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Inflictor Hunter/Killer

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 11:41 pm
by slappy

The Inflictor is another hunter/killer design conceived within the twisted mind of Kali. She was the one that originally thought up the Nanobot Plague, and she recently realized that none of the Machine’s legions of robots take advantage of this tremendous tool. Most robots are armed with energy weapons to allow them to be self-sufficient in the field for extended periods of time, and even rail guns and missiles were so powerful that they rarely left metallic shrapnel in their opponents. Kali wanted to create a robot design that capitalized on the Nanobot Plague, so she once again commissioned Hecate to make her vision a reality.

She came up with a fairly simple yet ingenious idea. She created special ammunition that was strong enough to punch through the mega-damage hide of the Resistance’s creations, but not so powerful that it tore all the way through the target. Hecate built her new robot design around a special rail gun that fires these unique metallic rounds. Instead of the smooth, aerodynamic rounds fired from most rail guns, this enormous gatling gun hurls jagged chunks of razor-sharp metal. Each projectile has dozens of barbed hooks that help lodge the round inside its victim once it punctures the target. The cannon itself does impressive damage, but the Nanobot Plague is the true threat.

The odd-shape of the rounds may prevent the metallic fragments from punching all the way through their targets, but it also greatly decreases their aerodynamics. As a result, frag rounds, as Hecate calls them, are far less accurate and have a much shorter range than normal rail gun rounds. The weapon she designed to fire these special rounds has a twelve-foot long barrel to help increase the range, and the sheer amount of projectiles fired from this gatling gun more than makes up for the accuracy issue. In truth, Kali prefers how the inaccuracy of this weapon sprays a large area with deadly shrapnel. She does not just want to instantly shred humans with a well-placed burst; she wants as many of them to suffer as possible while the Nanobot Plague tears them apart from the inside.

Most of the design time for this robot went into developing the primary weapon system. The rest of the robot is rather simplistic. In fact, the Inflictor is basically just a huge rail gun with legs. The main body is little more than the platform that holds the frag gun. It looks like a flattened cockroach with six long, spider-like legs that provide excellent mobility, speed, and stability. The Inflictor can transverse nearly any type of terrain and the body design gives the gatlin gun a 360 degree field of rotation. The robot also has two light lasers mounted on the front of the main body that it can fall back on when the robot depletes its huge ammo drum of frag rounds. These are only used for defense when the Inflictor needs to retreat to the closest N.E.X.U.S. installation for rearming.

Class: Exterminator Assault Robot
M.D.C. by Location:
• Legs (6): 160 each
• Light Lasers (2): 90 each
• Ammo Drum: 220
• Main Frag Rail Gun: 250
• Main Body: 300*

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will completely destroy the robot.

Running: Maximum speed is 100 mph.
Digging: Not possible.
Swimming: Not possible.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 7.5 feet tall at the top of the main body and another 5 feet to the top of the rail gun.
Width: 7 feet
Length: 12.5 feet for the main body. The rail gun is 18 feet long with a 12-foot barrel.
Weight: 3.5 tons when fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 35
Cargo: None
Power System: Standard.
Trade Value: None, except perhaps to a Technojacker.
Horror Factor: 10
Senses and Features: Standard.
Number of Attacks per Melee: 6
Combat Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +5 to strike with ranged weapons, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, and +3 to roll with punch.
Skills of Note: Standard

