Influence of N&S's setting on nations

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Influence of N&S's setting on nations

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What influence (if any) do you think the "secret battles taking place throughout the world by martial artists and secret agents" has on the various nations in the Ninjas & Superspies setting?

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Tyciol wrote:Since it probably happens in the real world already, I'd say very little. It's mainly the chi stuff that would be a big change... but they'd probably keep it under wraps except for a few guru showoffs, and they get silenced.
Ah, but what about the cybernetics?
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Unread post by acreRake »

I tried to post stuff about Sino-Japanese relations before and got shouted down. They can so be friends! :P

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acreRake wrote:I tried to post stuff about Sino-Japanese relations before and got shouted down. They can so be friends! :P
They could be friends(it's even present in several fictional books), but it's not likely from a political stand point (damn those evil politicians!).
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Re: Influence of N&S's setting on nations

Unread post by DBX »

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:What influence (if any) do you think the "secret battles taking place throughout the world by martial artists and secret agents" has on the various nations in the Ninjas & Superspies setting?

in the current climate of 24/7 media intrusion, it could have lots of effects. a reporter type occ as part of the player group, may well things very interesting.

player characters maybe able to act above the law, as long as they don't get caught, but with the media intrusion, they have a new set of guidelines they need to follow, while doing their operations. So that they don't bring unwanted attention to their agency/sponser or nation they work for.

cover story scenarios could make up as much of the scenarios as proper scenarios/

with the media explosion all around the world, your nations media may be silenced by "Nation security" and other patriotic things, but the nation's media who you are operating against, may not be as easily persuaged. leading other scenarios

it depends also on the power level of the scenarios. Sucessful counter espionage or even infiltrations missions could swing the balance of power one way or another. in one nations favour or anothers.

if 9 times the top secret service has managed to stop its rival organisations, but the one time it failed was when that organisation detonated a dirty bomb in its capital city. then the effect on the nations of the world is huge.

same goes if a rival nation has managed to develop a new weapon that gives it the edge over your nation, then the battle between the espionage organisation, does have a huge impact on each of the nations. does that particular nations espionage organisation keep rival from getting hold of it, or does a rival nation succeed in stealing the secrets of the new weapon system
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