces

Statistical Data:
Height: Equivalent to a large backpack with four spider like limbs protruding from the back.
Limbs Length: Each Spider limb is 10ft(3m) long while the Web shooters are 1 ft(0,30 m)
Length: 3 feet (0.9 m) at the center of the main body
Weight: 350 pounds (157.5kg)
Cargo: only what the wearer can carry in his hands or strapped to his chest
Physical Strength: Each Spider Limb has a Splicer PS of 7 , for a total strength of 28, but they have poor manipulative, good only for lifting things
Production Cycle: three months gestation. Plus two months final growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 1d12+30 years
Trade Value: 30.000 credits but rarely sold or traded
Senses & Features: The Arachnid pack possess a cluster of 4 spherical eyes, that grant a complete circular vision, making it impossible to sneak upon this wearers, and is extremely stealthy +20% to Prowl or base prowl at 60%(+10% when climbing); Enhanced sense of Balance: allow the wearer of Arachnid pack to maintain balance at 70% in most situation and to fire a long range attack while moving, hanging upside down, leaping or swinging without any penalty
Feeding: The Arachnid pack feed sucking fluids by other living being, mostly insects and small mammalians. In order to suck fluids the prey had to be restrained into a web cocoon first.
Sleep Requirements: The Arachnid pack, like his Winged “cousin”, does not actually “sleep” but needs four hours of rest each day
Combat Bonus(applicable to any wearer of an Arachnid pack): +1 to initiative, +2 to dodge and parry, +2 to autododge while web swinging, +1 to strike with the Spider limbs

Weapons Systems:
1. Web shooters(2) : These two small tubular limbs, located in the middle of the pack are actually two powerful web shooters. Dislike the normal web spinning features these two provide greater range and payload, they are fully articulated allowing to shot web in 180 ° in all directions.
It does have the same features as Spinneret and Webbing physiological feature plus the following:
Gliders: The web shooters can quickly make a parachute made of web, useful to slow down a fall or to ride strong wind. Gliding speed is low only 20mph but completely silent
Web Pellet: The web is shot in form of small pellet that explode on impact wrapping hopelessly the victim. The Victim is completely entangled and need a splicer/robotic strength of 40+ to get rid of it. In case of huge robots only one location is impaired per shot. It counts as five shot.Favored target are treads or thrusters
Blinding Web: The Arachnid Pack web is peculiar in the fact that does not let pass radiation or heat. While this obviously make it great for isolation and carrying safely hazardous stuff, is extremely good for blinding attack. It does not stop radar, sonar and movement sensors but completely stop sight. Removing the web form eyes or optical system took 1d6 melees/rounds.
Impair weapon: The fact that the web is radiation and heat proof make it useful for disabling robots energy weapons, like plasma and laser weapons. Shooting web on the barrel(use bonus to disarm) will not only prevent it to shot but will make the weapon explode if one insist firing with it(1d8x10 damage Blast Radius 2ft) . Doesn’t work on Ion pistols and Rails guns
Web Cocoon: The Arachnid Pack could block a humanoid sized prey into a big huge coccon made of web. The cocoon does have 200 MDC but cannot be broken from inside, because is extremely tight and prevent any movement. The arachnid Pack nee dot cocoon its food before eating it . Cocoon attack cost 2 Attack per melee
Bonus:+2 to strike with web attacks
Rate of fire: each web attack count as one action per melee
Range: The Web shooter can spin web at a range of 100ft
Payload: 90 per shooter +2 per 5 Bio-E Point spent
2. Handheld Weapons: The Arachnid Pack does not have nay kind of built in weapons except for the web shooters, but the pilot/wearer can use any gun or handheld weapon he wish.
3. Hand To Hand Combat: The crawlers get some combat bonus from the Arachnid Pack, and can use the four additional limbs to parry attacks as well as to strike with them.
Kick, crush with a Spider Limb does 2d6 M.D.C. damage
Swinging Kick or Punch does an additional 1d6 of damage

I'll await comment and opinions - enjoy and have fun :-D
Last edited by The Baron of chaos on Tue May 15, 2007 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Ok explain me what i did wrong this time? Why you dont like this? Is perfect, under every detail!! :-x
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Unread post by zor_prime1 »

I'm surprised no one commented about this. I think it's cool. I don't visit this board much so this is the first time I've seen it.
I'm not playing a splicer game so I can't test it out.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

So where is the class to go with this?

ie the Webslingers OCC
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The Baron of chaos
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Well some archangels specialize into using this particular "wing" Pack.
They are called Webslingers, or slingers for short, but also Black Tarantulas. There is sort of friendly rivalry between Archangels and Webslingers, and often the two pack users engage into fierce battles.
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Re: Webslingers

Unread post by 89er »

This should be in a sourcebook
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Re: Webslingers

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

eh thanks. :D
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Re: Webslingers

Unread post by csbioborg »

I like it its well balanced and functional
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