Weapon Systems:
1. Frag Gatlin Gun:
This enormous rail gun is the primary weapon system of the Inflictor. It fires special rail gun rounds that are designed to lodge in the mega-damage hides of Bio-Tech devices and supernatural creatures in order to trigger a Nanobot Plague response. The reaction can be stopped if the rounds are removed fast enough, but this is usually an impossible task since the victim only has less than a minute to remove all the metal fragments. A side effect of the odd shaped rounds is that they do reduce the range and accuracy of the gatlin gun, although the incredibly high rate of fire of this weapon makes up for its poor accuracy by blanketing the target area with hundreds of rounds.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Sweep and Clean
Mega-Damage: 1D8x10 M.D. to everything within a 40-foot area per burst of 200 rounds. Anything struck by a burst of frag rounds will have 1D8 rounds lodged in its flesh. Unless the rounds are removed in 1D4 melee rounds, they will each trigger a Nanobot Plague response. Digging out each round takes 1D6 melee attacks and inflicts an additional 2D6 M.D. Most Nanoplague effects occur instantaneously and actually burn out the Nanobots responsible for the damage. This means that a metallic fragment may harmlessly remain in the target for a while, but if it is not removed within 30 minutes, the metal shard will trigger another plague response as new Nanobots discover the fragment (and again every 30 minutes thereafter). Roll on the Nanoplague Response Table below to determine additional damage:
01-10% The metallic fragments twist and bend within the target, tearing it apart from the inside. Each round inflicts an additional 2D4 M.D. to the Bio-Tech device and no damage to the pilot inside (in the case of Living Armor or Host Armor).
11-20% Every frag round sprouts a half dozen sharp blades that shoot throughout the interior of the target. Each round inflicts an additional 2D6 M.D. to the Bio-Tech device plus there is a 01-40% chance that the blades will pierce the pilot inside (in the case of Living Armor or Host Armor) which inflicts 1D4 S.D.C. per round.
21-30% The fragments dissolve into metal shavings (dissolved on a molecular level), without harming the victim. The frag rounds are completely destroyed and there is no chance they will inflict any additional damage.
31-40% The rounds burst into flames or melt into a red hot liquid inside the target. Each round inflicts an additional 3D6 M.D. per melee round for 1D4 melees to the Bio-Tech device plus there is a 01-50% chance that the flames will burn the pilot inside (in the case of Living Armor or Host Armor) which inflicts 2D6 S.D.C. per melee round for 1D4 melees (this is the total damage no matter how many rounds pierce the target). The frag rounds are completely destroyed and there is no chance they will inflict any additional damage.
41-50% The rounds generate a lethal metallic poison (similar to mercury poisoning), roll to save; needs a roll of 14 or better to save. If the roll fails, the Bio-Tech device suffers an additional 3D6 M.D. and is horribly weakened for 1D4 hours. Speed and strength are reduced by half plus the victim loses 4 attacks per melee and is -6 to strike, parry, and dodge.
51-60% The frag rounds generate a powerful static charge that damages the target and stuns the pilot inside. Each round inflicts an additional 4D6 M.D. to the Bio-Tech device plus the pilot suffers 1D6+2 S.D.C. per round and is stunned for 1D4 melee rounds. While stunned, the pilot loses one attack per melee round and is -3 to strike, parry, and dodge.
61-70% The barbed fragments continuously twist and spin within the target inflicting an additional 4D4 M.D. per melee round to the Bio-Tech device for 3D4 melees, but it does not inflict additional damage to the pilot. The rounds actually work their way out of the target after 3D4 melee rounds.
71-80% The frag rounds overload and explode within the target. Each round inflicts an additional 6D6 M.D. to the Bio-Tech device, plus there is a 01-65% chance that the pilot inside is also injured (in the case of Living Armor and Host Armor) which inflicts 2D6 S.D.C. per round. The frag rounds are completely destroyed and there is no chance they will inflict any additional damage.
81-90% The rounds create a powerful organic solvent that dissolves the target from the inside. Each round inflicts an additional 3D4 M.D. per melee round for 2D4 melees to the Bio-Tech device plus there is a 01-50% chance that the acid will burn the pilot inside (in the case of Living Armor or Host Armor) which inflicts a total of 2D4+2 S.D.C. per melee round for 2D4 melees (this is the total damage no matter how many rounds pierce the target).
91-00% The barbed fragments develop a limited intelligence and try to burrow through Host Armor or Living Armor to reach the pilot inside. As they tear through the Bio-Tech device, they inflict an additional 4D4 M.D. per melee round for 2D4 melees. Once they reach the pilot, each round detonates which inflicts 3D6 S.D.C. per round. The frag rounds are completely destroyed and there is no chance they will inflict any additional damage.
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one attack per melee. The Inflictor only fires bursts since single rounds are so inaccurate.
Effective Range: 1000 feet.
Payload: 20,000 rounds (100 bursts).
2. Light Lasers (2): These front mounted lasers are primarily used for defense when the Inflictor runs out of frag rounds, but they can also be used to attack targets that are out of range of the main gun.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 4D6 per single blast, 8D6 per dual blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 3000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +1 to strike.
3. Hand-to-Hand Combat: The Inflictor can engage in hand-to-hand combat, but this is not a standard practice.
Kick: 2D8
Stomp: 3D6
Leap Kick: 4D8, but counts as two attacks
Body Block/Ram: 5D6, but counts as two attacks.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:58 am
by Guy_LeDouche
Twisted and wicked. I love it!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:26 pm
by Rabidredneck

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:28 am
by finn69
it gets the sick and twisted seal of aproval

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:10 pm
by abtex
Did any of the Inflictors get upgraded with your new Splicer robot weapons?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:55 pm
by slappy
The Inflictor is the upgrade. I thought of tacking on some poison gas sprayers, but then I just made a robot design that solely used the gas instead.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:20 am
by abtex
slappy wrote:The Inflictor is the upgrade. I thought of tacking on some poison gas sprayers, but then I just made a robot design that solely used the gas instead.

Sorry about that, Did not read Frag Gatlin Gun as a Cable Gun.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:38 am
by slappy
Ain't no thing. They aren't really that similar. I just meant that the Inflictor itself is a creation of Kali's new weapons program. I was thinking of making it a handheld weapon as well but I like the idea of it being just to gigantic to carry.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:05 pm
by sHaka
That's so wrong, it's gotta be right!

Do you envisage inflictors as heavy weapon support for Necroborgs/bots or a stand alone unit? Their unique structure could lend the unit as a lay-in-wait sniper type - It might be hard picking out the barrel of the rail gun beneath a heap of scrap or poking out of a storm drain?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:25 pm
by slappy
I use all of my robot designs in sort of a phased roll out approach. First, they are deployed alone or in pairs as lone Hunter/Killers in the field, then they are attached to larger forces, and finally they become a common guard at fixed installations and beachheads. Of course, feel free to use them however you would like. :-D